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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Shareaza Default English Skin File --> <!-- This skin basically represents the current Shareaza defaults. You can use this file as --> <!-- a basis for creating new skins, however in a new skin be sure to ONLY include the sections --> <!-- which you changed! Including sections you did not edit will reduce performance and limit --> <!-- compatibility with future versions and other skins. --> <!-- Body element, don't touch --> <skin xmlns="http://www.shareaza.com/schemas/Skin.xsd" version="1.0"> <!-- Manifest --> <manifest xmlns="" name="العربية" author="www.lazorde.com/vb" description="Shareaza Default Arabic Skin File" link="http://www.shareaza.com/" email="support@lazorde.com" version="1.9" type="Language" language="ar" prompt="هنا اضغط العربية للغة"/><!-- Toolbar Definitions --> <toolbars> <!-- MAIN WINDOW --> <toolbar name="CMainWnd.Basic"> <button id="ID_NETWORK_CONNECT" text="اتصال"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_TAB_HOME" text="الرئيسية"/> <button id="ID_TAB_LIBRARY" text="المكتبة"/> <button id="ID_TAB_MEDIA" text="الوسائط"/> <button id="ID_TAB_SEARCH" text="بحث"/> <button id="ID_TAB_TRANSFERS" text="مكتبة الملفات"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CMainWnd.Tabbed"> <button id="ID_TAB_CONNECT" text="اتصال"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_TAB_HOME" text="الرئيسية"/> <button id="ID_TAB_LIBRARY" text="المكتبة"/> <button id="ID_TAB_MEDIA" text="الوسائط"/> <button id="ID_TAB_SEARCH" text="بحث"/> <button id="ID_TAB_TRANSFERS" text="نقل البيانات"/> <button id="ID_TAB_NETWORK" text="شبكة"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CMainWnd.Windowed"> <button id="ID_NETWORK_CONNECT" text="اتصال"/> <button id="ID_NETWORK_DISCONNECT"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_VIEW_SYSTEM"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_NEIGHBOURS"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADS"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_UPLOADS"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_LIBRARY"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_MEDIA"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_SECURITY"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_HOSTS"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_DISCOVERY"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_TRAFFIC"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_PACKETS"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_SEARCH_MONITOR"/> <button id="ID_VIEW_RESULTS_MONITOR"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_TOOLS_SETTINGS"/> <button id="ID_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_WINDOW_CASCADE"/> <button id="ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ"/> <button 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name="CSearchWnd.Full"> <button id="ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOAD" text="تحميل"/> <button id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="Browse User"/> <separator/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_SEARCH" text="ابحث مرة اخرى..."/><button id="ID_SEARCH_STOP" text="ايقاف"/> <separator/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_PANEL" text="اظهار البحث"/><button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_DETAILS" text="اظهار التفاصيل"/><rightAlign/> <label text="فرز:" tip="بعض الكلمات لفرز النتائج مع"/> <control id="107" width="150"/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER_RAW" text="المزيد..."/></toolbar> <!-- BROWSE HOST WINDOW --> <toolbar name="CBrowseHeaderCtrl"> <button id="ID_BROWSE_PROFILE" text="الملف الخاص"/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_BROWSE_FILES" text="ملفات المشاركة"/></toolbar> <toolbar name="CBrowseHostWnd.Basic"> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOAD" text="ملف التحميل"/><button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_CHAT" text="محادثة مستخدم"/><separator/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_DETAILS" text="اظهار التفاصيل"/><rightAlign/> <label text="فرز:" tip="بعض الكلمات لفرز النتائج مع"/> <control id="107" width="160"/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER_RAW" text="المزيد..."/></toolbar> <toolbar name="CBrowseHostWnd"> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOAD" text="تحميل ملف"/><button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_CHAT" text="محادثة مستخدم"/><separator/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_BROWSE_STOP" text="ايقاف"/><button xmlns="" id="ID_BROWSE_REFRESH" text="تحديث"/><separator/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_DETAILS" text="اظهار التفاصيل"/><rightAlign/> <label text="فرز:" tip="بعض الكلمات لفرز النتائج مع"/> <control id="107" width="160"/> <button xmlns="" id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER_RAW" text="المزيد..."/></toolbar> <!-- DOWNLOADS WINDOW --> <toolbar name="CDownloadsWnd.Basic"> <button xmlns="" id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COMPLETE" text="فتح او تشغيل"/><button id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH" text="اعادة عرض"/> <button id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILE_DELETE" text="حذف ملف"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_DOWNLOADS_RESUME" text="متابعة التحميل"/> <button 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<rightAlign/> <button id="ID_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD" text="اضف تحميل/Torrent..."/> <button id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="تم اكمال المسح"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_MENU" text="فرز"/> </toolbar> <!-- UPLOADS WINDOW --> <toolbar name="CUploadsWnd.Basic"> <button id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="Browse User"/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_CHAT" text="محادثة مستخدم"/> <rightAlign/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="تم اكمال المسح"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CUploadsWnd"> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_LAUNCH" text="فتح او تشغيل"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_START" text="ابداء الان"/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR" text="Clear Upload"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="Browse User"/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_CHAT" text="محادثة مستخدم"/> <button id="ID_SECURITY_BAN" text="حظر مستخدم"/> <rightAlign/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="تم اكمال المسح"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_MENU" text="فرز"/> </toolbar> <!-- LIBRARY FRAME --> <toolbar name="CLibraryTree.Top"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_TREE_PHYSICAL" text="مجلدات"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_TREE_VIRTUAL" text="منظم"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryTree.Virtual"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDERS" text="مشاركة الملفات..."/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryHeaderBar.Physical"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW" text="عرض"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_PANEL" text="اظهار التفاصيل"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_PARENT" text="فوق"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryHeaderBar.Virtual"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW" text="عرض"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_PANEL" text="اظهار التفاصيل"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_PARENT" text="فوق"/> </toolbar> <!-- LIBRARY VIEWS --> <toolbar name="CLibraryHomeView.Physical"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDERS" text="مشاركة الملفات..."/> <rightAlign/> <label text="ايجاد:" tip="اكتب بعض الكلمات للبحث في المكتبة"/> <control id="108" width="120"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH_QUICK" text="ايجاد"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryHomeView.Virtual"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_NEW" text="انشاء الالبوم..."/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_DELETE" text="حذف الالبوم"/> <rightAlign/> <label text="ايجاد:" tip="اكتب بعض الكلمات للبحث في المكتبة"/> <control id="108" width="120"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH_QUICK" text="ايجاد"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryTileView.Virtual"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_NEW" text="انشاء الالبوم..."/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_DELETE" text="حذف الالبوم"/> <rightAlign/> <label text="Find:" tip="اكتب بعض الكلمات للبحث في المكتبة"/> <control id="108" width="120"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH_QUICK" text="ايجاد"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryFileView.Physical.Basic"> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH" text="فتح او تشغيل"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE" text="اضافه الى قائمة التشغيل"/> <rightAlign/> <label text="ايجاد:" tip="اكتب بعض الكلمات للبحث في المكتبة"/> <control id="108" width="120"/> <button id="ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH_QUICK" text="ايجاد"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CLibraryFileView.Physical"> 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file"/> <control id="117" width="190" height="22"/> <label text="الصوت:" tip="ضبط التحكم بالصوت"/> <control id="119" width="50" height="22"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_OPEN" text="فتح ملف"/> <rightAlign/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_PREVIOUS" text="السابق"/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_NEXT" text="التالي"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" text="قائمة التشغيل"/> </toolbar> <toolbar name="CMediaFrame"> <button id="ID_MEDIA_PLAY" text="تشغيل"/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_PAUSE" text="ايقاف مؤقت" visible="false"/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_STOP" text="ايقاف"/> <separator/> <label text="Seek:" tip="Seek to a position in the media file"/> <control id="117" width="190" height="22"/> <label text="السرعة:" tip="ضبط سرعة ملف الوسائط"/> <control id="118" width="40" height="22"/> <label text="الصوت:" tip="ضبط التحكم بالصوت"/> <control id="119" width="50" height="22"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_OPEN" text="فتح"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_FULLSCREEN"/> <button id="ID_MEDIA_ZOOM"/> 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id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_CHAT" text="محادثة مستخدم"/> <button id="ID_SECURITY_BAN" text="حظر مضيف"/> <rightAlign/> <button id="ID_NETWORK_G2" text="Gnutella2"/> <button id="ID_NETWORK_ED2K" text="eDonkey2000"/> <button id="ID_NETWORK_G1" text="Gnutella1"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_SETTINGS" text="الاعدادات"/> </toolbar> <!-- HIT MONITOR WINDOW --> <toolbar name="CHitMonitorWnd"> <button id="ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOAD" text="تحميل"/> <button id="ID_HITMONITOR_SEARCH" text="Requery"/> <separator/> <button id="ID_HITMONITOR_PAUSE" text="ايقاف مؤقت"/> <button id="ID_SEARCH_CLEAR" text="ازالة"/> <rightAlign/> <label text="فرز:" tip="Type some words to filter the results with"/> <control id="107" width="160"/> <button id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER_RAW" text="المزيد..."/> </toolbar> <!-- HOST CACHE WINDOW --> <toolbar name="CHostCacheWnd.Basic"> <button id="ID_HOSTCACHE_CONNECT" text="اتصل ب"/> <button id="ID_HOSTCACHE_DISCONNECT" text="قطع الاتصال"/> <button id="ID_HOSTCACHE_REMOVE" text="حذف"/> 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<item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_EDIT" text="تحرير _متقدم..."/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_TORRENT_INFO" text="_Torrent معلومات عن..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_MOVE_UP" text="نقل _للاعلى"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_MOVE_DOWN" text="نقل _للاسف"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_BOOST" text="السرعة _زيادة"/> </menu> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="ت_م اكمال المسح"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" text="م_سح تلاقائي"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_HELP" text="_مساعده..."/> </menu> <menu name="CDownloadsWnd.Source"> <item id="ID_TRANSFERS_CONNECT" text="_Access"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="_Browse User"/> <item id="ID_TRANSFERS_CHAT" text="_محادثة مستخدم"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_TRANSFERS_DISCONNECT" text="_قطع الاتصال"/> <item id="ID_TRANSFERS_FORGET" text="_تجاهل"/> </menu> <menu name="CDownloadsWnd.Completed.Basic"> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COMPLETE" text="_فتح او تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_ENQUEUE" text="_اضف الى قائمة التشغيل"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETE" text="_الغاء"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILE_DELETE" text="_حذف ملف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="ت_م اكمال المسح"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" text="مس_ح تلاقائي"/> </menu> <menu name="CDownloadsWnd.Completed"> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COMPLETE" text="_فتح او تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_ENQUEUE" text="_اضف الى قائمة التشغيل"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETE" text="_مسح"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_COPY" text="نسخ _رابط"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILE_DELETE" text="_حذف ملف"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_RATE" text="_Rate File..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="ت_م اكمال المسح"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" text="مس_ح تلاقائي"/> </menu> <menu name="CDownloadTabBar"> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_RESUME" text="_متابعة الكل"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_PAUSE" text="ا_يقاف مؤقت للكل"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_CLEAR" text="_مسح الكل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_NEW" text="_مجموعه جديدة..."/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_REMOVE" text="مجموعه _حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_SHOW" text="_عرض المجموعات"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص"/> </menu> <menu name="CDownloadsWnd.Filter"> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_ALL" text="عرض _الكل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_ACTIVE" text="Show A_ctive"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_QUEUED" text="Show P_ending"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_SOURCES" text="Show _No Sources"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_PAUSED" text="Show _Paused"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOADS_SHOW_SOURCES" text="المصادر _عرض جميع"/> <item id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_SHOW" text="المجموعات _عرض"/> </menu> <!-- UPLOADS WINDOW --> <menu name="CUploadsWnd.Basic"> <item id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="_Browse User"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_CHAT" text="_محادثة مستخدم"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="ت_م اكمال المسح"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" text="مس_ح تلاقائي"/> </menu> <menu name="CUploadsWnd"> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_START" text="_ابداء الان"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR" text="_مسح"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="_Browse User"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_CHAT" text="_محادثة مستخدم"/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_BAN" text="ح_ظر مستخدم"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" text="ت_م اكمال المسح"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" text="م_سح تلاقائي"/> </menu> <menu name="CUploadsWnd.Filter"> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_ALL" text="عرض الكل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_ACTIVE" text="Show Active"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_QUEUED" text="Show Queued"/> <item id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_HISTORY" text="Show History"/> </menu> <!-- LIBRARY FRAME --> <menu name="CLibraryTree.Physical.Basic"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FOLDER" text="_Shared"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_REMOVE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDERS" text="Share Files..."/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryTree.Physical"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_EXPLORE" text="_تصدير"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_REMOVE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FOLDER" text="_Shared"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SCAN" text="ف_حص"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_REBUILD" text="Re_build"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDERS" text="ملفات المشاركة..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_FILE_PROPERTIES" text="الملف _خصائص "/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryTree.Virtual.Basic"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ENQUEUE" text="_تشغيل الالبوم"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_FILE_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص الملف"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص الالبوم"/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryTree.Virtual"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ENQUEUE" text="_تشغيل الالبوم"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_REBUILD" text="_Rebuild"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_EXPORT_COLLECTION" text="_Export Collection..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_NEW" text="_مجلد جديد..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_FILE_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص الملف"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص الالبوم"/> </menu> <!-- LIBRARY VIEWS --> <menu name="CLibraryTileView.Virtual"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_OPEN" text="_فتح"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص"/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryFileView.Physical.Basic"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH" text="_فتح او تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE" text="_اضف الى قائمة التشغي"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FILE" text="_Shared"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <menu text="S_earch For"> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_THIS" text="This File"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR" text="Similar Files"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ARTIST" text="Music by the same Artist"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ALBUM" text="Music in the same Album"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SERIES" text="Episodes in the same Series"/> </menu> <menu text="_Web Services"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_WEB" text="View _Bitzi Ticket"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_JIGLE" text="View _Jigle Lookup"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_DOWNLOAD" text="_Download Metadata"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_URL" text="نسخ _رابط"/> </menu> <menu text="O_rganise"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_RENAME" text="_اعادة تسمية ملف"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_MOVE" text="_نقل ملفات..."