home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?mml version="0.5" ?>
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- <?macrodef textbutton
- <window name="$(name)" type="button" offset="$(loc) @ 0,0,400,300" alignment="1,1,1,1" transparent="true" hitstyle="active" >
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- cornerradius="6"
- color="0xFFFFFFFF"
- blendmode="PS_NORMAL"
- opacity="0.75"
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- <text font_style="edit" color="#FFFFFF" justification="h_center|v_center" state="normal" opacity="0.75" >$(name)</text>
- <text font_style="edit" color="#FFFFFF" justification="h_center|v_center" state="hit" >$(name)</text>
- </imagestyle>
- ?>
- <?macrodef bkgrnd
- <imagestyle name="background$(name)" >
- <color_fill color="dg" />
- <color_rect color="lg" thickness="3" />
- </imagestyle>
- ?>
- <?macrodef rndbtn
- <window name="$(name)" type="button" offset="install.psd|$(name) @ install.psd" alignment="1,0,1,0" hitstyle="active" transparent="true" >
- <imagestyle name="state0" >
- <raster source="install.psd|$(name)"
- blendmode="PS_NORMAL"
- opacity="0.75"
- />
- <raster source="install.psd|$(name)"
- blendmode="PS_NORMAL"
- state="HIT"
- opacity="1.0"
- />
- </imagestyle>
- ?>
- <?macrodef checkbox
- <window name="$(name)" type="button" offset="$(offset)" alignment="$(alignment)" transparent="true" hitstyle="active" >
- <property hover="true" />
- <imagestyle name="state0">
- <raster source="install.psd|unchecked"
- blendmode="PS_NORMAL"
- />
- </imagestyle>
- <imagestyle name="state1">
- <raster source="install.psd|checked"
- blendmode="PS_NORMAL"
- />
- </imagestyle>
- <script name="OnInit">
- $(name).SetToggle(true);
- $(name).SetButtonState($(state));
- </script>
- </window>
- ?>
- <?macrodef checkbox_label
- <window name="$(name)" type="textdisplay" offset="$(offset)" alignment="$(alignment)" transparent="true" >
- <property font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" font_style="q" text="$(description)"/>
- </window>
- ?>
- <!-- minimize button -->
- <?macroins rndbtn name="minimize" ?>
- <script name="OnClick" > parent.MinimizeWindow(1); </script>
- </window>
- <!-- close button -->
- <?macroins rndbtn name="close" ?>
- <script name="OnClick" > parent.DestroyWindow(); </script>
- </window>
- <!-- about window -->
- <window name="about" type="textdisplay" offset="center" transparent="true" >
- <property
- text="You are about to install a pre-release version of Sonique2. Install at your own risk."
- justification="h_center|v_center"
- font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF"
- />
- </window>
- <!-- close s2 window -->
- <window name="close_sonique2" type="textdisplay" offset="center" alignment="1,0,1,0" transparent="true" >
- <property
- text="Before continuing, please ensure that there are no instances of sonique2.exe running."
