,Use standard texts in following language: %s2Use default texts of your Windows language versionActive windowInactive windowOK (unknown)IPlease wait while TuneUp WinStyler extracts the selected icon package %s.&Finish&Next >INo package name was entered.
Please enter a name for the icon package.oThe indicated package name is invalid. The following characters may not be used in a file name: / : * ? " < > |%The process was cancelled by the user¿You selected the option Reduce package size. All non-standard icon sizes will
be removed from the package automatically.
Some of your icons are not available in any of these standard sizes and cannot
be included in the icon package.
If you want to make sure that all of your icons are included in the package, you
should click Cancel and deactivate the option Reduce package size.
Otherwise, click OK to continue. (%d von %d)Error code 0x005A4950 0xCollecting icons