home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- function OutlineEntry_Object(ParamOutline,
- ParamHREF,
- ParamText)
- {
- if ((ParamHREF != null) &&
- (ParamHREF.length > 0))
- {
- this.mHREF = ParamHREF;
- }
- else
- {
- this.mHREF = "";
- }
- if ((ParamText != null) &&
- (ParamText.length > 0))
- {
- this.mText = ParamText;
- }
- else
- {
- this.mText = "";
- }
- this.mOutline = ParamOutline;
- this.mID = 0;
- this.mParent = null;
- this.mChildren = null;
- this.mbExpanded = false;
- this.mLevel = 0;
- this.fPopupActionString = OutlineEntry_PopupActionString;
- this.fNewChild = OutlineEntry_NewChild;
- this.fLinkEntry = OutlineEntry_LinkEntry;
- }
- function OutlineEntry_PopupActionString()
- {
- var EventString;
- var ActionString;
- if ((this.mOutline.mWWHelp.mBrowser == 1) || // Shorthand for Netscape
- (this.mOutline.mWWHelp.mBrowser == 2)) // Shorthand for IE
- {
- EventString = "event";
- }
- else
- {
- EventString = "null";
- }
- ActionString = "onMouseOver=\"WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.mPopup.fShow(" + this.mID + ", " + EventString + ");\" onMouseOut=\"WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.mPopup.fHide();\"";
- return ActionString;
- }
- function OutlineEntry_NewChild(ParamText,
- ParamHREF)
- {
- var NewEntry;
- NewEntry = this.mOutline.mWWHelp.mContents.fNewEntry(ParamText, ParamHREF);
- this.mOutline.mWWHelp.mContents.fAddChild(this, NewEntry);
- return NewEntry;
- }
- function OutlineEntry_LinkEntry(ParamPrefixText)
- {
- var Prefix;
- var Link;
- if (ParamPrefixText != null)
- {
- Prefix = ParamPrefixText;
- }
- else
- {
- Prefix = "";
- }
- if (this.mHREF.length > 0)
- {
- Link = "<a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.fDisplayDoc(" + this.mID + ");\" " + this.fPopupActionString() + ">" + Prefix + this.mText + "</a>";
- }
- else
- {
- Link = Prefix + this.mText;
- }
- return Link;
- }
- function Outline_Object(ParamWWHelp)
- {
- var bBeFast = false;
- this.mWWHelp = ParamWWHelp;
- this.mEntries = new Array();
- this.mTop = null;
- this.mMaxLevel = 0;
- this.mbStoreHTML = false;
- this.mStoredHTML = "";
- this.mImgSrcDir = "../";
- this.mPopup = new Popup_Object("WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.mPopup",
- "WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document",
- Outline_PopupTranslate, Outline_PopupFormat,
- "OutlinePopupDIV", "OutlinePopupText", 1000, 12, 20, 150);
- this.fHead = Outline_Head;
- this.fBody = Outline_Body;
- this.fNewBook = Outline_NewBook;
- this.fNewEntry = Outline_NewEntry;
- this.fAddChild = Outline_AddChild;
- this.fDisplayDoc = Outline_DisplayDoc;
- this.fExpand = Outline_Expand;
- this.fCollapse = Outline_Collapse;
- this.fDumpHTML = Outline_DumpHTML;
- this.fFindClosedParents = Outline_FindClosedParents;
- this.fSync = Outline_Sync;
- this.fDisplayEntry = Outline_DisplayEntrySafe;
- this.fDisplayOutline = Outline_DisplayOutlineSafe;
- this.fGenerateStyles = Outline_GenerateStylesSafe;
- this.fUpdateOutline = Outline_UpdateOutlineSafe;
- this.fRevealEntry = Outline_RevealEntrySafe;
- // Create top level entry to hold everything else
- //
- this.mTop = this.fNewEntry("Top Level", "");
- this.mTop.mbExpanded = true;
- // Determine display method based on browser type
- //
- if ((this.mWWHelp.mBrowser == 2) || // Shorthand for IE
- (this.mWWHelp.mBrowser == 3)) // Shorthand for iCab
- {
- bBeFast = true;
- }
- // Determine img src reference based on browser type and platform
- //
- if ((this.mWWHelp.mBrowser == 2) && // Shorthand for IE
- (this.mWWHelp.mPlatform == 2)) // Shorthand for Macintosh
- {
- this.mImgSrcDir = this.mWWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/";
- }
- // Set display methods
- //
- if (bBeFast)
- {
- this.fDisplayEntry = Outline_DisplayEntryFast;
- this.fDisplayOutline = Outline_DisplayOutlineFast;
- this.fGenerateStyles = Outline_GenerateStylesFast;
- this.fUpdateOutline = Outline_UpdateOutlineFast;
- this.fRevealEntry = Outline_RevealEntryFast;
