HBigNum IsSPPrime(A, Base), |Base| must be > 1, |A| > |Base| and |A| >= 3@BigNum SetPrime(Base, Residue, Modulus), Invalid Parameter.
%s.Value must be greater 327675GCD(Residue, Modulus) must be 1 and Residue < Modulus!BigNum Sqrt(A) A must be position&BigNum ExpMod(E, M) M must be positiveCalculation No %d!Invalid Protector State detected.$Protector Error: ID is out of Range.!Invalid compressed Data detected.#Challenge is not an RFC2289 Format.4Invalid Passphraselength, must be more than 9 Chars.Invalid Seed Value in OTPCalc.Invalid Parameters in OTPCalc.!Used Dictionary in %s is invalid.otp-