No anti-spy software was found on your system. If you frequently download and install new software, you should install an anti-spy program on your computer to protect against surreptitiously installed spyware and advertising programs.<p><a href="%s">Current anti-spy software</a></p>╣A new version of your anti-spy software <b>%s</b> is available. You should use the latest version of this software to ensure optimal protection against spyware and advertising programs.EA new version of your CD/DVD burning software <b>%s</b> is available.BA new version of your compression software <b>%s</b> is available.=Administrative shares are enabled and present a security riskAdministrative shares allow network access to all disks on your computer. These shares are not visible in My Network Places, but can be accessed directly by entering the drive letter together with $ (for example "C$").<p><a href="%s">Disable administrative shares</a></p>SoftwareMemory UsageGeneralWizards1-Click Maintenance&Next >Already<br>optimizedNot<br>optimal