ocr: Bookmarks JDX Bookmarks) Registry key Value Description HKEY.LOCALMACHINEISYSTEMCumNn. Conhguration datal that applies to the TCPAP service as a whc HKEY LOCALS MACHINESTSTEMCUET Conliguiation datal for the Miciosolt implemertaliond ICPVP JHKEY_LOCAL MACHINESYSTEMICuEN Stores a list of the communities defined to the: SNMP: service. HKEY.LOCALMACHINESYSTEMICUMEN Stores the names of hosts designated to receive trap message UHKEYZLOCALMACHINESTSTEMICUMEN. Stores the name of the hosts that receives trap messages fort t JHKEY.LOCALMACHINEISYSTEMCumn. Stores the names of hosts that are permitted to ...