5006 You have selected a palette containing %i unique colors. One of these colors must be used as the transparent color. Select one color to use for transparency.
5007 Animation Properties
5008 Frame Properties
5009 I
5010 O
5011 AVI Export Wizard
5012 Tool Palette
5013 Colors
5014 Toolbar
5015 Style Bar
5016 Reading %s
5017 Saving
5018 Unknown
5019 None
5020 Windows
5021 OS/2
5022 RLE4
5023 RLE8
5024 DIB
5025 OS/2 or Windows Bitmap
5026 Windows Clipboard
5027 Dr. Halo
5028 OS/2 or Windows DIB
5029 Autodesk Animation Format
5030 Compuserve GIF
5031 Amiga Interchange Format
5032 GEM Paint
5033 JPEG - JFIF Compliant
5034 Deluxe Paint
5035 MacPaint
5036 Microsoft Paint
5037 Portable Bitmap
5038 Kodak Photo-CD
5039 Zsoft Paintbrush
5040 Portable Greymap
5041 PC Paint
5042 Portable Pixelmap
5043 SUN Raster Images
5044 Raw File Format
5045 Compressed Bitmap
5046 Truevision Targa
5047 Tagged Image File Format
5048 Windows Meta File
5049 Word Perfect
5050 Run Length
5051 GIF - 87a
5052 GIF - 89a
5053 Non - Interlaced
5054 Interlaced
5055 PBM
5056 ILBM
5057 1 - 8
5058 1 - 9
5059 Byte Header
5060 Standard IMG
5061 DCT / LZW
5062 Macintosh PICT
5063 Has a header
5064 No header
5065 Pack Bits
5066 type
5067 ASCII
5068 Binary
5069 PCD - Base Image
5070 Photo - YCC
5071 Pictor / PC Paint
5072 Standard
5073 Compuserve
5074 Fax Group 3
5075 Fax Group 4
5076 Aldus Placeable
5077 Million
5078 WPG
5079 LZW
5080 Huffman
5081 - Standard
5082 - Progressive
5083 Arithmetic
5084 Photoshop 2.5
5085 Portable Network Graphics
5086 PNG - Non Interlaced
5087 PNG - Interlaced
5088 LZ77
5089 The file "%s" does not exist or cannot be read. Please check the file name and access privileges.
5090 Lose all changes since your last save?
5091 Yes
5092 No
5093 Decreasing Color Depth
5094 There was not enough memory or disk space to update the undo buffer. Would you like to discard your previous undo history and continue the current operation without undo ?
5193 This file format requires images to have a minimum of 256 colors. To continue this operation, this application must increase the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
5194 This file format requires images to have a minimum of 16.7 million colors. To continue this operation, this application must increase the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
5195 This file format requires images to have 256 colors and be greyscale. To continue this operation, this application must alter the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
5196 This file format requires images to have a maximum of 256 colors. To continue this operation, this application must decrease the color depth of this image. Is it ok to change the current image?
5197 FLI files require that the animation be 320 x 200 pixels in size.\nResize your animation to 320 x 200 or save in another format.
5198 FLI files can contain a maximum of <MaxNum> frames.\nReduce the number of frames in your animation or save in another format.
5216 This GIF animation contains a frame or frames that are larger than the animation itself. The animation size will be increased to match the size of the largest frame in the animation.
5217 Rendering Frames
5218 Optimizing Frames
5219 Optimizing Palette
5220 Building Histogram
5221 Properties - Frames %ld thru %ld
5222 Version %s.%s%s %s
5223 About %s
5224 %s Frame %ld
5225 %s Frame %ld Mask
5226 %d colors currently
5227 Width: %i Height: %i
5228 Unavailable
5229 %i Bits Per Pixel (%s Colors)
5230 1 Bit Per Pixel (2 Colors)
5231 Please enter a valid file name
5232 Frame %i of %i
5233 PAL - Palette File|*.pal||
5234 AVI - Animation File|*.avi|
5235 (%i, %i) -> (%i, %i) = (%i x %i)
