150 I have a full-time Internet connection (LAN, DSL, Cable)
155 I have an intermittent Internet connection (Dial-up, Wi-Fi)
160 I have no Internet connection (or never auto-connect)
200 QMP could not start! (Maintainer failed)\nSystem out of memory?
205 QMP could not start! (No default language resource)\nReinstall QMP.
210 %s caused an error on load.\nPlug-in will not be loaded.
215 No configuration available.
220 No About information available.
225 Playlist unavailable for download.
230 Fullscreen video mode for visual effects is not set.\nDo you want to select a correct video mode now?
235 Could not initialize DirectDraw for fullscreen visual effects.
240 No encoding plug-ins enabled.\nClick OK to enable available encoders.
245 No playback plug-ins enabled.\nClick OK to select available playback plug-ins.
250 The Icon Manager control is not installed.\nFor QMP icons to appear you may need to reinstall QMP,\nor if you have just installed, you may need to reboot your computer.
255 The installed plugin no longer supports this plugin type. It will be removed from this list.
260 Selected encode format is no longer available.\nClick OK to select from available encode formats.
265 Encoding output folder does not exist.\nClick OK to open encoding settings.
270 Failed creating output filename for encoded file.\nCheck encoding filename template and folder settings are valid.\n\nClick OK to open encoding settings.
280 Plug-in name cache flushed.
285 This will force Windows to rebuild its icon cache to correct any icons that aren't displaying properly.\nWarning: This may re-arrange any icons on your desktop.\n\nContinue?
300 Do you want to stop conversion for playback?
305 Do you want to stop playback to do conversion?
310 The encoder is already being used. Please stop current encoding task to start this one.
315 The supported plugin for this file is currently in use. To play or encode this track stop other player tasks.\nClick OK to proceed to next track.
350 QMP Audio File
355 QMP Video File
360 QMP Skin
365 QMP Skin (multi-mode)
370 QMP Playlist
380 Listen to this CD
385 Rip & Encode this CD
390 Manage this device
400 QMP: Add and &Play
405 QMP: &Clear and Play
410 QMP: &Add
415 Skin QMP
420 Skin QMP
425 Install QMP Skin
450 All Video Files
455 All Audio Files
460 All Audio and Video Files
465 All Playlists
470 All Supported Files
475 All Files
480 EQ Files
485 Icon Packs
490 Save Playlist
500 You have version: %s.%s
505 Latest release version: %s.%s
510 You have build: %s
515 Latest build: %s
520 Checking for updates...
525 Could not check for QMP update.
530 You have the latest release of QMP.
535 You have the latest build of QMP.
540 A new release of QMP is available.
545 A new development build is available.
700 QMP Skin Browser
705 %d of %d skins installed successfully
710 %d skins listed (%d unlisted)
715 Downloading skin list
720 Parsing skin list
725 Loading skin list
730 Could not retrieve list of skins.
735 Delete skin
740 %i new skins, %i updated skins since last list retrieval.
745 1 new skin available since last list retrieval.
750 No new or updated skins since last list retrieval.
755 1 updated skin since last list retrieval.
760 No
765 Yes
770 New
775 Updated
780 Featured
785 Update skin list for latest skins
790 Installed Skins
795 Custom Skin Groups
800 Name
805 Installed
810 Size
815 Rank
820 Last Updated
825 Author
830 Saved Layouts
1000 Preferences
1005 Settings
1010 System
1015 Player
1020 File Associations
1030 Media Loading
1035 Tray Icon
1040 Language & Fonts
1045 Icons
1050 Network
1055 Player
1060 Display
1065 Playback
1070 Playlists
1075 QuickTrack
1080 Visual Effects
1085 Encoder
1090 Encode Format
1095 Output Files
1100 Encoder Options
1105 Plug-ins
1110 Settings
1115 Types
1120 Visuals
1125 Input
1130 Playback
1135 DSPs
1140 Libraries
1155 General
1160 Encoders
1165 Playlists
1166 Tag Editors
1167 File Info
1170 Skins
1175 Skin Browser
1180 Installed Skins
1185 Download Skins
1195 Settings
1200 Layouts
1205 General
1300 Average time per use:
1305 Total time used:
1310 Times used:
1315 Tracks Played:
1335 %li:%02li:%02li
1340 %li day + %02li:%02li:%02li
1345 %li days + %02li:%02li:%02li
1400 Select folder
1405 Select folder and types of files to load
1410 Select folder for playlist contents
1415 Select a plug-in folder to load plug-ins from
1420 Select a skins folder
1425 Set your playlist folder
1430 Select folder for encoded files
1450 Change manually
1455 Change every %i seconds
1460 Change every track
1500 Presets
1505 Per-File Settings
1700 QMP Menu
1705 Skins
1710 Skin Browser Ctrl+S
1715 Next Mode Alt+S
1720 Set current skin as custom mode:
1725 Select mode to unset:
1730 %s:
