5102 The file cannot be converted. Make sure that Windows Media Player is installed. Close other programs to free memory, and then try again.
5103 The file cannot be converted. Close other programs to free memory, then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE.
5104 An error occurred during conversion.
5105 An error occurred during conversion.
5106 The file cannot be converted. Make sure that Windows Media Player is installed. Close other programs to free memory, and then try again.
5107 An error occurred during conversion.
5108 An error occurred during conversion.
5109 The source file could not be opened. Make sure the file exists, and that it is not being used by another program. Make sure that Windows Media Player is installed.
5110 An error occurred during conversion.
5111 An error occurred during conversion.
5112 An error occurred during conversion.
5113 An error occurred during conversion.
5114 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE cannot read the property information in this file. The file might not be formatted correctly. Make sure Windows Media Player is installed.
5115 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE cannot read the media type of this file. The file might not be formatted correctly, or it might be corrupted.
5116 The file cannot be converted because it is not an audio file.
5117 The file cannot be converted because there is not enough memory. Close other programs to free memory, and then try again.
5118 An error occurred during conversion.
5119 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE cannot convert this file because there is not enough memory. Close other programs to free memory, and then try again.
5120 An error occurred during conversion.
5121 An error occurred during conversion.
5122 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE could not save the converted file because the destination folder is configured for read-only access. Please select a different folder.
5123 The file cannot be converted. Make sure that Windows Media Player is installed. Close other programs to free memory, and then try again.
5124 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and your computer has sufficient free disk space available. Close other programs to free memory.
5125 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, and your computer has sufficient free disk space available. Close other programs to free memory.
5126 An error occurred during conversion.
5127 An error occurred during conversion.
5128 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and your computer has sufficient free disk space available. Close other programs to free memory.
5129 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and your computer has sufficient free disk space available. Close other programs to free memory.
5130 An error occurred during conversion.
5131 The file cannot be converted. It is not formatted as an MP3, WAV, or Windows Media Audio file, or it is corrupted.
5132 The file cannot be converted. It is not formatted as an MP3, WAV, or Windows Media Audio file, or it is corrupted.
5200 The bit rate of the source file cannot be determined. Close other programs to free memory, and make sure Windows Media Player is installed properly.
5201 The bit rate of the source file cannot be determined. Make sure the file exists, that it is not being used by another program, and that it is a supported file type.
5202 The bit rate of the source file cannot be determined. Either the source file has been corrupted, or you are using an older version of Windows Media Player.
5203 The bit rate of the source file cannot be determined. Either the source file has been corrupted, or you are using an older version of Windows Media Player.
5204 An error occurred during conversion.
5205 The file cannot be converted. It is not formatted correctly.
5300 The file cannot be converted. Either the file is corrupted, or you are using an older version of Windows Media Player.
5301 The file cannot be converted because you are using an older version of Windows Media Player. Make sure Windows Media Player for Windows XP is installed.
5302 The file cannot be converted. Either the file is corrupted, or you are using an older version of Windows Media Player. Make sure Windows Media Player for Windows XP is installed.
5303 The file cannot be converted. Either the file is corrupted, or you are using an older version of Windows Media Player. Make sure Windows Media Player for Windows XP is installed.
5304 The file cannot be converted because there is not enough memory available. Close other programs to free memory.
5305 The file cannot be converted. The file is not formatted as a WAV file, is corrupted, or there is not enough memory available. Close other programs to free memory.
5400 The file cannot be converted because there is not enough memory available. Close other programs to free memory.
5401 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and that the source file has not been deleted.
5402 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and that the source file has not been deleted.
5403 An error occurred during conversion.
5404 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and that the source file has not been deleted.
5405 The file cannot be converted. Make sure the file is not being used by another program, the destination folder is not read-only, and that the source file has not been deleted.
5406 An error occurred during conversion.
5407 An error occurred during conversion.
5501 An error occurred during conversion.
5502 An error occurred during conversion.
5503 An error occurred during conversion.
5504 Unused error code.
5505 The source file cannot be opened. Make sure the file exists, that it is not being used by another program, and that it is formatted as a WAV file.
5506 The file duration cannot be determined. The file is not formatted as a WAV file, or it is corrupted.
5507 The file duration cannot be determined because there is not enough memory available. Close other programs to free memory.