5236 A picture tube with that name already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing tube?
5237 %i frames %i x %i
5238 Image: %u x %u
5239 You must give the Picture Tube a valid name.
5240 No files open
5241 Finish
5242 Animation Shop Build Information
5243 Build Date: %s @ %s
5244 Build Mode: %s
5245 Debug
5246 Release
5247 Target Processor
5248 Memory / Drive Status:
5249 Memory Load Index %lu pcnt.
5250 MB
5251 KB
5252 Total Physical Memory %lu%s
5253 Available Physical Memory %lu%s
5254 Total Paging Memory %lu%s
5255 Available Paging Memory %lu%s
5256 Temp Drive Free Space %lu%s
5257 Video Driver Information:
5258 Bits Per Pixel %i
5259 Number of Colors %lu
5260 Palette Size Non-Paletted
5261 Palette Size %i
5262 Resolution %i x %i
5263 Operating System Information:
5264 Operating System
5265 Windows 3.x & Win32s
5266 Windows 95/98
5267 Windows NT/2000
5268 Version %i.%i
5269 Additional Info %s
5270 DIB Output %iBPP
5271 %sAnims
5272 You must insert at least 1 frame.\nPlease enter a valid number of frames to insert.
5273 You must insert frames before frames in the range 1 to %d.\nPlease enter a valid frame number before which to insert new frames.
5274 OEM ID: %u
5275 Processors %u
5276 Processor Type %u
5277 MMX Support %s
5278 Hardware Configuration:
5279 Total Managed Memory %lu%s
5280 Total Handles: %lu
5281 File Map Threshold: %lu%s
5282 To save the animation as a Picture Tube, each frame must have a transparency.
5283 %sImages
5284 &Undo Load Global Palette
5285 &Undo Drag
5286 &Undo Apply Image Effect
5287 &Undo Paste
5288 Error creating image DIB for tube.
5289 &Undo Cut
5290 &Undo Insert
5291 Error creating mask DIB for tube.
5292 &Undo Edit General Properties
5293 Ctrl+Z
5294 &Undo
5295 &Undo Edit Paste DIB
5296 &Undo Edit Animation Properties
5297 &Undo Edit Frame Properties
5298 &Undo Edit Frame Properties
5299 Error attaching image DIB for tube.
5300 &Undo Edit Resize Image
5301 &Undo Edit Reverse Frames
5302 &Undo Flip Frame
5303 &Undo Flip Frames
5304 &Undo Resize Animation
5305 &Undo Mirror Frame
5306 &Undo Mirror Frames
5307 Optimization Wizard
5308 Standard settings selected, level %d
5309 - Author information
5310 - Copyright information
5311 All non-visible elements removed except for:
5312 Optimized image will contain %d colors
5313 Local palettes allowed.
5314 Custom settings selected
5315 All non-visible elements retained.
5316 All non-visible elements removed.
5317 - Last modification date/time
5318 Generate palette by median cut
5319 Generate palette by Octree
5320 Use browser-safe palette
5321 Load palette from the file %s
5322 Use the standard Jasc dither palette
5323 Map colors to palette via error diffusion.
5324 Map colors to palette via ordered dither.
5325 Map colors to palette via nearest color.
5326 No local palettes will be used
5327 Write minimal frames
5328 Write full frames
5329 - Animation comments
5330 Optimizing for Animated GIF file
5331 Optimizing for Multipage Network Graphic (MNG) file
5332 Optimized output will create a new animation
5333 Optimized output will update the current animation
5334 Customize Optimization Settings
5335 Use transparency for better compression
5336 &Undo Paintbrush
5337 &Undo Flood Fill
5338 &Undo Eraser Brush
5339 Do not use transparency to boost compression
5340 &Undo Text Tool
5341 The transition library %1 is not supported by the evaluation version of Animation Shop. To obtain a registered version, contact Jasc Software at www.jasc.com
5342 You have placed a large amount of data in the clipboard. This data may take up quite a bit of memory and may degrade system performance if left on the clipboard. Would you like to leave this data on the clipboard so it will still be available to other applications?