/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_COPY" text="_نسخ ملفات..."/> </menu> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص"/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryFileView.Physical"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH" text="_فتح او تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE" text="اضف الى قائم_ة التشغيل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FILE" text="_Shared"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_URL" text="نسخ _رابط"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <menu text="S_earch For"> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_THIS" text="This File"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR" text="Similar Files"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ARTIST" text="Music by the same Artist"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ALBUM" text="Music in the same Album"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SERIES" text="Episodes in the same Series"/> </menu> <menu text="_Web Services"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_WEB" text="View _Bitzi Ticket"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_JIGLE" text="View _Jigle Lookup"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_DOWNLOAD" text="_Acquire Metadata"/> </menu> <menu text="O_rganise"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_RENAME" text="_اعادة تسمية ملف"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_MOVE" text="_نقل ملفات..."/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_COPY" text="_نسخ ملفات..."/> </menu> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_COLUMNS" text="Choose _Columns..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص"/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryFileView.Virtual.Basic"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH" text="_فتح او تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE" text="اضف الى قائم_ة التشغيل"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ENQUEUE" text="الالبوم _تشغيل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FILE" text="_Shared"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <menu text="S_earch For"> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_THIS" text="This File"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR" text="Similar Files"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ARTIST" text="Music by the same Artist"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ALBUM" text="Music in the same Album"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SERIES" text="Episodes in the same Series"/> </menu> <menu text="_Web Services"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_WEB" text="View _Bitzi Ticket"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_JIGLE" text="View _Jigle Lookup"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_DOWNLOAD" text="_Acquire Metadata"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_URL" text="نسخ _رابط"/> </menu> <menu text="O_rganise"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_RENAME" text="_اعادة تسمية ملف"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_UNLINK" text="حذف _ملفات"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_MOVE" text="_نقل ملفات..."/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_COPY" text="_نسخ ملفات..."/> </menu> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص"/> </menu> <menu name="CLibraryFileView.Virtual"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH" text="_فتح او تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE" text="اضافه الى ق_ئمة التشغيل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FILE" text="_Shared"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_URL" text="نسخ _رابط"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_DELETE" text="_حذف"/> ` <separator/> <menu text="S_earch For"> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_THIS" text="This File"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR" text="Similar Files"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ARTIST" text="Music by the same Artist"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ALBUM" text="Music in the same Album"/> <item id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SERIES" text="Episodes in the same Series"/> </menu> <menu text="_Web Services"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_WEB" text="View _Bitzi Ticket"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_JIGLE" text="View _Jigle Lookup"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_DOWNLOAD" text="_Acquire Metadata"/> </menu> <menu text="O_rganise"> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_UNLINK" text="حذف _ملفات"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_RENAME" text="_اعادة تسمية ملف"/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_MOVE" text="_نقل ملفات..."/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_COPY" text="_نسخ ملفات..."/> </menu> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_COLUMNS" text="اختر _الاعمدة..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES" text="_خصائص"/> </menu> <!-- MEDIA WINDOW --> <menu name="CMediaFrame.Basic"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAY" text="_تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PAUSE" text="اي_قلف مؤقت"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_STOP" text="_ايقاف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_OPEN" text="_فتح ملف الوسائط..."/> <separator/> <menu text="قائمة التشغيل"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PREVIOUS" text="السا_بق"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_NEXT" text="_التالي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_RANDOM" text="_عشوائي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_REPEAT" text="تك_رار"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" text="اظهار _قائمة التشغيل"/> </menu> <menu text="ح_جم العرض "> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_ONE" text="_حجم اصلي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_TWO" text="_حجم مضاعف"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_THREE" text="_Triple Size"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_FILL" text="_الاكبر"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_DISTORT" text="_ملئ الشاشة"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_DEFAULT" text="الوضع _ الافتراضي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_4_3" text="_4:3 Ratio (TV)"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_16_9" text="_16:9 (Film)"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_FULLSCREEN" text="_ملئ الشاشة"/> </menu> <menu text="اعدادات"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_VIS" text="Choose _Visualisation..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" text="اظهار _قائمة التشغيل"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_STATUS" text=" عرض شريط_ الحالة"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SETTINGS" text="_اعدادات الوسائط..."/> </menu> </menu> <menu name="CMediaFrame"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAY" text="_تشغيل"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PAUSE" text="اي_قاف مؤقت"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_STOP" text="_ايقاف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_OPEN" text="_فتح ملف وسائط..."/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_CLOSE" text="_اغلق الملف"/> <separator/> <menu text="قائمة التشغيل"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PREVIOUS" text="السا_بق"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_NEXT" text="_التالي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_RANDOM" text="_عشوائي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_REPEAT" text="تك_رار"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" text="عرض _قائمة التشغيل"/> </menu> <menu text="ح_جم العرض "> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_ONE" text="_الحجم الاصلي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_TWO" text="_حجم مضاعف"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_THREE" text="_Triple Size"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_FILL" text="_الاكبر"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_DISTORT" text="_ملى الشاشة"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_DEFAULT" text="الوضع _ الافتراضي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_4_3" text="_4:3 Ratio (TV)"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_16_9" text="_16:9 (Film)"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_FULLSCREEN" text="_ملى الشاشة"/> </menu> <menu text="اعدادات"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_VIS" text="Choose _Visualisation..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" text="عرض _قائمة التشغيل"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_STATUS" text="عرض شريط_ الحالة"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SETTINGS" text="_الوسائط اعدادات..."/> </menu> </menu> <menu name="CMediaFrame.Zoom"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_ONE" text="_الحجم الاصلي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_TWO" text="_حجم مضاعف"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_THREE" text="_Triple Size"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_FILL" text="_الاكبر"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_DISTORT" text="_ملى الشاشة"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_DEFAULT" text="الوضع _ الافتراضي"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_4_3" text="_4:3 Ratio (TV)"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_16_9" text="_16:9 (Film)"/> </menu> <menu name="CMediaList"> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SELECT" text="_تشغيل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ADD" text="_اضف ملف..."/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_ADD_FOLDER" text="اضف _مجلد..."/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_REMOVE" text="_حذف"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_RANDOM" text="Random Mode"/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_REPEAT" text="Repeat Mode"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_OPEN" text="_فتح قائمة تشغيل..."/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_SAVE" text="_حفظ قائمة تشغيل..."/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_CLEAR" text="_مسح قائمة تشغيل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" text="عرض قائم_ة تشغيل"/> </menu> <!-- SYSTEM WINDOW --> <menu name="CSystemWnd"> <item id="ID_SYSTEM_VERBOSE" text="_Verbose Mode"/> <item id="ID_SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP" text="Timestam_p"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SYSTEM_CLEAR" text="Clear _Buffer"/> </menu> <!-- NEIGHBOURS WINDOW --> <menu name="CNeighboursWnd.Basic"> <item id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="_Browse User"/> <item id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_CHAT" text="_محادثة مستخدم"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_DISCONNECT" text="_قطع الاتصال"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_COPY" text="نسخ _الرابط"/> </menu> <menu name="CNeighboursWnd"> <item id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" text="_Browse 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id="ID_SEARCHMONITOR_CLEAR" text="_Clear Buffer"/> </menu> <!-- GRAPH/TRAFFIC WINDOW --> <menu name="CTrafficWnd"> <item id="ID_TRAFFIC_SETUP" text="_اختر المخطط..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_TRAFFIC_GRID" text="_Grid Lines"/> <item id="ID_TRAFFIC_AXIS" text="_Axis"/> <item id="ID_TRAFFIC_LEGEND" text="_Legend"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_TRAFFIC_CLEAR" text="_مسح"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_TRAFFIC_WINDOW" text="_نافذه جديدة"/> </menu> <!-- SECURITY WINDOW --> <menu name="CSecurityWnd"> <item id="ID_SECURITY_ADD" text="_اضف قاعده..."/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_REMOVE" text="_حذف"/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_RESET" text="Rese_t"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_MOVE_UP" text="للاعلى _نقل"/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_MOVE_DOWN" text="للاسفل _نقل"/> <separator/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_IMPORT" text="_استيراد..."/> <item id="ID_SECURITY_EXPORT" text="ت_صدير..."/> <separator/> <menu text="Default P_olicy"> <item id="ID_SECURITY_POLICY_ACCEPT" text="_قبول"/> <item 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id="ID_CHAT_PRIORITY" text="Grant _Priority"/> <separator/> <menu text="_Format"> <item id="ID_CHAT_BOLD" text="Set _Bold"/> <item id="ID_CHAT_ITALIC" text="Set _Italic"/> <item id="ID_CHAT_UNDERLINE" text="Set _Underline"/> <item id="ID_CHAT_COLOUR" text="Set _Colour"/> <item id="ID_CHAT_EMOTICONS" text="_Emoticons"/> </menu> <separator/> <item id="ID_CHAT_TIMESTAMP" text="_Timestamp"/> <item id="ID_CHAT_CLEAR" text="C_lear Window"/> </menu> </menus> <!-- Documents --> <documents> <!-- Home View --> <document name="CHomeViewCtrl" crBackground="FFFFFF" leftMargin="16" topMargin="8"> <styles> <style name="default"> <font face="Verdana" size="15"/> <colours text="000000" link="0000FF" hover="FF0000"/> </style> <style name="heading"> <font face="Trebuchet MS" size="16" weight="800"/> <colours text="800000"/> </style> </styles> <para align="left"><bitmap res="res:199.PNG"/></para> <newline gap="16"/> <group id="1"> <icon res="130" width="32" height="32"/><gap size="8"/> <heading align="middle">G E T   C O N N E C T E D</heading> <newline gap="8" indent="42"/> <text>مرحبا بك في Shareaza!  انت غير متصل مع اي شبكة الان.  </text> <link target="raza:command:ID_NETWORK_CONNECT">اضغط هنا للبداء!</link> <newline gap="32" indent="0"/> </group> <group id="2"> <icon res="134" width="32" height="32"/><gap size="8"/> <heading align="middle">بحــــث   S H A R E A Z A</heading> <newline gap="8" indent="42"/> <anchor id="SearchBox" width="256" height="80"/> <newline gap="12" indent="0"/> </group> <group id="3"> <icon res="128" width="32" height="32"/><gap size="8"/> <heading align="middle">U P G R A D E   N O T I C E</heading> <newline gap="8" indent="42"/> <text id="Upgrade"/> <newline gap="6"/> <link target="raza:upgrade">اضغط هنا للتحديث</link> <newline gap="26" indent="0"/> </group> <icon res="236" width="32" height="32"/><gap size="8"/> <heading align="middle">C U S T O M I S E   S H A R E A Z A</heading> <newline gap="12" indent="42"/> <icon res="237" width="32" height="32" target="raza:command:ID_TOOLS_SKIN"/> <gap size="8"/> <link target="raza:command:ID_TOOLS_SKIN" format="bu" align="middle">المظهر</link> <text align="middle"> - Change Shareaza's look & feel</text> <newline gap="8"/> <icon res="236" width="32" height="32" target="raza:command:ID_TOOLS_WIZARD"/> <gap size="8"/> <link target="raza:command:ID_TOOLS_WIZARD" format="bu" align="middle">اعدادات المعالج</link> <text align="middle"> - تحرير Shareaza اعدادات </text> <newline gap="8"/> <icon res="147" width="32" height="32" target="raza:command:ID_HELP_FAQ"/> <gap size="8"/> <link target="raza:command:ID_HELP_FAQ" format="bu" align="middle">مساعده سريعه</link> <text align="middle"> - احصل على مساعدة سريعة لاستخدام Shareaza</text> <newline gap="8"/> </document> <document name="CHomeDownloadsBox" title="ملفاتي" leftMargin="6" topMargin="6"> <styles> <style name="default"> <font face="Verdana" size="15"/> </style> </styles> <para align="center"> <group id="1"> <text>لم تقم بتحميل اي ملفات بعد.</text> <newline gap="4"/> </group> <link id="DownloadsNone" format="bu" target="raza:command:ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADS">اذهب الى ملفاتي</link> <link id="DownloadsOne" format="bu" target="raza:command:ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADS">اذهب الى ملفاتي (1)</link> <link id="DownloadsMany" format="bu" target="raza:command:ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADS">اذهب الى ملفاتي (%i)</link> </para> </document> <document name="CHomeLibraryBox" title="مكتبتي الخاصة" leftMargin="6" topMargin="6"> <styles> <style name="default"> <font face="Verdana" size="15"/> </style> </styles> <para align="center"> <group id="2"> <text>لاتقوم بتحميل اية ملفات الان.</text> <newline gap="8"/> </group> <text id="LibraryFiles" format="b">%lu </text> <text>ملفات, </text> <text id="LibraryVolume" format="b">%s</text> <newline gap="0"/> <link format="bu" target="raza:command:ID_VIEW_LIBRARY">اذهب الى مكتبتي الخاصة</link> <group id="1"> <newline gap="8"/> <text>Shareaza يقوم بالمسح والمعالجة </text> <text id="LibraryHashRemaining" format="b">%lu </text> <text>ملفات.</text> <newline gap="8"/> </group> <group id="3"> <link target="raza:command:ID_LIBRARY_HASH_PRIORITY">Click here to hash faster</link> </group> <group id="4"> <link target="raza:command:ID_LIBRARY_HASH_PRIORITY">Click here to hash slower</link> </group> </para> </document> <document name="CHomeConnectionBox" title="اتصال" leftMargin="6" topMargin="6"> <styles> <style name="default"> <font face="Verdana" size="13"/> </style> </styles> <group id="1"> <para align="center"> <text format="b">غير متصل</text> <newline gap="4"/> <link target="raza:command:ID_NETWORK_CONNECT">اضغط هنا للاتصال</link> </para> </group> <icon group="20" command="ID_NETWORK_G2"/><gap group="20" size="4"/> <text group="20" align="middle" format="b">Gnutella2: </text> <text group="21" align="middle">غير متصل</text> <text group="22" align="middle">اتصال...</text> <text group="23" align="middle">متصل</text> <text group="24" align="middle" id="G2Hubs">%i hubs</text> <text group="25" align="middle" id="G2Leaves">%i leaves</text> <newline group="20" gap="2"/> <icon group="30" command="ID_NETWORK_ED2K"/><gap group="30" size="4"/> <text group="30" align="middle" format="b">eDonkey: </text> <text group="31" align="middle">غير متصل</text> <text group="32" align="middle">اتصال...</text> <text group="33" align="middle">متصل</text> <newline group="30" gap="2"/> <icon group="10" command="ID_NETWORK_G1"/><gap group="10" size="4"/> <text group="10" align="middle" format="b">Gnutella1: </text> <text group="11" align="middle">غير متصل</text> <text group="12" align="middle">اتصال...</text> <text group="13" align="middle">متصل</text> <newline group="10" gap="2"/> <group id="2"> <para align="center"> <newline gap="6"/> <text>انت متصل لـ </text> <text id="ConnectedHours" format="b">%i </text> <text>دقائق و </text> <text id="ConnectedMinutes" format="b">%i </text> <text>ساعات.</text> </para> </group> </document> <document name="CHomeUploadsBox" title="رفع الملفات" leftMargin="6" topMargin="6"> <styles> <style name="default"> <font face="Verdana" size="15"/> </style> </styles> <para align="center"> <text id="UploadsNone" format="b">لا يوجد ملفات نشطة</text> <link id="UploadsOne" format="bu" target="raza:command:ID_VIEW_UPLOADS">1 active upload</link> <link id="UploadsMany" format="bu" target="raza:command:ID_VIEW_UPLOADS">%i active uploads</link> <newline gap="4"/> <text id="UploadedNone">لم تقم برفع اية ملفات اليوم.</text> <text id="UploadedOne">لقد تم رفع ملف واحد (%s).</text> <text id="UploadedMany">لقد قمت برفع %i ملفات (%s).</text> </para> </document> <!