5508 The source file format cannot be determined. It is not formatted as a WAV file, or it is corrupted.
5509 The source file cannot be read. The file is not formatted as a WAV file, or it is corrupted.
5510 The media type cannot be set. Reinstall Windows Media Player.
5511 The source file cannot be read. Make sure Windows Media Player for Windows XP is installed.
5512 The file cannot be converted. The file is not formatted as a WAV file, or it is corrupted.
5513 The file cannot be converted because there is not enough memory. Close other programs to free memory.
5514 The source file buffer length cannot be read. The file is not formatted as a WAV file, or it is corrupted.
5515 The source file cannot be read. The source file is corrupted, your hard disk is corrupted, or there is not enough memory available. Close other programs to free memory.
5516 The source file sample length could not be set. The file is not formatted as a WAV file, or it is corrupted.
5517 The file could not be converted. Either there is not enough disk space, or the source file is being used by another program.
5518 The file could not be converted. Either there is not enough disk space, or the source file is being used by another program.
5519 The file was not converted. This feature does not support converting 11-kHz MP3 files to Windows Media Audio.
5600 Unbalanced creation and deletion of elements
5601 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE
5602 Welcome to Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE
5603 Select the files you want to convert
5604 &Next
5605 &Help
5606 Bac&k
5607 Specify your search options
5608 Convert your audio files
5609 Select your conversion options
5610 Change your shortcut menu options
5611 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE optimizes your audio files so you can save disk space or play them easily on portable devices.
5612 Select the audio files that you want to convert to Windows Media Audio. You can select a folder to convert all of the audio files that are stored in it.
5613 Select a folder that you want to search and the types of audio files that you want to find.
5614 The audio files you chose are being converted to Windows Media Audio.
5615 Specify the bit rate and location of your converted audio files.
5616 Turn off audio conversion command that appears in the shortcut menu when you right-click an audio file.
5617 Audio files
5618 Name
5619 In Folder
5620 Status
5621 Completed
5622 Failed
5623 Pending
5624 My Music
5625 Convert to Windows Media Audio
5626 Change your shortcut options screen
5627 files successfully converted.
5628 of
5629 Conversion completed
5630 Save
5631 Convert
5632 Cancel
5633 Files are still being converted. If you quit now, the remaining files will not be converted.\n\nAre you sure you want to quit Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE?\n
5634 Finish
5635 Searching...
5636 Conversion progress:
5637 The specified folder does not exist. Do you want to create a new folder?
5638 The specified path exists, but it is not a folder. Specify a valid folder.
5639 The specified folder has read-only access or is a Windows system folder. Specify a different folder for your converted files.
5640 The folder cannot be created.
5641 The file used to test for Media Library access is missing. Reinstall Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE if you want to add converted audio files to your Media Library.
5642 The number of files selected exceeds the number that can be selected at one time. Select fewer files, and select the remaining files next time.
5643 There is not enough memory to complete the operation. Close other programs, and then try again.
5644 Bit Rate
5645 You must accept the End User License Agreement to use Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP.
5646 Please specify a valid folder name.\nThe following characters should not be used for folder name:\n* ? " / < > " | :
5647 The file cannot be converted because of a digital rights restriction. You must have a license from the content provider to copy the file.
5648 The file cannot be converted because it uses an unrecognized codec.
5649 All audio files (*.mp3, *.wma)|*.mp3;*.wma|MP3 Format Sound (*.mp3)|*.mp3|Windows Media Audio File (*.wma)|*.wma||
5650 Completed %d%%
5651 Unknown
5652 (new)
5653 (new %d)
5654 1. Open Windows Media Player for Windows XP.\n
5655 2. On the Tools menu, click Options.\n
5656 3. Click the Media Library tab.\n
5657 4. In the Access rights of other applications box, click Full access.\n
5658 5. Click OK.
5659 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE cannot add converted files to your Media Library because it does not have access to Media Library.\n\nTo configure Media Library for access by other applications, complete the following procedure:\n
5660 \n\nDo you want to continue conversion without adding files to Media Library?
5661 Stop conversion
5662 %d files found.