- justification="h_center|v_center"
- font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF"
- />
- </window>
- <!-- license window
- <window name="license" type="textdisplay" offset="row1along" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" transparent="true" >
- <property text="LEGALIZE!" font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>-->
- <!-- destination window -->
- <window name="where" type="textdisplay" offset="row1along" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" transparent="true" >
- <property text="where?" font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>
- <!-- path window -->
- <window name="edit" type="EditBox" offset="row2along" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" hitstyle="active" >
- <property
- font_style = "edit"
- font_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"
- cursor_on_color = "0xFFFFFFFF"
- cursor_off_color = "lg"
- selection_color = "lg"
- text_offset_rect = "4,4,-4,-4"
- text = "c:\Program Files\Sonique2"
- />
- <?macroins bkgrnd name="_active" ?>
- <?macroins bkgrnd name="_inactive" ?>
- </window>
- <!-- options window -->
- <window name="options" type="textdisplay" offset="row1along" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" transparent="true" >
- <property text="please specify your preferences:" font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>
- <!-- startmenu check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="startmenu" offset="row2a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="startmenu_label" offset="row2blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="Create a program group in your Start menu" ?>
- <!-- desktop icon check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="desktop_icon" offset="row3a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="desktop_icon_label" offset="row3blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="Create a shortcut on your desktop" ?>
- <!-- file associations window -->
- <window name="associations" type="textdisplay" offset="row0long" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" transparent="true" >
- <property text="file associations:" font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>
- <!-- mp3 check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="mp3" offset="row1a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="mp3_label" offset="row1b" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".mp3" ?>
- <!-- ogg check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="ogg" offset="row2a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="ogg_label" offset="row2b" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".ogg" ?>
- <!-- cda check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="cda" offset="row3a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="cda_label" offset="row3b" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".cda" ?>
- <!-- wav check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="wav" offset="row4a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="0" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="wav_label" offset="row4b" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".wav" ?>
- <!-- xpl check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="xpl" offset="row1c" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="xpl_label" offset="row1d" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".xpl" ?>
- <!-- pls check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="pls" offset="row2c" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="pls_label" offset="row2d" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".pls" ?>
- <!-- m3u check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="m3u" offset="row3c" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="m3u_label" offset="row3d" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description=".m3u" ?>
- <!-- plugins window -->
- <window name="plugins" type="textdisplay" offset="row0long" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" transparent="true" >
- <property text="optional plugins:" font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>
- <!-- cdraw check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="cdraw" offset="row1a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="0" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="cdraw_label" offset="row1blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="CD Raw (no support for win9x/ME yet)" ?>
- <!-- aorta check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="aorta" offset="row2a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="aorta_label" offset="row2blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="Aorta vis" ?>
- <!-- wav check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="cosmicbelt" offset="row3a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="cosmicbelt_label" offset="row3blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="CosmicBelt vis" ?>
- <!-- installing window -->
- <window name="installing" type="textdisplay" offset="row1along" alignment="1,0,1,0" transparent="true">
- <property text="installing files..." font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>
- <!-- progress window -->
- <window name="progress" type="fillbar" offset="row2along" alignment="1,0,1,0" >
- <Property orientation="left_to_right"
- bar_align_rect ="0,0,1,1"
- bar_offset_rect="3,3,-3,-3"
- />
- <?macroins bkgrnd name="" ?>
- <ImageStyle name="barfilled">
- <color_fill color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </ImageStyle>
- </window>
- <!-- done window -->
- <window name="done" type="textdisplay" offset="row1along" alignment="1,0,1,0" transparent="true">
- <property text="done! enjoy." font_style="q" font_color="0xFFFFFFFF" />
- </window>
- <!-- readme check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="readme" offset="row2a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="readme_label" offset="row2blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="View ReadMe file" ?>
- <!-- launch check box -->
- <?macroins checkbox name="launch" offset="row3a" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" state="1" ?>
- <?macroins checkbox_label name="launch_label" offset="row3blong" alignment="-1,0,-1,0" description="Launch Sonique2"?>
- <!-- OK button (and main install logic) -->
- <?macroins textbutton name="ok" loc="322,264,393,290" ?>
- <script name="OnInit"> screen=0; </script>
- <script name="OnClick">
- screen++;
- if (screen == 1)
- {
- // move out about
- about.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- // move in close_sonique2
- close_sonique2.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- }
- else if (screen == 2)
- {
- // move out close_sonique2
- close_sonique2.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- // move in edit, where
- where.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- edit.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- }
- else if (screen == 3)
- {
- // move out edit and where
- edit.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- where.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- // move in plugin checkboxes