-- Settings Pages --> <document name="CGeneralSettingsGroup" title="عام" leftMargin="8" topMargin="8"> <styles> <style name="default"> <colours link="000080"/> </style> </styles> <text format="b"> Shareaza's اعدادات اهلا بك في مدير</text> <newline gap="16"/> <text> The Shareaza Settings Manager allows advanced users to completely customise how Shareaza works. الاعدادات في الـ </text> <text format="b">عام </text> <text> الجزء مخصص للمستخدمين المحترفين </text> <newline gap="16" margin="16"/> <link target="raza:page:CGeneralSettingsPage" format="b">عام:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Common user interface settings like tooltips, minimise behaviour, number formats, prompts, etc.</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CLibrarySettingsPage" format="b">المكتبة:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Presentation and management of the file library, and opening files.</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CMediaSettingsPage" format="b">مشغل الوسائط:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>When and where to use the built-in Shareaza Media Centre.</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CCommunitySettingsPage" format="b">Community:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Your profile, chat and instant messaging settings.</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CWebSettingsPage" format="b">Web:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Integrate Shareaza with your web browser to accept peer-to-peer links and download content.</text> <newline gap="10"/> </document> <document name="CInternetSettingsGroup" title="انترنت" leftMargin="8" topMargin="8"> <styles> <style name="default"> <colours link="000080"/> </style> </styles> <text format="b">Shareaza's اهلا بك في مدير اعدادات </text> <newline gap="16"/> <text> The Shareaza Settings Manager allows advanced users to completely customise how Shareaza works. The settings in the </text> <text format="b"> انترنت </text> <text> section control how Shareaza interacts with other nodes within distributed peer-to-peer networks. </text> <newline gap="16" margin="16"/> <link target="raza:page:CConnectionSettingsPage" format="b">الاتصال:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>قابليات وسرعات اتصالك بالانترنت .</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CDownloadsSettingsPage" format="b">تحميل الملفات:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Download throughput, scheduling, verification, timeouts and management.</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CUploadsSettingsPage" format="b">رفع الملفات:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Upload capacity, queuing, banning, timeouts and special requests.</text> <newline gap="10"/> <link target="raza:page:CNetworksSettingsPage" format="b">شبكات:</link> <gap size="4"/> <text>Select and configure the peer-to-peer networks you would like Shareaza to connect to.</text> <newline gap="10"/> </document> <!-- Browse User Profile --> <document name="CBrowseHostProfile.1"> <heading id="Nick"/> <heading>'s Profile</heading> <newline gap="8"/> <group id="1"> <newline gap="8" indent="0"/> <text format="b">الاسم</text> <newline gap="2" indent="8"/> <text id="FullName"/> </group> <group id="2"> <newline gap="8" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Location</text> <newline gap="2" indent="8"/> <text id="FullLocation"/> </group> <group id="3"> <newline gap="8" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Demographic</text> <newline gap="2" indent="8"/> <text id="GenderMale">ذكر</text> <text id="GenderFemale">انثاء</text> <text>, </text> <text id="Age"/> </group> <group id="4"> <newline gap="8" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Contact Information</text> <newline gap="1" indent="8"/> </group> <group id="40"> <newline gap="1"/> <icon res="265"/><gap size="5"/> <link id="ContactEmail" align="middle"/> </group> <group id="44"> <newline gap="1"/> <icon res="1007"/><gap size="5"/> <link id="ContactMSN"/> </group> <group id="41"> <newline gap="1"/> <icon res="206"/><gap size="5"/> <link id="ContactYahoo"/> </group> <group id="42"> <newline gap="1"/> <icon res="208"/><gap size="5"/> <link id="ContactICQ"/> </group> <group id="43"> <newline gap="1"/> <icon res="207"/><gap size="5"/> <link id="ContactAOL"/> </group> <group id="5"> <newline gap="8" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Interests</text> <newline gap="2" indent="8"/> <text id="Interests"/> </group> <group id="6"> <newline gap="8" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Bio</text> <newline gap="2" indent="8"/> <text id="BioText"/> </group> </document> <document name="CBrowseHostProfile.2"> <newline gap="40" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Shared Files</text> <newline gap="4" indent="8"/> <icon res="137" target="raza:command:ID_BROWSE_FILES"/><gap size="5"/> <link target="raza:command:ID_BROWSE_FILES" align="middle">عرض ملفات المشاركة</link> <group id="2"> <newline gap="16" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Community</text> <newline gap="4" indent="8"/> <icon res="140" target="raza:command:ID_SEARCH_CHAT"/> <gap size="5"/> <link target="raza:command:ID_SEARCH_CHAT" align="middle">محادثة مستخدم</link> </group> <newline gap="16" indent="0"/> <text format="b">Favourite Web Links</text> <newline gap="4" indent="8" id="Bookmarks"/> <newline gap="16" indent="0"/> </document> <!-- Download help documents --> <document name="DownloadHelp.Select"> <text format="b">Please Select a Download</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>You can use this command to get help information on a download. Simply select a download and choose this command again.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Completed"> <text format="b">This Download has Completed</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>Shareaza has finished downloading this file, and has verified that it is 100% correct. It has also moved the file to your downloads folder.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Moving"> <text format="b">This Download is Moving</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>Shareaza has finished downloading this file, and has verified that it is correct. It is currently being moved and/or unpacked to your downloads folder.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Paused"> <text format="b">This Download is Paused</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>You have paused this download. If you want it to resume downloading, you can click the </text><text format="b">متابعة التحميل</text><text>command.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.DiskFull"> <text format="b">The Disk is Full</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>Shareaza has paused this download automatically because the hard disk appears to be full, or the download file cannot be written to. If you wish to continue downloading, please free some space on your hard disk and/or check to make sure the incomplete file folder is accessible, and then resume the download.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Verifying"> <text format="b">This Download is Verifying</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>This download has finished, and Shareaza is now checking it to ensure that it is exactly the same as the original file. If any damaged parts are found, Shareaza will repair them automatically.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Downloading"> <text format="b">This Download is Active!</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>This download is currently in progress. If it is downloading too slowly, you could try searching the network for more sources with the </text> <text format="b">اوجد اكثر من مصدر </text><text>command. If the speed does not improve it may be due to limited upload speeds of the users you are downloading from. Download speed usually increases over time.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Pending"> <text format="b">This Download is Pending</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>This download is waiting for some of your other downloads to complete. Your download settings limit the number of downloads which may be active at any given time, to ensure that each download gets a good share of the available bandwidth. You can change these settings via Tools, Shareaza Settings.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Searching"> <text format="b">This Download is Searching</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>There are no known sources for this download, so Shareaza is searching all connected P2P networks for new sources. Once sources are found, the download will start automatically. Shareaza searches for sources automatically, however you can speed up the process using the </text> <text format="b">Find More Sources </text><text>command.</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>Unfortunately in many cases there may be no users online who have the file you are looking for. The only course of action here is to wait for someone to come online, or cancel it and try to find a similar file which is more widely available.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Creating"> <text format="b">This Download is Creating</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>Shareaza is pre-allocating a file in which to store this download, to save time later.</text> </document> <document name="DownloadHelp.Tracker"> <text format="b">BitTorrent Tracker Down</text> <newline gap="8"/> <text>The BitTorrent tracker server for this download appears to be down or malfunctioning. Shareaza is unable to contact it to receive a list of downloader peers.</text> </document> </documents> <!-- Navigation Bar --> <windowSkins> <windowSkin> <image type="image" language="ar" path="NavbarImage-ar.bmp"/> <image type="alpha" language="ar" path="NavbarAlpha-ar.bmp"/> <target window="CMainTabBarCtrl.Basic"/> <anchors> <anchor name="Background" rect="0,0,470,44"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_HOME" rect="4,1,80,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY" rect="86,1,90,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA" rect="178,1,84,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH" rect="264,1,90,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS" rect="356,1,106,38"/> </anchors> <parts> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Up" rect="0,0,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Checked" rect="0,38,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Hover" rect="0,38,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Down" rect="0,76,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Up" rect="80,0,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Checked" rect="80,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Hover" rect="80,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Down" rect="80,76,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Up" rect="170,0,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Checked" rect="170,38,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Hover" rect="170,38,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Down" rect="170,76,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Up" rect="254,0,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Checked" rect="254,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Hover" rect="254,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Down" rect="254,76,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Up" rect="344,0,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Checked" rect="344,38,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Hover" rect="344,38,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Down" rect="344,76,106,38"/> </parts> </windowSkin> <windowSkin> <image type="image" language="ar" path="NavbarImage-ar.bmp"/> <image type="alpha" language="ar" path="NavbarAlpha-ar.bmp"/> <target window="CMainTabBarCtrl"/> <anchors> <anchor name="Background" rect="0,0,574,44"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_HOME" rect="4,1,80,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY" rect="86,1,90,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA" rect="178,1,84,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH" rect="264,1,90,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS" rect="356,1,106,38"/> <anchor name="_ID_TAB_NETWORK" rect="464,1,102,38"/> </anchors> <parts> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Up" rect="0,0,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Checked" rect="0,38,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Hover" rect="0,38,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_HOME.Down" rect="0,76,80,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Up" rect="80,0,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Checked" rect="80,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Hover" rect="80,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_LIBRARY.Down" rect="80,76,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Up" rect="170,0,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Checked" rect="170,38,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Hover" rect="170,38,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_MEDIA.Down" rect="170,76,84,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Up" rect="254,0,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Checked" rect="254,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Hover" rect="254,38,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_SEARCH.Down" rect="254,76,90,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Up" rect="344,0,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Checked" rect="344,38,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Hover" rect="344,38,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_TRANSFERS.Down" rect="344,76,106,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_NETWORK.Up" rect="450,0,108,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_NETWORK.Checked" rect="450,38,102,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_NETWORK.Hover" rect="450,38,102,38"/> <part name="_ID_TAB_NETWORK.Down" rect="450,76,102,38"/> </parts> </windowSkin> </windowSkins> <!-- Localised Command Tip Text. The "message" is displayed in the status bar, while the "tip" is shown in a tooltip --> <commandTips> <tip id="ID_HELP_ABOUT" message="Shareaza اعرض مربع معلومات الـ..."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_EXIT" message="الخروج من Shareaza"/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_CONNECT" message="اتصل بالشبكة."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_DISCONNECT" message="اقطع الاتصال من الشبكة."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_SETTINGS" message="ضبط Shareaza اعدادات..."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_SYSTEM" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة النظام."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_NEIGHBOURS" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة المتصلين."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_REMOVE" message="Remove the selected hosts from the host cache."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_CONNECT_TO" message="الاتصال بالمضيف يدويا..."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_SEARCH" message="ابدا ببحث جديد للشبكة..."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_DOWNLOAD" message="تحميل الملفات المختارة."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_SEARCH" message="ابحث في الشبكة مرة اخرى..."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER" message="افرز نتائج البحث ببعض الكلمات والشروط..."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER_REMOVE" message="ازالة عملية الفرز من النتائج."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_GROUPED" message="تجميع النتائج في ملف."/> <tip id="ID_HITMONITOR_CLEAR" message="Clear the hit monitor buffer."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCHMONITOR_PAUSE" message="Pause search monitoring."/> <tip id="ID_HITMONITOR_PAUSE" message="Pause hit monitoring."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_TRAFFIC" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة التخطيط."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_LIBRARY" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة المكتبة."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADS" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة تحميل الملفات."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_UPLOADS" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة رفع الملفات."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_HOSTS" message="Show or hide the HOST CACHE window."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_PACKETS" message="Show or hide the PACKET DUMP window."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_DISCONNECT" message="Disconnect the selected neighbour(s)."/> <tip id="ID_SYSTEM_CLEAR" message="مسح سجل الحالة."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_VIEW_ALL" message="Open a new Packet Dump window monitoring this neighbour."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_VIEW_INCOMING" message="Open a new Packet Dump window monitoring incoming traffic from this neighbour."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_VIEW_OUTGOING" message="Open a new Packet Dump window monitoring outgoing traffic to this neighbour."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_SEARCH_MONITOR" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة شاشة البحث."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_RESULTS_MONITOR" message="Show or hide the HIT MONITOR window."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_CONNECT" message="اتصل بالمضيف المحدد."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_DISCONNECT" message="Disconnect from the selected neighbour(s)."/> <tip id="ID_TRANSFERS_DISCONNECT" message="Disconnect the selected download transfer(s)."/> <tip id="ID_TRANSFERS_FORGET" message="قطع وتجاهل اتصال مصدر التحميل المحدد."/> <tip id="ID_HELP_HOMEPAGE" message="Shareaza.com قم بزيارة موقع."/> <tip id="ID_HELP_WEB_1" message="قم بزياره Zeropaid.com"/> <tip id="ID_HELP_WEB_2" message="قم بزياره P2PForums.com"/> <tip id="ID_HELP_WEB_3" message="قم بزياره Slyck.com"/> <tip id="ID_HELP_FAQ" message="Visit the Shareaza Users Guide."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_CHAT" message="Open a chat session with the selected user."/> <tip id="ID_TRAFFIC_GRID" message="اعرض خطوط الشبكة."/> <tip id="ID_TRAFFIC_AXIS" message="اعرض المحور عاموديا"/> <tip id="ID_SEARCHMONITOR_CLEAR" message="Clear the search monitor buffer."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_COPY" message="Copy the URI of the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_HITMONITOR_SEARCH" message="Search the network for the selected term."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_G2_HORIZON" message="Show Gnutella2 horizon hubs."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_G2_CACHE" message="Show Gnutella2 cached hosts."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_G1_CACHE" message="Show Gnutella1 cached hosts."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_COLUMNS" message="Select metadata columns to be displayed..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_RESUME" message="اكمال تحميل الملفات المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" message="امسح ملفات التحميل المكتمل."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_SOURCES" message="ابحث عن المزيد من المصادر لملفات التحميل المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH" message="Preview the selected file(s) in place."