1735 <unset> Ctrl+%i
1740 %s Ctrl+%i
1745 Set Default Skin Ctrl+0
1750 Set Previous Skin Ctrl+Back
1755 %s
1760 Custom: %s
1765 Skin Layouts
1770 Save Current Layout
1775 Plug-in Browser
1780 No plug-ins installed with menu options
1785 Playback
1790 Eject
1795 Playlist
1800 Playlist menu settings
1805 No playlists found in playlist folder
1810 Save Playlist
1815 Save Changes to '%s'
1820 New playlist
1825 CDRoms
1830 %c: <Empty>
1840 %c: %s
1845 CDRom %c:
1850 Add Tracks To Playlist
1855 Add Tracks To Encode List
1860 Clear Encode List
1865 Minimize
1870 None
1875 Visuals
1880 Sort Playlist
1885 QuickTrack
2000 Tracks %i to %i
2005 Artists %s to %s
2010 Playlist Tracks
2015 Unknown Artists
2020 Streams
2025 Total playtime
2030 More...
2035 QuickTrack settings
2100 Player: Play / Pause
2105 Player: Track Forward
2110 Player: Track Backward
2115 Player: Stop
2120 Window: Minimize / Restore
2125 Window: Bring Player To Front
2130 Menu: Main
2135 Menu: QuickTrack
2140 Menu: Playback
2145 Menu: Load Playlist
2200 Open all CDRoms
2205 Close all CDRoms
2210 Load Files / Url Q
2215 Load Folder Shift+Q
2220 Eject %c: %s
2225 Eject %c: <Empty>
2250 QMP Music Browser
2255 QMP Video
2265 QMP Visuals
2266 QMP Media Library
2270 %d loaded
2280 %i track added
2285 %i tracks added
2290 Searching...
2295 %i matches found
2300 %i songs %02i:%02i total
2305 Mute channel
2310 volume muted
2315 volume unmuted
2320 mute
2325 No library plug-in available to display or edit this information.\nClick OK to select available library plug-ins.
2330 QMP Music Browser
2335 Browse: %s
2340 Track %02i
2345 New Disc
2346 <Data>
2350 Language
2355 Author
2360 New plugins found:
2365 Delete plug-in
2370 No new plugins found.
2375 connecting
2380 sending
2385 receiving
2390 cancelled
2400 waiting
2405 completed
2410 Extensions
2415 Current Association
2420 left %.01f%%
2425 center
2430 right %.01f%%
2435 Tag Description
2440 Use on Extensions:
3000 scroll down
3010 scroll up
3020 remove tracks
3030 eject (eject+)
3040 close
3050 extend
3060 Quinnware website
3070 QMP Music Browser
3080 main menu
3090 minimize
3095 maximize
3100 add music
3110 pause
3120 play (add)
3130 repeat all
3140 repeat 1
3141 repeat off
3150 save playlist
3160 shuffle play
3161 shuffle play - on
3162 shuffle play - off
3170 sort playlist
3175 convert menu
3180 stop (stop+)
3190 time elapsed
3200 playlist time
3210 time remaining
3220 track time
3230 prev track
3240 next track
3260 next visual (list)
3270 just a button
3280 balance
3290 mixer bass
3300 playback progress
3305 encoding progress
3310 mixer vol (channels)
3320 mixer treble
3330 visual effects level
3340 playlist scrollbar
3345 encode list scrollbar
3350 play time (settings)
3355 volume level
3360 (right click for QuickTrack)
3370 edit current track info
3390 plug-in menu
3400 bass (feature not on soundcard)
3410 treble (feature not on soundcard)
3420 external visuals
3430 next skin mode
3435 skin menu
3440 visuals area (list)
3450 help
3460 player volume
3470 enable EQ
3480 EQ presets
3485 EQ preamp
3490 EQ band %i
3500 next EQ preset
3510 prev EQ preset
3520 playlist search use UP/DOWN arrows to move between matches, TAB to select all matches, ENTER to play match
3530 repeat toggle
3540 fullscreen visuals
3550 total play time
3560 always on top
3570 preferences
3580 close
3590 system messages
3595 input format
3600 current bitrate
3605 current samplerate
3610 current channel mode
3615 encoding start
3620 encoding source
3625 encode settings
3630 encoding stop (stop+)
3635 select all
3640 select none
3645 explore encode folder
3650 elapsed encoding time
3655 encoding speed
3660 close extensions
3665 volume up
3670 volume down
3675 volume mute
3680 QuickTrack
3685 resize
3690 detach video
3695 reattach video
3697 fullscreen video
3700 Next Visual
3705 Visual List
3710 Full Screen Visuals
3715 Forward
3720 Back
3725 Stop
3730 Refresh
3735 Normal Size
3740 Double Size
3745 Fullscreen
3750 menu
3760 maximize
3770 media library
3780 browser forward
3790 browser backward
3800 browser stop
3810 browser refresh
4000 Tray Icon: Default
4010 Tray Icon: Playing
4020 Tray Icon: Paused
4025 Tray Icon: Encoding
4030 Skin File Icon: Single mode
4040 Skin File Icon: Multi-mode
4050 Taskbar Icon
4060 Media File Icon: Audio
4065 Media File Icon: Video
4070 Media File Icon: Playlist
4075 Skin Downloader: Arrow Up
4080 Skin Downloader: Arrow Down
4085 Skin Downloader: New
4100 **
4110 That extension is registered to another application. Only extensions associated with QMP can be added.\n(See the 'File Associations' settings page to make sure this extension is set to QMP.)
4120 %i icons were successfully imported and assigned.