home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- function WWHelp_Object()
- {
- var Agent = "";
- var MajorVersion = 0;
- // Determine browser
- //
- this.mBrowser = 0; // Shorthand for Unknown
- Agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- if ((Agent.indexOf("mozilla") != -1) &&
- (Agent.indexOf("spoofer") == -1) &&
- (Agent.indexOf("compatible") == -1))
- {
- MajorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
- if (MajorVersion >= 4)
- {
- this.mBrowser = 1; // Shorthand for Netscape
- }
- }
- else if (Agent.indexOf("msie") != -1)
- {
- MajorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
- if (MajorVersion >= 4)
- {
- this.mBrowser = 2; // Shorthand for IE
- }
- }
- else if (Agent.indexOf("icab") != -1)
- {
- this.mBrowser = 3; // Shorthand for iCab
- }
- // Determine platform
- //
- this.mPlatform = 0; // Shorthand for Unknown
- if ((Agent.indexOf("win") != -1) ||
- (Agent.indexOf("16bit") != -1))
- {
- this.mPlatform = 1; // Shorthand for Windows
- }
- else if (Agent.indexOf("mac") != -1)
- {
- this.mPlatform = 2; // Shorthand for Macintosh
- }
- this.mbInitialized = false;
- this.mMessages = new Array();
- this.mBookDirList = new Array();
- this.mBookList = new Array();
- this.mBaseURL = location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf("/wwhelp/js/html/frames.htm")) + "/";
- this.mCurrentBookIndex = -1;
- this.mTabs = new Tabs_Object(this);
- this.mSync = new Sync_Object(this);
- this.mContents = new Outline_Object(this);
- this.mIndex = new Index_Object(this);
- this.mSearch = new Search_Object(this);
- this.fAddBookDir = WWHelp_AddBookDir;
- this.fAddBook = WWHelp_AddBook;
- this.fIncrementCurBookIndex = WWHelp_IncrementCurBookIndex;
- this.fTrimHREF = WWHelp_TrimHREF;
- this.fHREFToTitle = WWHelp_HREFToTitle;
- this.fParseHREF = WWHelp_ParseHREF;
- this.fSyncTOC = WWHelp_SyncTOC;
- this.fDataHTML = WWHelp_DataHTML;
- this.fDataHead = WWHelp_DataHead;
- this.fDataBody = WWHelp_DataBody;
- // Load up messages
- //
- WWHelp_Messages(this.mMessages);
- }
- function WWHelp_AddBookDir(ParamBookDir)
- {
- if ( ! this.mbInitialized)
- {
- if ((ParamBookDir != null) &&
- (ParamBookDir.length > 0))
- {
- this.mBookDirList.length++;
- if (ParamBookDir == ".")
- {
- this.mBookDirList[this.mBookDirList.length - 1] = "";
- }
- else
- {
- this.mBookDirList[this.mBookDirList.length - 1] = escape(ParamBookDir) + "/";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHelp_AddBook(ParamNewBook)
- {
- var NewBookTOCEntry;
- var NewBookIndexEntry;
- this.mBookList.length++;
- this.mBookList[this.mBookList.length - 1] = ParamNewBook;
- // Create TOC
- //
- if (this.mMessages["Tabs TOC"].length > 0)
- {
- NewBookTOCEntry = this.mContents.fNewBook(this.mBookList.length - 1, ParamNewBook.mBookTitle);
- ParamNewBook.fAddTOCEntries(NewBookTOCEntry);
- }
- // Add Index
- //
- if (this.mMessages["Tabs Index"].length > 0)
- {
- this.mIndex.fNewBook(ParamNewBook);
- }
- }
- function WWHelp_IncrementCurBookIndex()
- {
- // Increment CurrentBookIndex
- //
- if (this.mCurrentBookIndex != -1)
- {
- if (this.mCurrentBookIndex < this.mBookDirList.length)
- {
- this.mCurrentBookIndex++;
- }
- else // We're done!