5343 The layers in file %s are not marked as visible. No frames were added to the animation from this file.
5344 File Format Preferences
5345 Greater than 256 colors
5346 &Undo Duplicate Frame
5347 &Undo Animation Properties
5348 Error attaching mask DIB for tube.
5349 Error importing frame data for tube.
5350 The render of the transition has failed. No further information is available.
5351 Are you sure that you want to remove all file associations from Animation Shop?
5352 Version
5353 Cannot read video data. No suitable video decompressor is available.
5354 You must enter a play count between 1 and 32767
5355 Optimizing for Autodesk Animation (FLC) file
5356 Frames
5357 Optimizing for Autodesk Animation (FLI) file
5358 Play
5359 You must select either an undo step limit or an undo memory limit.
5360 Please choose a user directory.
5361 Select Directory
5362 The height of the animation must be between 1 and 32767.\nPlease enter valid height value.
5363 The width of the animation must be between 1 and 32767.\nPlease enter valid width value.
5364 You are missing the Animation Shop help system and order forms. If reinstalling Animation Shop does not correct the problem, please contact Jasc Software or your local distributor for a complete copy.
5365 This is a 30 day evaluation\nversion of Animation Shop.\nIf after the 30 day period\nyou would like to continue\nto use it, you must purchase\n the licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your\n30 day evaluation period.
5366 You have exceeded the 30\nday trial period of this\nsoftware. After 60 days this\nprogram will not run. Please\nclick the Order button to\npurchase a licensed version.\nYou are on day %i of your\n30 day evaluation period.
5367 The file %s either contains no data or contains unsupported data.
5368 Could not open the AVI file.
5369 A memory error occurred while saving the AVI file.
5370 Could not write to the AVI stream.
5371 Could not set the stream format.
5372 Unknown error in compression options.
5373 Could not save animation in AVI format for the following reason:\n
5374 Full Frames (Uncompressed)
5375 DIB
5376 n/a
5377 No change
5378 %d%% More
5379 %d%% Less
5380 %d bytes
5381 %1.1fK bytes
5382 %dK bytes
5383 %1.3fM bytes
5384 < 1.0 second
5385 %1.0f seconds
5386 %d min %d sec
5387 %d h %d m %d s
5388 The delay time must be between 0 and 32767.\n Please enter a valid delay time.
5389 Sample Text
5390 F:%d
5391 GIF Animation
5392 Load Palette
5393 Import AVI
5394 &Undo Image Transition
5395 &Undo Insert Text Effect
5396 Saving...
5397 %s
5398 Cannot copy to the clipboard
5399 Cannot paste from the clipboard
5400 F = Frame D = Delay
5401 F:%d D:%d
5402 Invalid animated GIF file
5403 Reading animated GIF information
5404 Nothing to undo
5405 Cannot import from the AVI file
5406 Importing AVI
5407 Starting frame number must not be less than zero
5408 Ending frame number must be greater than or equal to %s, and less than or equal to %s
5409 Sample rate must be greater than zero
5410 There is no default printer.\nPlease select a default printer and try again.
5411 Pasting frames
5412 Copying frames
5413 No transitions of this type are available.
5414 &Undo Insert Image Effect
5415 Transition contains a total of %d frames.
5416 &Undo Apply Image Effect
5417 %d fps
5418 %1.1f secs
5419 &Undo Update From PSP
5420 Rendering frames:
5421 An error occured attempting to render the transition frames.
5422 %d colors
5423 The following error occurred while accessing the custom brushes:\n %s
5424 &Undo Edit Add Empty Frames
5425 &Undo Edit Add Images
5426 &Undo Delete
5427 %.2f total seconds (%.2f seconds)
5428 %s: Cannot open the palette file
5429 Untitled
5430 The palette file could not be read, or does not contain enough colors.
5431 Unexpected error during optimization.
5432 Maximum number of frames: %d.
5433 You must enter some text to use for the transition.
5434 Optimizing for Audio Video Interlaced (AVI) file
5435 Not enough memory to complete the operation.
5436 Warning: The text entered will not fit on the animation.
5437 Unable to launch your World Wide Web browser. Please check that it is installed properly.\n
5438 You must select at least one frame for this operation.
5439 Collapse identical frames
5440 The palette index %i is reserved for the background color and can not be used for the transparent color. Please select another color.
