#caption#8This file type points to the missing icon #missingfile#.ûThe key #existingkey:regjump# points to the missing icon #missingfile#. The reference should be deleted so that Windows does not try to find the icon. #caption#^The context menu entry #existingkey:action# for this file type is not assigned to any program.ÑThe key #existingkey:regjump# is incomplete because the subkey Command is missing. For this reason, the action #existingkey:action# does not work for this file type. #caption#4The CLSID is missing in the key #existingkey:short#.zThe key #existingkey:regjump# is incomplete and does not contain any values that are needed by Windows. It can be deleted. #caption#MThe key #existingkey:short# does not include information on the default icon.ïThe key #existingkey:regjump# is incomplete. The subkey DefaultIcon was created to indicate the default icon, but no icon has been entered. #caption#@The key #existingkey:short# for this file type contains no data._The key #existingkey:regjump# is empty. The associated file type is useless and can be deleted.