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// Turkish language module for EVEREST // Translated by ╓zkan Ak (o_ak@yahoo.com) // Last updated: Apr 25, 2004 // Hata, ÷neri ve hertⁿrlⁿ geri bildirimleriniz iτin bana e-mail atabilirsiniz // Bu daha iyi bir τevirinin olu■mas²na yard²mc² olacakt²r. // Lⁿtfen olu■turaca≡²n²z donan²m (CSV) raporlar²n² program²n yazar²na g÷nderin // application menus &File=&Dosya &View=&G÷rⁿnⁿm &Report=&Rapor &Audit=De&netleme Re&mote=&Uzak Fav&orites=&S²k Kullan²lanlar &Information=&Bilgi &Help=&Yard²m // application menuitems &Audit Manager=&Denetleme Y÷neticisi &Database Manager=&Veritaban² Y÷neticisi &Change Manager=&De≡i■iklik Y÷neticisi &Preferences=&Tercihler E&xit=&╟²k²■ &Search=&Arama Large &Icons=&Bⁿyⁿk Simgeler &Small Icons=&Kⁿτⁿk Simgeler &List=&Liste &Details=&Ayr²nt²lar &Report Wizard=&Rapor Sihirbazi Qu&ick Report=&H²zl² Rapor All pages=Tⁿm Sayfalar menu=Menⁿ Menu=Menⁿ Report &Converter=Rapor &D÷nⁿ■tⁿrⁿcⁿ R&emote Report Wizard=&Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz² &Add Report Files=Rapor Dosyalar² &Ekle Add Reports from Data&base=&Veritaban²ndan Rapor Ekle &Files=&Dosyalar F&older=Kl&as÷r Compare &List=&Kar■²la■t²rma Listesi &Computers=&Bilgisayarlar &Users=&Kullan²c²lar &Statistics Details=&▌statistik Ayr²nt²lar² Statistics &Diagram=▌statistik Diya&gram² Full &HTML Report=Tam &HTML Raporu Remove &Computer from Audit=Denetlemeden Uzak &Bilgisayar² Kald²r Remove All C&omputers from Audit=Denetlemeden &Tⁿm Bilgisayarlar² Kald²r &Join Lines=&Sat²rlar² Birle■tir D&elete Section=&B÷lⁿmⁿ Sil Connect to &Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara &Ba≡lan &Monitor Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar² &G÷zlemle &Accept Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba≡lant²lar² &Kabul Et &Ignore Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba≡lant²lar² &Yoksay Remote Computer &Information=Uzak Bilgisayar &Bilgisi Me&ssage to Remote User=Uzak Kullan²c²ya &▌leti &Browse Files=&Dosyalara G÷zat &Processes=&Sⁿreτler Screen S&hot=Ekran Res&mi &Full Size=&Tam Boyut &Half Size=1/&2 Boyut Q&uarter Size=1/&4 Boyut &Operations=&▌■lemler R&un Program=Program² B&a■lat &Close %s=%s &Kapat &Turn Off=&Kapat &Restart=Yeniden B&a■lat &Log Off=&Oturumu Kapat &View Log=&Gⁿnlⁿ≡ⁿ G÷ster &Disconnect=&Ba≡lant²y² Kes Add to &Favorites=S²k Kullan²lanlara &Ekle Remove from F&avorites=S²k Kullan²lanlardan &Kald²r &Web=&Web &Info Database Status=&Veritaban² Durumu &What's New=&Yenilikler Neler? %s &Online=%s &╟evrimiτi &Contact=&Temas &License=&Lisans C&ommand-line Options=&Komut-sat²r² Seτenekleri &About=H&akk²nda Preferences=Tercihler License Agreement=Lisans Antla■mas² Registration=Kay²t What's New=Yenilikler Neler? // remote control Local=Yerel Remote=Uzak Connect to Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara Ba≡lan Connect to &single computer=&Tek Bir Bilgisayara Ba≡lan Address:=Adres: Scan local &network for computers=&Bilgisayarlar iτin yerel a≡² tara Network:=A≡: Connection Established=Ba≡lant² Kuruldu Client Connected=▌stemci Ba≡land² Connection Refused=Ba≡lant² Reddedildi Please enter command line=Lⁿtfen komut girin Incoming Message=▌leti Geliyor To:=Kime: From:=Kimden: &Send=&G÷nder &Reply=&Yan²tla Run Program=Program² Ba■lat Remote File Browsing=Uzak PC'ye G÷zat Remote Screen Shot=Uzak PC Ekran G÷rⁿntⁿsⁿ Remote Program Launch=Uzak PC'de Program Ba■lat Remote Server Shutdown=Uzak Sunucuyu Kapat Remote Power Off=Uzak PC'yi Kapat Remote Restart=Uzak PC'yi Yeniden Ba■lat Remote Log Off=Uzak PC'de Oturumu Kapat Remote computer is currently busy. Please try again later=Uzak bilgisayar me■gul. Lⁿtfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin. Connection Type=Ba≡lant² Tⁿrⁿ Simple=Basit Command=Komut Server Log=Sunucu Gⁿnlⁿ≡ⁿ C&lear=Te&miz // remote monitor &Columns=&Kolonlar Remote Monitor=Uzak Ekran Connect to &Remote Computers=&Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba≡lan &Remove from List=&Listeden Kald²r Address=Adres Pending=Bekliyor Busy=Me■gul OS=▌■letim Sistemi Idle Time=Bo■ Zaman Mem. Total=Toplam Bellek Mem. Free=Kullan²labilir Bellek Disk Total=Toplam Disk Disk Free=Bo■ Disk Active Window=Etkin Pencere Screen Shot=Ekran G÷rⁿntⁿsⁿ Save Screen Shot=Ekran G÷rⁿntⁿsⁿnⁿ Kaydet JPEG files=JPEG Dosyas² Save &As=&Farkl² Kaydet Date Modified=Tarih De≡i■tirme Browse=G÷zat // remote report &New=&Yeni N&ew=Y&eni &Delete=&Sil &Select All=&Tⁿmⁿnⁿ Seτ &Clear All=T&ⁿmⁿnⁿ Temizle Command sent=Komut G÷nderildi Welcome to the Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz²na Ho■geldiniz! This wizard will help you to create report files of remote computers.=Bu sihirbaz uzak bilgisayarlar²n rapor dosyalar²n² olu■turman²zda size yard²mc² olacak. Remote computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar Please choose the computers you want to have report of:=Lⁿtfen rapor etmek istedi≡iniz bilgisayar² seτin: Report output=Rapor τ²kt²s² Please enter reports file name and reports folder:=Lⁿtfen rapor ad²n² ve rapor klas÷rⁿnⁿ girin: Save to &file=&Dosyaya Kaydet &Send in e-mail=E-mail ile g÷&nder // remote processes &End Process=▌■l&emi Sonland²r Are you sure you want to end '%s'?='%s' sonland²rmak istedi≡inize eminmisiniz? // winsock errors Remote computer cannot be found=Uzak bilgisayar bulunam²yor Connection timed out=Ba≡lant² zaman a■²m²na u≡rad² Remote computer name cannot be resolved=Uzak bilgisayar ad² τ÷zⁿlemiyor // info database status Info Database Status=Veritaban² Durumu Motherboards=Anakartlar Hard Disk Drives=Sabit Disk Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri Optical Drives=Optik Sⁿrⁿcⁿler Video Adapters=G÷rⁿntⁿ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² Monitors=Monit÷rler // database manager Database Manager=Veritaban² Y÷netici %d reports=%d raporu %d computers=%d bilgisayar %d users=%d kullan²c² %d days old=%d gⁿn %d reports selected=%d rapor seτildi &Refresh=&Yenile Show &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi■ Raporlar² G÷ster &Insert Report Files to Database=Raporlar² Veritaban²na &Ekle &Export Selected Reports=Seτili Raporlar² &Ver &Delete Selected Reports=Seτili Raporlar² &Sil Delete &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi■ Raporlar² Sil Switch &RComplete Field to Yes=&RComplete Alan²n² Evete De≡i■tir Do you want to insert '%s' file to database?='%s' dosyas²n² veritaban²na eklemek istiyormusunuz? Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=%d rapor dosyas²n² veritaban²na eklemek istiyormusunuz? outdated=eskimi■ Lines=Sat²rlar Reports=Raporlar Inserting report file to database=Rapor dosyas² veritaban²na ekleniyor Exporting report from database=Veritaban²ndan rapor veriliyor Deleting report from database=Veritaban²ndan rapor siliniyor Insert Report Files to Database=Rapor Dosyas²n² Veritaban²na Ekle &Use file name instead of computer name=&Bilgisayar ad² yerine dosya ad²n² kullan &Only insert the lines used by Audit Statistics=&Sadece Denetleme ▌statistikleri taraf²ndan kullan²lan sat²rlar² ekle &Show grid lines=&Izgara τizgilerini g÷ster // change manager Change Manager=De≡i■iklik Y÷netici &Start=&Ba■lat Checking for changes=De≡i■iklikler inceleniyor Full List=Tam Liste Value Before=╓nceki De≡er Value After=Sonraki De≡er Added=Eklendi Removed=Kald²r²ld² Changed=De≡i■tirildi %d events=%d olay Load reports from:=Raporlar² yⁿkle: &Folder (CSV report files):=&Klas÷r (CSV rapor dosyalar²): Filter=Filtre Filter By Date=Tarihe G÷re Filtrele Filter By Component=Bile■enlere G÷re Filtrele &List all events=Tⁿm Olaylar² &Listele List events occured in the past &days:=Geτmi■ gⁿnlerde &olan olaylar² listele: List events occured in the following date &interval:=A■a≡²daki tarih aral²≡²nda olan olaylar² l&istele: HW Components=HW Bile■enleri SW Components=SW Bile■enleri DMI Components=DMI Bile■enleri Displaying changes=De≡i■iklikler g÷rⁿntⁿleniyor // report converter Report Converter=Rapor D÷nⁿ■tⁿrⁿcⁿ Destination=Hedef Add &Files=&Dosya Ekle Add F&older=&Klas÷r Ekle &Remove=&Kald²r &Destination folder:=&Hedef klas÷r: Type of converted &reports:=&Raporlar²n d÷nⁿ■tⁿrⁿlme tⁿrⁿ: Converting report file=Rapor dosyas² d÷nⁿ■tⁿrⁿlⁿyor // hints Double-click to open file properties window=╓zellikler penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to browse share=Payla■²mlara g÷zatmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to modify user/group settings=Kullan²c²/grup ayarlar²n² de≡i■tirmek iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open display properties window=G÷rⁿntⁿ ÷zellikleri penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open multimedia properties window=Multimedya ÷zellikleri penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open game controller properties window=Oyun kumandalar² ÷zellikler penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open network connections window=A≡ ba≡lant² penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to run DirectX Diagnostics=DirectX tan² arac²n² τal²■t²rmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open printers window=Yaz²c²lar penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to modify task properties=G÷rev ÷zelliklerini de≡i■tirmek iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to uninstall program=Program² kald²rmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to launch Control Panel applet=Denetim masas²n² uygulamas²n² aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to empty recycle bin=Geri d÷nⁿ■ⁿm kutusunu bo■altmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to edit system file=Sistem dosyalar²n² dⁿzenlemek iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to browse folder=Klas÷re g÷zatmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open event properties window=Olay ÷zellikleri penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open ODBC properties window=ODBC-÷zellikleri penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to open statistics details window=▌statistik ayr²nt²lar² penceresini aτmak iτin τift t²klay²n Double-click to browse URL=URL'ye g÷zatmak iτin τift t²klay²n // init Loading Icons=Simgeler Yⁿkleniyor... Loading Driver=Sⁿrⁿcⁿler Yⁿkleniyor... Loading Data=Veri Yⁿkleniyor... Reading MSR Data=MSR-Verisi Okunuyor... Loading BIOS Content=BIOS iτeri≡i