Select connectionConfirm optimizationFinished'TCP/IP configuration is being optimized$HTTP connections are being optimizedModem (56 Kbit or less)ISDN (64 Kbit)ISDN, 2 channels (128 Kbit).DSL, cable modem or satellite (up to 512 Kbit)2DSL, cable modem or satellite (512 Kbit or higher)2DSL, cable modem or satellite (1.2 Mbit or higher)0DSL, cable modem or satellite (2 Mbit or higher)%Fixed connections (10 Mbit or higher)!Local network (10 Mbit or higher)$Wireless network (10 Mbit or higher)æSelect this setting when you connect to the Internet with a modem over an analog telephone line. The maximum bandwidth in this case is 56 Kbit/s.