- }
- }
- function Outline_Head()
- {
- // Write formatting styles
- //
- this.fGenerateStyles();
- }
- function Outline_Body()
- {
- // Write the outline data
- //
- this.fDisplayOutline();
- // Write the DIV tag for outline popups
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<div id=\"OutlinePopupDIV\" style=\"position: absolute ; z-index: 1 ; visibility: hidden ; top: 0px ; left: 0px\">");
- if (this.mWWHelp.mBrowser != 1) // Shorthand for Netscape
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(this.mPopup.fFormat("Popup"));
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</div>");
- }
- function Outline_PopupTranslate(ParamEntryID)
- {
- var Translation = "";
- if (ParamEntryID != null)
- {
- Translation = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.mEntries[ParamEntryID].mText;
- }
- return Translation;
- }
- function Outline_PopupFormat(ParamText)
- {
- var FormattedText = "";
- var BorderColor = "#999999";
- var ImageDir = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/common/images";
- FormattedText += "<table width=\"" + this.mWidth + "\" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2></td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td colspan=3><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w7h.gif\" width=1 height=7></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc5w1h.gif\" width=5 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td width=\"100%\" id=\"OutlinePopupText\">" + ParamText + "</td>";
- FormattedText += " <td><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc5w1h.gif\" width=5 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td colspan=3><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w7h.gif\" width=1 height=7></td>";
- FormattedText += " <td bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc2w1h.gif\" width=2 height=1></td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += " <tr>";
- FormattedText += " <td colspan=5 bgcolor=\"" + BorderColor + "\"><img src=\"" + ImageDir + "/spc1w2h.gif\" width=1 height=2></td>";
- FormattedText += " </tr>";
- FormattedText += "</table>";
- return FormattedText;
- }
- function Outline_NewBook(ParamBookID,
- ParamBookTitle)
- {
- var NewEntry;
- NewEntry = this.fNewEntry(ParamBookTitle, "");
- NewEntry.mBookID = ParamBookID;
- if (this.mMaxLevel < NewEntry.mLevel)
- {
- this.mMaxLevel = NewEntry.mLevel;
- }
- // Expand first book
- //
- if (this.mTop.mChildren == null)
- {
- NewEntry.mbExpanded = true;
- }
- // Add to tree at top level
- //
- this.fAddChild(this.mTop, NewEntry);
- return NewEntry;
- }
- function Outline_NewEntry(ParamText,
- ParamHREF)
- {
- var NewEntry;
- // Create new object
- //
- NewEntry = new OutlineEntry_Object(this, ParamHREF, ParamText);
- // Set unique ID
- //
- NewEntry.mID = this.mEntries.length;
- this.mEntries.length++;
- this.mEntries[NewEntry.mID] = NewEntry;
- return NewEntry;
- }
- function Outline_AddChild(ParamParent,
- ParamChild)
- {
- if (ParamParent.mChildren == null)
- {
- ParamParent.mChildren = new Array(ParamChild);
- }
- else
- {
- ParamParent.mChildren.length++;
- ParamParent.mChildren[ParamParent.mChildren.length - 1] = ParamChild;
- }
- ParamChild.mParent = ParamParent;
- ParamChild.mLevel = ParamParent.mLevel + 1;
- if (ParamChild.mLevel > this.mMaxLevel)
- {
- this.mMaxLevel = ParamChild.mLevel;
- }
- }
- function Outline_DisplayDoc(ParamID)
- {
- var Entry;
- var Parent;
- var NewHREF;
- Entry = this.mEntries[ParamID];
- // Expand if folder
- //
- if (( ! Entry.mbExpanded) &&
- (Entry.mChildren != null))
- {
- this.fExpand(ParamID);
- }
- // Determine which book this document belongs to
- //
- Parent = Entry;
- while ((Parent.mParent != null) &&
- (Parent.mBookID == null))
- {
- Parent = Parent.mParent;
- }
- NewHREF = this.mWWHelp.mBaseURL + this.mWWHelp.mBookList[Parent.mBookID].mBookDir + this.mEntries[ParamID].mHREF;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.location.href = NewHREF;
- }
