WThe maximum number of simultaneous HTTP 1.0 connections will be changed from %d to %d .+Number of simultaneous HTTP 1.1 connectionsVThe maximum number of simultaneous HTTP 1.1 connections will be changed from %d to %d.Initializing...Cancel &scan&FinishCloseTCommunication with TuneUp RegistryDefrag failed. TuneUp System Optimizer will close.UCommunication with TuneUp RegistryCleaner failed. TuneUp System Optimizer will close.QCommunication with TuneUp DiskCleaner failed. TuneUp System Optimizer will close.7TuneUp System Optimizer
1-Click Maintenance running...#Click Correct Problems to continue.No problems were found.Abort &Operation-Correcting the problems found. Please wait...)All problems were corrected successfully.