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR" message="مسح/ازالة ملفات التحميل المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_PAUSE" message="ايقاف موقت لملفات التحميل المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_EXPLORE" message="افتح المجلدات المختارة."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_SCAN" message="Scan the selected folders or files for changes."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FILE" message="مشاركة او عدم مشاركة الملفات المحددة"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_REMOVE" message="ازالة مجلدات المشاركة المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_ADD" message="اضف مجلد جديد لمكتبتك..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES" message="عرض وتحرير خصائص الملفات المحددة..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_COLUMNS" message="اختر اعمدة الـmetadata ليتم عرضها..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_PAUSED" message="امسح ملفات التحميل التي تم ايقافها مؤقتا."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_LAUNCH" message="Launch the selected shared file(s)."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_DISCONNECT" message="Disconnect the selected upload transfer(s)."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETED" message="امسح الملفات التي تم اكمال رفعها."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_CLEAR" message="امسح الملفات المحددة من القائمة التي تم رفعها."/> <tip id="ID_TRAFFIC_LEGEND" message="اعرض الاسطورة."/> <tip id="ID_TRAFFIC_SETUP" message="Select and configure items to graph..."/> <tip id="ID_TRAFFIC_CLEAR" message="Clear the traffic graph."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_WIZARD" message="تشغيل Shareaza سريع للمالج..."/> <tip id="ID_CHILD_RESTORE" message="افتح النافذة المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_CHILD_CLOSE" message="اغلق النافذة النشطة."/> <tip id="ID_CHILD_MAXIMISE" message="كبر النافذة النشطة لتملاء النافذة."/> <tip id="ID_CHILD_MINIMISE" message="Minimise the selected window to the tab bar."/> <tip id="ID_TRANSFERS_CHAT" message="افتح قسم للمحادثة مع المستخدم المحدد."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_CHAT" message="افتح قسم للمحادثة مع المستخدم المحدد."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_CLEAR" message="امسح نتائج البحث."/> <tip id="ID_TRAY_OPEN" message="افتح Shareaza نافذة الـ."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_AUTO_CLOSE" message="اغلق الـShareazaاليا عند اكمال نقل البيانات."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" message="امسح الملفات المرفوعة الكاملة اليا."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH" message="Search your file library..."/> <tip id="ID_TRAFFIC_WINDOW" message="افتح نافذة رسم بياني جديدة..."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_CHAT" message="افتح قسم للمحادثة مع المستخدم المحدد."/> <tip id="ID_HELP_WEB_4" message="زر NapJunk.net"/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_STOP" message="Stop receiving results in this window."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD" message="Download a HTTP URL with Shareaza's download system..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_URL" message="Add a source URL to the selected download..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_WEB" message="View the Bitzi(TM) ticket for the selected file on the web."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_BITZI_DOWNLOAD" message="Download metadata for the selected file(s) from Bitzi(TM)..."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_SECURITY" message="اظهار او اخفاء نافذة الامن."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_EDIT" message="تحرير القاعدة الامنية المحددة.."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_REMOVE" message="حذف قواعد الامن المحددة."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_RESET" message="Reset the hit counts on the selected rules."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_ADD" message="اضف قاعدة جديدة لسلسلة الامن..."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_POLICY_ACCEPT" message="Set the default security policy to allow all hosts."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_POLICY_DENY" message="Set the default security policy to deny all hosts."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_REFRESH" message="تحديث عرض المكتبة."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_MOVE" message="انقل الملفات المحددة لمجلد مكتبة اخر..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_COPY" message="انسخ الملفات المحددة لمجلد مكتبة اخر..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_DELETE" message="Delete the selected files permenantly."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_ENQUEUE" message="اضف الملفات المحددة الى قائمة تشغيل وسائطك."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_ENQUEUE" message="Aاضف الملفات المحملة المحددة الى قائمة تشغيل وسائطك."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_MOVE_UP" message="Move the selected security rules up the precedence list."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_MOVE_DOWN" message="Move the selected security rules down the precedence list."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_BAN" message="Ban the selected host for the duration of this session."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_GROUP" message="Group uploads by connection (host)."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_NETWORK" message="انظر كيف انك متصل بالشبكة."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_LIBRARY" message="View and manage your local content library."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_TRANSFERS" message="Monitor uploads and downloads you are performing."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_CONNECT" message="اتصال او قطع الاتصال بالشبكة."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_TABBED" message="Use Shareaza in power Tabbed mode (الرئيسية, المكتبة, الوسائط, نقل البيانات, شبكة)."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_URL" message="Copy the URI of the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_DISCOVERY" message="Show or hide the DISCOVERY SERVICES window."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_EDIT" message="View the properties for the selected discovery service."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_QUERY" message="Query the selected discovery services now."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_REMOVE" message="Remove the selected discovery services."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_ADD" message="Add a new discovery service..."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_GNUTELLA" message="Show bootstrap services in the Discovery window."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_WEBCACHE" message="Show GWebCache services in the Discovery window."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_AUTO_CLEAR" message="Automatically clear downloads which have been completed."/> <tip id="ID_TRANSFERS_CONNECT" message="Access the selected download source(s) and attempt to download."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_SHOW_SOURCES" message="Display sources which are not currently being used."/> <tip id="ID_SYSTEM_VERBOSE" message="Display a detailed system activity log."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_ADVERTISE" message="Advertise the selected GWebCache service to a random existing GWebCache."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_BROWSE" message="Browse statistics for the selected GWebCache service on the Web."/> <tip id="ID_BROWSE_STOP" message="Stop browsing files on this host."/> <tip id="ID_BROWSE_REFRESH" message="Refresh the list of files available on this host."/> <tip id="ID_BROWSE_LAUNCH" message="Browse the select user's profile and shared files."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_BOOST" message="Boost the performance of the selected download by removing bandwidth limits."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_HOME" message="Return to the Shareaza Home page"/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COPY" message="SmartPreview the selected download(s)."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_MERGE" message="Merge the selected file groups."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_MONITOR" message="Open a download monitor window for this download..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_SELECT_ALL" message="Select and view all folders in your library."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_EXPORT" message="Export the selected security rules to a file..."/> <tip id="ID_SECURITY_IMPORT" message="Import security rules from a file..."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FILTER_RAW" message="Filter the search results by certain words and conditions..."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_PANEL" message="Display the quick search panel on the left of the Search window."/> <tip id="ID_SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP" message="Record a timestamp for each line."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_LAUNCH" message="فتح او تشغيل الملفات المحدده."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_COPY" message="Copy a URI to access the selected host."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_RESKIN" message="Reload and apply your current skin selection."/> <tip id="ID_WINDOW_CASCADE" message="Expand all open windows to fill the screen."/> <tip id="ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ" message="Arrange open windows as horizontal, non-overlapping tiles."/> <tip id="ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT" message="Arrange open windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles."/> <tip id="ID_MONITOR_CLOSE" message="اغلاق نافذه الشاشه."/> <tip id="ID_WINDOW_TOOLBAR" message="Show or hide the toolbar."/> <tip id="ID_WINDOW_TABBAR" message="Show or hide the window tab bar."/> <tip id="ID_WINDOW_MONITOR" message="Show or hide the bandwidth monitor."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_BROWSE_TO" message="Browse a user, showing their profile and shared files..."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_SKIN" message="Choose a different skin for Shareaza to use..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_HASH_PRIORITY" message="Boost the speed of file scanning and hashing."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILE_DELETE" message="Delete the selected completed file(s)."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILE_UNSAFE" message="Mark the selected file(s) as unsafe."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_RENAME" message="Rename the selected file in-place."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_START" message="Start the selected queued upload(s)."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_MOVE_UP" message="Move the selected download(s) up the priority list."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_MOVE_DOWN" message="Move the selected download(s) down the priority list."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_LANGUAGE" message="Select the language you wish to use Shareaza in..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_SETTINGS" message="Configure download settings..."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_SETTINGS" message="Configure upload settings..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_ALL" message="عرض جميع الملفات المحمله."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_ACTIVE" message="Show downloads which are active."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_QUEUED" message="Show downloads which are waiting in queues."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_SOURCES" message="Show downloads which are waiting for sources."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_PAUSED" message="Show downloads which are paused."/> <tip id="ID_NEIGHBOURS_SETTINGS" message="Configure network settings..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_TREE_PHYSICAL" message="View the physical folders in your library."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_TREE_VIRTUAL" message="نظم مكتبتك."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_SHARED_FOLDER" message="Share or unshare the selected folder(s)."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW" message="اختر طريقة عرض مكتبتك..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_DETAIL" message="Show file name, details and metadata" tip="عرض التفاصيل"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_HOME" message="عرض مكتبة الصفحة الرئيسية" tip="عرض الرئيسية"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_LIST" message="Show files in a horizontal list" tip="عرض القائمة"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_ICON" message="Show files as icons" tip="عرض الرمز"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_THUMBNAIL" message="Show thumbnails for files" tip="Thumbnail View"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_PARENT" message="Move up to the parent folder."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_PANEL" message="Show or hide the library detail panel."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_PROPERTIES" message="View and edit the properties of the selected album folder..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_NEW" message="Create a new album folder here..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_UNLINK" message="Remove the select files from the current album folder."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_METADATA" message="Apply common metadata from the album folder to all of its files."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_MEDIA" message="Show or hide the MEDIA PLAYER window."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_MEDIA" message="Play audio and video media files from your library."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_OPEN" message=" فتح وتشغيل ملف الوسائط او قائمة التشغيل..."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_CLOSE" message="Close the current media file, freeing up memory."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_PLAY" message="Start playing the current media file."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_STOP" message="Stop playing the media file."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_PREVIOUS" message="Skip back to the previous file in the current playlist."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_NEXT" message="Skip ahead to the next file in the current playlist."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_FILL" message="Choose the best size for the video based on its aspect ratio."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_DISTORT" message="Stretch the video to fill the window, potentially distorting it."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_ONE" message="Show the video at its original (natural) size."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_TWO" message="Show the video at double its original (natural) size."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SIZE_THREE" message="Show the video at triple its original (natural) size."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_FULLSCREEN" message="Toggle full-screen video mode."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_RANDOM" message="Toggle random (shuffle) mode in the current playlist."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_REPEAT" message="Repeat the current media file."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SETTINGS" message="Display the media settings page..."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_PAUSE" message="Pause playback of the media file."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_ZOOM" message="Adjust video zoom and aspect ratio settings."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_DEFAULT" message="Use the video's default aspect ratio."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_4_3" message="Lock video to 4:3 aspect ratio, suitable for TV."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_ASPECT_16_9" message="Lock video to 16:9 aspect ratio, suitable for film."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SELECT" message="Select and play the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_ADD" message="Add a media file to the playlist..."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_REMOVE" message="Remove the selected media file from the playlist."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_CLEAR" message="Clear (empty) the playlist."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_SAVE" message="Save the current playlist to a file..."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_PLAYLIST" message="Show or hide the playlist editor."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_TILE" message="Show a list of album folders." tip="Tile View"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_OPEN" message="Open the selected album folder."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ENQUEUE" message="Add every file in the selected album folder(s) to your playlist."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_DELETE" message="Delete the selected album folder."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_ALBUM_PROPERTIES" message="View and edit the properties of the selected album folder..."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_SEARCH" message="Search the network for files to download"/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDERS" message="Manage the physical folders in your library..."/> <tip id="ID_TOOLS_PROFILE" message="Edit your user profile..."/> <tip id="ID_BROWSE_PROFILE" message="Browse the user's profile."/> <tip id="ID_BROWSE_FILES" message="View the user's shared files"/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_VIS" message="Select an audio visualisation plugin..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_LAUNCH_COMPLETE" message="Open or play the selected file(s)."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_CONNECT" message="Connect to the chat session."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_DISCONNECT" message="Disconnect the chat session."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_BROWSE" message="Browse the user's profile and shared files."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_COLOUR" message="Select a text colour (Ctrl+K)"/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_BOLD" message="Apply bold formatting (Ctrl+B)"/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_ITALIC" message="Apply italic formatting (Ctrl+I)"/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_UNDERLINE" message="Apply underline formatting (Ctrl+U)"/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_SEND_FILE" message="Send a file to the user..."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_PRIORITY" message="Grant upload priority to this user."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_CLEAR" message="Clear the message text in this window."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_EMOTICONS" message="Insert an emoticon."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_SHARE" message="Share this partially downloaded file with other users."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_ADD_FOLDER" message="Add a folder of media files to the playlist..