- function Outline_Expand(ParamID)
- {
- this.mEntries[ParamID].mbExpanded = true;
- this.fUpdateOutline(ParamID);
- }
- function Outline_Collapse(ParamID)
- {
- this.mEntries[ParamID].mbExpanded = false;
- this.fUpdateOutline(ParamID);
- }
- function Outline_DumpHTML(ParamHTML)
- {
- if (this.mbStoreHTML)
- {
- this.mStoredHTML += ParamHTML;
- }
- else
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write(ParamHTML);
- }
- }
- function Outline_FindClosedParents(ParamEntryID)
- {
- var SomeEntry;
- var ClosedParents = new Array();
- SomeEntry = this.mEntries[ParamEntryID];
- if (SomeEntry != null)
- {
- var SomeParent;
- SomeParent = SomeEntry.mParent;
- while (SomeParent != null)
- {
- if ( ! SomeParent.mbExpanded)
- {
- ClosedParents.length += 1;
- ClosedParents[ClosedParents.length - 1] = SomeParent;
- }
- SomeParent = SomeParent.mParent;
- }
- }
- return ClosedParents;
- }
- function Outline_Sync(ParamBookID,
- ParamFileHREF,
- bParamVisible)
- {
- var EntryID = -1;
- var BookStartIndex;
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var BookEndIndex;
- var TrimmedEntryHREF;
- // Find start of book entries
- //
- BookStartIndex = -1;
- MaxIndex = this.mEntries.length;
- Index = 0;
- while ((BookStartIndex == -1) &&
- (Index < MaxIndex))
- {
- if ((this.mEntries[Index].mBookID != null) &&
- (this.mEntries[Index].mBookID == ParamBookID))
- {
- BookStartIndex = Index;
- }
- Index++;
- }
- // Search book entries for match
- //
- BookEndIndex = this.mEntries.length;
- Index = BookStartIndex;
- while ((EntryID == -1) &&
- (Index < BookEndIndex))
- {
- // Check for FileHREF match
- //
- if (this.mEntries[Index].mHREF == ParamFileHREF)
- {
- EntryID = this.mEntries[Index].mID;
- }
- // Check to see if we can improve our guess
- // for the BookEndIndex
- //
- if ((this.mEntries[Index].mBookID != null) &&
- (this.mEntries[Index].mBookID != ParamBookID))
- {
- BookEndIndex = Index;
- }
- Index++;
- }
- // If we haven't matched yet, try trimming off "#" entries
- // and check for a match again
- //
- TrimmedFileHREF = this.mWWHelp.fTrimHREF(ParamFileHREF)
- Index = BookStartIndex;
- while ((EntryID == -1) &&
- (Index < BookEndIndex))
- {
- // Trim the entry's HREF and check for match
- //
- TrimmedEntryHREF = this.mWWHelp.fTrimHREF(this.mEntries[Index].mHREF);
- if (TrimmedEntryHREF == TrimmedFileHREF)
- {
- EntryID = this.mEntries[Index].mID;
- }
- Index++;
- }
- // If valid, reveal the entry
- //
- if (EntryID != -1)
- {
- this.fRevealEntry(EntryID, bParamVisible);
- }
- }
- function Outline_DisplayEntrySafe(ParamEntry)
- {
- if (ParamEntry.mChildren == null)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<p class=l" + ParamEntry.mLevel + ">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<nobr>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write(ParamEntry.fLinkEntry("<img width=17 height=17 border=0 src=\"" + this.mImgSrcDir + "images/doc.gif\"> "));
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("</nobr>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</p>");
- }
- else
- {
- if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded)
- {
- var MaxChildIndex;
- var ChildIndex;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<p class=l" + ParamEntry.mLevel + ">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<nobr>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<a name=\"toc" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.fCollapse(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\" " + ParamEntry.fPopupActionString() + "><img width=17 height=17 border=0 src=\"" + this.mImgSrcDir + "images/fo.gif\"></a>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write(" " + ParamEntry.fLinkEntry());
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("</nobr>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</p>");
- MaxChildIndex = ParamEntry.mChildren.length;
- for (ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < MaxChildIndex ; ChildIndex++)
- {
