ZThe indicated application path #missingfile# for the program #caption# could not be found.ƒThe registry key #existingkey:regjump# contains an application path to #caption#. This reference points to the missing target #missingfile# and can be deleted. #caption#QThis key should contain an application path, but contains no data and is useless.~The registry should contain an application path in the key #existingkey:regjump#. The key contains no data and can be deleted. Shortcuts7Some shortcuts on your system refer to missing targets. #caption#9This shortcut points to the missing target #missingfile#.ZThe shortcut #existingfile# points to the missing target #missingfile# and can be deleted.SoftwareïSome of the programs listed under Software in the Control Panel do not have an uninstall program. The corresponding entries can be removed.Incomplete entry #caption#dThis uninstall entry does not contain any data needed by Windows to remove the program or component.ÇThe key #existingkey:regjump# does not contain any data needed by Windows to remove the program or component and can be deleted. #caption#