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_FOLDER_FILE_PROPERTIES" message="View and edit the properties of all files in the selected folder(s)..."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_REBUILD" message="Rebuild metadata and hashes for the selected folders or files."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_HELP" message="Show or hide the HELP window."/> <tip id="ID_TAB_HELP" message="Get help using Shareaza."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_COPY" message="Copy the URI of the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_VIEW_ALBUM" message="Show an album view" tip="Album View"/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_DETAILS" message="Display detailed information on the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_ALL" message="Show all uploads."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_ACTIVE" message="Show all uploads which are actively sending."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_QUEUED" message="Show uploads which are waiting in your queues."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_HISTORY" message="Show uploads which are no longer connected."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_THIS" message="Search for other copies of the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR" message="Search for files which are similar to the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ARTIST" message="Search for music files by the same artist as the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_ALBUM" message="Search for music files in the same album as the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_SEARCH_FOR_SERIES" message="Search for video files in the same series as the selected file."/> <tip id="ID_CHAT_TIMESTAMP" message="Show the time when each message was received."/> <tip id="ID_MEDIA_STATUS" message="Show or hide the media status line."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_ED2K_CACHE" message="Show eDonkey2000 servers."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_IMPORT" message="Import a list of known hosts, such as a "server.met" file..."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_ED2K_DOWNLOAD" message="Download an eDonkey2000 "server.met" file..."/> <tip id="ID_DISCOVERY_SERVERMET" message="Show eDonkey2000 Server.met services in the Discovery window."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_G2" message="Connect to the Gnutella2 network (highly recommended)."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_G1" message="Connect to the original Gnutella network."/> <tip id="ID_NETWORK_ED2K" message="Connect to the eDonkey2000 network."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_JIGLE" message="Query the Jigle database for information on the selected file on the web."/> <tip id="ID_HOSTCACHE_PRIORITY" message="Try to connect to this server before other servers."/> <tip id="ID_VIEW_BASIC" message="Use Shareaza in Normal mode."/> <tip id="ID_LIBRARY_SEARCH_QUICK" message="Search your file library..."/> <tip id="ID_HELP_FORUMS" message="Visit the Shareaza Discussion Forums."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_NEW" message="Create a new download group..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_REMOVE" message="Remove the selected download group."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_PROPERTIES" message="Edit the properties of the selected download group."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_PAUSE" message="Pause all downloads in this group."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_RESUME" message="Resume all downloads in this group."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_CLEAR" message="Cancel and remove all downloads in this group."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_TORRENT_INFO" message="View information about the selected BitTorrent download..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOAD_GROUP_SHOW" message="Show or hide the download group bar."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_HELP" message="View help information on this download..."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_FILTER_MENU" message="Choose which types of downloads to show and which types to hide in this view."/> <tip id="ID_UPLOADS_FILTER_MENU" message="Choose which types of uploads to show and which types to hide in this view."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_INCOMPLETE" message="Cancel the selected incomplete download(s)."/> <tip id="ID_DOWNLOADS_CLEAR_COMPLETE" message="Remove the selected download(s) from the list."/> </commandTips> <!-- Localised Strings --> <strings> <string id="WINDOW_MAIN" value="Shareaza"/> <string id="WINDOW_SYSTEM" value="نظام"/> <string id="WINDOW_NEIGHBOURS" value="Neighbours"/> <string id="WINDOW_PACKET" value="Packet Dump"/> <string id="WINDOW_HOSTCACHE" value="Host Cache"/> <string id="WINDOW_SEARCHMONITOR" value="شاشة البحث"/> <string id="WINDOW_SEARCH" value="بحث"/> <string id="WINDOW_HITMONITOR" value="Hit Monitor"/> <string id="WINDOW_DOWNLOADS" value="مكتبة الملفات"/> <string id="WINDOW_LIBRARY" value="المكتبة"/> <string id="WINDOW_UPLOADS" value="رفع الملفات"/> <string id="WINDOW_TRAFFIC" value="مخطط"/> <string id="WINDOW_CHAT" value="محادثة"/> <string id="WINDOW_SECURITY" value="امن"/> <string id="WINDOW_DISCOVERY" value="استكشاف الخدمات"/> <string id="WINDOW_BROWSEHOST" value="استعراض"/> <string id="WINDOW_HOME" value="Shareaza الرئيسية لـ"/> <string id="WINDOW_MEDIA" value="مشغل الوسائط"/> <string id="WINDOW_SEARCHPAD" value="بحث"/> <string id="WINDOW_HELP" value="Shareaza مساعده"/> <string id="16064" value="Starting Shareaza network core..."/> <string id="16065" value="Can't bind to %s port %i for incoming connections. Incoming connections will not be supported."/> <string id="16066" value="Shutting down Shareaza network core..."/> <string id="16067" value="Disconnected from the network."/> <string id="16068" value="Accepting incoming TCP connections on %s port %i."/> <string id="16069" value="Outgoing connections will be from %s port %i."/> <string id="16070" value="Can't resolve %s for outgoing connections. Outgoing connections will use the default interface."/> <string id="16071" value="Firewalled, not listening for incoming connections."/> <string id="16072" value="Listening for UDP datagrams on %s port %i."/> <string id="16073" value="Resolving host "%s"..."/> <string id="16074" value="Unable to resolve host "%s"."/> <string id="16075" value="Security manager denied connection from %s."/> <string id="16076" value="Security manager barred a connection to %s."/> <string id="16077" value="The address %s is already blocked by your security rules."/> <string id="16078" value="Added a security rule to block %s."/> <string id="16079" value="Are you sure you want to disconnect?"/> <string id="16128" value="Accepted an incoming connection from %s port %i."/> <string id="16129" value="Initiating a neighbour connection to %s port %i..."/> <string id="16130" value="Unable to initiate a neighbour connection with %s."/> <string id="16131" value="Timed out connecting to %s."/> <string id="16132" value="Closing connection to neighbour %s due to lack of traffic."/> <string id="16133" value="Established a connection with neighbour %s, handshaking..."/> <string id="16134" value="Closed connection with neighbour %s."/> <string id="16135" value="Unable to initiate a neighbour connection with %s (refused)."/> <string id="16136" value="Neighbour %s dropped the connection unexpectedly."/> <string id="16137" value="Refusing duplicate connection from %s."/> <string id="16138" value="Already connected to %s, will not establish a second connection."/> <string id="16139" value="Neighbour %s closed connection (%i : %s)."/> <string id="16140" value="Neighbour %s is crawling connections."/> <string id="16141" value="Closed connection with neighbour %s because it is not a hub."/> <string id="16192" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a packet of excessive size, dropping connection."/> <string id="16193" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a packet with zero TTL, ignoring."/> <string id="16194" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a packet with excessive TTL, dropping packet (TTL=%i, Hops=%i)."/> <string id="16195" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a ping packet with invalid length, ignoring."/> <string id="16196" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a pong packet with invalid length, ignoring."/> <string id="16197" value="%s -> %s [%i/%i] %s %s"/> <string id="16198" value="Leaf neighbour %s is forwarding queries, dropping connection."/> <string id="16199" value="Neighbour %s forwarded an unrecognised packet (0x%.2x), ignoring."/> <string id="16200" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a pong with invalid address data, ignoring."/> <string id="16201" value="Received a malformatted query packet from %s, ignoring."/> <string id="16202" value="Received a malformatted query hit packet from %s, ignoring."/> <string id="16203" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a push packet with invalid length, ignoring."/> <string id="16144" value="Timed out handshaking with %s."/> <string id="16145" value="Gnutella connection with neighbour %s established successfully (G%i.%i : %s)."/> <string id="16146" value="Handshake with %s failed due to invalid data on the wire."/> <string id="16147" value="Closing surplus connection from %s with host hint (%s port %i)."/> <string id="16148" value="Connection to %s rejected (%s)."/> <string id="16149" value="Gnutella 0.6 handshake with %s failed, retrying with 0.4."/> <string id="16150" value="Closing surplus connection from %s."/> <string id="16151" value="Refusing connection from %s because this is a shielded leaf node."/> <string id="16152" value="Hub neighbour %s won't accept us as a hub, closing connection."/> <string id="16153" value="Connecting neighbour %s falling back to shielded leaf mode."/> <string id="16154" value="Hub connection established, closing peer connections."/> <string id="16155" value="Acting as a hub for leaf neighbour %s."/> <string id="16156" value="Neighbour %s wants to be a hub, closing connection."/> <string id="16157" value="Neighbour %s is not a hub, closing connection."/> <string id="16158" value="Gnutella][ connection with neighbour %s established successfully (%s)."/> <string id="16159" value="Closing connection to non-Gnutella2 neighbour %s."/> <string id="16256" value="Added "%s" to download queue with %i source(s)."/> <string id="16257" value="Completed download of "%s"."/> <string id="16258" value="Pausing download of "%s"."/> <string id="16259" value="Resuming download of "%s"."/> <string id="16260" value="Cleared download "%s"."/> <string id="16261" value="Creating file "%s" for download."/> <string id="16262" value="Unable to create local file "%s" for download, aborting."/> <string id="16263" value="Unable to open local file "%s" for download, aborting."/> <string id="16264" value="Initiating a connection to %s port %i to download "%s"..."/> <string id="16265" value="Unable to connect to download host %s."/> <string id="16266" value="Download connection to %s established."/> <string id="16267" value="Requesting download fragment (%I64i-%I64i) of "%s" from %s."/> <string id="16268" value="No more download fragments, closing connection to %s."/> <string id="16269" value="Fragment shortened, closing connection to %s."/> <string id="16270" value="Download request to %s timed out, closing connection."/> <string id="16271" value="Closing download connection %s due to lack of traffic."/> <string id="16272" value="Download host %s does not have the file "%s"."/> <string id="16273" value="Download host % responded with an invalid HTTP response."/> <string id="16274" value="Download host %s responded with %s (%s)."/> <string id="16275" value="Download host %s's version of "%s" has a different URN, aborting."/> <string id="16276" value="Download host %s's version of "%s" has a different length, aborting."/> <string id="16277" value="Download host %s responded with a useless byte range of "%s", pending."/> <string id="16278" value="Download connection to %s was lost."/> <string id="16279" value="Receiving download content from host %s (%s)."/> <string id="16280" value="Download host %s is busy, retrying in %i seconds."/> <string id="16281" value="Are you sure you want to clear "%s"?\n\nOnce a download has been cleared from the Downloads window, it cannot be resumed later."/> <string id="16282" value="Aborting download of "%s" from %s (%s), network disabled."/> <string id="16283" value="The file "%s" is already being downloaded, adding sources."/> <string id="16284" value="Received a faulty push connection from %s, closing connection."/> <string id="16285" value="Received an unnecessary push connection from %s."/> <string id="16286" value="Host %s is pushing download "%s", accepting."/> <string id="16287" value="Can't fetch more sources for download "%s" because there is no network connection."/> <string id="16288" value="Querying for more sources for download "%s" on %i connection(s)..."/> <string id="16289" value="Sending push request for download "%s"..."/> <string id="16290" value="Download host %s responded with a different, but useful range (%I64i-%I64i) of "%s"."/> <string id="16291" value="Moved "%s" to "%s", download complete."/> <string id="16292" value="Couldn't move download "%s" to "%s". Check that the incomplete file is not in use, and that your downloads folder exists and is writable."/> <string id="16293" value="Resolving "%s" to download "%s"..."/> <string id="16294" value="Unable to resolve "%s"."/> <string id="16295" value="Boosting download "%s" by removing bandwidth caps."/> <string id="16296" value="Successfully verified download "%s"."/> <string id="16297" value="WARNING: Download "%s" failed verification, it may not be the file you intended to download!"/> <string id="16298" value="Download host %s is busy, waiting in queue at position #%i of %i ("%s")."/> <string id="16299" value="Are you sure you want to clear all paused downloads? Once a download has been cleared from the Downloads window, it cannot be resumed."/> <string id="16300" value="Are you sure you want to delete the download "%s"?"/> <string id="16301" value="Requesting tiger-tree volume for "%s" from %s..."/> <string id="16302" value="Download host %s could not satisfy the tiger-tree request."/> <string id="16303" value="Receiving tiger-tree volume from %s (%s)..."/> <string id="16208" value="Receiving an unexpected query routing table update from neighbour %s."/> <string id="16209" value="Neighbour %s sent an invalid query routing table update, dropping connection."/> <string id="16210" value="Neighbour %s updated its query routing table (%i bit = %lu[%i], %i%% full)."/> <string id="16211" value="Neighbour %s forwarded a push request to a firewalled address, ignoring."/> <string id="16212" value="Neighbour %s forwarded an extended packet that is not GGEP encoded."/> <string id="16213" value="Sending query routing table to neighbour %s (%i bit = %lu[%i], %i%% full)"/> <string id="16384" value="Are you sure you want to launch the file "%s" ?\n\nSome files can be harmful to your computer. Ensure you know what the file is before launching it."/> <string id="16385" value="You are about to modify the metadata of %i files, are you sure you want to continue?"/> <string id="16386" value="Editing metadata of %i files."/> <string id="16387" value="The file "%s" has not yet been hashed. Please wait for the file to be hashed, and then try again."/> <string id="16388" value="This option uses services provided by Bitzi.com for recognising and sharing information about selected files.\n\nShareaza will transmit the SHA1 hash code for the selected file(s) in order to query the Bitzi database. If you are concerned about privacy, you may wish to consult the Bitzi.com privacy policy.\n\nWould you like to proceed?"/> <string id="16389" value="Are you sure you want to permenantly delete the %i selected file(s) ?\n\nThe files will be moved to your "recycle bin" if it is enabled."/> <string id="16390" value="You have not yet selected a media player to enqueue files with, such as Nullsoft WinAmp. Would you like to select one now?\n\nShareaza will pass the name of the file to your selected program with the "/ADD" argument."/> <string id="16391" value="You're not connected to the network."/> <string id="16392" value="Click the Connect button to get started."/> <string id="16393" value="The file "%s" failed a hash verification test, and might not be the file you intended to download. Are you sure you want to open it?"/> <string id="16394" value="Would you like to remove the "potentially unsafe" attribute from this file?"/> <string id="16395" value="Your downloaded files folder "%s" is not yet in your library.\n\nIncluding your downloaded files folder in your library makes it easier to view and organise new downloads, and lets you take advantage of advanced Shareaza features such as download verification and automatic upgrading. Placing downloaded files in your library does not necessarily require you to share them: you can choose whether or not to share files independently.\n\nWould you like to add your downloaded files folder to your library now?"/> <string id="16396" value="Your downloads folder has been added to your library. Would you like to share it too?"/> <string id="16397" value="Are you sure you want to delete the %i selected album folder(s) ?\n\nNote that this action does not delete the files within the album folders, only the folders themselves."/> <string id="16398" value="Shareaza could not rename:\n\n%s\nto\n%s"/> <string id="16399" value="Shareaza could not delete the file:\n\n%s"/> <string id="16320" value="Upload host %s sent an invalid HTTP request."/> <string id="16321" value="Initiating a push connection to %s. %s"/> <string id="16322" value="Unable to connect to host %s for push."/> <string id="16323" value="Upload connection to %s was closed."/> <string id="16324" value="Timed out waiting for request from upload host %s."/> <string id="16325" value="Upload host %s requested unknown or unavailable object "%s"."/> <string id="16326" value="Upload host %s requested "%s" with different SHA1."/> <string id="16327" value="Refusing upload of "%s" to %s (%s), busy and client does not support queues."/> <string id="16328" value="Push connection to %s established, waiting for handshake..."/> <string id="16329" value="Can't open "%s" to upload to host %s, disk/file error."/> <string id="16330" value="Sending upload content range %I64i-%I64i from "%s" to host %s (%s)."/> <string id="16331" value="Finished uploading part of "%s" to %s."/> <string id="16332" value="Incoming connection from %s is a HTTP upload request."/> <string id="16333" value="Too busy to upload "%s" to %s, queued at #%i of %i ("%s")."/> <string id="16334" value="Legacy push request from %s requested an unknown file, connecting anyway..."/> <string id="16335" value="Removed upload of "%s" to %s."/> <string id="8000" value="Shareaza اعدادات"/> <string id="8001" value="Shareaza مرحبا بك في"/> <string id="8002" value="خصائص الملف"/> <string id="8003" value="تحرير ملفي الخاص"/> <string id="8004" value="!Welcome to Shareaza (version) !\n.\nShareaza is completely free software.\nPlease use it responsibly and respect intellectual property law.\n."/> <string id="8005" value=" (closing after transfers)"/> <string id="8006" value="You're not connected. Click the Connect button to get started."