5663 Song name:
5664 In folder:
5665 Details:
5666 E&xit
5667 For more information on the failed conversion, click Error Details on the status screen.
5668 Conversion Error Details
5669 Windows Media Audio File (*.wma)|*.wma||
5670 The folder cannot be created because the path name is too long. Specify a shorter name.
5671 The "Skip audio files smaller than" value must be an integer between 0 and 10000
5672 The specified folder could not be found. Enter a valid path, and then try again.
5673 Conversion interrupted by user.
6000 Click Start Conversion to convert the audio files you chose to Windows Media Audio.
10000 32 Kbps
10001 48 Kbps
10002 64 Kbps
10003 96 Kbps
10004 128 Kbps
10005 160 Kbps
10006 192 Kbps
20000 Blues
20001 Classic Rock
20002 Country
20003 Dance
20004 Disco
20005 Funk
20006 Grunge
20007 Hip-Hop
20008 Jazz
20009 Metal
20010 New Age
20011 Oldies
20012 Other
20013 Pop
20014 R&B
20015 Rap
20016 Reggae
20017 Rock
20018 Techno
20019 Industrial
20020 Alternative
20021 Ska
20022 Death Metal
20023 Pranks
20024 Soundtrack
20025 Euro-Techno
20026 Ambient
20027 Trip-Hop
20028 Vocal
20029 Jazz+Funk
20030 Fusion
20031 Trance
20032 Classical
20033 Instrumental
20034 Acid
20035 House
20036 Game
20037 Sound Clip
20038 Gospel
20039 Noise
20040 AlternRock
20041 Bass
20042 Soul
20043 Punk
20044 Space
20045 Meditative
20046 Instrumental Pop
20047 Instrumental Rock
20048 Ethnic
20049 Gothic
20050 Darkwave
20051 Techno-Industrial
20052 Electronic
20053 Pop-Folk
20054 Eurodance
20055 Dream
20056 Southern Rock
20057 Comedy
20058 Cult
20059 Gangsta
20060 Top 40
20061 Christian Rap
20062 Pop/Funk
20063 Jungle
20064 Native American
20065 Cabaret
20066 New Wave
20067 Psychadelic
20068 Rave
20069 Showtunes
20070 Trailer
20071 Lo-Fi
20072 Tribal
20073 Acid Punk
20074 Acid Jazz
20075 Polka
20076 Retro
20077 Musical
20078 Rock & Roll
20079 Hard Rock
20080 Folk
20081 Folk-Rock
20082 National Folk
20083 Swing
20084 Fast Fusion
20085 Bebob
20086 Latin
20087 Revival
20088 Celtic
20089 Bluegrass
20090 Avantgarde
20091 Gothic Rock
20092 Progressive Rock
20093 Psychedelic Rock
20094 Symphonic Rock
20095 Slow Rock
20096 Big Band
20097 Chorus
20098 Easy Listening
20099 Acoustic
20100 Humour
20101 Speech
20102 Chanson
20103 Opera
20104 Chamber Music
20105 Sonata
20106 Symphony
20107 Booty Bass
20108 Primus
20109 Porn Groove
20110 Satire
20111 Slow Jam
20112 Club
20113 Tango
20114 Samba
20115 Folklore
20116 Ballad
20117 Power Ballad
20118 Rhythmic Soul
20119 Freestyle
20120 Duet
20121 Punk Rock
20122 Drum Solo
20123 A capella
20124 Euro-House
20125 Dance Hall
27345 The source audio file cannot be deleted because it is a read-only file.
27346 Are you sure you want to quit Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE?
27347 The destination file %s already exists. Would you like to overwrite the file?
27348 You chose to delete your source audio files after they are converted. Source audio files on your computer will be moved to the Recycle Bin. Source audio files on a network drive will be deleted immediately.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete your source audio files?\n
27349 Remove the files you do not want to convert
27350 Your search found the audio files displayed in the Selected audio files box. You can remove any of the files that you do not want to convert to Windows Media Audio.
27351 Add the files you want to convert
27352 Add the audio files that you want to convert to Windows Media Audio to the Selected audio files box.
27353 File name too long.
27354 No files were found in the search. To change your search options, click Back.
27355 The source Windows Media Audio file is already encoded with the best quality bit rate.
27356 The source Windows Media Audio file is already encoded with the selected bit rate.
27357 Skipped
57344 Plus! MP3 Audio Converter LE
57345 The file was not converted because the conversion was stopped.
57346 Files are still being converted.\n\nAre you sure you want to cancel the conversion?\n
57347 Upgrade to Plus! for Windows XP to get the full version of this digital media tool, which includes WAV file conversion, right-click file conversion, audio normalization, and more. \n\n
57348 Plus! for Windows XP contains additional features that let you take advantage of the power of Windows XP like never before.
57349 For more information on Plus!, the Ultimate Companion for Windows XP, visit:\n
57351 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=5267
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.