Yⁿkleniyor... Scanning SMART Devices=S.M.A.R.T. Ayg²tlar Taran²yor... Scanning Windows Devices=Windows Ayg²tlar² Taran²yor... Scanning PCI Devices=PCI Ayg²tlar Taran²yor... Measuring CPU Speed=CPU H²z² ╓lτⁿlⁿyor... Updating Windows Devices=Windows ayg²tlar² gⁿncelleniyor // internet update This program will be restarted to complete the update=Gⁿncellemenin tamamlanmas² iτin program yeniden ba■lat²lmal² NetUpdate is finished=NetUpdate tamamland² Query NetUpdate information=NetUpdate bilgisi sorgulan²yor... This software is up to date=Yaz²l²m gⁿncel Cannot complete the update=Gⁿncelleme tamamlanamad² %d KB downloaded=%d KB indirildi %d of %d KB=%d of %d KB Connecting to the Internet=Internete ba≡lan²l²yor... Starting Internet download session=Interneten indirilmeye ba■lan²yor... Connecting to NetUpdate server=NetUpdate Sunucusuna ba≡lan²l²yor... Downloading NetUpdate information=NetUpdate bilgisi indiriliyor... Query NetUpdate variants=NetUpdate de≡i■iklikleri sorgulan²yor ... No variants found=De≡i■iklik bulunamad² New version of %s found=%s 'in yeni sⁿrⁿmⁿ bulundu Do you want to upgrade to it=Gⁿncellemek istiyormusunuz? Question=Soru Ready to update=Gⁿncellemeye haz²r old=eski new=yeni Variant=De≡i■iklik Local Folder=Yerel Klas÷r bytes/s=Bayt/s KB/s=KB/s MB/s=MB/s MPixel/s=MPixel/s MTexel/s=MTexel/s Mbit/s=MBit/s Software Update=Yaz²l²m Gⁿncellemesi Downloading %s=%s indiriliyor Update Description=Gⁿncelleme Tan²m² Update Comment=Gⁿncelleme Aτ²klamas² Update Type=Gⁿncelleme Tⁿrⁿ Product Description=▄rⁿn Tan²m² Product Copyright=▄rⁿn Telif Hakk² Product Comment=▄rⁿn Aτ²klamas² Preview version - Only for testing purposes=╓ng÷rⁿnⁿm sⁿrⁿmⁿ - Sadece test amaτl² Beta release=Beta Sⁿrⁿmⁿ Final release=Son Sⁿrⁿm // report wizard Report wizard=Rapor Sihirbaz² Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz² Quick Report=H²zl² Rapor Remote Report=Uzak Rapor Command-line=Komut-sat²r² &Back=&Geri &Next=&▌leri Cancel=▌ptal &Load=&Yⁿkle &Save=&Kaydet &Finish=&Bitir Welcome to the Report wizard=Rapor Sihirbaz²na Ho■geldiniz! This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=Bu sihirbaz bilgisayar²z²n raporunu olu■turman²zda size yard²mc² olacak. After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=Sihirbaz tamamland²≡²nda raporu yazd²rabilirsiniz, dosyaya kaydedebilirsiniz yada e-mail ile g÷nderebilirsiniz. Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=Lⁿtfen τok bⁿyⁿk rapor dosyalar² ⁿretmemek iτin, mⁿmkⁿn oldu≡unca az bilgi seτmeyi deneyin. You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=Yazara τe■itli bilgisayarlar²n rapor dosyalar²n² g÷ndererek geli■tirmeye yard²mc² olabilirsiniz: To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=Yazara g÷nderece≡iniz raporlar²n ki■isel veya gizli bilgi iτermedi≡ine emin olmak iτin "Donan²m ile ilgi Sayfalar" Profilini seτmelisiniz. Report Profiles=Profilleri Raporla Please choose a desired report layout profile:=Lⁿtfen istedi≡iniz bir rapor yerle■im profilini seτin: &All pages=&Tⁿm Sayfalar Sys&tem Summary only=Yaln²z Sistem &╓zeti &Hardware-related pages=&Donan²m ile ilgi Sayfalar &Software-related pages=&Yaz²l²m ile ilgi Sayfalar B&enchmark pages=Kar■²la■t²rma &Testi Sayfalar² Pages required for a&udit=D&enetleme iτin gerek duyulan sayfalar &Custom selection=╓&zel Seτim &Load from file:=D&osyadan Yⁿkle: Custom Report Profile=╓zel Rapor profili Please select the pages you want to include in the report:=Raporunuza eklenmesini istedi≡iniz sayfalar² seτin: Report format=Rapor Biτimi Please choose a desired report format:=Lⁿtfen istedi≡iniz bir rapor biτimi seτin: Plain &Text=Dⁿz &Metin &Database=&Veritaban² Submit Report=Rapor G÷nder Report saved to '%s'=Rapor '%s' olarak kaydedildi Processing=▌■leniyor Transferring=Naklediliyor Done=Bitti Error=Hata Generating report=Rapor olu■turuluyor Saving report=Rapor Kaydediliyor Preparing MHTML code=MHTML Kod haz²rlan²yor Generating MHTML code=MHTML Kod ⁿretiliyor Removing MHTML temp files=Geτici MHTML dosyalar² siliniyor %d of %d=%d / %d &Close=&Kapat &Stop=&Dur &Registration Request=K&ay²t ▌ste≡i Opening report file '%s'='%s' Rapor dosyas² aτ²l²yor Homepage=Anasayfa Report Type=Rapor Tⁿrⁿ Generator=Olu■turan Computer Type=Bilgisayar Tⁿrⁿ Date=Tarih Time=Saat %d cylinders, %d heads, %d sectors per track, %d bytes per sector=%d Silindir, %d Kafa, %d Kesim/▌z, %d Bayt/Kesim Load Report Profile=Rapor Profili Yⁿkle Save Report Profile=Rapor Profili Kaydet %s report files=%s Rapor dosyas² %s archives=%s Ar■iv All files=Tⁿm dosyalar Report files=Rapor dosyas² Report of <%s>=<%s> Raporu Physical Drive=Fiziksel Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Report has been inserted into a database. Report output is not visible.=Rapor veritaban²na eklendi. Rapor τ²kt²s² g÷rⁿnⁿr de≡il. Warning: Error occured during report generation process=Uyar²: Rapor olu■turulurken hata olu■tu. Save To File=Dosyaya Kaydet Send In E-mail=E-Mail ile G÷nder Print Preview=Bask² ╓nizleme Print=Yazd²r Print Pre&view=&Bask² ╓nizleme &Print=&Yazd²r Close=Kapat // audit manager Audit Manager=Denetleme Y÷neticisi &Undo=&Geri Al Components=Bile■enler Audit Components=Denetleme Bile■enleri Audit Filter=Denetleme Filtresi List 1 (HW Component)=Liste 1 (HW bile■enleri) List 2 (SW Component)=Liste 2 (SW bile■enleri) List 3 (DMI Component)=Liste 3 (DMI bile■enleri) List 4 (Computer)=Liste 4 (bilgisayar) Statistics 1 (Narrow)=▌statistik 1 (S²n²rl²) Statistics 2 (Wide)=▌statistik 2 (Kapsaml²) &Edit=&Dⁿzenle &Copy=&Kopyala Copy &All=&Tⁿmⁿnⁿ Kopyala Statistics Details=▌statistik Ayr²nt²lar² Statistics Diagram=▌statistik Diyagram² Save Statistics Diagram=▌statistik Diyagram²n² Kaydet Operating System Family=▌■letim Sistemi Ailesi CPU Manufacturer=CPU ▄reticisi CPU Count=CPU Say²s² CPU Clock=CPU Saati CPU Type & Clock=CPU Tⁿrⁿ& Saati System Memory Size=Sistem Bellek Boyutu System Memory Type=Sistem Bellek Tⁿrⁿ Memory Modules Count=Bellek Modⁿlleri Say²s² Video Adapter + Memory Size=G÷rⁿntⁿ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² + Bellek Boyutu Monitor + Serial Number=Monit÷r + Seri Numaras² Local Disks Total Size=Yerel Disk Toplam Boyutu Local Disks Free Space=Yerel Disk Bo■ Alan² Local Disks Space Percent=Yerel Disk Bo■ Alan Yⁿzdesi Disk Drives Count=Disk Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Say²s² Optical Drives Count=Optik Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Say²s² Partition Size=B÷lⁿm Boyutu Partition Free Space=B÷lⁿm Bo■ Alan² Partition Space Percent=B÷lⁿm Bo■ Alan Yⁿzdesi Partitions Count=B÷lⁿm Say²s² Modem=Modem Network Adapter + IP Address=A≡ Kart² + IP-Adresi Primary IP Address=Birincil IP-Adresi Primary MAC Address=Birincil MAC-Adresi Installed Programs + Version=Yⁿklⁿ Programlar + Sⁿrⁿm DMI BIOS Vendor=DMI BIOS Sa≡lay²c²s² DMI BIOS Version=DMI BIOS Sⁿrⁿmⁿ DMI System Manufacturer=DMI Sistem ▄retiτisi DMI System Product=DMI Sistem ▄rⁿn Ad² DMI System Version=DMI Sistem Sⁿrⁿmⁿ DMI System Serial Number=DMI Sistem Seri Numaras² DMI System UUID=DMI Sistem UUID DMI Motherboard Manufacturer=DMI Anakart ▄retiτisi DMI Motherboard Product=DMI Anakart ▄rⁿn Ad² DMI Motherboard Version=DMI Anakart Sⁿrⁿmⁿ DMI Motherboard Serial Number=DMI Anakart Seri Numaras² DMI Chassis Manufacturer=DMI Kasa ▄retiτisi DMI Chassis Version=DMI Kasa Sⁿrⁿmⁿ DMI Chassis Serial Number=DMI Kasa Seri Numaras² DMI Chassis Asset Tag=DMI Kasa Etiketi DMI Chassis Type=DMI Kasa Tⁿrⁿ No devices found=Bulunan ayg²t yok Gathering audit data=Toplanan denetleme verisi Displaying audit data=G÷rⁿntⁿlenen denetleme verisi Adding reports to audit=Raporlar denetlemeye ekleniyor Connecting to database=Veritaban²na ba≡lan²l²yor Successful database connection=Ba■ar²l² veritaban² ba≡lant²s² Database connection failed=Veritaban² ba≡lant²s² ba■ar²lamad² ***Successful FTP connection=Sikeres FTP kapcsolodas ***FTP connection failed=Sikertelen FTP kapcsolodas Text files=Metin dosyalar² Auto Load=Otomatik Yⁿkle Automatically load reports from:=Raporlar² otomatik yⁿkle: &No auto load=&Otomatik yⁿkleme yok &Use file name as computer name=&Bilgisayar ad² olarak dosya ad²n² kullan Filter "&PCI Device" list (enter keywords):="&PCI ayg²t²" listesini filtrele (anahtar s÷zcⁿk girin): Filter "&USB Device" list (enter keywords):="&USB ayg²t²" listesini filtrele (anahtar s÷zcⁿk girin): Filter "&Installed Programs" list (enter keywords):="&Yⁿklⁿ Programlar" listesini filtrele (anahtar s÷zcⁿk girin): Excluded Computers=D²■lanm²■ Bilgisayarlar Excluded Users=D²■lanm²■ Kullan²c²lar // registration &From:=&Kimden: &To:=K&ime: S&ubject:=K&onu: &Comment:=&Aτ²klama: E-mail transfer protocol:=E-Mail Aktar²m Kural²: Mail &account:=&Mail Hesab²: SMTP &display name:=&SMTP g÷sterge ad²: SMTP e-mail add&ress:=SMT&P E-Mail Adres: SMTP ser&ver:=SM&TP Sunucusu: recommended=Tavsiye edilen Send In &E-mail=E-M&ail G÷nder E-mail sent=E-Mail g÷nderildi E-mail not sent=E-Mail g÷nderilemedi Success=Ba■ar²l² Failed=Ba■ar²s²z Authentication failed=Kimlik Denetimi ba■ar²lamad² Recipient not found=Al²c² Bulunamad² Attachment not found=Eklenti Bulunamad² Attachment open failure=Eklenti aτ²m² ba■ar²lamad² Insufficient memory=Yetersiz Bellek Message text too large=▌leti metni τok bⁿyⁿk Too many attachments=╟ok fazla eklenti Too many recipients=╟ok fazla al²c² User abort=Kullan²c² durdurdu Connection required=Ba≡lant² gerekli Invalid host=Anabilgisayar gecersiz E-mail header incomplete=E-Mail ba■l²≡² eksik Connection to SMTP server failed=SMTP sunucusuna ba≡lant² sa≡lanamad² Sending E-mail=E-Mail g÷nderiliyor Connecting=Ba≡lan²yor // page descs Computer description, system summary=Bilgisayar Tan²m², Sistem ╓zeti System summary=Sistem ╓zeti Computer and domain name information=Bilgisayar ve alan ad² bilgisi Desktop Management Interface information=Masaⁿstⁿ Y÷netim Arabirimi (DMI) bilgisi Overclock information=Overclock bilgisi Power management information=Gⁿτ y÷netimi bilgisi System temperature, voltage values, cooling fans information=Sistem s²cakl²≡², voltaj de≡erleri, so≡utucu fan bilgisi Motherboard, processors, memory, chipset, BIOS information=Anakart, ▌■lemci(ler), Bellek, ╟ipset, BIOS Bilgisi Central processor properties and physical information=Merkezi i■lemci ÷zellikleri ve teknik bilgi CPUID instruction information=CPUID y÷nerge bilgisi Central processors list=Merkezi ▌■lemci Listesi Motherboard properties and physical information=Anakart ÷zellikleri ve teknik bilgi System memory and swap space information=Sistem belle≡i ve sanal bellek bilgisi Motherboard chipset and AGP properties, RAM modules list=Anakart τipseti ve AGP ÷zellikleri, RAM modⁿlleri Listesi System BIOS information=Sistem BIOS Bilgisi Operating system, services, processes, drivers information=▌■letim sistemi, Hizmetler, ▌■lemler, Sⁿrⁿcⁿ bilgisi Operating system information=▌■letim sistemi bilgisi Running processes list=╟al²■an i■lem listesi Installed system drivers list=Yⁿklⁿ sistem sⁿrⁿcⁿleri listesi Services list=Hizmetler Listesi List of .AX files in system folder=Sistem klas÷rⁿndeki .AX dosyalar² listesi List of .DLL files in system folder=Sistem klas÷rⁿndeki .DLL dosyalar² listesi UpTime and DownTime statistics=Hizmet Sⁿresi ve Aksakl²k Sⁿresi istatistikleri Server information=Sunucu Bilgisi Shared folders and printers list=Payla■²lan klas÷r ve yaz²c²lar listesi Remotely opened files list=Uzaktan aτilmi■ dosya listesi Account security information=Hesap gⁿvenlik bilgisi List of users logged into this computer=Bu bilgisayarda kay²tl² kullan²c² listesi User accounts list=Kullan²c² hesaplar² listesi Local groups and their members list=Yerel gruplar ve onlar²n ⁿye listesi Global groups and their members list=Genel gruplar ve onlar²n ⁿye listesi Display adapters, monitors, desktop information=Ekran Ba≡da■t²r²c²s², Monit÷r, Masaⁿstⁿ bilgisi Display adapters information=Ekran Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² bilgisi List of video adapters connected to PCI bus and AGP port=PCI/AGP portuna tak²lm²■ g÷rⁿntⁿ ba≡da■t²r²c² listesi Graphics processor information=Grafik i■lemci bilgisi Monitors list, Plug-n-Play monitor information=Monit÷r listesi, Tak ve kullan monit÷r bilgisi Desktop properties, desktop effects settings=Masaⁿstⁿ ÷zellikleri, Masaⁿstⁿ etkileri ayarlar² List of all monitors connected=Tⁿm ba≡l² monit÷rlerin listesi OpenGL video adapter information=OpenGL g÷rⁿntⁿ ba≡da■t²r²c² bilgisi Installed fonts list=Yⁿklⁿ yaz²tipi listesi Multimedia devices, audio and video codecs information=╟okluortam ayg²tlar², ses ve g÷rⁿntⁿ kodek bilgisi Audio input/output devices list=Ses giri■/τ²ki■ ayg²tlar² listesi List of audio adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=PCI ve ISA yoluna tak²l² tak-kullan ses ayg²tlar² listesi Audio codecs list=Ses kodekleri listesi Video codecs list=G÷rⁿntⁿ kodekleri listesi Media control devices list=Ortam control ayg²tlar² listesi Hard disks, CD & DVD drives, SMART information=Sabit diskler, CD & DVD-Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri, S.M.A.R.T. bilgisi Storage controllers and devices list=Depolama denetley²cileri ve ayg²tlar² listesi Logical drives information=Mant²ksal sⁿrⁿcⁿ bilgisi Physical drives information, partitions list=Fiziksel sⁿrⁿcⁿ bilgisi ve b÷lⁿm listesi CD & DVD drives information=CD & DVD sⁿrⁿcⁿ bilgisi ASPI SCSI devices list=ASPI SCSI ayg²tlar² ATA hard disks information=ATA sabit disk bilgisi SMART hard disk health information=S.M.A.R.T. sabit disk sa≡l²k bilgisi Network subsystem information=A≡ altsistem bilgisi Network adapters list=A≡ Ba≡da■t²r²c²lar² listesi List of network adapters connected to PCI and ISA Plug-n-Play bus=PCI ve ISA yoluna tak²l² tak-kullan a≡ ba≡da■t²r²c²lar² listesi. Modem, ISDN, DSL dial-up connections list=Modem, ISDN, DSL τevirmeli ba≡lant² listesi Network resources list=A≡ kaynaklar² listesi Outlook and Outlook Express accounts information=Outlook ve Outlook Express hesap bilgisi Internet settings=Internet ayarlar² List of network routes=A≡ Yollar²n²n Listesi Internet Explorer cookies list=Internet Explorer τerezleri(tan²mlama bilgisi) listesi Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera visited places list=Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator ve Opera ziyaret edilen sayfalar listesi DirectX devices information=DirectX ayg²tlar² bilgisi DirectX driver files list=DirectX sⁿrⁿcⁿ dosyalar² listesi DirectDraw and Direct3D display adapters information=DirectDraw ve Direct3D ekran ba≡da■t²r²c²lar² bilgisi DirectSound audio adapters information=DirectSound ses ba≡da■t²r²c²lar² bilgisi DirectMusic audio adapters information=DirectMusic ses ba≡da■t²r²c²lar² bilgisi DirectInput input devices information=DirectInput giri■ ayg²tlar² bilgisi DirectPlay network connections information=DirectPlay a≡ ba≡lant² bilgisi PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA devices list, printers information=PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA ayg²tlar² listesi, Yaz²c² bilgileri Devices installed in the system=Sistemde yⁿklⁿ ayg²tlar PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA devices and serial/parallel ports list=PCI, AGP, PnP, USB, PCMCIA ayg²tlar² ve seri/paralel ba≡lant² noktalar² listesi ***PCI and AGP devices list=PCI es AGP eszkozok listaja Device resources (IRQ, DMA, port, memory) list= Ayg²t kaynaklar² (IRQ, DMA, ba≡lant² noktalar², bellek) listesi Keyboard, mouse, game controllers information=Klavye, fare, oyun kumandalar² bilgisi Local and network printers list=Yerel ve a≡ yaz²c² listesi Software subsystem information=Yaz²l²m altsistem bilgisi Programs launched at system startup=Sistem aτ²l²■²nda τal²■an programlar Scheduled tasks list=Zamanlanm²■ g÷revler listesi Installed programs list=Yⁿklⁿ programlar listesi Custom programs list=╓zel programlar listesi List of programs found by file scanning=Dosya taramas²yla bulunan programlar listesi Software licenses list=Yaz²l²m lisanslar² listesi Installed Windows updates list=Yⁿklⁿ Windows gⁿncellemeleri listesi Anti-virus softwares list, virus database information=Antivirⁿs yaz²l²mlar² listesi, virⁿs veritaban² bilgisi Registered file types list=Kay²tl² dosya tⁿrleri listesi System configuration information=Sistem yap²land²rma bilgisi Regional settings=B÷lgesel ayarlar Environment variables list=Ortam de≡i■kenleri listesi Control Panel applets list=Denetim masas² uygulamalar² listesi Recycle Bins information=Geri d÷nⁿ■ⁿm kutusu bilgisi System files content=Sistem dosyalar²n²n iτeri≡i System folders list=Sistem klas÷rleri listesi Event logs content=Olay kay²tlar² iτeri≡i Database, BDE, ODBC information=Veritaban², BDE, ODBC bilgisi Database drivers list=Veritaban² sⁿrⁿcⁿleri listesi BDE drivers list=BDE sⁿrⁿcⁿleri listesi ODBC drivers list=ODBC sⁿrⁿcⁿleri listesi ODBC data sources list=ODBC veri kaynaklar² listesi Add report files=Rapor Dosyalar² Ekle Add reports from database=Veritaban²ndan Rapor Ekle Measure system performance=Sistem ba■ar²m² ÷lτⁿmⁿ Measure memory subsystem read performance=Bellek altsistem okuma ba■ar²m²n²n ÷lτⁿmⁿ Measure memory subsystem write performance=Bellek altsistem yazma ba■ar²m²n²n ÷lτⁿmⁿ Network audit statistics=A≡ denetleme istatistikleri Network audit list (by computer)=A≡ denetleme listesi (Bilgisayar) Network audit list (by component)=A≡ denetleme listesi (Bile■enler) // tips Problems & Suggestions=Sorunlar & ╓neriler Suggestion=╓neri Problem=Sorun Fault=Hata This may cause performance penalty.=Bu ba■ar²m²n dⁿ■mesine sebep olabilir. Disk free space is only %d%% on drive %s.=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ %s 'de bo■ alan sadece %d%% . No CPU L2 cache found.=CPU L2 ÷nbelle≡i yok. Pentium FDIV bug detected! Please contact Intel Corporation for assistance.=Pentium FDIV hatas² saptand²! Lⁿtfen yard²m iτin Intel Corporation ile ba≡lant² kurun. Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=╟o≡u 3D oyun en az 256 KB L2 ÷nbelle≡i ile daha iyi τal²■²r. Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² en az 1 GHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar. For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba■ar²m iτin Windows 9x en az 100 MHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar. For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba■ar²m iτin Windows 2000+ en az 300 MHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar. MMX is not supported.=MMX desteklenmiyor. SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE desteklenmiyor. ▌■lemcini yⁿkseltin, SSE iτin uyarlanm²■ uygulamalar²n²z²n h²z²n² artt²r²n. Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=3'ten az bellek yuvas² tespit edildi . Sistem belle≡inin geni■letilmesi zor olabilir. You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=32 MB'tan az sistem belle≡ine sahipsiniz. Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn i■letim sistemleri en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 128 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar. 3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=3D oyunlar en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 256 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar. Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Sunucu (bilgisayar) i■levleri en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 256 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar. Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Daha fazla sistem belle≡i yⁿkleyin, uygulamalar²n²z² h²zland²r²n. Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=Anakart τipseti tⁿm sistem belle≡ini ÷nbellekleyemez Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=Anakart τipseti daha fazla belle≡i tan²yamaz. External cache is asynchronous.=Harici ÷nbellek e■zamans²z. External cache is disabled.=Harici ÷nbellek etkin de≡il. Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Yava■ bellek (FPM / EDO / BEDO) tespit edildi. E≡er mⁿmkⁿnse SDRAM veya RDRAM'e yⁿkseltin. Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² h²zl² bellek ister (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM). AGP is disabled.=AGP etkin de≡il. AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP aral²k(aperture) boyutu sistem belle≡inin yar²s²ndan fazla. Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=▐u anki AGP h²z² desteklenen en yⁿksek h²zdan daha dⁿ■ⁿk. System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistem BIOS'u 2 y²ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise gⁿncelleyin. Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=G÷rⁿntⁿ BIOS'u 2 y²ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise gⁿncelleyin. Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=Sadece 1 CPU tak²l², Tek i■lemci HAL'²na de≡i■tirmelisiniz. Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=Sisteminiz Windows 2000/XP ile τal²■maya haz²r g÷rⁿnⁿyor. Bu sistemlere yⁿkseltmeyi dⁿ■ⁿnmelisiniz. Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=Sisteminiz Windows 98/Me ile τal²■maya haz²r g÷rⁿnⁿyor. Bu sistemlere yⁿkseltmeyi dⁿ■ⁿnmelisiniz. Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Servis paketi eskimi■. Windows NT alt²nda Servis Paketi 5 ve sonras² ÷nerilir. Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows 10 gⁿnden fazla τal²■²yor. Yeniden ba■latmak sistem ba■ar²m²n² artt²racakt²r. Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer eskimi■. Sⁿrⁿm 5.0 veya sonras² ÷nerilir. DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=DirectX bulunamad². Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn uygulamalar² ve oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar. DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX eskimi■. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn oyunlar² DirectX 7 ve sonras²n² gerektirir. Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=4 MB'tan az g÷rⁿntⁿ belle≡i bulundu. Daha iyi ba■ar²m iτin g÷rⁿntⁿ kart²n²z² yⁿkseltin. Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² en az 32 MB g÷rⁿntⁿ belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar. Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g÷rⁿntⁿ kalitesi iτin τ÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿ≡ⁿ artt²r²n. Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g÷rⁿntⁿ kalitesi iτin renk derinli≡ini artt²r²n. Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Baz² uygulamalar 32-bit renk derinli≡inde daha iyi τal²■²r. Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Bⁿyⁿk yaz² tipi kullanmak, ÷nceden ayarlanmam²■ uygulamarda g÷rsel sorunlara yol aτabilir . At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.=Klasik monit÷rler iτin en az 85 Hz dikey tarama h²z² ÷nerilir. Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=IP ba■l²k s²k²■t²rmas²n² etkinle■tirin, bu a≡ h²z²n²z² artt²racakt²r. Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Yaz²l²m s²k²■t²rmas²n² etkinle■tirin, bu a≡ h²z²n²z² artt²racakt²r. 32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit i■leme (rendering) desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar. Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Z-tamponlama desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar. 32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit Z-Buffer wird nicht unterstⁿtzt. Moderne 3D Spiele ben÷tigen dies aber m÷glicherweise. Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Anisotropic Filtreleme desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar. Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Stencil tamponlama desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar. Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Donan²m tabanl² D÷nⁿ■ⁿm & Ayd²nlatma desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar. // preferences Long Pages=Uzun Sayfalar Security Grade=Gⁿvenlik Derecesi New Item=Yeni ╓≡e Modify Item=╓≡eyi De≡i■tir General=Genel Stability=Kararl²l²k Layout=Yerle■im Security=Gⁿvenlik Report Look=Rapor G÷rⁿnⁿmⁿ Schedule=G÷rev Listesi E-mail=E-Mail Database=Veritaban² Remote Control=Uzak Kontrol Custom Components=╓zel Bile■enler Asset Profile=Profil De≡erleri Custom Programs=╓zel Programlar File Scanner=Dosya Taray²c² Computer primary role:=Bilgisayar²n ÷ncelikli rolⁿ: &General=&Genel 3&D Gaming=&3D-Oyun &Server=&Sunucu &Full name:=&Ad²: &E-mail address:=E-Mail &Adresi &Load device driver under Win95/98/Me=Win95/98/ME alt²nda ayg²t sⁿrⁿcⁿlerini &yⁿkle Lo&ad device driver under WinNT/2000/XP/2003=WinNT/2000/XP/2003 alt²nda ayg²t sⁿrⁿcⁿlerini yⁿ&kle Low-level &MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye &MSR i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir) Low-level &PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye &PCI i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir) Low-level &SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye &SMBus i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir) Low-level s&ensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye S&ensor i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir) Display XP-style icons=XP-Stili simgeleri g÷ster Enable "ASPI" page="ASPI" sayfas² etkin Enable "Audio Codecs" page="Ses Kodekleri" sayfas² etkin Enable "DMI" page="DMI" sayfas² etkin Enable "OpenGL" page="OpenGL" sayfas² etkin Enable "DirectX" menu="DirectX" menⁿsⁿ etkin Enable "Config" menu="Yap²land²r" menⁿsⁿ etkin Enable "Database" menu="Veritaban²" menⁿsⁿ etkin Enable "Benchmark" menu="Kar■²la■t²rmal² Test" Menⁿsⁿ etkin Extended "Event Logs" page=Geni■letilmi■ "Olay Kayd²" sayfas² Sort menu and submenu items alphabeticially=Menⁿ ve alt menⁿ ÷≡elerini alfabetik s²rala Limit long pages to 100 items=Uzun sayfalar² 100 ÷≡e ile s²n²rla Hide icon and bubble in Notification Area=Simgeleri ve balonlar² bildirim alan²nda gizle Remember main window position=Ana pencere konumu hat²rla Remember main window size=Ana pencere boyutunu hat²rla Display original CPU clock for mobile Intel processors=Mobil Intel i■lemcilerin orjinal CPU saatini g÷ster Report format:=Rapor biτimi: Plain Text=Dⁿz Metin &Compress reports before saving to file=Kaydetmeden ÷nce ra&porlar² s²k²■t²r C&ompress reports before sending in e-mail=E-Mail ile g÷ndermeden ÷nce raporlar² &s²k²■t²r Compress &reports before uploading to FTP=FTP'ye g÷ndermeden ÷nce raporlar² s²&k²■t²r E&nable report header=&Rapor sayfa ba■l²≡² etkin Ena&ble report footer=Rapor dip ¬u etkin Include &debug information in the report=Rapora &hata ay²klama bilgisi ekle Sho&w computer name in caption of the first report page=▌lk rapor sayfas²n²n ba■l²≡²nda bilgisayar ad²n² &g÷ster File &name:=&Dosya ad²: File extension:=Dosya uzant²s²: Output &folder:=╟²&k²■ klas÷rⁿ: A&utomatic=&Otomatik &Always:=D&aima: Normal Font=Normal yaz² tipi Page Caption Font=Sayfa ba■l²≡² yaz² tipi Device Caption Font=Ayg²t ba■l²≡² yaz² tipi Background color:=Arkaplan rengi: Name:=Ad²: Size:=Boyut: Color:=Renk: Style:=Stil: Colors=Renk Bold=Kal²n Italic=▌talik Restore Default &Values=&Varsay²lan De≡erlere D÷n Command-line options are limited to make report:=Komut-sat²r² seτeneklerini rapor yaparken s²n²rland²r: &Anytime=&Herhangi bir zaman Once a &day=&Bir Gⁿnlⁿk Once a &week=&Bir Haftal²k Once a &fortnight=&▌ki Haftal²k Once a &month=&Bir Ayl²k Store last run date in:=Son τal²■t²r²lma tarihini sakla: Custom file:=╓zel dosya: "&To:" address:="&Kime:" Adres: "&Cc:" address:="&Cc:" Adres: "&Bcc:" address:="&Bcc:" Adres: Embed T&XT reports to e-mail body=T&XT raporlar²n² e-mail iτine koy &Display name:=K&ullan²c² ad²: Ser&ver:=&Sunucu: SMT&P Port:=SMT&P Port: &Internet:=&Internet: &Local folder:=&Yerel Klas÷r: &Modify=&De≡i■tir &All=&Tⁿmⁿ Author=Yazar &Default=&Varsay²lan Select output folder:=╟²ki■ klas÷rⁿnⁿ seτ: Select local folder:=Yerel klas÷rⁿ seτ: Select report folder:=Rapor klas÷rⁿnⁿ seτ : Select BULK INSERT folder:=BULK INSERT klas÷rⁿnⁿ seτ: Confirm Item Delete=Silinecek ÷≡eler iτin onay al Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?='%s' ÷≡esini gerτekten silmek istiyormusunuz? Confirm Multiple Item Delete=Toplu silinecek ÷≡eler iτin onay al Are you sure you want to delete these %d items?=Bu %d ÷≡eyi gerτekten silmek istiyomusunuz? F&TP port:=F&TP port: FTP &folder:=FTP &Klas÷rⁿ: Use P&assive Mode=&Pasif Kipi Kullan P&rovider:=&Sa≡lay²c²s²: Data &source:=Veri &Kayna≡²: Data&base:=&Veritaban²: &Driver:=Sⁿ&rⁿcⁿ: &User:=K&ullan²c²: &Password:=&Parola: Use &Windows authentication=&Windows kimlik do≡rulamas²n² kullan Use &automatic identity increment=Otomatik kimlik &artt²rmas²n² kullan Use &MySQL optimization (requires MySQL 3.22.5 or later)=&MySQL iyile■tirmesini kullan (MySQL 3.22.5 veya sonras²n² gerektirir) Use BU&LK INSERT (requires a network folder with write permission)=BU&LK INSERT kullan (Yazma izinli a≡ klas÷rⁿ gerektirir) BULK INSERT &folder:=BULK INSERT &klas÷rⁿ: Not a UNC path=UNC yolu de≡il Select Database File=Veritaban² Dosyas²n² Seτ &Test=&Test C&onfigure=&Yap²land²r Enable remote file &browsing=Uzaktan dosya &g÷zatmas² etkin Enable remote screen &shot=Uzaktan ekran-&resmi etkin Enable remote program &launch=Uzaktan program &τal²■t²rmas² etkin Enable remote server sh&utdown=Uzaktan &sunucu kapatmas² etkin Enable remote &turn off, restart, log off=Uzaktan &kapat, yeniden ba■lat, oturumu kapat etkin T&CP/IP Port:=T&CP/IP Port: &All incoming connections are accepted=&Tⁿm gelen ba≡lant²lar² kabul et Connections are accepted only from the following &computers:=A■a≡²daki &bilgisayarlardan gelen ba≡lant²lar² kabul et: Connections are accepted only from the following &users:=A■a≡²daki &kullan²c²lardan gelen ba≡lant²lar² kabul et: Connections are accepted only from the following &IP addresses:=A■a≡²daki &IP adreslerinden gelen ba≡lant²lar² kabul et: Shot type:=Ekran-g÷rⁿntⁿsⁿ tipi: &Full screen=&Tam ekran Active &Window=&Etkin pencere C&ompression quality:=&S²k²■t²rma kalitesi: 1: worst, 99: best=1: en k÷tⁿ, 99: en iyi &Check if a specified file in a specified folder exists=&Belirtilen klas÷rde belirtilen dosya varsa kontrol et C&heck if a specified folder exists=B&elirtilen klas÷r varsa kontrol et &Scan a folder to find a file=&Dosya iτin klas÷rⁿ tara Folder name may contain one of the following control strings=Klas÷r ad² a■a≡²daki kontrol kelimelerinin birini iτermelidir Scan scope:=Tarama kapsam²: &No file scanning=&Taranan dosya yok Scan all &local disks=Tⁿm &yerel diskleri tara &Scan system drive=&Sistem sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿnⁿ tara Scan &C: drive=&C: sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿnⁿ tara Scan &ProgramFiles folder=&ProgramFiles klas÷rⁿnⁿ tara Scan ProgramFiles and &Windows folder=ProgramFiles ve &Windows klas÷rⁿnⁿ tara Filter:=Filtre: &All files=&Tⁿm dosyalar &Executable files=&╟al²■t²r²labilir dosyalar &DLL files=&DLL dosyalar² A&udio files=&Ses dosyalar² &Video files=&G÷rⁿntⁿ dosyalar² &Misc files:=D&i≡er dosyalar: // info menu Report=Rapor Remarks=Aτ²klamalar Computer=Bilgisayar Motherboard=Anakart Operating System=▌■letim