/> <string id="8007" value="There are no active searches. Click here to search for files."/> <string id="8008" value="Shareaza has finished downloading the next Shareaza version (%s). Would you like to upgrade now?\n\nIf you select Yes, Shareaza will close temporarily while the upgrade is installed."/> <string id="8009" value="هل انت متاكد من حذف هذا "%s" ? التراجع غير ممكن."/> <string id="8010" value="This is a pre-release version of Shareaza, and the beta testing period has ended. Please download the full, official release from www.shareaza.com."/> <string id="8011" value="Changing view will close any windows you have open. Would you like to change now?"/> <string id="16448" value="Connected to %s, handshaking..."/> <string id="16449" value="Now chatting with %s (%s)."/> <string id="16450" value="Connection to %s closed."/> <string id="16451" value="The connection to %s was lost."/> <string id="16452" value="Unrecognised command "%s"."/> <string id="16453" value="Connecting to %s for chat..."/> <string id="16454" value="Accepted incoming chat request from %s, handshaking..."/> <string id="16455" value="%s is now known as %s."/> <string id="16456" value="Unable to connect to host %s."/> <string id="16457" value="Connection failed due to invalid data on the wire."/> <string id="16458" value="Received an unknown response: %s"/> <string id="16459" value="You're not connected."/> <string id="16512" value="Total Generic Receive Bandwidth"/> <string id="16513" value="Total Generic Transmit Bandwidth"/> <string id="16514" value="Gnutella Connections (Total)"/> <string id="16515" value="Gnutella Connections (Active)"/> <string id="16516" value="Gnutella Receive Bandwidth"/> <string id="16517" value="Gnutella Transmit Bandwidth"/> <string id="16518" value="Download File Count"/> <string id="16519" value="Download Transfer Count"/> <string id="16520" value="Download Bandwidth"/> <string id="16521" value="Upload Transfer Count"/> <string id="16522" value="Upload Bandwidth"/> <string id="16523" value="Gnutella Packets Received"/> <string id="16524" value="Gnutella Packets Transmitted"/> <string id="16525" value="Gnutella Packets Routed"/> <string id="16526" value="Gnutella Packets Dropped"/> <string id="16527" value="Gnutella Packets Lost"/> <string id="8064" value="Connected to %lu neighbour(s). %s in local library."/> <string id="8065" value="الاتصال بالشبكة..."/> <string id="8066" value="غير متصل بالشبكة."/> <string id="8067" value="%s in : %s out [D:%i/U:%i]"/> <string id="8068" value="[H:%i] %s in : %s out [D:%i/U:%i]"/> <string id="8069" value="اتصل"/> <string id="8070" value="يتصل..."/> <string id="8071" value="متصل"/> <string id="8072" value="قطع الاتصال"/> <string id="16336" value="Upload host %s is on the user-agent block list, denying request."/> <string id="16337" value="Sending upload headers from "%s" to host %s (%s)."/> <string id="16338" value="Upload host %s requested an unsatisfiable range of file "%s"."/> <string id="16339" value="Sending default HTML response to upload host %s (%s)."/> <string id="16340" value="Denied browse user request from %s."/> <string id="16341" value="Upload host %s (%s) sent a browse user request, responding..."/> <string id="16342" value="Closing upload connection %s due to lack of traffic."/> <string id="16343" value="Closing older upload to %s because it has made a fresh connection."/> <string id="16344" value="Refusing new upload to %s because an earlier connection is still pending."/> <string id="16345" value="Stopped uploading "%s" to %s because the file was deleted."/> <string id="16346" value="Sending upload content range %I64i-%I64i from partial file "%s" to host %s (%s)."/> <string id="16347" value="Queued upload %s is re-requesting too fast, closing connection."/> <string id="16348" value="Refusing push request to %s because it has too many upload connections."/> <string id="16349" value="Uploading tiger-tree data for "%s" to %s."/> <string id="16350" value="Uploading metadata for "%s" to %s."/> <string id="16351" value="Refusing upload of "%s" to %s (%s), too many concurrent from host."/> <string id="16528" value="Gnutella Local Queries"/> <string id="16532" value="Total TCP Receive Bandwidth"/> <string id="16533" value="Total TCP Transmit Bandwidth"/> <string id="16534" value="Total UDP Receive Bandwidth"/> <string id="16535" value="Total UDP Transmit Bandwidth"/> <string id="16768" value="Received URL "%s""/> <string id="16769" value="Unable to parse URL: Shareaza does not understand this URL."/> <string id="16770" value="Unable to display URL action dialog because Shareaza is busy."/> <string id="16771" value="You already have the file "%s" in your library. Do you want to download it anyway?"/> <string id="16800" value="You have not yet specified a connection speed. Before continuing, please either choose your Internet connection type, or type in a connection speed."/> <string id="16801" value="Please choose the type of Internet connection you are using before continuing."/> <string id="16802" value="You have not specified any folders to share. Are you sure?"/> <string id="16803" value="The folder you are sharing is already shared as part of another shared folder:\n\n%s"/> <string id="16804" value="You haven't entered a screen name in your user profile.\n\nIt's a good idea to enter a custom screen name so that other users can see who they're connected to.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue without a screen name?"/> <string id="16805" value="You haven't entered your location in your user profile.\n\nIt's a good idea to enter your location so that other users can see where you're from.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue without entering your location?"/> <string id="16806" value="You have indicated that you want to set up port-forwarding on your NAT router or firewall.\n\nPlease configure your network to forward TCP port %i to your local PC."/> <string id="16864" value="Querying host discovery services..."/> <string id="16865" value="Querying discovery service "%s"..."/> <string id="16866" value="GWebCache transaction successful ("%s")."/> <string id="16867" value="Discovery service "%s" failed, fail count %i."/> <string id="16868" value="Discovery service "%s" has failed %i times, removing."/> <string id="16869" value="http://g2cache.theg2.net/gwcache/lynnx.asp\nhttp://ads-clan.org/gwebcache/gcache.php\nhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/marriott96/server.met"/> <string id="16870" value="Sending GWebCache update to service "%s"..."/> <string id="16871" value="Submitting GWebCache "%s" to a random GWebCache..."/> <string id="8128" value="اضغط هنا للبحث مرة اخرى"/> <string id="8129" value="No searches have been started in this window yet."/> <string id="8130" value="Shareaza is searching the network..."/> <string id="8131" value="The network has not returned any matches yet."/> <string id="8132" value="Some results are available, but were filtered out."/> <string id="8133" value="Shareaza is actively searching the network..."/> <string id="8134" value="You are about to start a new search. Would you like to clear the results of your previous search?"/> <string id="8160" value="Establishing a connection to host..."/> <string id="8161" value="Sent a push request, waiting for connection..."/> <string id="8162" value="Connected, requesting browse..."/> <string id="8163" value="Downloading browse response (%2.f%%)..."/> <string id="8164" value="Unable to connect to host to browse user."/> <string id="8165" value="Unable to download file listing. This host may not support browsing."/> <string id="16928" value="Initiating a connection to %s to browse user..."/> <string id="16929" value="Unable to initiate a connection to %s to browse user."/> <string id="16930" value="Sent a push request to %s to browse user."/> <string id="16931" value="Unable to send a push request to %s to browse user."/> <string id="16932" value="Sent browse user request to %s..."/> <string id="16933" value="Browse host %s responded with an invalid HTTP response."/> <string id="16934" value="Browse host %s responded with code %s (%s)."/> <string id="16935" value="Browse host %s responded with an unrecognised response, and may not support user/host browsing."/> <string id="16936" value="Receiving content from browse host %s (%s)"/> <string id="16938" value="Error decoding Gnutella packets from browse host %s."/> <string id="16939" value="Finished browsing user %s, %i files found."/> <string id="16940" value="Browse user connection to %s was dropped."/> <string id="16941" value="Closing browse user connection %s due to lack of traffic."/> <string id="16942" value="Closing browse user connection to %s."/> <string id="16943" value="تصفح %s"/> <string id="8144" value="ابداء البحث"/> <string id="8145" value="ابحث مرة اخرى"/> <string id="8146" value="ايقاف"/> <string id="8147" value="اي نوع من الملفات"/> <string id="8148" value="اكتب البحث هنا:"/> <string id="8149" value="اختر نوع هذا الملف:"/> <string id="8150" value="يبحث:"/> <string id="8151" value="وجد:"/> <string id="8152" value="%lu hubs, %lu leaves"/> <string id="8153" value="Not currently searching"/> <string id="8154" value="لم يجد اية ملفات"/> <string id="8155" value="%lu file in %lu hit|%lu file in %lu hits|%lu files in %lu hits"/> <string id="8156" value="بحث"/> <string id="8157" value="نتائج البحث"/> <string id="8158" value="مسح"/> <string id="8159" value="متقدم..."/> <string id="8224" value="Shareaza is downloading:"/> <string id="8225" value="هذا التحميل تم ايقافه مؤقتا:"/> <string id="8226" value="Shareaza has completed downloading:"/> <string id="8227" value="%i ساعات و %i دقائق"/> <string id="8228" value="%i دقائق و %i ثواني"/> <string id="8229" value="%i ثواني"/> <string id="8230" value="Shareaza is looking for sources for:"/> <string id="8231" value="لايوجد مصادر"/> <string id="8232" value="فتح"/> <string id="8233" value="عرض اولي"/> <string id="8234" value="%s of %s (%.2f%%)"/> <string id="8235" value="اجمالي سرعة النقل:"/> <string id="8236" value="Estimated time remaining:"/> <string id="8237" value="حجم التحميل:"/> <string id="8238" value="عدد المصادر:"/> <string id="8239" value="اكمل"/> <string id="16081" value="ارسال استفسار لـ "%s" to %s."/> <string id="16082" value="Changing the user agent string is strongly discouraged, and may interfere with the formation of an efficient network structure. Please do not change it without very good reason. Are you sure you want to change it?"/> <string id="16083" value="Forcing your PC into hub mode may have adverse effects on performance and the P2P network It is generally better to allow Shareaza to decide whether or not hub mode should be used.\n\nHub mode does NOT produce better search results, or have any other advantages for you.\n\nDo you really want to do this, despite these disadvantages?"/> <string id="16084" value="Disabling support for Gnutella-1 protocols may limit your search results, and if you are acting as a hub it may also impact upon the results of other users. Are you sure you want to do this?"/> <string id="16085" value="Gnutella2 is Shareaza's premiere network. Disabling support for it may severely limit both the number and quality of your search results. Are you SURE you want to do this?"/> <string id="8288" value="Exploring Your Shareaza Library"/> <string id="8289" value="استكشاف "/> <string id="8290" value="استكشاف محتوى %i المجلدات"/> <string id="8291" value="Multiple folders"/> <string id="8292" value="%i ملفات مختارة"/> <string id="8293" value="لايوجد ملفات مختارة"/> <string id="8294" value="الاضافات الاخيرة"/> <string id="8295" value="Rate this file"/> <string id="16992" value="Shareaza could not instantiate its MediaServices plugin. Please reinstall Shareaza, and confirm that you have the necessary media codecs and output drivers installed."/> <string id="16993" value="جميع ملفات الوسائط|*.asx;*.wax;*.m3u;*.wvx;*.wmx;*.asf;*.wav;*.snd;*.au;*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff;*.wma;*.rm;*.mp3;*.ogg;*.ogm;*.cda;*.mid;*.rmi;*.midi;*.avi;*.asf;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.m1v;*.mp2;*.mpa;*.mpe;*.wmv|Playlists|*.asx;*.wax;*.m3u;*.wvx;*.wmx|ملفات صوتية|*.asf;*.wav;*.snd;*.au;*.aif;*.aifc;*.aiff;*.wma;*.rm;*.mp3;*.ogg;*.ogm|ملفات فيديو|*.avi;*.asf;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.m1v;*.mp2;*.mpa;*.mpe;*.wmv|CD Audio Tracks|*.cda|MIDI ملفات|*.mid;*.rmi;*.midi|جميع الملفات|*.*||"/> <string id="16994" value="Unable to load media file "%s""/> <string id="16995" value="The file may be damaged, or you may not have the necessary codecs to play it."/> <string id="16996" value="Part of this file could not be played, you may need to download additional codecs."/> <string id="16997" value="There is no file playing. Double-click a media file in your library to play it."/> <string id="8304" value="N/A"/> <string id="8305" value="%i of %i"/> <string id="8306" value="الموقع"/> <string id="8307" value="النوع"/> <string id="8308" value="الحجم"/> <string id="8309" value="Partial Source (%.2f%% available)"/> <string id="8310" value="%i upload slots, %i waiting in queue"/> <string id="8311" value="هذا الملف وجود مسبقا في مكتبتك."/> <string id="8312" value="هذا الملف موجود مسبقا في قائمة تحميل الملفات."/> <string id="8313" value="This file appear to be spam."/> <string id="16304" value="Download host's tiger-tree data is corrupt or internally inconsistent, ignoring it."/> <string id="16305" value="Download host's tiger-tree does not match expected root value."/> <string id="16306" value="Received tiger-tree volume for "%s", %i levels, minimum verifiable chunk %s."/> <string id="16307" value="Closing download connection to %s, no longer required."/> <string id="16308" value="Download host %s sent unsolicited data, closing connection."/> <string id="16309" value="Requesting metadata for "%s" from %s..."/> <string id="16310" value="Receiving tiger-tree data from %s (%s)..."/> <string id="16311" value="Requesting eDonkey2000 hashset for "%s" from %s..."/> <string id="16312" value="Received an invalid eDonkey2000 hashset from %s, dropping source."/> <string id="16313" value="Received eDonkey2000 hashset for "%s", minimum verifiable chunk %s."/> <string id="16314" value="Download host's eDonkey2000 hashset is corrupt or internally inconsistent, dropping source."/> <string id="16315" value="Unable to initialize inflate for download "%s"."/> <string id="16316" value="Timed out waiting for queue update from eDonkey2000 download host %s for file "%s"."/> <string id="16317" value="Staying in queue for "%s"."/> <string id="16318" value="Insufficient disk space to download "%s" (%s)."/> <string id="16319" value="Dropping source %s (%s) for sending corrupted parts of "%s" (%I64i-%I64i)."/> <string id="8176" value="بحث Shareaza"/> <string id="8177" value="اكتب بعض الكلمات للبحث عن:"/> <string id="8178" value="ما هو نوع الملف?"/> <string id="8179" value="(حذف محفوظات البحث)"/> <string id="16944" value="Found %i shared files in %s's library."/> <string id="17024" value="Initiating a connection to %s..."/> <string id="17025" value="Unable to create a connection to %s."/> <string id="17026" value="Requesting a firewalled push connection from %s..."/> <string id="17027" value="Accepted push connection from %s, handshaking..."/> <string id="17028" value="Connection established, handshaking..."/> <string id="17029" value="Handshake failed, host may not support chatting."/> <string id="17030" value="Handshake complete, chat protocol version %s."/> <string id="17031" value="Exchanging profile information..."/> <string id="17032" value="Authenticated user "/> <string id="17033" value="Requesting private conversation with user..."/> <string id="17034" value="Private conversation granted, you are now chatting with %s."/> <string id="17035" value="%s is not accepting private conversations, sorry."/> <string id="17036" value="%s is away: %s"/> <string id="17037" value="The chat connection was lost."/> <string id="17038" value="Connection closed."/> <string id="17039" value="Unable to request a push connection from %s, no route available."/> <string id="17040" value="Cannot send message, you are not connected. Shareaza is trying to connect..."/> <string id="17041" value="Cannot send message, a connection has not been established yet."/> <string id="17042" value="You have not yet filled in your user profile. You must provide a profile before you can chat with other users.\n\nWould you like to fill in your profile now?"/> <string id="17043" value="Granted upload priority to host %s."/> <string id="16400" value="Target file exists:\n\n%s\n\nWould you like to overwrite it?"/> <string id="16401" value="Show All File Types"/> <string id="8208" value="Shareaza is creating hashes for %i file(s):"/> <string id="8096" value="This area shows more information about files you select."/> <string id="8097" value="One source is available (%s). "/> <string id="8098" value="%i sources are available (%s). "/> <string id="8099" value="There is one review."/> <string id="8100" value="There are %i reviews."/> <string id="8101" value="%s writes:"/> <string id="8102" value="%s rates this file:"/> <string id="8103" value="اضغط للعرض"/> <string id="8104" value="Previewing..."/> <string id="8105" value="Unable to download preview content from "%s"."/> <string id="16352" value="Uploading a preview of "%s" to %s."/> <string id="16353" value="Refusing to upload a preview of "%s" to %s, too many preview connections."/> <string id="16354" value="Upload host %s requested a preview of "%s", but no preview is available."/> <string id="16355" value="Scheduling a dynamic preview of "%s" for upload to %s."/> <string id="16356" value="Refusing browse user request from %s, too many browse connections."/> <string id="16357" value="Uploading file "%s" to host %s..."/> <string id="16358" value="Upload connection to %s was lost, preserving queue position."/> <string id="16359" value="Offline queued upload host %s expired, removing."/> <string id="16360" value="Refusing upload of "%s" to %s (%s), all matching queues are full."/> <string id="16361" value="Refusing upload to %s (%s), network disabled."/> <string id="16362" value="eDonkey2000 uploads should not be cancelled. Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?"/> <string id="17216" value="Initiating connection to eDonkey2000 server at %s..."/> <string id="17217" value="Connected to eDonkey2000 server %s, handshaking..."/> <string id="17218" value="ED2K[%s] %s"/> <string id="17219" value="eDonkey2000 server %s refused connection."/> <string id="17220" value="eDonkey2000 server %s online, client ID is %lu."/> <string id="17221" value="eDonkey2000 server %s changed our client ID from %lu to %lu."/> <string id="17222" value="eDonkey2000 server %s identified itself as "%s"."/> <string id="17223" value="eDonkey2000 server %s rejected the connection."/> <string id="17224" value="Error exchanging handshake with eDonkey2000 client %s."/> <string id="17225" value="eDonkey2000 client connection to %s was lost."/> <string id="17226" value="Received a malformatted eDonkey2000 packet from %s (id=%x)."/> <string id="17227" value="Incoming connection from %s is an eDonkey2000 client link."/> <string id="17228" value="Sending eDonkey2000 hashset for "%s" to %s..."/> <string id="17229" value="eDonkey2000 client connection to %s was idle, closed."/> <string id="17230" value="Initiating eDonkey2000 client connection to %s..."/> <string id="17231" value="eDonkey2000 client %s has the wrong GUID, aborting handshake."/> <string id="17232" value="Timed out connecting to eDonkey2000 client %s."