Problem descriptionDetailsNo entry selected<Please select an entry from the list to display the details.TuneUp RegistryCleanerTuneUp RegistryCleaner - %s"Show key in TuneUp Registry EditorFinish2A total of %d problems were selected for cleaning.|Cleanup cannot be started because no problems were selected for cleaning. Please select the
problems that you wish to solvex<p>All changes to your system are being logged and can be undone at any time with the <a href="RC">RescueCenter</a>.</p>₧<p>If you click Next, the selected problems will be solved. All changes to your system can be undone again anytime with the <a href="RC">RescueCenter</a>.</p>Start TuneUp RescueCenterNo area selectedlYou must select at least one of the listed areas to continue.
Check the empty box next to the desired area.%d of %d problems solved