- {
- this.mCurrentBookIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHelp_TrimHREF(ParamHREF)
- {
- var PoundIndex;
- var TrimmedHREF;
- // Remove named anchor entries from link
- //
- PoundIndex = ParamHREF.lastIndexOf("#");
- if (PoundIndex > 0)
- {
- TrimmedHREF = ParamHREF.substring(0, PoundIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- TrimmedHREF = ParamHREF;
- }
- return TrimmedHREF;
- }
- function WWHelp_HREFToTitle(ParamBookIndex,
- ParamHREF)
- {
- var Title;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- Title = "";
- MaxIndex = this.mBookList.length;
- Index = 0;
- while ((Title.length == 0) &&
- (Index < MaxIndex))
- {
- Title = this.mBookList[Index].fHREFToTitle(ParamHREF);
- Index++;
- }
- return Title;
- }
- function WWHelp_ParseHREF(ParamHREF)
- {
- var ResultArray = new Array("", "");
- if ((this.mBaseURL.length > 0) &&
- (ParamHREF.length > this.mBaseURL.length)) // Make certain this can match
- {
- var Prefix;
- var Suffix;
- Prefix = ParamHREF.substring(0, this.mBaseURL.length);
- Suffix = ParamHREF.substring(this.mBaseURL.length, ParamHREF.length);
- // Confirm we're under the same hierarchy
- //
- if (Prefix == this.mBaseURL)
- {
- var LongestMatchIndex;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- // Fix for differences between URL escapes and JavaScript
- //
- Suffix = unescape(Suffix);
- Suffix = escape(Suffix);
- // Find the book directory
- //
- LongestMatchIndex = -1;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mBookDirList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (Suffix.indexOf(this.mBookDirList[Index]) == 0)
- {
- if (LongestMatchIndex == -1)
- {
- LongestMatchIndex = Index;
- }
- else if (this.mBookDirList[Index].length > this.mBookDirList[LongestMatchIndex].length)
- {
- LongestMatchIndex = Index;
- }
- }
- }
- // If LongestMatchIndex is valid, we found our book directory
- //
- if (LongestMatchIndex != -1)
- {
- var Parts;
- // Reset suffix to be just the file portion
- //
- if (this.mBookDirList[LongestMatchIndex].length > 0)
- {
- Suffix = Suffix.substring(this.mBookDirList[LongestMatchIndex].length, Suffix.length);
- }
- // Fixup any escaped "#"s
- //
- Suffix = unescape(Suffix);
- Parts = Suffix.split("#");
- for (MaxIndex = Parts.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- Parts[Index] = escape(Parts[Index]);
- }
- Suffix = Parts.join("#");
- ResultArray[0] = this.mBookDirList[LongestMatchIndex];
- ResultArray[1] = Suffix;
- }
- }
- }
- return ResultArray;
- }
- function WWHelp_SyncTOC(ParamHREF)
- {
- // Only sync if TOC is available
- // and selected
- //
- if ((ParamHREF != null) &&
- (this.mMessages["Tabs TOC"].length > 0))
- {
- var ParsedHREF;
- var BookDir;
- var FileHREF;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var BookID;
- // Get BookDir and FileHREF
- //
- ParsedHREF = this.fParseHREF(ParamHREF);
- BookDir = ParsedHREF[0];
- FileHREF = ParsedHREF[1];
- // Determine BookID
- //
- BookID = -1;
- MaxIndex = this.mBookList.length;
- Index = 0;
- while ((BookID == -1) &&
- (Index < MaxIndex))
- {
- if (this.mBookList[Index].mBookDir == BookDir)
- {
- BookID = Index;
- }
- Index++;
- }
- // Display the selection
- //
- if (BookID != -1)
- {
- var bVisible = false;
- if (this.mTabs.mCurrentTab == 0) // Outline view
- {
- bVisible = true;
- }
- this.mContents.fSync(BookID, FileHREF, bVisible);
- }
- }
- }
- function WWHelp_DataHTML()
- {
- if ( ! this.mbInitialized)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.open("text/html", "replace");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\"");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln(" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<html>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<head>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<title>Data</title>");
- this.fDataHead();
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("</head>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<body>");
- this.fDataBody();
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("</body>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("</html>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.close();
- }
- }
- function WWHelp_DataHead()
- {
- if ( ! this.mbInitialized)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/bookf.js\"></script>");
- }
- }
- function WWHelp_DataBody()
- {
- if ( ! this.mbInitialized)
- {
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- this.mCurrentBookIndex = 0;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mBookDirList.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- // Add entries for Book info
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + this.mBookDirList[Index] + "wwhdata/js/book.js\"></script>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + this.mBookDirList[Index] + "wwhdata/js/search.js\"></script>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + this.mBookDirList[Index] + "wwhdata/js/files.js\"></script>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + this.mBookDirList[Index] + "wwhdata/js/toc.js\"></script>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + this.mBookDirList[Index] + "wwhdata/js/index.js\"></script>");
- // Create new book
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/data1s.js\"></script>");
- // Increment this.mCurrentBookIndex
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/data2s.js\"></script>");
- }
- // Set initialized flag
- //
- this.mbInitialized = true;
- // Update Tabs and Sync frames
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHData.document.writeln("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"" + this.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/scripts/data3s.js\"></script>");
- }
- }