/> <string id="17233" value="Timed out handshaking with eDonkey2000 client %s."/> <string id="17234" value="Refusing eDonkey2000 client link from %s because eDonkey2000 is disabled."/> <string id="17472" value="Incoming connection from %s is a BitTorrent coupling, negotating..."/> <string id="17473" value="Timed out connecting to BitTorrent client %s."/> <string id="17474" value="Timed out handshaking with BitTorrent client %s."/> <string id="17475" value="Closing BitTorrent coupling with %s due to lack of traffic."/> <string id="17476" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s failed because the remote client has a different GUID."/> <string id="17477" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s responded with the wrong file."/> <string id="17478" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s requested an unknown file."/> <string id="17479" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s established for "%s"."/> <string id="17480" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s was lost."/> <string id="17481" value="Received BitTorrent descriptor file: "%s""/> <string id="17482" value="Unable to parse prefetched BitTorrent file "%s"."/> <string id="17483" value="Error from BitTorrent tracker for "%s" : "%s"."/> <string id="17484" value="Error parsing BitTorrent tracker response."/> <string id="17485" value="Received BitTorrent tracker response for "%s", %i new sources."/> <string id="17486" value="Initiating BitTorrent client coupling with %s..."/> <string id="17487" value="Established BitTorrent coupling with %s, handshaking..."/> <string id="8240" value="Shareaza is moving the download:"/> <string id="17248" value="Starting eDonkey2000 partial download import process..."/> <string id="17249" value="Process complete, %i partial downloads imported successfully."/> <string id="17250" value="Scanning folder: "%s"..."/> <string id="17251" value=" Unable to import file."/> <string id="17252" value=" Found partial file "%s", importing..."/> <string id="17253" value=" Unable to open part file "%s"."/> <string id="17254" value=" Found download "%s", size %s."/> <string id="17255" value=" Download data file is newer than .part file, aborting."/> <string id="17256" value=" Copying "%s" to "%s"..."/> <string id="17257" value=" Finished copying file."/> <string id="17258" value=" Created Shareaza partial download, %s remaining."/> <string id="17259" value=" This file is already in the Shareaza download list."/> <string id="17260" value=" Insufficient disk space to copy download file."/> <string id="17488" value="You have changed the tracker URL for this torrent. Are you sure you want to save this change?\n\nAn invalid tracker URL may prevent further downloading."/> <string id="17489" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s is extended protocol, identified "%s"."/> <string id="17490" value="Received %i new BitTorrent sources from %s."/> </strings> <!-- Localised Dialog Text, the "cookie" verifies that the dialog matches the skin --> <dialogs> <dialog name="CSettingSheet" cookie="SyBuBuBu#3" caption="Shareaza اعدادات"> <control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="تطبيق"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CGeneralSettingsGroup" cookie="" caption="عام"/> <dialog name="CGeneralSettingsPage" cookie="BuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuStCoBuSyStEdmsStmsBuStCoStCo" caption="عام"> <control caption="واجهة المستخدم:"/> <control caption="Shareazaالاتصال تلقائيا عند تشغيل"/> <control caption="عند تشغيل ويندوزShareazaتشغيل"/> <control caption="Highlight new search results in bold"/> <control caption="Expand multi-source files by default"/> <control caption="Switch to Transfers view on download"/> <control caption="Expand new downloads by default"/> <control caption="Show a prompt before opening URLs"/> <control caption="Show rates in:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Tooltips:"/> <control/> <control caption="Delay (ms):"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Opacity:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Tray:"/> <control caption="When I click close:"/> <control/> <control caption="When I click minimise:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CLibrarySettingsPage" cookie="BuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuStEdmsStStEdmsStBuBuCoBuBuBuCoBuBu" caption="مكتبة"> <control caption="_خيارات:"/> <control caption="Remember folder views"/> <control caption="مشاهدة مجلدات المكتبة"/> <control caption="Maintain alternate source mesh"/> <control caption="فرز العناصر حسب الامتدادات"/> <control caption="Preserve hash integrity"/> <control caption="Allow others to browse shares"/> <control caption="_الملفات الحالية:"/> <control caption="تذكر:"/> <control/>control/> <control caption="ملفات"/> <control caption="For up to:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="ايام"/> <control caption="مسح المحفوظات الان"/> <control caption="_Safe to Open:"/> <control/> <control caption="_اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control caption="_عدم المشاركة:"/> <control/> <control caption="_اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CMediaSettingsPage" cookie="BuBuBuBuCoBuBuBuBuBuCo" caption="مشغل الوسائط"> <control caption="_خيارات:"/> <control caption="Use the Shareaza Media Player to PLAY the file types listed below"/> <control caption="Use the Shareaza Media Player to ENQUEUE the file types listed below"/> <control caption="File _Types:"/> <control/> <control caption="_اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control caption="Audio _Visualisation Plugin:"/> <control caption="_Select Plugin..."/> <control caption="Media Services _Plugin:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CCommunitySettingsPage" cookie="BuStBuBuBu" caption="Community"> <control caption="ملفي _الخاص:"/> <control caption="You can use your Gnutella User Profile to share information about yourself, your interests and recommended files and websites with others."/> <control caption="تحرير ملفي الخاص"/> <control caption="_محادثة:"/> <control caption="Enable peer to peer chat with compatible clients"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWebSettingsPage" cookie="BuStBuBuBuBuBuBuBuCoBuBuSt" caption="Web"> <control caption="_Peer to Peer Link Handling:"/> <control caption="Use Shareaza to open these types of links:"/> <control caption="Magnet ( magnet: )"/> <control caption="Gnutella ( gnutella: )"/> <control caption="eDonkey2000 ( ed2k: )"/> <control caption="Piolet ( mp2p: )"/> <control caption="BitTorrent ( .torrent )"/> <control caption="_Download Manager:"/> <control caption="Use Shareaza to manage all my web downloads:"/> <control/> <control caption="_اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control caption="The download manager plugin will only attempt to download file types listed here. Other file types will be handled by your web browser. Shareaza must be running to manage downloads."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CInternetSettingsGroup" caption="انترنت"/> <dialog name="CConnectionSettingsPage" cookie="BuStCoStEdBuStCoBuBuStCoStCoBuBuBuBuStEdmsStEdms" caption="اتصال"> <control caption="_Inbound Address:"/> <control caption="العنوان:"/> <control/> <control caption="المنفذ:"/> <control/> <control caption="عشوائي"/> <control caption="السرعه:"/> <control/> <control caption="Force binding to this address"/> <control caption="_Outbound Address:"/> <control caption="العنوان:"/> <control/> <control caption="السرعة:"/> <control/> <control caption="خ_يارات:"/> <control caption="I can accept incoming connections"/> <control caption="Ignore private/local IP addresses"/> <control caption="_Timeouts:"/> <control caption="اتصال:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Handshake:"/> <control/><control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDownloadsSettingsPage" cookie="BuEdBuBuEdBuBuStEdmsStEdmsStEdmsBuStEdBuBuBuBuBu" caption="Downloads"> <control caption="احفظ _الملفات المكتملة هنا:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="خزن _الملفات غير المكتملة هنا:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="_Number of Downloads:"/> <control caption="Maximum Files:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Maximum Transfers:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Transfers per File:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="_Bandwidth:"/> <control caption="Limit:"/> <control/> <control caption="_خيارات:"/> <control caption="Verify downloads for integrity"/> <control caption="Staggered (safe) start"/> <control caption="Download metadata with files"/> <control caption="Use TigerTree"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CUploadsSettingsPage" cookie="BuBuBuBuBuStEdmsBuCoBuBuBuStEdStCoBuSyBuBuBuSt" caption="رفع الملفات"> <control caption="_خيارات:"/> <control caption="Share NEW partial downloads"/> <control caption="Limit sharing in hub mode"/> <control caption="Share preview files"/> <control caption="Strip tag metadata"/> <control caption="Limit per unique host:"/> <control/> <control/> <control caption="_User-Agent Filter:"/> <control/> <control caption="+"/> <control caption="-"/> <control caption="_Bandwidth:"/> <control caption="Limit:"/> <control/> <control caption="Mode:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Queues:"/> <control/> <control caption="_جديد..."/> <control caption="_تحرير..."/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control caption="(changes take effect immediately)"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CNetworksSettingsPage" cookie="StBuStBuStBuStBuStBuStBuSt" caption="شبكات"> <control caption="Shareaza is a general-purpose file-sharing application that can access many P2P networks at the same time. On this page you can select which P2P networks you want to connect to, and then adjust specific settings for each network."/> <control caption="Gnutella2 شبكة:"/> <control caption="The Gnutella2 network is Shareaza's premiere network, offering more features and performance than any other P2P net. Highly recommended."/> <control caption="Connect to Gnutella2 (G2)"/> <control caption="Configure Gnutella2"/> <control caption="eDonkey2000 شبكة:"/> <control caption="The eDonkey2000 network is a popular server-based network. While not as feature-rich as Gnutella2, eDonkey2000 has an impressive file collection."/> <control caption="Connect to eDonkey2000"/> <control caption="Configure eDonkey2000"/> <control caption="Original Gnutella شبكة:"/> <control caption="Although the original Gnutella network is less feature-rich than Gnutella2, and has fewer files than eDonkey2000, it remains a valuable resource."/> <control caption="Connect to Original Gnutella"/> <control caption="Configure Gnutella1"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CGnutellaSettingsPage" cookie="BuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuStEdmsStEdmsStEdmsBuStEdmsStEdmsStEdmsBuBuBuBu" caption="Gnutella"> <control caption="Gnutella2 شبكة (recommended):"/> <control caption="Connect to Gnutella2 today"/> <control caption="Gnutella1 شبكة:"/> <control caption="Connect to Gnutella1 today"/> <control caption="Always connect to Gnutella1"/> <control caption="_Hub Election:"/> <control caption="Allow this node to become a Hub"/> <control caption="Force this node to be a Hub"/> <control caption="Allow this node to become a Leaf"/> <control caption="Accept only Hub connections"/> <control caption="Gnutella-G_2:"/> <control caption="Leaf to Hub:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Hub to Leaf:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Hub to Hub:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Gnutella-G_1:"/> <control caption="Leaf to Hub:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Hub to Leaf:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Hub to Hub:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="_Link Compression:"/> <control caption="Hub to Leaf"/> <control caption="Leaf to Hub"/> <control caption="Hub to Hub"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDonkeySettingsPage" cookie="BuBuBuBuBuStEdmsStBuStEdmsStBuStBuStBu" caption="eDonkey2000"> <control caption="_eDonkey2000 شبكة:"/> <control caption="Connect to eDonkey2000 today"/> <control caption="Auto-connect every session"/> <control caption="_Global Searching:"/> <control caption="Search known remote servers in the server cache:"/> <control caption="توقف عن البحث بعد:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="نتائج البحث."/> <control caption="_Client Link Connections:"/> <control caption="Connect to no more than:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="other eDonkey clients."/> <control caption="eDonkey2000 _ادوات:"/> <control caption="تصدير eDonkey/eMule partial downloads (.part):"/> <control caption="تصدير..."/> <control caption="Download eDonkey2000 serverlist from the web:"/> <control caption="...تحيمل"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CProtocolsSettingsPage" cookie="BuSy" caption="برتوكولات"> <control caption="Shareaza Common Architecture Protocol Explorer:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CSkinsSettingsPage" cookie="SyBuStStStStStEdBuBuBu" caption="مظاهر"> <control/> <control caption="معلومات المظهر:"/> <control caption="الاسم:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="المحرر:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="الوصف:"/> <control/> <control caption="حذف"/> <control caption="تحميل..."/> <control caption="المزيد"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CPluginsSettingsPage" cookie="SyBuStStStEdBuBu" caption="الاضافات"> <control/> <control caption="معلومات الاضافات:"/> <control caption="الاسم:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="الوصف:"/> <control/> <control caption="_اعداد..."/> <control caption="المزيد"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CAdvancedSettingsPage" cookie="SyBuStEdmsStEd" caption="متقدم"> <control/> <control caption="اعدادات الخصائص:"/> <control caption="القيمة:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="الوصف:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CQueuePropertiesDlg" cookie="BuEdBuBuBuEdBuEdBuCoBuEdBuSyBuBuStEdmsStEdmsStEdmsBuStEdStEdmsBuEdmsBuBu" caption="Upload Queue Properties"> <control caption="_الاسم:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Entry Criteria:"/> <control caption="Partially downloaded files only"/> <control caption="Minimum source file size:"/> <control/> <control caption="Maximum source file size:"/> <control/> <control caption="Marked files:"/> <control/> <control caption="Filename match:"/> <control/> <control caption="بروتوكولات:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Capacity:"/> <control caption="Enable this queue"/> <control caption="Minimum number of transfers:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Maximum number of transfers:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Maximum number waiting in queue:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="_Service Parameters:"/> <control caption="Saturated bandwidth percentage:"/> <control/> <control caption="Upload bandwidth for this queue:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Rotate after N seconds:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWizardWelcomePage" cookie="StStStStStStStStStStStSt" caption=""> <control caption="Shareaza مرحبا بك في!"/> <control caption="If you haven't used Shareaza or another P2P client before, this QuickStart wizard can help you configure your copy in a few simple steps."/> <control caption="If you're a more advanced user, you can access the full range of Shareaza's options via the Tools menu. Click Exit to close the wizard at any time."/> <control caption="This wizard will assist you to:"/> <control/> <control caption="Tell Shareaza about your Internet connection"/> <control/> <control caption="Choose which files to share"/> <control/> <control caption="Connect to your choice of P2P networks, and"/> <control/> <control caption="Get started using Shareaza."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWizardInterfacePage" cookie="StStBuBuStSt" caption="Shareaza مرحبا بك في[2 of 7]"> <control caption="Shareaza supports two different user interfaces, so you can choose the one which is most comfortable for you."/> <control caption="Please select one of these two user interfaces:"/> <control caption="Normal Mode"/> <control caption="Power Mode"/> <control caption="Simple, easy to use menus and buttons. Familiar to users of other file sharing programs."/> <control caption="Power mode offers expert users lots of extra commands, windows, etc."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWizardConnectionPage" cookie="StCoStCoStCoStCoStCo" caption="Shareaza مرحبا بك في[3 of 7]"> <control caption="For optimum performance, Shareaza needs to know a little bit about your connection to the Internet."/> <control/> <control caption="Is your network or campus protected by a firewall or NAT router?"/> <control/> <control caption="Do you have a firewall or NAT router on your home Internet connection?"/> <control/> <control caption="If you know how fast your Internet connection is able to operate, select the best option below:"/> <control/> <control caption="OR, choose:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWizardSharePage" cookie="StStStSyBuBuSt" caption="Shareaza مرحبا بك في[4 of 7]"> <control caption="P2P networks are only as good as the people who use them. All of the content available for download is being shared by another user."/> <control caption="You do not have to share content to use Shareaza, however some software will behave differently to users who are not sharing anything."/> <control caption="Please indicate which folders, if any, you wish to share. Simply click the Add button to add a new folder."/> <control/> <control caption="_...اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control caption="تحذير: Distributing copyrighted works is an offence in most countries."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFolderScanDlg" cookie="StStStStStStBu" caption="Scanning Folder..."> <control/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="ملفات:"/> <control caption="0"/> <control caption="درجة الصوت:"/> <control caption="0"/> <control caption="اغلاق"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWizardProfilePage" cookie="StStBuStStEd" caption=" Shareaza مرحبا بك في[5 of 7]"> <control caption="While using Shareaza you may encounter other users with similar interests to your own, and wish to view their profile, chat with them or browse their shared files."/> <control caption="It's a good idea to fill in your own profile so that other users can learn more about you. All of the information is optional, however at the very least please fill in your location and make up a screen name."/> <control caption="More..."/> <control caption="Click the button above to edit your profile. When you have finished, click the Next button to move to the next step."/> <control caption="Screen Name:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDonkeyImportDlg" cookie="StStBuBuEdBu" caption="Import eDonkey2000 Downloads"> <control/> <control caption="Shareaza has detected that you have another eDonkey2000 program installed on your computer. Would you like to import any unfinished downloads into Shareaza?"/> <control caption="نعم"/> <control caption="لا|الغاء"/> <control/> <control caption="اغلاق"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWizardFinishedPage" cookie="StStStBuBuBuSt" caption="Shareaza اهلا بك في[7 of 7]"> <control caption="That's it! Shareaza has been configured to work with your computer."