Sistemi Server=Sunucu Display=G÷rⁿntⁿ Birimi Multimedia=╟okluortam Storage=Depolama Input=Giri■ Network=A≡ Devices=Ayg²tlar Software=Yaz²l²m Config=Yap²land²r Misc=Di≡er Benchmark=Kar■²la■t²rmal² Test Audit=Denetleme // custom variables &Registry entry=&Kay²t defteri giri■i &Environment variable=&Ortam de≡i■kenleri Line of text &file=Metin &dosyas²n²n sat²r² File=Dosya Line number=Sat²r numaras² // info menuitems Summary=╓zet Computer Name=Bilgisayar Ad² CPU=CPU Memory=Bellek Chipset=╟ipset Overclock=Overclock Power Management=Gⁿτ Y÷netimi Sensor=Alg²lay²c² Windows=Windows Processes=▌■lemler System Drivers=Sistem Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri Services=Hizmetler AX Files=AX Dosyalar² DLL Files=DLL Dosyalar² UpTime=Hizmet Sⁿresi Share=Payla■²m Opened Files=Aτ²lm²■ Dosyalar Account Security=Hesap Gⁿvenli≡i Logon=Oturum Users=Kullan²c²lar Local Groups=Yerel Gruplar Global Groups=Genel Gruplar Windows Video=Windows G÷rⁿntⁿ PCI / AGP Video=PCI / AGP G÷rⁿntⁿ GPU=Grafik ▌■lemci (GPU) Monitor=Monit÷r Desktop=Masaⁿstⁿ Multi-Monitor=╟oklu-Monit÷r Fonts=Yaz² Tipleri Windows Audio=Windows Ses PCI / PnP Audio=PCI / PnP Ses Audio Codecs=Ses Kodekleri Video Codecs=G÷rⁿntⁿ Kodekleri Windows Storage=Windows Depolama Logical Drives=Mant²ksal Sⁿrⁿcⁿler Physical Drives=Fiziksel Sⁿrⁿcⁿler SMART=S.M.A.R.T. Keyboard=Klavye Mouse=Fare Game Controller=Oyun Kumandalar² Windows Network=Windows A≡ PCI / PnP Network=PCI / PnP A≡ Net Resources=A≡ Kaynaklar² Internet=Internet Routes=Yollar IE Cookie=IE ╟erezler(Tan²mlama Bilgisi) Browser History=Bongeszo elozmenyek DirectX Files=DirectX Dosyalar² DirectX Video=DirectX G÷rⁿntⁿ DirectX Sound=DirectX Ses DirectX Music=DirectX Mⁿzik DirectX Input=DirectX Giri■ DirectX Network=DirectX A≡ Windows Devices=Windows Ayg²tlar² Physical Devices=Fiziksel Sⁿrⁿcⁿler Device Resources=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Kaynaklar² Printers=Yaz²c²lar Auto Start=Ba■lang²τ ╓≡eleri Scheduled=Zamanlanm²■ G÷revler Installed Programs=Yⁿklⁿ Programlar Licenses=Lisanslar Windows Update=Windows Gⁿncelleme Anti-Virus=Anti-Virⁿs File Types=Dosya Tipleri Regional=B÷lgesel Environment=Ortam De≡i■kenleri Control Panel=Denetim Masas² Recycle Bin=Geri D÷nⁿ■ⁿm Kutusu System Files=Sistem Dosyalar² System Folders=Sistem Klas÷rleri Event Logs=Olay Kayd² Database Drivers=Veritaban² Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri BDE Drivers=BDE Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri ODBC Drivers=ODBC Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri ODBC Data Sources=ODBC Veri Kaynaklar² Memory Read=Bellek Okuma Memory Write=Bellek Yazma // column captions Page=Sayfa Field=BilgiAlan² Value=De≡er Type=Tⁿr Class=S²n²f Process Name=▌■lem Ad² Process File Name=▌■lem Dosyas² Ad² Used Memory=Kullan²lan Bellek Used Swap=Kullan²lan Sanal Bellek Window Caption=Windows Ba■l²≡² Driver Name=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Ad² Driver Description=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Tan²m² State=Durum Service Name=Hizmet Ad² Service Description=Hizmet Tan²m² Account=Hesap AX File=AX Dosyas² DLL File=DLL Dosyas² Protected File=Korunan Dosya Share Name=Payla■²m Ad² Remark=Aτ²klama Local Path=Yerel Yol User=Kullan²c² Path=Yol Full Name=Tam Ad² Logon Server=Oturum Aτ²lm²■ Sunucu Group Name=Grup Ad² Device Description=Ayg²t Tan²m² Device Type=Ayg²t Tⁿrⁿ Monitor Name=Monit÷r Ad² Device ID=Ayg²t ID Primary=Birincil Upper Left Corner=Sol ▄st K÷■e Bottom Right Corner=Sa≡ Alt K÷■e Device=Ayg²t Driver=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Drive=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Drive Type=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Tⁿrⁿ Volume Label=Birim Etiketi File System=Dosya Sistemi Volume Serial=Birim Serino Total Size=Toplam Boyut Used Space=Kullan²lan Alan Free Space=Bo■ Alan % Free=% Bo■ Drive #%d=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ #%d Partition=B÷lⁿm Partitions=B÷lⁿmler Partition Type=B÷lⁿm Tⁿrⁿ Start Offset=B÷lⁿm Ba■lang²c² Partition Length=B÷lⁿm Uzunlu≡u Active=Etkin Persistent=Kal²c² Model ID=Model ID Host=Host-Hesab² Model=Model Extra Information=Extra Bilgi Revision=Uyarlama Attribute Description=╓znitelik Tan²m² Threshold=E■ik Worst=En K÷tⁿ Data=Veri Network Adapter Description=A≡ Ba≡da■t²r²c² Tan²m² Device Name=Ayg²t Ad² Clock=Saat Processor Identifier=▌■lemci Tan²mlay²c² Processor Name=▌■lemc² Ad² Account ID=Hesap ID Default=Varsay²lan Account Type=Hesap Tⁿrⁿ Account Name=Hesap Ad² Last Access=Son Eri■im Resource=Kaynak Printer Name=Yaz²c² Ad² Start From=Ba■la Application Description=Uygulama Tan²m² Application Command=Uygulama Komutu Task Name=G÷rev Ad² Program=Program Inst. Size=Yⁿklⁿ Boyut Inst. Date=Yⁿkleme Tarihi File Name=Dosya Ad² File Size=Dosya Boyutu Extension=Uzant² File Type Description=Dosya Tipi Tan²m² Content Type=▌τerik Tⁿrⁿ Variable=De≡i■ken Items Size=╓≡e Boyutu Items Count=╓≡e Say²s² Space %=Bo■luk % Driver File Name=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Dosyas² Ad² File Extensions Supported=Desteklenen Dosya Uzant²lar² Data Source Name=Veri Kayna≡² Ad² Data Source Description=Veri Kayna≡² Tan²m² System Folder=Sistem Klas÷rⁿ Identifier=Tan²mlay²c² Read Speed=Okuma H²z² Write Speed=Yazma H²z² Log Name=Kay²t Ad² Event Type=Olay Tⁿrⁿ Category=Kategori Generated On=Olu■turuldu Source=Kaynak Font Family=Yaz² Tipi Ailesi Style=Stil Character Set=Karekter Ayar² Char. Size=Karekter Boyutu Char. Weight=Karekter Geni■li≡i Software Description=Yaz²l²m Tan²m² Software Version=Yaz²l²m Sⁿrⁿmⁿ Virus Database Date=Virⁿs Veritaban² Known Viruses=Bilinen Virⁿsler Pixel=Piksel Line=Sat²r Rectangle=Dikd÷rtgen Ellipse=Elips Text=Metin Rating=Oran Language=Dil Component=Bile■en Computers=Bilgisayar Net Destination=A≡ Hedefi Netmask=A≡ Maskesi Metric=Metrik // treeview content System=Sistem Chassis=Kasa Memory Controller=Bellek Denetleyici Processors=▌■lemciler Caches=╓nbellek Memory Modules=Bellek Modⁿlleri Memory Devices=Bellek Ayg²tlar² System Slots=Sistem Yuvalar² Port Connectors=Port Konnekt÷rler On-Board Devices=Tⁿmle■ik Ayg²tlar // listview value Yes=Evet No=Hay²r Supported=Destekliyor Not Supported=Desteklemiyor Enabled=Etkin Disabled=Etkin De≡il None=Yok Unknown=Bilinmiyor Built-In=Yerle■ik day=gⁿn days=gⁿn hour=Saat hours=Saat min=dk. sec=sn. bytes=Bayt char=Karakter chars=Karakter item=╓≡e items=╓≡e attempt=Deneme attempts=Deneme million=milyon. million bytes=Milyon Bayt No Quota=Kotas²z Not Installed=Tak²l² De≡il Not Specified=Belirlenmemi■ Not Specified (IE Default)=Belirlenmemi■ (IE Varsay²lan) Normal=Normal Reduced=▌ndirgenmi■ Extended=Geni■letilmi■ Hidden=Gizli Minimized=Simge Durumuna Kⁿτⁿltⁿlmⁿ■ Maximized=Ekran² Kaplam²■ Stopped=Devre D²■² Starting=Ba■lang²τ Stopping=Durarak Running=╟al²■²yor Continuing=Devam Ediyor Pausing=Duruyor Paused=Duraklat²lm²■ %s sec (%s days, %s hours, %s min, %s sec)=%s sn. - (%s gⁿn, %s saat, %s dk., %s sn.) Kernel Driver=╟ekirdek Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ File System Driver=Dosya Sistem Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Own Process=╓z ▌■lem Share Process=Payla■²lan ▌■lem Local Disk=Yerel Disk Network Drive=A≡ Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Removable Disk=╟²kart²labilir Disk RAM Disk=RAM-Disk vendor-specific=Sa≡lay²c²ya ╓zgⁿl OK: Always passing=Tamam: Hiτbir Hata Yok Fail: Always failing=Ba■ar²s²z: Sⁿrekli Hata OK: Value is normal=Tamam: De≡erler normal Advisory: Usage or age limit exceeded=Tavsiye: Kullan²m veya ya■ haddi a■²lm²■. Pre-Failure: Imminent loss of data is being predicted=╓n-Hata: Yak²nda bir veri hatas²n²n olu■mas² bekleniyor! Left=Link Right=Sa≡ Connected=Ba≡l² Disconnected=Ba≡lant² Kesik Not Connected=Tak²l² De≡il Present=Mevcut Not Present=Mevcut De≡il Dynamic=Dinamik Personal=Ki■isel Confidential=Gizli Streamer=Flama Processor=▌■lemc² WORM Drive=WORM Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Scanner=Taray²c² Optical Drive=Optik Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Comm. Device=▌leti■im Ayg²tlar² Other Peripheral=Di≡er ╟evre Birimleri Host Adapter=Host Ba≡da■t²r²c² Entire Network=Tⁿm A≡ Mail=Posta News=Haberler Other=Di≡er Empty=Bo■ In Use=Kullan²mda Short=K²sa Long=Uzun Safe=Gⁿvenli Information=Bilgi Warning=Uyar² Critical=Kritik Non-recoverable=Kurtar²lamaz Not Determinable=Tan²mlanamaz APM Timer=APM Zamanlay²c²s² Modem Ring=Modem Sesi LAN Remote=Uzak LAN Power Switch=Gⁿτ Anahtar² AC Power Restored=AC Gⁿτ Yenilendi Tower=Tower Kasa Mini Tower=Minitower Kasa Desktop Case=Masaⁿstⁿ Kasa Low Profile Desktop=Alτak Kesimli Masaⁿstⁿ (Slimline) Internal=Dahili External=Harici Hardware=Donan²m Input Port=Giri■ Portu Output Port=╟²k²■ Portu Exclusive=╓zel Shared=Payla■t²r²lm²■ Undetermined=Belirsiz Portrait=Dⁿ■ey Landscape=Yatay Not yet run=Henⁿz τal²■t²r²lmad² No more runs=Daha fazla τal²■t²r²lamayacak Not scheduled=Planlanmad² Terminated=Son verildi No valid triggers=Geτerli tetiklemeler yok No event trigger=Olay tetiklemesi yok Charging=Dolduruluyor Battery=Akⁿ No Battery=Akⁿ Yok AC Line=AC Hat Low Level=Dⁿ■ⁿk Seviye High Level=Yⁿksek Seviye Critical Level=Kritik Seviye +Metric=+Metrik U.S.