5441 Copyright ⌐ 1991-2000 Jasc Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5442 Portions Copyright ⌐ 1991-2000 Access Softek
5443 Licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts
5444 *MASK*
5445 Banner height must be between 1 and 1200.
5446 Banner width must be between 1 and 1600.
5447 Height must be between 1 and 5000.
5448 Width must be between 1 and 5000.
5449 Save Fra&me As...
5450 Select Background Image
5451 Do not collapse identical frames
5452 %2.1lf%% opacity to full transparency
5453 Convert pixels less than %d (%2.1lf%%) opacity to fully transparent
5454 Use halftone dithering on partially transparent pixels
5455 Use error diffusion dithering on partially transparent pixels
5456 Do not blend partially transparent pixels
5457 Blend partially transparent pixels with color RGB(%d, %d, %d)
5458 &Undo Crop Animation
5459 The duration of the banner must be between 1 and 100.
5460 The frame rate of the banner must be between 1 and 50 frames per second.
5461 Canvas color will be set to RGB(%d, %d, %d)
5462 Save Fra&mes As...
5463 Save Frame As
5464 Save Frames As
5465 155 317 (top left corner of OK button on about box)
5466 260 317 (top left corner of System Info on about box)
5467 267 331 361 357 (Rectangle of order button on eval splash screen)
5468 145 331 239 357 (Rectangle of start button on eval splash screen)
5469 187 5 487 30 (Rectangle for major version text string on splash screen)
5470 187 30 487 50 (Rectangle for minor version text string on splash screen, alpha/beta version only)
5471 300 55 504 185 (Rectangle for the eval version text on the splash screen)
5472 &Redo Mirror Frame
5473 &Redo Mirror Frames
5474 &Redo Flip Frame
5475 &Redo Flip Frames
5476 &Redo Reverse Frames
5477 &Redo Frame Properties
5478 &Redo Animation Properties
5479 &Redo Delete
5480 &Redo Insert
5481 &Redo Replace
5482 &Redo Composite
5483 &Redo Paste
5484 &Redo Drag
5485 &Redo Transition
5486 &Redo Insert Text Effect
5487 Effect contains a total of %d frames.
5488 &Redo Apply Text Effect
5489 &Redo Insert Image Effect
5490 &Redo Apply Image Effect
5491 &Redo Deformation
5492 &Redo Shape
5493 &Redo Line
5494 &Redo Update From PSP
5495 &Redo Resize Animation
5496 &Redo Crop Animation
5497 &Redo Paint Brush
5498 &Redo Flood Fill
5499 &Redo Eraser Brush
5500 &Redo Text Tool
5501 &Redo
5502 &Undo Optimize Animation
5503 &Redo Optimize Animation
5504 The file "%s" cannot be exported to Paint Shop Pro for Integrated Edit.
5505 %.2f total seconds
5506 &Undo Rotate
5507 &Redo Rotate
5508 Rotating frames
5509 VCR Controls
5510 An error has occurred while saving a tube.
5511 An error has occurred while overwriting a tube.
5512 The old and new colors are the same.\n\nNo substitution was performed.
5513 You have specified that both the old and new colors are transparent.\n\nNo substitution was performed.
5514 The color you have selected to be replaced does not exist in the frames you have selected.\n\nNo substitution was performed.
5515 There are no transparent areas in the frames you have selected.\n\nNo substitution was performed.
5516 &Undo Replace Color
5517 &Redo Replace Color
5518 Cannot initialize undo information.
5519 Your computer has just been awakened from a critical sleep state.\n\nAs a result, any unsaved changes may have been lost.