- plugins.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- cdraw.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- cdraw_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- aorta.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- aorta_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- cosmicbelt.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- cosmicbelt_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- }
- else if (screen == 4)
- {
- // move out plugin checkboxes
- plugins.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- cdraw.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- cdraw_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- aorta.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- aorta_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- cosmicbelt.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- cosmicbelt_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- // move in
- associations.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- mp3.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- mp3_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- ogg.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- ogg_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- if ( !cdraw.GetButtonState() )
- {
- cda.SetButtonState(0);
- cda.Disable();
- cda_label.Disable();
- }
- cda.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- cda_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- wav.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- wav_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- xpl.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- xpl_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- pls.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- pls_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- m3u.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- m3u_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- }
- else if (screen == 5)
- {
- // move out association checkboxes
- associations.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- mp3.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- mp3_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- ogg.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- ogg_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- cda.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- cda_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- wav.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- wav_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- xpl.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- xpl_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- pls.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- pls_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- m3u.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- m3u_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- // move in options checkboxes
- options.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- startmenu.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- startmenu_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- desktop_icon.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- desktop_icon_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- }
- else
- {
- // move out options, checkboxes
- options.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- startmenu.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- startmenu_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- desktop_icon.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- desktop_icon_label.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- parent.DoInstall();
- }
- </script>
- </window>
- <?macroins textbutton name="cancel" loc="236,264,307,290" ?>
- <script name="OnClick" > parent.DestroyWindow(); </script>
- </window>
- <window name="error" type="textdisplay" offset="15,78,388,106" transparent="true" />
- <script name="DoInstall">
- $path = edit.GetText();
- if( :installer.SetInstallPath($path) )
- {
- // move in installing, progress and ok
- installing.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- progress.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- cancel.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- ok.SetAlignment({2,1,2,1},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- ok.OnClick= "";
- // select main package
- :installer.SelectPackageForInstall("{A717B122-2492-47af-9D41-960DA77A0865}");
- // select media formats
- if ( mp3.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("mp3"); }
- if ( ogg.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("ogg"); }
- if ( cda.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("cda"); }
- if ( wav.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("wav"); }
- // select playlist formats
- if ( xpl.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("xpl"); }
- if ( pls.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("pls"); }
- if ( m3u.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("m3u"); }
- // select plugins formats
- if ( cdraw.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("cdraw"); }
- if ( aorta.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("aorta"); }
- if ( cosmicbelt.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("cosmicbelt"); }
- // create shortcuts?
- if ( desktop_icon.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("desktop"); }
- if ( startmenu.GetButtonState() ) { :installer.SelectSubPackageForInstall("start_menu"); }
- // register install progress callbacks
- :installer.Register("installprogress","progress.SetRealPos( $params[1] );", this );
- :installer.Register("installdone", "Done();", this );
- // shut down any existing sonique2's
- // jmctodo this is ugly. make it pretty.
- while ( :installer.IsWindowOpen("Sonique2 Window Class", "Sonique2") )
- {
- :installer.Popup("Warning","Sonique2 is running. Please shut it down and then click OK." );
- }
- // install selected packages
- :installer.InstallSelectedPackages();
- }
- else
- {
- :installer.Popup("oops", "Bad Install path.");
- }
- </script>
- <script name="Done" >
- :installer.UnRegister("installprogress",this );
- :installer.UnRegister("installdone",this );
- // move out progress indicators
- installing.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- progress.SetAlignment({-1,0,-1,0},0,300,"linear_accel" );
- // move in options, checkboxes
- readme.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- readme_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- launch.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- launch_label.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- done.SetAlignment({0,0,0,0},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- ok.SetAlignment({1,1,1,1},0,300,"linear_decel" );
- ok.OnClick="Close();";
- </script>
- <script name="Close">
- install.SetSize({400,0},0,200,"linear_accel" );
- install.SetLocation({0,300/4},0,200,"linear_accel",1 );
- if (readme.GetButtonState())
- {
- :installer.OpenFile("$(instdir)/readme.rtf");
- }
- if (launch.GetButtonState())
- {
- :installer.Execute("$(instdir)/Sonique2.exe -i -play theme1.mp3", "$(instdir)" );
- }
- install.DestroyWindow(300);
- </script>
- </window>
- </interface>
- </mml>