=U.S. Folder=Klas÷r Week %d=Hafta %d DMI information may be inaccurate or corrupted=DMI bilgisi yanl²■ veya bozuk olabilir. Accuracy of DMI data cannot be guaranteed=DMI verisinin do≡rulu≡u garanti de≡ildir. The above statistics are based on System Event Log entries=Yukar²dak² ▌statistikler sistem olay kayd²na dayanmaktad²r This computer=Bu Bilgisayar Application=Uygulama Event=Olay Event Properties=Olay ╓zellikleri Event ID=Olay ID Update=Gⁿncelle Service Pack=Servis Paketi Report Disabled=Rapor etkin de≡il %s (%s free)=%s (%s bo■) Not shared=Payla■t²r²lmam²■ Always=Daima Internal Cache=▌τ ╓nbellek External Cache=D²■ ╓nbellek Raster Display=Izgara Ekran Mono=Mono Stereo=Stereo %d-bit=%d Bit %s KB=%s KB %s MB=%s MB %s GB=%s GB %s Hz=%s Hz %s kHz=%s kHz %s MHz=%s MHz // listview field Purchase ID=Sat²n Alma Kimli≡i Date of Purchase=Sat²n Alma Tarihi Value of Purchase=Sat²n Alma De≡eri Date of Last Repair=Son Onar²m Tarihi Value of Last Repair=Son Onar²m De≡eri Department=B÷lⁿm Owner's Name=Sahip Ad² Owner's Phone Number=Sahip Telefon Numaras² User's Name=Kullan²c² Ad² User's Phone Number=Kullan²c² Telefon Numaras² User Name=Kullan²c² Ad² Logon Domain=Oturum Alan Ad² Date / Time=Tarih / Saat Report File=Rapor Dosyas² CPU Type=CPU Tⁿrⁿ CPU Cooler=CPU So≡utucu CPU2 Cooler=CPU2 So≡utucu Motherboard Name=Anakart Ad² Motherboard Chipset=Anakart ╟ipseti System Memory=Sistem Belle≡i BIOS Type=BIOS Tⁿrⁿ Communication Port=▌leti■im (COM ve LPT) Video Adapter=G÷rⁿntⁿ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² 3D Accelerator=3D-H²zland²r²c² Audio Adapter=Ses Ba≡da■t²r²c² Floppy Drive=Floppy Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Disk Drive=Disk Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Network Adapter=A≡ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² Peripherals=╟evre Birimleri PCI Device=PCI-Ayg²t USB Device=USB-Ayg²t Printer=Yaz²c² Custom Variables=╓zel De≡i■kenler Custom Variable #%d=%d. ╓zel De≡i■ken FireWire Controller=FireWire denetleyici Infrared Controller=K²z²l÷tesi denetleyici USB1 Controller=USB1 denetleyici USB2 Controller=USB2 denetleyici IDE Controller=IDE denetleyici SCSI/RAID Controller=SCSI/RAID denetleyici Computer Comment=Bilgisayar Aτ²klamas² NetBIOS Name=NetBIOS Ad² DNS Host Name=DNS Host Ad² DNS Domain Name=DNS Alan Ad² Fully Qualified DNS Name=Tam DNS Ad² Logical=Mant²ksal Physical=Fiziksel BIOS Properties=BIOS ╓zellikleri Vendor=Sa≡lay²c² Version=Sⁿrⁿm Release Date=Yay²m Tarihi Size=Boyut Boot Devices=Aτ²l²■ Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri Capabilities=Yetenekler Supported Standards=Desteklenen Standardlar Expansion Capabilities=Geni■leme Yetene≡i System Properties=Sistem ╓zellikleri Manufacturer=▄retici Product=▄rⁿn Serial Number=Seri Numaras² Universal Unique ID=Evrensel Tan²mlay²c²-ID Wake-Up Type=Ba■langiτ Tⁿrⁿ Motherboard Properties=Anakart ╓zellikleri Front Side Bus Properties=Veri Yolu (FSB) ╓zellikleri Bus Type=Yol Tⁿrⁿ Bus Width=Yol Geni■li≡i Real Clock=Gerτek Saat Effective Clock=Etkin Saat Bandwidth=Band Geni■li≡i Memory Bus Properties=Bellek Yolu ╓zellikleri Chipset Bus Properties=╟ipset Yolu ╓zellikleri Chassis Properties=Kasa ╓zellikleri Asset Tag=Etiket Chassis Type=Kasa Tⁿrⁿ Chassis Lock=Kasa Kilidi Boot-Up State=Aτ²l²■ Durumu Power Supply State=Gⁿτ Kayna≡² Durumu Thermal State=Is²l Durum Security Status=Gⁿvenlik Durumu Memory Controller Properties=Bellek Denetleyicisi ╓zellikleri Error Detection Method=Hata Tespit Y÷ntemi Error Correction=Hata Dⁿzeltme Supported Memory Interleave=Desteklenen Bellek Aral²≡² Current Memory Interleave=▐u Anki Bellek Aral²≡² Supported Memory Speeds=Desteklenen Bellek H²zlar² Supported Memory Types=Desteklenen Bellek Tⁿrleri Supported Memory Voltages=Desteklenen Bellek Voltajlar² Maximum Memory Module Size=En Bⁿyⁿk Bellek Modⁿlⁿ Boyutu Processor Properties=▌■lemci ╓zellikleri External Clock=D²■ Saat Maximum Clock=En Yⁿksek Saat Current Clock=▐u Anki Saat Voltage=Voltaj Status=Durum Socket Designation=Soket Ad² Part Number=Parτa Numaras² Upgrade=Gⁿncelleme Cache Properties=╓nbellek ╓zellikleri Speed=H²z Operational Mode=▌■lemsel Mod Associativity=Birle■irlik Maximum Size=En Bⁿyⁿk Boyut Installed Size=Tak²l² Boyut Supported SRAM Type=Desteklenen SRAM Tⁿrⁿ Current SRAM Type=▐u Anki SRAM Tⁿrⁿ Memory Module Properties=Bellek Birimi ╓zellikleri Enabled Size=Etkin Boyut Memory Device Properties=Bellek Ayg²t² ╓zellikleri Form Factor=Fiziksel Boyut Type Detail=Tⁿr Ayr²nt²lar² Total Width=Toplam Geni■lik Data Width=Veri Geni■li≡i Device Locator=Ayg²t Yer Bulucu Bank Locator=S²ra Yer Bulucu System Slot Properties=Sistem Yuvalar² ╓zellikleri Slot Designation=Yuva Aτ²klamas² Usage=Kullan²m Data Bus Width=Veri Yolu Geni■li≡i Length=Uzunluk Port Connector Properties=Ba≡lant² Noktas² ╓zellikleri Port Type=Port Tⁿrⁿ Internal Reference Designator=▌τ Referans Tasar²mc²s² Internal Connector Type=▌τ Konnekt÷r Tⁿrⁿ External Reference Designator=D²■ Referans Tasar²mc²s² External Connector Type=D²■ Konnekt÷r Tⁿrⁿ On-Board Device Properties=Kart-▄stⁿ Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Description=Tan²m CPU Properties=CPU ╓zellikleri CPU Alias=CPU Takma Ad² CPU Stepping=CPU Stepping Original Clock=Orjinal Saat L1 Code Cache=L1 Kod ╓nbellek L1 Trace Cache=L1 Trace ╓nbellek L1 Data Cache=L1 Veri ╓nbellek L1 Cache=L1 ╓nbellek L2 Cache=L2 ╓nbellek L3 Cache=L3 ╓nbellek CPU Physical Info=CPU Teknik Bilgisi Package Type=Paket Tⁿrⁿ Package Size=Paket Boyutu Transistors=Transist÷r Process Technology=▌■lem Teknolojisi Die Size=╟ekirdek Bⁿyⁿklⁿ≡ⁿ Core Voltage=╟ekirdek Voltaj² I/O Voltage=I/O Voltaj² Typical Power=Normal Gⁿτⁿ Maximum Power=En Bⁿyⁿk Gⁿτⁿ depending on clock speed=saat h²z²na ba≡l² olarak CPU Utilization=CPU Yararlanma CPU #%d=CPU #%d CPUID Properties=CPUID ╓zellikleri CPUID Manufacturer=CPUID ▄retiτisi CPUID CPU Name=CPUID CPU Ad² CPUID Revision=CPUID Uyarlama Extended CPUID Revision=Geni■letilmi■ CPUID Uyarlama IA Brand ID=IA Marka ID Platform ID=Platform ID IA CPU Serial Number=IA CPU Seri Numaras² Instruction Set=Komut Seti %s Instruction=%s Komut CPUID Features=CPUID Nitelikleri Motherboard Properties=Anakart ╓zellikleri Motherboard ID=Anakart ID Motherboard Physical Info=Anakart Teknik Bilgisi CPU Sockets/Slots=CPU Soket/Slot Expansion Slots=Geni■leme Yuvalar² RAM Slots=RAM Yuvalar² Integrated Devices=Tⁿmle■ik Ayg²tlar Motherboard Size=Anakart ╓lτⁿleri Extra Features=Extra Nitelikler Motherboard Manufacturer=Anakart ▄retiτisi Company Name=Firma Ad² Product Information=▄rⁿn Bilgisi BIOS Download=BIOS Yⁿklemesi Physical Memory=Fiziksel Bellek Total=Toplam Used=Kullan²lan Free=Bo■ Utilization=Yararlanma Swap Space=Takas Alan² Virtual Memory=Sanal Bellek Chipset Properties=╟ipset ╓zellikleri External Cache Size=D²■ ╓nbellek Boyutu External Cache Type=D²■ ╓nbellek Tⁿrⁿ External Cache Status=D²■ ╓nbellek Durumu Integrated Graphics Controller=Tⁿmle■ik G÷rⁿntⁿ Denetleyicisi Graphics Controller Type=G÷rⁿntⁿ Denetleyicisi Tⁿrⁿ Graphics Controller Status=G÷rⁿntⁿ Denetleyicisi Durumu Shared Memory Size=Payla■²lan Bellek Boyutu Graphics Frame Buffer Size=Grafik Arabellek Boyutu AC'97 Audio Controller=AC'97 Ses Denetleyicisi Audio Controller Type=Ses Denetleyicisi Tⁿrⁿ Codec Name=Kodek Ad² Codec ID=Kodek ID Memory Slots=Bellek Yuvalar² Memory Rows=Bellek Sat²rlar² DRAM Slot #%d=DRAM Yuvalar² #%d DRAM Row #%d=DRAM Sat²rlar² #%d AGP Properties=AGP ╓zellikleri AGP Version=AGP Sⁿrⁿm AGP Status=AGP Durum AGP Aperture Size=AGP Aτ²kl²k (Aperture) Boyutu Supported AGP Speeds=Desteklenen AGP H²zlar² Current AGP Speed=▐u Anki AGP H²z² Chipset Manufacturer=╟ipset ▄retiτisi Award BIOS Type=Award BIOS Tⁿrⁿ Award BIOS Message=Award BIOS iletisi System BIOS Date=Sistem BIOS Tarihi Video BIOS Date=G÷rⁿntⁿ BIOS Tarihi IBM BIOS Model Number=IBM BIOS Model Numaras² IBM BIOS Serial Number=IBM BIOS Seri Numaras² IBM BIOS Version=IBM BIOS Sⁿrⁿmⁿ BIOS Manufacturer=BIOS ▄reticisi Sensor Properties=Alg²lay²c² ╓zellikleri Sensor Type=Alg²lay²c² Tⁿrⁿ Sensor Access=Alg²lay²c² Eri■imi Temperatures=S²cakl²k Cooling Fans=So≡utucu Fanlar Voltage Values=Voltaj De≡erleri CPU Diode=CPU diyot Temperature #%d=S²cakl²k #%d Fan #%d=Fan #%d CPU Core=CPU ╟ekirdek CPU1 Core=CPU1 ╟ekirdek CPU2 Core=CPU2 ╟ekirdek CPU Aux=CPU AUX Power Supply=Gⁿτ Kayna≡² %s V Standby=%s V Beklemede VBAT Battery=VBAT Akⁿ Operating System Properties=▌■letim Sistemi ╓zellikleri OS Name=OS Ad² OS Code Name=OS Kodad² OS Language=OS Dili OS Kernel Type=OS ╟ekirdek Tⁿrⁿ OS Version=OS Sⁿrⁿm OS Service Pack=OS Servis Paketi OS Installation Date=OS Yⁿkleme Tarihi OS Root=OS Sistem K÷kⁿ License Information=Lisans Bilgisi Registered Owner=Kay²tl² Sahibi Registered Organization=Kay²tl² Kurulu■ Licensed Processors=Lisansl² ▌■lemciler Product ID=▄rⁿn ID Product Key=▄rⁿn Anahtar² Current Session=Geτerli Oturum UpTime=Hizmet Zaman² Components Version=Bile■en Sⁿrⁿmleri Internet Explorer Updates=Internet Explorer Gⁿncellemeleri .NET Framework=.NET-Framework Operating System Features=▌■letim Sistemi Nitelikleri Debug Version=Hata Ay²klama Sⁿrⁿmⁿ DBCS Version=DBCS Sⁿrⁿmⁿ Domain Controller=Etki Alan² Denetτisi Network Present=A≡ Mevcut Security Present=Gⁿvenlik Mevcut Remote Session=Uzak Oturum Safe Mode=Gⁿvenli Mod Slow Processor=Yava■ ▌■lemci Terminal Services=Uτbirim Hizmetleri Account Security Properties=Hesap Gⁿvenli≡i ╓zellikleri Computer Role=Bilgisayar Rolⁿ Domain Name=Alan Ad² Primary Domain Controller=Birincil Alanad² Denetleyicisi Forced Logoff Time=Zorlanm²■ Oturum Kapatma Zaman² Min / Max Password Age=Min./Max. Parola Ya■² Minimum Password Length=En Az Parola Uzunlu≡u Password History Length=Parola Geτmi■i Sⁿresi Lockout Threshold=Kilitlenme E■i≡i Lockout Duration=Kilitlenme Sⁿresi Lockout Observation Window=Kilitlenme G÷zlemlemesi User Properties=Kullan²c² ╓zellikleri Comment=Aτ²klama User Comment=Kullan²c² Aτ²klamas² Home Folder=Ana klas÷r Logon Script=Oturum Aτma Beti≡i Member Of Groups=Grup ▄yeleri Logon Count=Oturum Aτma Sayac² Disk Quota=Disk Kotas² User Features=Kullan²c² Nitelikleri Logon Script Executed=Oturum Aτma Beti≡i Yⁿrⁿtⁿldⁿ Account Disabled=Hesap Etkin De≡il Locked Out User=Yasakl² Kullan²c²lar Home Folder Required=Ana Klas÷r Gerekli Password Required=Parola Gerekli Read-Only Password=Salt-Okunur Parola Password Never Expires=Parolan²n Asla Sⁿresi Dolmaz Local Group Properties=Yerel Grup ╓zellikleri Group Members=Grup ▄yeleri Global Group Properties=Genel Grup ╓zellikleri Video Adapter Properties=G÷rⁿntⁿ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² ╓zellikleri Adapter String=Ba≡da■t²r²c² Dizgisi BIOS String=BIOS Sⁿrⁿm Chip Type=Yonga Tⁿrⁿ DAC Type=DAC Tⁿrⁿ Installed Drivers=Yⁿklⁿ Sⁿrⁿcⁿler Memory Size=Bellek Boyutu Video Adapter Manufacturer=G÷rⁿntⁿ Ba≡da■t²r²c² ▄retiτisi Graphics Processor Properties=Grafik ▌■lemci ╓zellikleri GPU Code Name=GPU Kod Ad² GPU Clock=GPU Saati Warp Clock=Warp Saati RAMDAC Clock=RAMDAC Saati Pixel Pipelines=Piksel Pipelines TMU Per Pipeline=TMU/ Pipeline Vertex Shaders=Vertex Shaders Pixel Shaders=Pixel Shaders DirectX Hardware Support=DirectX Donan²m Deste≡i Graphics Processor Manufacturer=Grafik ▌■lemci ▄reticisi Monitor Properties=Monit÷r ╓zellikleri Monitor ID=Monit÷r ID Monitor Type=Monit÷r Tⁿrⁿ Manufacture Date=▄retim Tarihi Max. Visible Display Size=En Bⁿyⁿk G÷rⁿnⁿr Ekran Boyutu Picture Aspect Ratio=Resim En-Boy Oran² Horizontal Frequency=Yatay Frekans Vertical Frequency=Dikey Frekans Maximum Resolution=En Yⁿksek ╟÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿk DPMS Mode Support=DPMS Mod Deste≡i Supported Video Modes=Desteklenen G÷rⁿntⁿ Modlar² Monitor Manufacturer=Monit÷r ▄reticisi Driver Download=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Yⁿkleme Desktop Properties=Masaⁿstⁿ ╓zellikleri Device Technology=Ayg²t Teknolojisi Resolution=╟÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿk Color Depth=Renk Derinli≡i Color Planes=Renk Dⁿzlemi Font Resolution=Yaz² Tipi ╟÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿ≡ⁿ Pixel Width / Height=Piksel Geni■lik / Yⁿkseklik Pixel Diagonal=Piksel K÷■egen Vertical Refresh Rate=Dikey Yenileme H²z² Desktop Wallpaper=Masaⁿstⁿ Duvar Ka≡²d² Desktop Effects=Masaⁿstⁿ Etkileri Combo-Box Animation=Aτ²lan kutu slaytla aτ²ls²n Drop Shadow Effect=Menⁿ alt²nda g÷lge g÷ster Flat Menu Effect=Pencere ve dⁿ≡melerde g÷rsel stil kullan Font Smoothing=Ekran yaz² tipi kenarlar²n² dⁿzelt Full Window Dragging=Sⁿrⁿklenirken pencere iτeri≡ini g÷ster Gradient Window Title Bars=E≡imli pencere ba■l²≡² τubuklar² Hide Menu Access Keys=Menⁿ eri■im tu■lar²n² gizle Hot Tracking Effect=▌zleme etkisi Icon Title Wrapping=▌kon ad² paketlemesi List-Box Smooth Scrolling=Liste Kutular²n² Kesintisiz Kayd²r Menu Animation=Menⁿler g÷rⁿntⁿye azalarak yada slaytla gelsin Menu Fade Effect=Menⁿ g÷lge etkisi Minimize/Restore Animation=Pencereler animasyonla kⁿτⁿltⁿlⁿp bⁿyⁿltⁿlsⁿn Mouse Cursor Shadow=Fare i■aretτisi alt²nda g÷lge g÷ster Selection Fade Effect=Menⁿ ÷≡eleri seτildikten sonra g÷lgelensin ShowSounds Accessibility Feature=Ses g÷ster eri■ebilirlik ÷zellikleri ToolTip Animation=Araτ ipuτlar² g÷rⁿntⁿye azalarak yada slaytla gelsin ToolTip Fade Effect=Araτ ipuτlar² g÷lgelensin Windows Plus! Extension=Windows Plus! Geni■letmesi OpenGL Properties=OpenGL ╓zellikleri OpenGL Features=OpenGL Nitelikleri ACM Driver Properties=ACM Sⁿrⁿcⁿ ╓zellikleri Copyright Notice=Telif Hakk² Bildirimi Driver Features=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Nitelikleri Driver Version=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Sⁿrⁿmⁿ MCI Device Properties=MCI Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Name=Ad² MCI Device Features=MCI Nitelikleri Compound Device=Birle■ik Ayg²t File Based Device=Kⁿtⁿ≡e Dayal² Ayg²t Can Eject=╟²kar²labilir Can Play=╟al²nabilir Can Play In Reverse=Ters ╟al²nabilir Can Record=Kay²t Yapabilir Can Save Data=Veri Kayd² Yapabilir Can Freeze Data=Veriyi Dondurabilir Can Lock Data=Veriyi Kilitleyebilir Can Stretch Frame=Kareyi geni■letebilir Can Stretch Input=Giri■i geni■letebilir Can Test=Test Edilebir Audio Capable=Ses Yetenekli Video Capable=G÷rⁿntⁿ Yetenekli Still Image Capable=Donuk Resim Yetenekli Optical Drive Properties=Optik Sⁿrⁿcⁿ ╓zellikleri Device Manufacturer=Ayg²t ▄reticisi ATA Device Properties=ATA Ayg²t ╓zellikleri ATAPI Device Properties=ATAPI Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Parameters=Parametreler LBA Sectors=LBA Kesimleri Buffer=Tampon Multiple Sectors=╟oklu Kesim ECC Bytes=ECC Bayt Max. PIO Transfer Mode=EnYⁿksek PIO Aktar²m Modu Max. UDMA Transfer Mode=EnYⁿksek UDMA Aktar²m Modu Active UDMA Transfer Mode=Etkin UDMA Aktar²m Modu Unformatted Capacity=Biτimlendirilmemi■ Kapasite ATA Device Features=ATA Ayg²t Nitelikleri Security Mode=Gⁿvenlik Modu Advanced Power Management=Geli■mi■ Gⁿτ Y÷netimi (APM) Write Cache=Yazma ╓nbelle≡i ATA Device Physical Info=ATA Ayg²t² Teknik Bilgisi Disk Device Physical Info=Disk Ayg²t² Teknik Bilgisi Hard Disk Family=Sabit Disk Ailesi Hard Disk Name=Sabit Disk Ad² Family Code Name=Aile Kod Ad² Formatted Capacity=Biτimlendirilmi■ Kapasite Disks=Diskler Recording Surfaces=Kay²t Yⁿzeyi Physical Dimensions=Fiziksel Boyutlar Max. Weight=A≡²rl²k(En Fazla) Average Rotational Latency=Ortalama D÷nme Gecikmesi Rotational Speed=D÷nme H²z² Max. Internal Data Rate=En Yⁿksek ▌τ Veri H²z² Average Seek=Ortalama Eri■im Track-to-Track Seek=▌zden ▌ze Eri■im Full Seek=Tam Eri■im Interface=Arabirim Buffer-to-Host Data Rate=Tampondan bilgisayara veri h²z² Buffer Size=Tampom Bⁿyⁿklⁿ≡ⁿ Spin-Up Time=D÷nme Sⁿresi ATA Device Manufacturer=ATA-Ayg²t ▄reticisi Keyboard Properties=Klavye ╓zellikleri Keyboard Name=Klavye Ad² Keyboard Type=Klavye Tⁿrⁿ Keyboard Layout=Klavye Yerle■imi ANSI Code Page=ANSI Kod Sayfas² OEM Code Page=OEM Kod Sayfas² Repeat Delay=Yenileme Gecikmesi Repeat Rate=Yenileme H²z² Mouse Properties=Fare ╓zellikleri Mouse Name=Fare Ad² Mouse Buttons=Fare Dⁿ≡meleri Mouse Hand=Fare el Kullan²m² Pointer Speed=▌■aretτi H²z² Double-Click Time=╟ift T²klama Sⁿresi Click-Lock Time=T²klama-Kilidi Sⁿresi X/Y Threshold=X / Y E■i≡i Wheel Scroll Lines=Tekerlek Sat²r Kayd²rmas² Mouse Features=Fare Nitelikleri Active Window Tracking=Etkin Pencereyi ▌zle Hide Pointer While Typing=Yazarken ▌■aretτiyi Gizle Mouse Wheel=Fare Tekerle≡i Move Pointer To Default Button=▌■aretτiyi Varsay²lan Dⁿ≡menin ▄zerine G÷tⁿr Pointer Trails=▌■aretτi ▌zleri ClickLock=T²klama Kilidi Mouse Manufacturer=Fare ▄reticisi Game Controller Properties=Oyun Kumandalar² ╓zellikleri Buttons=Dⁿ≡meler Min / Max Polling Frequency=Min. / Max. Sendefrequenz Min / Max U Coordinate=Min. / Max. U Kordinat² Min / Max V Coordinate=Min. / Max. V Kordinat² Min / Max X Coordinate=Min. / Max. X Kordinat² Min / Max Y Coordinate=Min. / Max. Y Kordinat² Min / Max Z Coordinate=Min. / Max. Z Kordinat² Min / Max Rudder Value=Min. / Max. Dⁿmen De≡eri Game Controller Features=Oyun Kumandalar² Nitelikleri Driver Problem=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Sorunu POV Discrete Values=POV Ayr²lmas² Rudder=Dⁿmen U Coordinate=U Kordinat² V Coordinate=V Kordinat² Z Coordinate=Z Kordinat² Network Adapter Properties=A≡ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² ╓zellikleri Interface Type=Arabirim Tⁿrⁿ Hardware Address=Donan²m Adresi (MAC) Connection Name=Ba≡lant² Ad² Connection Speed=Ba≡lant² H²z² DNS Suffix Search List=DNS Arama Listesi DHCP Lease Obtained=DHCP Adres Kira Ba■lang²c² DHCP Lease Expires=DHCP Adres Biti■ Tarihi Bytes Received=Al²nan Bayt Bytes Sent=G÷nderilen Bayt Network Adapter Addresses=A≡ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² IP / SubNet Mask=IP / Alt A≡ Maskesi Gateway=Gateway Network Adapter Manufacturer=A≡ Ba≡da■t²r²c²s² ▄reticisi Connection Properties=Ba≡lant² ╓zellikleri Domain=Alan Ad² Country / Area Code=▄lke / Alan Kodu Phone Number=Telefon Numaras² Alternate Numbers=╓teki Numaralar IP Address=IP-Adres DNS Addresses=DNS-Adres WINS Addresses=WINS-Adres Network Protocols=A≡ ▌leti■im Kurallar² Framing Protocol=Temel ▌leti■im Kurallar² Login Script File=Oturum Aτma Betik Dosyas² Connection Features=Ba≡lant² Nitelikleri Use Current Username & Password=▐u Anki Kullan²c² Ad² & Parolay² Kullan Use Remote Network Gateway=Uzak A≡ Geτidini Kullan Log On To Network=A≡a Oturum Aτ IP Header Compression=IP-Ba■l²k S²k²■t²rmas² Software Compression=Yaz²l²m S²k²■t²rmas² PPP LCP Extensions=PPP LCP Uzant²lar² Open Terminal Before Dial=╟evirmeden ╓nce Uτbirimi Aτ Open Terminal After Dial=╟evirmeden Sonra Uτbirimi Aτ Encrypted Password Required=▐ifrelenmi■ Parola Gerekli MS Encrypted Password Required=MS-▐ifrelenmi■ Parola Gerekli Data Encryption Required=Veri ▐ifrelenmesi Gerekli Secure Local Files=Gⁿvenli Yerel Dosyalar Account Properties=Hesap ╓zellikleri POP3 Server=POP3 Sunucu POP3 User Name=POP3 Kullan²c² Ad² POP3/SMTP Server Timeout=POP3/SMTP Sunucu Zaman A■²m² HTTPMail Server=HTTP Posta Sunucusu HTTPMail User Name=HTTP Posta Kullan²c² Ad² IMAP Server=IMAP Sunucu IMAP User Name=IMAP Kullan²c² Ad² IMAP/SMTP Server Timeout=IMAP/SMTP Sunucu Zaman A■²m² SMTP Display Name=SMTP G÷rⁿntⁿlenme Ad² SMTP Organization Name=SMTP Firma Ad² SMTP E-mail Address=SMTP E-Mail Adresi SMTP Reply Address=SMTP Yan²t Adresi SMTP Server=SMTP Sunucu SMTP User Name=SMTP Kullan²c² Ad² NNTP Display Name=NNTP G÷rⁿntⁿlenme Ad² NNTP Organization Name=NNTP Firma Ad² NNTP E-mail Address=NNTP E-Mail Adresi NNTP Reply Address=NNTP Yan²t Adresi NNTP Server=NNTP Sunucu NNTP User Name=NNTP Kullan²c² Ad² NNTP Server Timeout=NNTP Sunucu Zaman A■²m² LDAP Server=LDAP Sunucu LDAP User Name=LDAP Kullan²c² Ad² LDAP Search Base=LDAP Arama Taban² LDAP Search Timeout=LDAP Arama Zaman A■²m² Account Features=Hesap Nitelikleri POP3 Prompt For Password=POP3 Parola ▌τin Sor POP3 Secure Authentication=POP3 Gⁿvenli Kimlik Do≡rulama POP3 Secure Connection=POP3 Gⁿvenli Ba≡lant² POP3 Leave Mails On Server=POP3 Sunucuda ayr²lan postalar IMAP Prompt For Password=IMAP Parola ▌τin Sor IMAP Secure Authentication=IMAP Gⁿvenli Kimlik Do≡rulama IMAP Secure Connection=IMAP Gⁿvenli Ba≡lant² HTTPMail Prompt For Password=HTTP Posta Parola ▌τin Sor HTTPMail Secure Authentication=HTTP Posta Gⁿvenli Kimlik Do≡rulama HTTPMail Secure Connection=HTTP Posta Gⁿvenli Ba≡lant² SMTP Prompt For Password=SMTP Parola ▌τin Sor SMTP Secure Authentication=SMTP Gⁿvenli Kimlik Do≡rulama SMTP Secure Connection=SMTP Gⁿvenli Ba≡lant² NNTP Prompt For Password=NNTP Parola ▌τin Sor NNTP Secure Authentication=NNTP Gⁿvenli Kimlik Do≡rulama NNTP Secure Connection=NNTP Gⁿvenli Ba≡lant² NNTP Use Group Descriptions=NNTP Grup Aτ²klamalar² NNTP Post Using Plain Text Format=NNTP Postas² Dⁿz Metin Biτimi Kullanarak NNTP Post Using HTML Format=NNTP Postas² HTML Biτimi Kullanarak LDAP Authentication Required=LDAP Kimlik Do≡rulama Gerekli LDAP Secure Authentication=LDAP Gⁿvenli Kimlik Do≡rulama LDAP Secure Connection=LDAP Gⁿvenli Ba≡lant² LDAP Simple Search Filter=LDAP Basit Arama Filtresi DirectDraw Device Properties=DirectDraw Ayg²t ╓zellikleri DirectDraw Driver Name=DirectDraw Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Ad² DirectDraw Driver Description=DirectDraw Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Tan²mlamas² Hardware Driver=Donan²m Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Hardware Description=Donan²m Tan²mlamas² Direct3D Device Properties=Direct3D Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Available Local Video Memory=Kullan²labilir Yerel G÷rⁿntⁿ Belle≡i Available Non-Local Video Memory (AGP)=Kullan²labilir Yerel Olmayan G÷rⁿntⁿ Belle≡i (AGP) Rendering Bit Depths=Rendering Bit Derinli≡i (bit/piksel) Z-Buffer Bit Depths=Z-Arabellek Bit Derinli≡i (bit/piksel) Min Texture Size=En Az Doku Boyutu Max Texture Size=En Fazla Doku Boyutu Vertex Shader Version=Vertex-Shader Sⁿrⁿmⁿ Pixel