5520 Replacing color...
5521 Replacing transparent regions...
5522 Assembling frames to be processed...
5523 Preparing frames...
5524 Recovering old frames...
5525 Undoing last operation...
5526 Redoing last operation...
5527 Preparing to undo last operation...
5528 \n\nThis animation may be corrupted. You should close and reopen this animation to continue editing.
5529 Load Workspace
5530 Save Workspace
5531 Delete Workspace
5532 Workspaces (*.wsa)|*.wsa||
5533 An error has occurred while attempting to open the specified workspace file.\n\n
5534 An error has occurred while attempting to write to the specified workspace file.\n\n
5535 An error has occurred while attempting to read the specified workspace file.\n\n
5536 The specified file is not a workspace file.
5537 The specified workspace file is corrupt.
5538 An error has occurred while attempting to open file:\n\n%s.
5539 An error has occurred while attempting to delete the specified workspace file.\n\n
5540 &Delete
5541 Animation Shop cannot currently write animation files in MPEG format.
5542 There are new unsaved animations in your workspace.\n\nNot saving them at this time will cause these animations not to be opened the next the your current workspace is loaded.\n\nDo you want to save them?
5543 Jasc Animation Shop Workspace File
5544 An error has occurred while preparing to save a tube.
5545 This file will exceed available physical memory if opened as proposed, which could impact system performance\nDo you wish to continue?
5546 Unknown
8000 http://www.jasc.com
8001 mailto:anm3sup@jasc.com
8002 http://www.jasc.com/support.asp
8003 mailto:anm3evalsup@jasc.com
20079 Setup the page for printing\nPage Setup
20080 Delete the selected frames\nDelete Frames
20081 View the animation as it will be played\nView Animation
20082 Lose current changes and reload file\nRevert
20083 Delete the file from the disk\nDelete File
20084 Change settings that affect Animation Shop's operation\nPreferences
20085 Edit the image using the specified editor\nEdit Image
20086 Show transparent areas\nShow Transparency
20088 Open an existing animated GIF\nOpen Animated GIF
20089 Open an existing image file\nOpen Image
20090 Generate a single optimized palette for the animation\nOptimize Palette
20091 Convert each frame to contain the entire frame contents\nFull Frames
20092 Convert each frame to contain only the difference from the last frame\nDifference Frames
20093 Convert all frames of the animation to full frames\nFull Frames
20094 Convert all frames of the animation to difference frames\nDifference Frames
20095 Group
20098 Load a palette from disk and apply it to the animation\nLoad Palette
20099 Jump to a specific frame number\nGo To Frame
20100 Display the image at 1/4 actual size\nZoom / 4
20101 Display the image at 1/2 actual size\nZoom / 2
20102 Display the image at it's actual size\nActual Size
20103 Display the image at twice actual size\nZoom x 2
20104 Display the image at four times actual size\nZoom x 4
20106 Insert one or more empty frames\nInsert Empty Frames
20107 Change the page layout settings for animation printing\nPage Setup
20108 Change the page layout settings for frame printing\nPage Setup