/> <control caption="If you ever need to change your settings, you can re-run this QuickStart wizard by selecting it from the Tools menu."/> <control caption="After closing this wizard by clicking Finish, you can connect to the networks you selected and start searching and downloading content."/> <control caption="Connect to the network when I close this wizard"/> <control caption="Connect to the network every time I start Shareaza"/> <control caption="Start Shareaza every time Windows starts"/> <control caption="Enjoy using Shareaza!"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFolderScanDlg" cookie="StStStStStStBu" caption="Scanning Folder..."> <control/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="الملفات:"/> <control caption="0"/> <control caption="الصوت:"/> <control caption="0"/> <control caption="اغلاق"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CProfileManagerDlg" cookie="SyBuBuBu#3" caption="تحرير ملفي الخاص"> <control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="تطبيق"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CIdentityProfilePage" cookie="BuStEdStEdEdBuCoStCoStBu" caption="الهوية"> <control caption="_الاسم:"/> <control caption="اللقب:"/> <control/> <control caption="الاسم الحقيقي:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="_Vitals:"/> <control/> <control caption="الجنس:"/> <control/> <control caption="العمر:"/> <control caption="السماح للاخرين بمشاهده ملفي الخاص"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CContactProfilePage" cookie="BuStEdBuStEdStEdStEdStEd" caption="جهات الاتصال"> <control caption="_عنوان البريد الالكتروني:"/> <control caption="Primary:"/> <control/> <control caption="_عنوان الماسنجر:"/> <control caption="ماسنجر MSN:"/> <control/> <control caption="ماسنجر Yahoo:"/> <control/> <control caption="رقم ICQ:"/> <control/> <control caption="لقب AOL:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CProfileProfilePage" cookie="BuStCoStCoBuStEdStEdBuLiBuBuCo" caption="الملف الخاص"> <control caption="_الموقع:"/> <control caption="الدولة:"/> <control/> <control caption="المدينة:"/> <control/> <control caption="_الاحداثيات:"/> <control caption="خطّ العرض:"/> <control/> <control caption="خط الطول:"/> <control/> <control caption="_الاهتمامات:"/> <control/> <control caption="< اضف"/> <control caption="حذف >"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CBioProfilePage" cookie="Ed" caption="السيرة الذاتية"> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CAvatarProfilePage" cookie="BuStBuStBuBu" caption="الصور الرمزية"> <control caption="_عرض:"/> <control/> <control caption="_اختر:"/> <control caption="Other Gnutella users browsing your profile and shared files will see your avatar. Custom avatars should be 128x128 pixels, and can be in any supported image file on your PC."/> <control caption="_استعراض..."/> <control caption="_حذف"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFavouritesProfilePage" cookie="SyBuStEdStEdBuBu" caption="المفضلة"> <control/> <control caption="_تحرير:"/> <control caption=":الوصف"/> <control/> <control caption="الرابط:"/> <control/> <control caption="جديد"/> <control caption="حذف"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFilesProfilePage" cookie="BuStSy" caption="الملفات"> <control caption="_الملفات المفضلة:"/> <control caption="Favourite files are recommended to users who browse your profile. You can create favourite files by adding them to the "Favourites" library folder."/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CCertificateProfilePage" cookie="StBuStStStStBu" caption="شهادة"> <control caption="Gnutella users are identified by a globally unique identifier and a corresponding public and private key pair. Normally there is no need to generate a new ID, however Shareaza provides this option for advanced users."/> <control caption="_Gnutella Globally Unique Identification Certificate:"/> <control caption="GUID:"/> <control/> <control caption="Created:"/> <control/> <control caption="Generate New"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CLanguageDlg" cookie="" caption="اختر اللغه"/> <dialog name="CConnectToDlg" cookie="BuCoEdBuCoBuBuBu" caption="Connect To|Browse Host"> <control caption="Initiate a new connection to host or server:|Browse this host:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="بروتوكول _الشبكة:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Suppress Ultrapeer"/> <control caption="اتصال"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDownloadDlg" cookie="StStStEdBuBuStStBu" caption="تحميل ملف او Torrent"> <control/><control/> <control caption="Downloading any file with Shareaza is easy. Simply type or paste the URL or URI describing the file into the box below and press Enter."/> <control/> <control caption="تحميل"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="Shareaza can download files from the web (HTTP), and automatically search and download P2P links (Magnet, Gnutella, eDonkey2000, mP2P)."/> <control caption="Shareaza can also download BitTorrent files. A torrent can be described by an xyz.torrent file, or a HTTP link to the .torrent file. To download a torrent HTTP link, paste it in the box above. If you already have a .torrent file, click Open Torrent:"/> <control caption="فتح _Torrent..."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CNewSearchDlg" cookie="EdCoBuBu" caption="بحث جديد|البحث مرة اخرى|ابحث في المكتبة"> <control/><control/> <control caption="بحث"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFilterSearchDlg" cookie="BuEdStBuStEdStEdStEdmsStBuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuBu" caption="Filter Matches"> <control caption="Only show matches which include the _words:"/> <control/> <control caption="( you can also exclude words with -word )"/> <control caption="And are of _size (KB):"/> <control caption="Minimum:"/> <control/> <control caption="Maximum:"/> <control/> <control caption="With at least:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="مصادر."/> <control caption="_اخفاء:"/> <control caption="Busy hosts"/> <control caption="Firewalled/push hosts"/> <control caption="Unstable hosts"/> <control caption="Non-matching files"/> <control caption="Files you have already"/> <control caption="Bogus results"/> <control caption="فرز"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDiscoveryServiceDlg" cookie="BuEdStCoBuBu" caption="Discovery Service"> <control caption="Service _Address:"/> <control/> <control caption="Discovery Service Type:"/> <control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDownloadMonitorDlg" cookie="StStStStStStStStStStStStStBuBuBuBuBu" caption="تحميل : Shareaza"> <control caption="Shareaza is downloading:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control/><control/><control/> <control caption="Total transfer speed:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="Estimated time remaining:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="Volume downloaded:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="عدد المصادر:"/> <control caption="..."/> <control caption="اغلق هذه النافذه عن اكتمال التحميل"/> <control caption="فتح ملف"/> <control caption="عرض المكتبة"/> <control caption="ايقاف التحميل"/> <control caption="اخفاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFileGeneralPage" cookie="StEdEdEdEdStStEdStEdStEdStEdEdEd" caption="عام"> <control caption="Universal Resource Names (URNs)"/> <control/><control/><control/><control/> <control caption="خواص الملف"/> <control caption="الموقع:"/> <control/> <control caption=":النوع"/> <control/> <control caption=":معدل"/> <control/> <control caption=":الحجم"/> <control/><control/><control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFileMetadataPage" cookie="CoEd" caption="Metadata"> <control/><control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFileCommentsPage" cookie="StStCoStEdEd" caption="My Review"> <control caption="My Rating"/> <control caption="I rate this file:"/> <control/> <control caption="My Review and Comments"/> <control/><control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFileSharingPage" cookie="StBuBuBuStCoStSyEd" caption="مشاركة"> <control caption="Simple Sharing"/> <control caption="Share this file if the parent folder is shared"/> <control caption="Override sharing setting for this file:"/> <control caption="Make this file available to other users"/> <control caption="Upload Queue Selection Tag(s)"/> <control/> <control caption="-Networks to Share On"/> <control/><control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFileSourcesPage" cookie="StStEdSyBuBuEd" caption="المصادر"> <control caption="Known Sources"/> <control caption="اضف مصدر جديد"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="_اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFileCopyDlg" cookie="StStmsBuBumsStSt" caption="نسخ ملفات|نقل ملفات"> <control caption="You have selected %i file(s) to copy to the following folder:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control/> <control caption="Ready..."/> <control caption="You have selected %i file(s) to move to the following folder:"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFolderPropertiesDlg" cookie="StEdStCoBuStBuBu" caption="خصائص مجلد الالبوم"> <control caption=":عنوان مجلد الالبوم"/> <control/> <control caption=":نوع الجلد"/> <control/> <control caption="الكل"/> <control caption="Copy these common properties to each file in the folder"/> <control caption="نعم"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CGraphListDlg" cookie="SyBuBuBuBuBuBuBuBuStEdmsStBuEdBuBu" caption="Traffic Graphs"> <control/> <control caption="_اضافة..."/> <control caption="_تحرير..."/> <control caption="_ازالة"/> <control caption="_اظهار:"/> <control caption="خطوط الشبكة"/> <control caption="Vertical Axis"/> <control caption="Legend"/> <control caption="Sampling _Frequency:"/> <control caption="Period between samples:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="ms"/> <control caption="_الاسم:"/> <control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CGraphItemDlg" cookie="BuBuBuCoCoStStEdBuBuStBu" caption="Graph Item Properties"> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="_المصدر:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="Parameter:"/> <control caption="Units:"/> <control/> <control caption="_العرض:"/> <control caption="اختر اللون..."/> <control/> <control caption="_حذف"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CSchemaColumnsDlg" cookie="CoSyBuBuSt" caption="Select Columns from Schema"> <control/><control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="Select a schema from the list, then select the fields to display as columns."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CSecureRuleDlg" cookie="BuStCoStEdBuStEdEdEdEdStEdEdEdEdBuEdBuBuBuStCoStCoEdStEdStEdStBuBu" caption="قاعدة الامن"> <control caption="_القاعده:"/> <control caption="النوع:"/> <control/> <control caption="ملاحظات:"/> <control/> <control caption="_عنوان الشبكة:"/> <control caption="IP عنوان:"/> <control/><control/><control/><control/> <control caption="قناع الشبكة:"/> <control/><control/><control/><control/> <control caption="_Content Filter:"/> <control/> <control caption="Match Any"/> <control caption="Match All"/> <control caption="_خيارات:"/> <control caption="Action:"/> <control/> <control caption="تصدير:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="d"/> <control/> <control caption="h"/> <control/> <control caption="m"/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CShareManagerDlg" cookie="StStSyBuBuBuBu" caption="Shared Folder Manager"> <control/> <control caption="This is a list of folders in your library. You can add and remove folders using the buttons on the right. When you add a new folder it is initially shared with other users, however you can unshare it from the Shareaza library if you wish."/> <control/> <control caption="_...اضف"/> <control caption="_حذف"/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CURLCopyDlg" cookie="StStStStStBuBu" caption="نسخ الرابط"> <control/> <control caption="You can copy a URI for the selected item in a variety of different formats. Please choose the format you wish to use by clicking one of the URIs below:"/> <control/><control/><control/> <control caption="Include _myself as a fixed source in the URL"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CURLExportDlg" cookie="StStEdStCoStCoBuBums" caption="تصدير روابط"> <control/> <control caption="You have selected %lu files to export as Shareaza-powered URI references. Please select the format for the URIs, and click Save:"/> <control/> <control caption="Insert Token:"/> <control/> <control caption="Select preset:"/> <control/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="...حفظ"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CURLActionDlg" cookie="StStStStStEdStEdStBuBuBuBuBuSt" caption="Shareaza URI Manager"> <control/> <control caption="You have clicked on a Shareaza-powered URI which links to the following content on the network:"/> <control caption="You have clicked on a Shareaza-powered URL which will connect you to the following host or server:"/> <control caption="You have clicked on a Shareaza-powered URI which will allow you to browse the shared files available on the following host:"/> <control/><control/><control/><control/> <control caption="Please select the action you would like Shareaza to take:"/> <control caption="_التحميل الان"/> <control caption="_البحث عن ملف"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="_تذكر اختياري في المرة القادمة"/> <control caption="Open a download _monitor window"/> <control caption="You have clicked on a Shareaza-powered URI which will add the following Discovery Service to your Discovery Services cache."/> </dialog> <dialog name="CBitziDownloadDlg" cookie="StStmsBuSySt" caption="Downloading Metadata..."> <control/> <control caption="Shareaza is attempting to download metadata from Bitzi(TM)..."/> <control/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control/> <control caption="www.bitzi.com"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CFilePreviewDlg" cookie="StStStmsStBu" caption="Smart Download Preview..."> <control/> <control caption="Shareaza is creating a preview of the download:"/> <control/><control/> <control caption="(copying downloaded chunks to a new preview file)"/> <control caption="Cancel"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CWarningsDlg" cookie="StStStStStStStBu" caption="Shareaza Respects its Users"> <control/> <control caption="Did you know Shareaza is a 100% free product?"/> <control caption="Shareaza does NOT contain ANY "spyware", "adware" or other bundled software. It does NOT display any advertisements or "popups", ever.{n}{n}If you ever see advertising or "popups" while using Shareaza, be assured that they are NOT coming from this program."/> <control caption="Unfortunately a lot of other software does come with undesirable adware or spyware, so if you see something suspicious you may wish to check your PC with an advertising or spyware removal program."/> <control caption="You should not have had to pay any money to obtain Shareaza. Shareaza can be freely downloaded by anyone from www.shareaza.com. If you paid someone money for Shareaza, you should demand a full refund immediately."/> <control caption="Shareaza respects its users!"/> <control caption="www.shareaza.com"/> <control caption="اغلاق"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CPromoteDlg" cookie="StStStStStStStBu" caption="Spread the Word"> <control/> <control caption="Help Us Spread the Word"/> <control caption="We hope you have enjoyed using Shareaza so far. We believe it is the best file sharing application around."/> <control caption="Unfortunately, a lot of file sharers don't know what they're missing!"/> <control caption="If you know someone who would like Shareaza, whether they're a new user or someone still putting up with an inferior product, why not let them know there is a better alternative?"/> <control caption="Chances are they'll be grateful you rescued them!"/> <control caption="www.shareaza.com"/> <control caption="موافق"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CExistingFileDlg" cookie="StStStStStBuBuBuBuBuSt" caption="Downloading Existing File"> <control/><control/><control/><control/> <control caption="You already have this file in your file library. What would you like to do?"/> <control caption="Show me the file in my library"/> <control caption="حمل الملف مرة اخرى"/> <control caption="لا تحمل هذا الملف"/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control caption="سبق وان حملت وحذفت هذا الملف من قبل. ماذا تريد ان تفعل?"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CCloseModeDlg" cookie="StStBuBuBuBuBu" caption="Close Button"> <control/> <control caption="This is the first time you have clicked Shareaza's close button. Please choose what action you would like Shareaza to take when clicking the close button from now on:"/> <control caption="Minimise to the tray area"/> <control caption="Shut down Shareaza immediately"/> <control caption="Shut down Shareaza after any downloads and uploads finish"/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDonkeyServersDlg" cookie="StStEdmsBuBu" caption="Download Server.met File"> <control/> <control caption="You can download an eDonkey2000 server.met file from the web to refresh your local list of servers."/> <control/> <control/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CHelpDlg" cookie="StBuAf" caption="Shareaza مساعده"> <control/> <control caption="اغلاق"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDeleteFileDlg" cookie="StStBuBuBuStStBuBuBuBuStEd" caption="حذف ملف"> <control caption="Are you sure that you want to delete:"/> <control/> <control caption="حذف"/> <control caption="حذف الكل"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> <control/> <control caption="Shareaza can remember this file and warn you if you come across it again in another search. Please select the reason for deleting this file:"/> <control caption="I don't want to add a comment."/> <control caption="This file is named incorrectly, and could be misleading."/> <control caption="This file is of very poor quality."/> <control caption="This file is a fake, or is corrupt or somehow unusable."/> <control caption="You can type a short note describing why this file is bad:"/> <control/> </dialog> <dialog name="CCollectionExportDlg" cookie="StBuBu" caption="تصدير مجلد"> <control caption="This feature is used to export the contents of an album folder as a rich collection file."/> <control caption="تصدير..."/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> <dialog name="CDownloadEditDlg" cookie="StBuEdBuStEdStEdStEdBuStStBuStEdStEdBuBuBuBu" caption="Edit Download (Advanced)"> <control caption="WARNING: This dialog provides advanced download editing features for power users which if used incorrectly can and probably will cause corruption."/> <control caption="الملف_اسم:"/> <control/> <control caption="_URNs:"/> <control caption="SHA1:"/> <control/> <control caption="Tiger-Root:"/> <control/> <control caption="ED2K:"/> <control/> <control caption="_Actions:"/> <control caption="Forget current verification status (and reverify)"/> <control caption="Forget all known sources"/> <control caption="Data _Eraser:"/> <control caption="Erase bytes:"/> <control/> <control caption="to"/> <control/> <control caption="Erase"/> <control caption="_Torrent معلومات عن..."/> <control caption="موافق"/> <control caption="الغاء"/> </dialog> </dialogs> </skin>