&The following problems were corrected: InterfaceSystemApplicationsHardwareUpdate to a new Windows versionRegistryTYou can restore the Recycle Bin icon here when it is no longer shown on the desktop.xThe Show desktop icon is missing from the Quick Launch bar. The Quick Launch bar is next to the Start button by default.èThe icon for displaying software channels in the Quick Launch bar is missing. The Quick Launch bar is next to the Start button by default.ÿThe taskbar is not visible. This is usually because the taskbar is outside of the area that can be displayed on the screen under the current resolution.ùThe entry Install is missing from the context menu when you right click on files with an .inf extension. Inf files can no longer be installed as usual.óWhen you right click in a free area of the Explorer, the context menu that is displayed no longer contains the entry New with a submenu of different file formats.UIcon changes are not applied, Windows swaps icons or icons are displayed incorrectly.dThe font folder behaves like a normal folder. Special functions are missing in the Explorer toolbar.¼TrueType fonts are displayed in the wrong manner or not displayed at all, or your computer crashes when you try to install a standard font (.fon) or a TrueType font (.ttf).