20109 Preview the printed output\nPrint Preview
20110 Preview the printed output\nPrint Preview
20112 Prints the frames in an animation\nPrint
20113 Paste the clipboard contents as one or more new animation frames before the current frame\nPaste Before Current
20114 Paste the clipboard contents into the selected animation frame\nPaste Into Selected Frame
20116 Create a new animation with the help of the Animation Wizard\nAnimation Wizard
20117 Edit the properties of the current frame(s)\nEdit Properties
20118 Edit the properties of the current animation\nEdit Properties
20119 Empty the data in the clipboard, freeing up memory\nEmpty Clipboard
20120 Select all frames of the animation\nSelect All
20121 Deselect all frames of the GIF animation\nSelect None
20122 Select none of the frames of the animation\nSelect None
20123 Create a new animation from AVI file frames
20124 Resize the entire animation\nResize
20125 Save the current frame as a GIF\nSave Frame As
20126 Save the currently selected frame\nSave Frame As
20127 Propagates pastes through the entire animation\nPropagate Paste
20128 Insert frames from an image transition\nInsert Image Transition
20129 Fill frame with background color\nBackground Color
20130 Use a frame from the animation\nAnimation Frame
20132 Fill frame with a custom color\nCustom Color
20133 Optimize an animation for smaller size and faster downloads\nOptimization Wizard
20134 Insert one or more files to the animation as frames\nInsert From File
20136 Frame not used\nNot Used
20137 Insert frames from a text effect\nInsert Text Effects
20138 Reverse the order of frames in the animation\nReverse Frames
20139 Change file format preferences\nFile Format Preferences
20140 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Jasc Software World Wide Web Site (Requires an Internet Browser)\nJasc Web
20141 Check for updates to this program (requires an Internet Browser)\nCheck for updates
20143 Show or hide the color palette\nToggle ColorPalette
20144 Close all open windows\nClose All
20145 Duplicate the current animation\nDuplicate Animation
20156 Show or hide the tool palette\nToggle ToolPalette
20157 Shows or hides the Style Bar\nToggle Style Bar
20158 Launch Email system to contact Jasc Software\nEmail Jasc Software
20161 Resizes the current animation\nResize Animation
20162 Flip the selected frame(s) top to bottom\nFlip
20163 Mirror the selected frame(s) left to right\nMirror
20164 Starts Paint Shop Pro in a new window
20165 Show or hide the Tool Palette\nToggle Tool Palette
20166 Show or hide the Color Palette\nToggle Color Palette
20167 Show or hide the Style Bar\nToggle Style Bar
20168 Duplicates the animation into a new document
20169 Insert a duplicate the current frame(s)\nDuplicate
20170 Create a new Web banner with the help of the Banner Wizard\nBanner Wizard
20171 Change the size of the image\nResize
20172 Customize the toolbar\nCustomize Toolbar
20173 Changes file associations and extensions\nAssociations and extensions
20174 Change settings that affect the RGB to CMYK conversion\nCMYK Conversion Preferences
20175 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Paint Shop Pro help page\nJasc Support