- this.fDisplayEntry(ParamEntry.mChildren[ChildIndex]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<p class=l" + ParamEntry.mLevel + ">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<nobr>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("<a name=\"toc" + ParamEntry.mID + "\" href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.fExpand(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\" " + ParamEntry.fPopupActionString() + "><img width=17 height=17 border=0 src=\"" + this.mImgSrcDir + "images/fc.gif\"></a>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write(" " + ParamEntry.fLinkEntry());
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.write("</nobr>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</p>");
- }
- }
- }
- function Outline_DisplayOutlineSafe()
- {
- var MaxChildIndex;
- var ChildIndex;
- MaxChildIndex = this.mTop.mChildren.length;
- for (ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < MaxChildIndex ; ChildIndex++)
- {
- this.fDisplayEntry(this.mTop.mChildren[ChildIndex]);
- }
- }
- function Outline_GenerateStylesSafe()
- {
- var ChildLevel;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<style type=\"text/css\">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" <!--");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" a { text-decoration: none ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" color: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Anchor Color"] + " }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" p { margin-top: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-family: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Family"] + " ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-size: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Size"] + " }");
- for (ChildLevel = 0 ; ChildLevel < this.mMaxLevel ; ChildLevel++)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" p.l" + (ChildLevel + 1) + " { margin-left: " + (this.mWWHelp.mMessages["TOC Indent"] * ChildLevel) + "pt }");
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" -->");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</style>");
- }
- function Outline_UpdateOutlineSafe(ParamJumpToID)
- {
- // Can't find the position of the target element in Netscape,
- // so we'll use a named anchor to jump there.
- //
- // WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.location.href = this.mWWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/html/sync.htm";
- // WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.location.href = "#toc" + ParamJumpToID;
- this.mWWHelp.mTabs.fUpdateXYPosition();
- // Close down any popups we had going to prevent JavaScript errors
- //
- this.mPopup.fHide();
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.location.href = this.mWWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/html/sync.htm";
- }
- function Outline_RevealEntrySafe(ParamEntryID,
- bParamVisible)
- {
- var ExpandList;
- var SomeParent;
- // Expand out enclosing entries
- //
- ExpandList = this.fFindClosedParents(ParamEntryID);
- while (ExpandList.length > 0)
- {
- SomeParent = ExpandList[ExpandList.length - 1];
- SomeParent.mbExpanded = true;
- ExpandList.length -= 1;
- }
- // Scroll to the entry not possible in Netscape, so just preserve current layout
- //
- if (bParamVisible)
- {
- this.fUpdateOutline(ParamEntryID);
- }
- }
- function Outline_DisplayEntryFast(ParamEntry)
- {
- if (ParamEntry.mChildren == null)
- {
- this.fDumpHTML("<nobr>");
- this.fDumpHTML(ParamEntry.fLinkEntry("<img width=17 height=17 border=0 src=\"" + this.mImgSrcDir + "images/doc.gif\"> ") + "\n");
- this.fDumpHTML("</nobr>");
- }
- else
- {
- if (ParamEntry.mbExpanded)
- {
- var MaxChildIndex;
- var ChildIndex;
- this.fDumpHTML("<nobr>");
- this.fDumpHTML("<a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.fCollapse(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\" " + ParamEntry.fPopupActionString() + "><img width=17 height=17 border=0 src=\"" + this.mImgSrcDir + "images/fo.gif\"></a>");