Shader Version=Pixel-Shader Sⁿrⁿmⁿ Direct3D Device Features=Direct3D Ayg²t Nitelikleri DirectSound Device Properties=DirectSound Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Driver Module=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Birimi Primary Buffers=Birincil Arabellek Min / Max Secondary Buffers Sample Rate=Min./Max. ▌kincil Arabellek ╓rnek H²z² Primary Buffers Sound Formats=Birincil Arabellek Ses Biτimleri Secondary Buffers Sound Formats=▌kincil Arabellek Ses Biτimleri Total / Free Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo■ Ses Arabelle≡i Total / Free Static Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo■ Duruk Ses Arabelle≡i Total / Free Streaming Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo■ Ak²■ Ses Arabelle≡i Total / Free 3D Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo■ 3D Ses Arabelle≡i Total / Free 3D Static Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo■ 3D Duruk Ses Arabelle≡i Total / Free 3D Streaming Sound Buffers=Toplam / Bo■ 3D Ak²■ Ses Arabelle≡i DirectSound Device Features=DirectSound Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Certified Driver=Yetkilendirilmi■ Sⁿrⁿcⁿler Emulated Device=Taklit Edilmi■ Ayg²t Precise Sample Rate=Kesin ╓rnekleme H²z² DirectMusic Device Properties=DirectMusic Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Synthesizer Type=Synthesizer Tⁿrⁿ Device Class=Ayg²t S²n²f² Audio Channels=Ses Kanallar² MIDI Channels=MIDI Kanallar² Available Memory=Kullan²labilir Bellek Voices=Sesler DirectMusic Device Features=DirectMusic Ayg²t Nitelikleri Built-In GM Instrument Set=Yerle■ik GM Enstrⁿman Built-In Roland GS Sound Set=Yerle■ik Roland GS Ses DLS L1 Sample Collections=DLS L1 ╓rnek koleksiyonu DLS L2 Sample Collections=DLS L2 ╓rnek koleksiyonu External MIDI Port=Harici MIDI Ba≡lant² Noktas² Fixed DLS Memory Size=De≡i■mez DLS Haf²za Boyutu Port Sharing=Ba≡lant² Noktas² Payla■²m² Chorus Effect=Koro Etkisi Delay Effect=Geciktirme Etkisi Reverb Effect=Yank² Etkisi DirectInput Device Properties=DirectInput Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Device Subtype=Ayg²t ▌kincil Tⁿrⁿ Axes=Eksenler Buttons/Keys=Dⁿ≡meler/Anahtarlar DirectInput Device Features=DirectInput Ayg²t Nitelikleri DirectPlay Connection Properties=DirectPlay Ba≡lant² ╓zellikleri Connection Description=Ba≡lant² Tan²m² Header Length=Ba■l²k Uzunlu≡u Max Message Size=En Fazla ▌leti Boyutu Estimated Latency=Tahmini Gecikme Sⁿresi Timeout Value=Zaman A■²m² De≡eri Max Players=En Fazla Oyuncu Max Local Players=En Fazla Yerel Oyuncu DirectPlay Connection Features=DirectPlay Ba≡lant² Nitelikleri Guaranteed Message Delivery=Garanti Edilmi■ ▌leti Da≡²t²m² Message Encryption=▌leti ▐ifrelemesi Message Signing=▌leti ▌mzas² Session Host=Oturum Anabilgisayar² Group Messaging Optimization=Grup ▌leti En ▌yilemesi Guaranteed Message Delivery Optimization=Garanti Edilen ▌leti Da≡²t²m² En ▌yilemesi Keep Alives Optimization=En ▌yilemeyi Sⁿrekli Tut Device Properties=Ayg²t ╓zellikleri Driver Date=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Tarihi Driver Provider=Sⁿrⁿcⁿ Sa≡lay²c² INF File=INF Dosyas² Hardware ID=Donan²m ID PCI Devices=PCI Ayg²tlar² PnP Devices=PnP Ayg²tlar² LPT PnP Devices=LPT PnP Ayg²tlar² USB Devices=USB Ayg²tlar² PCMCIA Devices=PCMCIA Ayg²tlar² FireWire Devices=FireWire Ayg²tlar² Ports=Ba≡lant² Noktalar² Bus %d, Device %d, Function %d=Yol %d, Ayg²t %d, ▌■lev %d Printer Properties=Yaz²c² ╓zellikleri Default Printer=Varsay²lan Yaz²c² Share Point=Payla■²m Noktas² Printer Port=Yaz²c² Ba≡lant² Noktas² Printer Driver=Yaz²c² Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ Print Processor=Yaz²c² ▌■lemcisi Location=Konum Separator Page=Ay²r²c² Sayfa Priority=╓ncelik Availability=Kullan²l²rl²k Print Jobs Queued=Bask² Kuyru≡u Paper Properties=Ka≡²t ╓zellikleri Paper Size=Ka≡²t Boyutu Orientation=Y÷nelim Print Quality=Ka≡²t Kalitesi Printer Manufacturer=Yaz²c² ▄reticisi Task Properties=G÷rev ╓zellikleri Application Name=Uygulama Ad² Application Parameters=Uygulama Parametreleri Working Folder=╟al²■ma Klas÷rⁿ Creator=Olu■turan Last Run=Son ╟al²■ma Next Run=Sonraki ╟al²■ma Task Triggers=G÷rev Tetikleyicileri Trigger #%d=Tetikleyici #%d Power Management Properties=Gⁿτ Y÷netim ╓zellikleri Current Power Source=▐u Anki Gⁿτ Kayna≡² Battery Status=Akⁿ Durumu Full Battery Lifetime=Dolu Akⁿ ╓mrⁿ Remaining Battery Lifetime=Kalan Akⁿ ╓mrⁿ Time Zone=Saat Dilimi Current Time Zone=Geτerli Saat Dilimi Current Time Zone Description=Geτerli Saat Dilimi Tan²m² Change To Standard Time=Standart Saate De≡i■tir Change To Daylight Saving Time=Yaz Saatine De≡i■tir Language Name (Native)=Dil Ad² (Yerel) Language Name (English)=Dil Ad² (▌ngilizce) Language Name (ISO 639)=Dil Ad² (ISO 639) Country/Region=▄lke/B÷lge Country Name (Native)=▄lke Ad² (Yerel) Country Name (English)=▄lke Ad² (▌ngilizce) Country Name (ISO 3166)=▄lke Ad² (ISO 3166) Country Code=▄lke Kodu Currency=Para Birimi Currency Name (Native)=Para Birimi Ad² (Yerel) Currency Name (English)=Para Birimi Ad² (▌ngilizce) Currency Symbol (Native)=Para Birimi Simgesi (Yerel) Currency Symbol (ISO 4217)=Para Birimi Simgesi (ISO 4217) Currency Format=Para Birimi Biτimi Negative Currency Format=Negatif Para Birimi Biτimi Formatting=Biτimler Time Format=Zaman Biτimi Short Date Format=K²sa Tarih Biτimi Long Date Format=Uzun Tarih Biτimi Number Format=Say² Biτimi Negative Number Format=Negatif Say² Biτimi (Yerel) List Format=Liste Biτimi Native Digits=Yerel Rakamlar Days Of Week=Haftan²n Gⁿnleri Native Name for Monday=Pazartesi iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Tuesday=Sal² iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Wednesday=╟ar■amba iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Thursday=Per■embe iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Friday=Cuma iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Saturday=Cumartesi iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Sunday=Pazar iτin Yerel Ad Months=Aylar Native Name for January=Ocak iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for February=▐ubat iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for March=Mart iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for April=Nisan iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for May=May²s iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for June=Haziran iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for July=Temmuz iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for August=A≡ustos iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for September=Eylⁿl iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for October=Ekim iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for November=Kas²m iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for December=Aral²k iτin Yerel Ad Native Name for Month #13= 13# Ay iτin Yerel Ad Miscellaneous=Di≡er Calendar Type=Takvim Tⁿrⁿ Default Paper Size=Varsay²lan Ka≡²t Boyutu Measurement System=╓lτⁿ Sistemi Start Page=Giri■ Sayfas² Search Page=Arama Sayfas² Download Folder=▌ndirme Klas÷rⁿ Current Proxy=Geτerli Proxy Proxy Status=Proxy Durumu %s Proxy Server=%s Proxy Sunucu Exceptions=▌stisnalar Module Name=Birim Ad² Module Size=Birim Boyutu Module Type=Birim Tⁿrⁿ Memory Type=Bellek Tⁿrⁿ Memory Speed=Bellek H²z² Module Width=Birim Geni■li≡i Module Voltage=Birim Voltaj² Refresh Rate=Yenileme H²z² Highest CAS Latency=En Yⁿksek CAS Gecikme Sⁿresi 2nd Highest CAS Latency=2inci En Yⁿksek CAS Gecikme Sⁿresi Memory Module Features=Bellek Birimi Nitelikleri Memory Module Manufacturer=Bellek Birimi ▄reticisi Last Shutdown Time=Son Kapanma Saati Last Boot Time=Son Aτ²lma Saati Current Time=▐u Anki Saat UpTime Statistics=Hizmet Sⁿresi ▌statistikleri First Boot Time=▌lk Aτ²lma Saati First Shutdown Time=▌lk Kapanma Saati Total UpTime=Toplam Hizmet Sⁿresi Total DownTime=Toplam Aksakl²k Sⁿresi Longest UpTime=En Uzun Hizmet Sⁿresi Longest DownTime=En Uzun Aksakl²k Sⁿresi Total Reboots=Toplam Yeniden Ba■latma System Availability=Sistem Kullan²labilirli≡i Bluescreen Statistics=Mavi Ekran ▌statistikleri First Bluescreen Time=▌lk Mavi Ekran Saati Last Bluescreen Time=Son Mavi Ekran Saati Total Bluescreens=Toplam Mavi Ekran // messages Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=Lⁿtfen kar■²la■t²rmal² test τal²■may² bitirinceye kadar bekleyin During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=Bu sⁿre zarf²nda bilgisayar²n²z yan²t vermiyor gibi g÷rⁿnecek Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=Lⁿtfen fareyi hareket ettirmeyin veya herhangi bir tu■a basmay²n Are you sure you want to uninstall=Kald²rmak istedi≡inizden emin misiniz? Database parameters are not configured yet=Veritaban² parametreleri henⁿz dⁿzenlenmedi Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Git: Dosya menⁿsⁿ / Tercihler / Veritaban² Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=Tⁿm bilgisayarlar² denetlemeden kald²rmak istedi≡inize emin misiniz? CPU Speed=CPU H²z² CPU Multiplier=CPU ╟arpan² CPU Cache=CPU ╓nbelle≡i SPD Memory Modules=SPD Bellek Modulleri Memory Bus=Bellek Yolu Memory Clock=Bellek Saati original=Gerτek ***Connecting to FTP server=Kapcsolodas az FTP kiszolgalohoz ***Clear List=Lista torlese ***Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=Biztos, hogy torli az Internet Explorer cookie listat? ***Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=Biztos, hogy torli az Internet Explorer bongeszo elozmenyeket? ***Memory Timings=Memoria idozitesek ***North Bridge Properties=Eszaki hid tulajdonsagai ***North Bridge=Eszaki hid ***South Bridge Properties=Deli hid tulajdonsagai ***South Bridge=Deli hid ***Lavalys does not provide official support for this freeware product=A Lavalys nem nyujt hivatalos tamogatast ehhez a freeware termekhez! ***AMD Brand ID=AMD Marka ID ***64-bit x86 Extension=64 bites x86-kiegeszites ***Server port:=Kiszolgalo port: ***A&uthorize Change=&Engedelyezett valtozas ***SMART Hard Disks Status=SMART merevlemezek allapota ***Group Membership=Csoport tagsag ***&Title:=&Cim: ***Report &title:=Riport&cim: ***Database Software=Adatbazis szoftver ***Database Servers=Adatbazis kiszolgalok ***BIOS Upgrades=BIOS frissitesek ***Entry of &INI file=&INI fajl bejegyzese ***INI file=INI fajl ***INI group=INI csoport ***INI entry=INI bejegyzes