3TuneUp DiskCleaner didn't delete any files.<br><br>nOne file could not be deleted, as it is currently in use or you do not have the necessary permissions.<br><br>q%d files could not be deleted, as they are currently in use or you do not have the necessary permissions.<br><br>=A backup copy was created. The backup occupies %s disk space.A backup was not created.DNo drives selected. Please select at least one drive for the search.lYou selected a total of %d files for cleaning. %s will be recovered after the cleaning process is completed.#You selected %d files for cleaning.&Next >&Finish<body><p>%s</p><p>%s</p></body>[Click <a href="details">show details</a> to manually specify which files should be deleted.XClick <a href="bitbucket">show Recycle Bin</a> to view the contents of your Recycle Bin._There is no detailed view for this category. The Internet cache can only be emptied completely.Show detailsShow Recycle Bin