- this.fDumpHTML(" " + ParamEntry.fLinkEntry() + "\n");
- this.fDumpHTML("</nobr>");
- this.fDumpHTML("<ul>\n");
- MaxChildIndex = ParamEntry.mChildren.length;
- for (ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < MaxChildIndex ; ChildIndex++)
- {
- this.fDumpHTML("<li id=toc" + ParamEntry.mChildren[ChildIndex].mID + ">");
- this.fDisplayEntry(ParamEntry.mChildren[ChildIndex]);
- this.fDumpHTML("</li>\n");
- }
- this.fDumpHTML("</ul>\n");
- }
- else
- {
- this.fDumpHTML("<nobr>");
- this.fDumpHTML("<a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mContents.fExpand(" + ParamEntry.mID + ");\" " + ParamEntry.fPopupActionString() + "><img width=17 height=17 border=0 src=\"" + this.mImgSrcDir + "images/fc.gif\"></a>");
- this.fDumpHTML(" " + ParamEntry.fLinkEntry() + "\n");
- this.fDumpHTML("</nobr>");
- }
- }
- }
- function Outline_DisplayOutlineFast()
- {
- var MaxChildIndex;
- var ChildIndex;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<ul>");
- this.mbStoreHTML = false;
- MaxChildIndex = this.mTop.mChildren.length;
- for (ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < MaxChildIndex ; ChildIndex++)
- {
- this.fDumpHTML("<li class=book id=toc" + this.mTop.mChildren[ChildIndex].mID + ">");
- this.fDisplayEntry(this.mTop.mChildren[ChildIndex]);
- this.fDumpHTML("</li>\n");
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</ul>");
- }
- function Outline_GenerateStylesFast()
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<style type=\"text/css\">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" <!--");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" a { text-decoration: none ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" color: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Anchor Color"] + " }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" ul { list-style-type: none ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-top: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-left: 0pt }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" li { margin-top: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-family: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Family"] + " ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-size: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Size"] + " ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-left: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["TOC Indent"] + "pt }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" li.book { margin-left: 0pt }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" -->");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</style>");
- }
- function Outline_UpdateOutlineFast(ParamJumpToID)
- {
- var ElementID;
- this.mStoredHTML = "";
- this.mbStoreHTML = true;
- this.fDisplayEntry(this.mEntries[ParamJumpToID]);
- ElementID = "toc" + ParamJumpToID;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.all[ElementID].innerHTML = this.mStoredHTML;
- this.mStoredHTML = "";
- this.mbStoreHTML = false;
- }
- function Outline_RevealEntryFast(ParamEntryID,
- bParamVisible)
- {
- var ExpandList;
- var SomeParent;
- // Expand out enclosing entries
- //
- ExpandList = this.fFindClosedParents(ParamEntryID);
- while (ExpandList.length > 0)
- {
- SomeParent = ExpandList[ExpandList.length - 1];
- SomeParent.mbExpanded = true;
- if (bParamVisible)
- {
- this.fUpdateOutline(SomeParent.mID);
- }
- ExpandList.length -= 1;
- }
- // Scroll to the entry
- //
- if (bParamVisible)
- {
- if (WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.all["toc" + ParamEntryID].offsetTop) // Test for offsetTop support, i.e. IE
- {
- this.mWWHelp.mTabs.mXYPosition[0][1] = WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.all["toc" + ParamEntryID].offsetTop;
- setTimeout("WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.window.scroll(" + this.mWWHelp.mTabs.mXYPosition[0][0]
- + ", "
- + this.mWWHelp.mTabs.mXYPosition[0][1]
- + ");", 100);
- }
- }
- }