home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2002-03-11 | 4.7 KB | 299 lines |
- ;Use this as a reference to create your own language file
- ; NOTE: XML/XSL syntax files will not work properly by themselves
- ; Proper coloring requires a small logic override in a derived SECEdit class
- ; Please see the custom SECEdit classes in the XMLSdi and MDIApp samples for details
- [Parser]
- Operators=!%&()*+,-./:;<=>?[]^{|}~
- Delimiters=!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~
- KWStartChars=#
- KWMiddleChars=-.:
- KWEndChars=
- NumTags=4
- [Tag1]
- ColorGroup=String
- BeginTag="
- EndTag="
- MultiLine=0
- EscapeChar=\
- [Tag2]
- ColorGroup=String
- BeginTag='
- EndTag='
- MultiLine=0
- EscapeChar=\
- [Tag3]
- ColorGroup=Declaration
- BeginTag=?xml
- EndTag=?
- MultiLine=0
- EscapeChar=
- [Tag4]
- ColorGroup=Body Text
- BeginTag=>
- EndTag=<
- MultiLine=1
- EscapeChar=
- [Editor]
- TabSize=4
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- VirtualWhitespace=0
- ReplaceTabs=0
- MatchCase=1
- [Font]
- FaceName=Lucida Console
- Size=8
- Italic=0
- Bold=0
- [ColorGroups]
- NumGroups=9
- Group1=Text
- Group2=Text Selection
- Group3=Number
- Group4=Operator
- Group5=Body Text
- Group6=String
- Group7=Keyword
- Group8=Declaration
- Group9=Attribute
- [Text]
- Foreground=255,0,0
- Background=255,255,255
- DisplayName=Tag Text
- Configurable=1
- BackColorAutomatic=0
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- [Body Text]
- Foreground=0,0,0
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=Body Text
- Configurable=1
- [Text Selection]
- Foreground=255,255,0
- Background=0,0,255
- BackColorAutomatic=0
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=Text Selection
- Configurable=1
- [String]
- Foreground=128,0,128
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=String
- Configurable=1
- [Keyword]
- Foreground=0,0,255
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=Keyword
- Configurable=1
- [Declaration]
- Foreground=0,128,128
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=XML Declaration
- Configurable=1
- [Attribute]
- Foreground=0,128,0
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=XML Attribute
- Configurable=1
- [Number]
- Foreground=0,128,0
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=Number
- Configurable=1
- [Operator]
- Foreground=0,0,0
- Background=255,255,255
- BackColorAutomatic=1
- ForeColorAutomatic=0
- DisplayName=Operator
- Configurable=0
- [Keywords]
- xmlns=Keyword
- version=Keyword
- attribute=Keyword
- AttributeType=Keyword
- datatype=Keyword
- description=Keyword
- element=Keyword
- ElementType=Keyword
- group=Keyword
- Schema=Keyword
- dt:bin.base64=Keyword
- dt:bin.hex=Keyword
- dt:boolean=Keyword
- dt:char=Keyword
- dt:date=Keyword
- dt:dateTime=Keyword
- dt:dateTime.tz=Keyword
- dt:fixed.14.4=Keyword
- dt:float=Keyword
- dt:int=Keyword
- dt:number=Keyword
- dt:time=Keyword
- dt:time.tz=Keyword
- dt:i1=Keyword
- dt:i2=Keyword
- dt:i4=Keyword
- dt:r4=Keyword
- dt:r8=Keyword
- dt:ui1=Keyword
- dt:ui2=Keyword
- dt:ui4=Keyword
- dt:uri=Keyword
- dt:uuid=Keyword
- dt:entity=Keyword
- dt:entities=Keyword
- dt:enumeration=Keyword
- dt:id=Keyword
- dt:idref=Keyword
- dt:idrefs=Keyword
- dt:nmtoken=Keyword
- dt:nmtokens=Keyword
- dt:notation=Keyword
- dt:string=Keyword
- ;SVG specific tags
- ;SVG Shapes
- circle=Keyword
- line=Keyword
- path=Keyword
- polygon=Keyword
- polyline=Keyword
- rect=Keyword
- ellipse=Keyword
- ;SVG Animates
- animate=Keyword
- animateMotion=Keyword
- animateColor=Keyword
- animateTransform=Keyword
- set=Keyword
- ;SVG General
- svg=Keyword
- g=Keyword
- defs=Keyword
- desc=Keyword
- title=Keyword
- symbol=Keyword
- use=Keyword
- image=Keyword
- switch=Keyword
- style=Keyword
- foreignObject=Keyword
- ;SVG Text
- text=Keyword
- tref=Keyword
- tspan=Keyword
- textPath=Keyword
- altGlyph=Keyword
- altGlyphDef=Keyword
- altGlyphItem=Keyword
- glyphRef=Keyword
- ;SVG styling
- marker=Keyword
- linearGradient=Keyword
- radialGradient=Keyword
- pattern=Keyword
- stop=Keyword
- ;SVG color
- color-profile=Keyword
- ;SVG paths and masking
- clipPath=Keyword
- mask=Keyword
- ;SVG Filters
- filter=Keyword
- feDistantLight=Keyword
- fePointLight=Keyword
- feSpotLight=Keyword
- feBlend=Keyword
- feColorMatrix=Keyword
- feComponentTransfer=Keyword
- feComposite=Keyword
- feConvolveMatrix=Keyword
- feDiffuseLighting=Keyword
- feDisplacementMap=Keyword
- feFlood=Keyword
- feGaussianBlur=Keyword
- feImage=Keyword
- feMerge=Keyword
- feMorphology=Keyword
- feOffset=Keyword
- feSpecularLighting=Keyword
- feTile=Keyword
- feTurbulence=Keyword
- feFuncR=Keyword
- feFuncA=Keyword
- feFuncB=Keyword
- feFuncG=Keyword
- feMergeNode=Keyword
- ;SVG Interactivity
- cursor=Keyword
- ;SVG Linking
- a=Keyword
- view=Keyword
- ;SVG scripting
- script=Keyword
- ;SVG Fonts
- glyph=Keyword
- font=Keyword
- missing-glyph=Keyword
- hkern=Keyword
- vkern=Keyword
- font-face=Keyword
- ;SVG Metadata
- metadata=Keyword