home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- REM Version 5.0 06/21/2001
- ECHO This command copies the Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for MS-DOS
- ECHO files from the Windows NT Server 4.0 CD to your hard drive for
- ECHO use by the DeployCenter BootDisk Builder.
- if %1n==A:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==a:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==B:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==b:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==C:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==c:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==D:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==d:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==E:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==e:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==F:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==f:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==G:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==g:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==H:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==h:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==I:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==i:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==J:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==j:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==K:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==k:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==L:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==l:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==M:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==m:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==N:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==n:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==O:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==o:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==P:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==p:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==Q:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==q:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==R:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==r:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==S:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==s:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==T:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==t:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==U:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==u:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==V:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==v:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==W:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==w:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==X:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==x:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==Y:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==y:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==Z:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- if %1n==z:n GOTO DRIVEOK
- ECHO *************************************************
- ECHO Please run this command from a DOS command line
- ECHO and specify the CD-ROM drive letter as follows:
- ECHO where X: is your CD-ROM drive letter.
- ECHO *************************************************
- IF EXIST %1\Clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Emsbfr.exe GOTO MAKECOPY
- ECHO *****************************************************
- ECHO ERROR: Microsoft Networking client files not found!
- ECHO Please check that the Windows NT Server 4.0 CD is
- ECHO properly inserted and the correct drive letter for
- ECHO the CD-ROM drive is specified.
- ECHO The Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for MS-DOS files
- ECHO may also be obtained from the Microsoft FTP site at
- ECHO ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/clients/MSCLIENT. Download
- ECHO the files DSK3-1.EXE and DSK3-2.EXE.
- ECHO *****************************************************
- ECHO Copying Miscrosoft Network client files...
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Emsbfr.exe MS\EMSBFR.EXE
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Ifshlp.sys MS\IFSHLP.SYS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Lmhosts MS\LMHOSTS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Ndishlp.sys MS\NDISHLP.SYS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Nemm.dos MS\NEMM.DOS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Net.msg MS\NET.MSG
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Net.exe MS\NET.EXE
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Netbind.com MS\NETBIND.COM
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Neth.msg MS\NETH.MSG
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Nmtsr.exe MS\NMTSR.EXE
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Protman.dos MS\PROTMAN.DOS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Protman.exe MS\PROTMAN.EXE
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Tcpdrv.dos MS\TCPDRV.DOS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Tcptsr.exe MS\TCPTSR.EXE
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Tcputils.ini MS\TCPUTILS.INI
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Tinyrfc.exe MS\TINYRFC.EXE
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Umb.com MS\UMB.COM
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Wfwsys.cfg MS\WFWSYS.CFG
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Ne1000.dos DRIVERS\NE1000.DOS
- copy %1\clients\Msclient\Netsetup\Ne2000.dos DRIVERS\NE2000.DOS
- ECHO Miscrosoft Network Client 3.0 for MS-DOS files copied.