Test period extension⌠You have exceeded the 30-day test period for %s.
As you only used the software infrequently in this time, your test period
has been extended by three days. This will let you test the full functionality
of the software again before buying it.Order by phonefYou can order %s by calling the following number: +49 (0) 73 05 / 96 29 0 (only box orders)
Note: Software keys can only be ordered online. This number can only be used to place box orders. Please
consult the online help for this product for contact information for support inquiries. More information on ordering
software keys can be found at http://%spThe installation of this TuneUp product is damaged. Please reinstall the TuneUp product to correct this problem.⌐No license data was found. This TuneUp product may not have been installed for
this user account, or the installation is damaged.