"This copy of KeyCue has been modified." = "This copy of KeyCue has been modified.\Please replace it with a fresh copy from our server <www.macility.com>.";
"This beta version expires on <m>/<d>/<y>." = "This beta version will expire on %02d/%02d/%d.";
"This beta version has expired on <m>/<d>/<y>." = "This beta version has expired on %02d/%02d/%d.";
"No shortcuts available." = "No menu shortcuts are available right now.";
"This beta version of KeyCue has expired." = "This beta version of KeyCue has expired.";
"Please download a newer version from <www.macility.com>." = "Please download a newer version from <www.macility.com>.";
"KeyCue is not registered." = "KeyCue is not registered.\nIt will run in demo mode until you unlock it with a license key.";
"This license key is invalid." = "This license key is invalid.\nPlease check for typing errors and try again. Until you enter a valid key, KeyCue will run in demo mode.";
"KeyCue is registered with the licence key above. This license key entitles you for free updates up to a release date of <m>/<y>." = "KeyCue is registered with the licence key above.\nThis license key entitles you for free updates of KeyCue up to a release date of %02d/%d.";
"This license key is only valid for KeyCue releases up to <m>/<y>." = "This license key is only valid for KeyCue releases up to <m>/<y>.\nPlease visit our online store to renew your license.";
"This version of KeyCue was released in <m>/<y> and is too old for your license key." = "This version of KeyCue was released in %02d/%d and is too old for your license key. Please visit <www.macility.com> for a newer version.";
"This license key is already in use by xxx." = "This license key is already in use by '%s'.\nKeyCue will run in demo mode until you enter a unique license key.";
"This beta version will expire on <m>/<d>/<y>." = "This beta version will expire on %02d/%02d/%d.";
"KeyCue is registered with the license key above. Anyway, this beta version will expire on <m>/<d>/<y>." = "KeyCue is registered with the license key above.\nAnyway, this beta version will expire on %02d/%02d/%d.";
"Unlock KeyCue with a license key to see the items marked with (R)" = "Unlock KeyCue with a license key to see the items marked with ®.";
"KeyCue requires Mac OS X 10.3" = "KeyCue requires at least Mac OS X version 10.3.";
"This copy of KeyCue has been modified." = "This copy of KeyCue has been modified.\rPlease reinstall a fresh copy.";
"Access for assistive device must be enabled." = "Um mit KeyCue zu arbeiten, müssen Sie die Option \"Enable access for assistive devices\" einschalten.";
/* labels for the Register button */
"Register" = "Register";
"Unregister" = "Unregister";
"Re-Register" = "Re-Register";
/* The following messages are split into up to four parts for internal reasons.
Each part will appear on a separate line; try to keep the lines short and
about the same length.
Unneeded parts should be set to the empty string.
If an empty line is desired, use a string consisting of a single space character.
"Version Error 1" = "You had an older version of KeyCue installed previously.";
"Version Error 2" = "Please log out and in again to use the new version.";
"Version Error 3" = "";
"Version Error 4" = "";
"UIScripting 1" = "To see the available shortcuts, you need to activate the checkbox";
"UIScripting 2" = "\"Enable access for assistive devices\".";