20176 Check or adjust the monitor's gamma setting
20177 Configure the color management options
20178 Launch your Internet browser and connect to the Jasc Software Digital Studio page\nJasc Digital Studio
20179 Zoom in by 5 (increase the apparent size by 5x)\Zoom in 5
20180 Zoom in by 1 (increase the apparent size by 1x)\Zoom in 1
20182 View the frames normally, with no zoom factor\nActual Size
20183 Zoom out by 1 (decrease the apparent size by 1x)\Zoom out 1
20184 Zoom out by 5 (decrease the apparent size by 5x)\Zoom out 1
20186 Open this image
20187 Open this image
20188 Open this image
20189 Open this image
20190 Open this image
20191 Press ESC to Abort
20197 Inserts frames from an Image Effect\nImage Effects
20198 Insert frames from an image effect\nInsert Image Effect
20199 Apply an image effect to existing frames\nApply Image Effect
20200 Apply a text effect to existing frames\nApply Text Effect
20201 Reduce the frame count by removing every nth frame\nDecimate
20202 Cull every nth frame from the animation
20203 Remove every n-th frame from the selected frames\nCull
20205 Write copies of all frames and transparencies to d:\work\nDump Frames
20208 Paste the clipboard contents as a new animation\nPaste As New Animation
20209 Paste the clipboard contents as a new animation\nPaste As New Animation
20211 Browses images and animations on disk\nBrowse
20214 Rotate all or only selected frames\nRotate
20218 Display HTML code for animation\nHTML Coding
20222 Exports selected frames for editing in Paint Shop Pro\nExport Frames to Paint Shop Pro
20228 Connect to Jasc Software Web Site to report a problem\nReport Defect
20229 Breaks the link with frames exported to PSP.
20233 Save the currently selected frames\nSave Frames As
20269 Edit the Onionskin Preview Settings\nEdit Onionskin Settings
20270 Enable / disable the Onionskin Preview\nToggle Onionskin Preview
20271 Enable / disable the Onionskin Preview\nToggle Onionskin Preview
20275 Enable / disable the Onionskin Preview\nToggle Onionskin Preview
20278 Minimize all windows\nMinimize All
20279 Enable / disable the Onionskin Preview\nToggle Onionskin Preview
20280 Paste the clipboard contents as one or more new animation frames after the current frame\nPaste After Current
20281 Paste the clipboard contents as one or more new animation frames afterthe current frame\nPaste As New Frames
20282 Paste the clipboard contents as one or more new animation frames after the current frame\nPaste After Current
20284 Play the animation in reverse at double speed\nRewind
20285 Play the animation in reverse at normal speed\nReverse
20286 Pause the animation\nPause
20287 Play the animation forward at normal speed\nPlay
20288 Play the animation forward at double speed\nFast Forward
20289 Show or hide the VCR controls toolbar\nToggle VCR controls
20290 Enable / disable the Onionskin Preview\nToggle Onionskin Preview
20298 Play the animation in reverse at half speed\nReverse slow
20299 Play the animation forward at half speed\nForward slow
20300 Advance the animation one frame\nAdvance One Frame
20301 Retreat the animation one frame\nRetreat One Frame
20302 Play the animation forward at half speed\nSlow Forward
20303 Play the animation in reverse at half speed\nSlow Reverse
20307 Loop the animation forever\nLoop
20308 User defined file locations
20309 Preview current image in a web browser
20310 Exports selected frames to a picture tube\nExport Frames to a picture tube
20314 Replace a color or transparent regions with another color or transparent opacity\nRelace a color
20318 Pick new foreground color\nNew Foreground Color
20319 Pick new background color\nNew Background Color
20320 Pick recent background color\nRecent Background Color
20321 Pick recent foreground color\nRecent Foreground Color
20322 Swap foreground and background colors\nSwap Colors
20323 Deletes the specified workspace file
20324 Loads a workspace from the specified file
20327 Saves the current workspace to the specified file
20329 Open the workspace
20330 Open the workspace
20331 Open the workspace
20332 Open the workspace
20333 Open the workspace
20334 Open the workspace
20335 Open the workspace
20336 Open the workspace
20337 Open the workspace
20338 Open the workspace
20340 Email Jasc Software to report a problem\nEmail Defect
20341 Post an item in the Animation Shop 3 Beta newsgroup\nPost to Newsgroup
21446 Background
21447 Please enter a value from %i through %i.
21448 %s\nThis document has one or more exported frames open in Paint Shop Pro.\nThese exported frames must be closed in PSP or the links to them broken (via right click) before this document can be closed.
21449 Small Cross
21450 Large Cross
21451 Spanning Cross
21452 &Undo Crop Animation
21453 to
21454 Invalid rectangle
21455 Please reenter the following values:
21456 Bottom: valid values are %i through %i
21462 No pixels change from frame to frame in this animation.
21463 Cropping Frames
21464 There are no opaque pixels in any frame of this animation.
21465 &Undo Apply Text Effect
21466 The page range in your print request wasn't valid.\nDo you want to print pages %u through %u instead?
21467 You must enter a play count between 1 and 32767
21468 You must enter a display duration between 1 and 32767
21469 Please enter an integer from %i through %i
21470 The cropping rectangle must be at least 1 pixel wide and 1 pixel tall.
21471 Video For Windows (AVI) files must have an .avi extension.
21472 Mirroring Frames
21473 &Undo Frame Properties
21474 Cannot save the file '%1'. The file exists and is read-only.
21475 Cannot save '%1'. The folder is read-only.
21476 Are you sure you want to move the deformation control outside the boundaries of the document?
21477 Could not apply the deformation using the specified settings.
21478 Could not apply the deformation using the specified settings. Size fo deformed image exceeds maximum size allowed.
21479 Loading...
21480 Validating...
23008 Electronic registration Register.exe program not found. You may need to reinstall the product.
23804 New Folder
23805 New Folder (%d)
23836 H
23837 S
23838 L
23839 Edit Palette
23844 R %i\nG %i\nB %i
23845 R %X\nG %X\nB %X
23846 H %i\nS %i\n L %i
23847 H %X\nS %X\nL %X
23848 Left: valid values are %i through %i
23849 Right: valid values are %i through %i
23850 Top: valid values are %i through %i
23851 Please change Left or Right:\nLeft must be less than Right
23852 Please change Top or Bottom:\nTop must be less than bottom
23853 This file contains one or more adjustment layers. Adjustment layers are not supported and will be ignored.
23854 Culling Frames
23855 Deleting Frames
23856 Page %u
23857 bytes
23858 Comment
23859 Alpha
23860 Beta
23861 Try&Buy
23862 Eval
23863 mailto:anm3evalsup@jasc.com
23864 mailto:anm3betasup@jasc.com
23865 (Installation ID: %X)
23866 Registered To:\n
25698 Display the list of actions that can be undone\nUndo History
25699 Display the list of actions that can be redone\nRedo History
33915 Display the "How do I..." section for Animation Shop
34205 Run the electronic product registration program\nRegister product
57344 Animation Shop 3
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new animation\nNew Animation
57601 Open an existing animation\nOpen Animation
57602 Close the active animation\nClose
57603 Save the active animation\nSave
57604 Save the active animation with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the page layout settings\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57608 Print the active animation\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this animation
57617 Open this animated GIF
57618 Open this animated GIF
57619 Open this animated GIF
57620 Open this animated GIF
57621 Open this animated GIF
57622 Open this animated GIF
57623 Open this animated GIF
57624 Open this animated GIF
57625 Open this animated GIF
57626 Open this animated GIF
57627 Open this animated GIF
57628 Open this animated GIF
57629 Open this animated GIF
57630 Open this animated GIF
57631 Open this animated GIF
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action
57644 Redo the previously undone action
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
59394 File Locations
59395 Web Browsers
59396 Undo/Temporary Files
59397 2 Color Palette
59398 16 Color Palette
59399 256 Color Palette
59400 256 Greyscale Palette
59401 16.7 Million Colors
59402 KBytes
59403 sec at 28.8 Kbps
59404 sec at 56.6 Kbps
59405 JPEG
59406 GIF
59407 PNG
59408 Bitmap
59409 AVI
59410 Animated GIF
59411 Animation Shop Preview in Web Browser
59412 At least one Web Browser must be selected
59413 These changes will not take affect until the next time you start Animation Shop
59414 Not a valid path. Please enter a valid path.
59415 The current defined path is not a directory.
59416 Browse for Web Viewer.
59417 Web Viewers (*.exe)|*.exe||
59418 Tubes
59419 Patterns
59420 Textures
59421 Gradients
59422 Brushes
59423 Frames
59424 Shapes
59425 Styled Lines
59426 The current directory is not writable.
59427 Animation Shop default system directory for this file type:
59428 At least one File Format must be selected.
59429 Tubes
59430 Patterns
59431 Textures
59432 Gradients
59433 Brushes
59434 Frames
59435 Shapes
59436 Styled Lines
59437 Redo
59438 Undo
59439 The directory must be enabled if Save To Path is enabled.
59440 The file %s contains unsupported MNG features.\n\nDo you still wish to open this file?
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61191 Registered User & Key Location
61192 Unregistered
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61215 Activate this window
61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview
61446 R: %d\nG: %d\nB: %d
61447 R: %X\nG: %X\nB: %X
61448 H: %d\nS: %d\nL: %d
61449 H: %X\nS: %X\nL: %X
61450 Trial extension key found and validated. Your trial period has been extended. This single-use key will no longer function, and will now be removed from your system.