home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- function Index_Object(ParamWWHelp)
- {
- this.mWWHelp = ParamWWHelp;
- this.mIndicies = new Array();
- this.mJoinedIndicies = new Array();
- this.mMaxLevel = 0;
- this.mJumpToArray = null;
- this.fNewBook = Index_NewBook;
- this.fJumpTo = Index_JumpTo;
- this.fJumpToGenerateStyles = Index_JumpToGenerateStyles;
- this.fJumpToDisplaySelections = Index_JumpToDisplaySelections;
- this.fSetDocumentDisplay = Index_SetDocumentDisplay;
- this.fGenerateStyles = Index_GenerateStyles;
- this.fDisplayIndex = Index_DisplayIndex;
- this.fJoinIndicies = Index_JoinIndicies;
- this.fDisplayJoinedIndicies = Index_DisplayJoinedIndicies;
- }
- function IndexJumpTo_Object(ParamBookIndex,
- ParamLinkIndex)
- {
- this.mBookIndex = ParamBookIndex;
- this.mLinkIndex = ParamLinkIndex;
- }
- function IndexDisplayEntry_Object(ParamLevel,
- ParamEntry,
- ParamLinksString)
- {
- this.mLevel = ParamLevel;
- this.mEntry = ParamEntry;
- this.mLinksString = ParamLinksString;
- }
- function Index_NewBook(ParamBook)
- {
- var NewIndex;
- NewIndex = new Links_Object(ParamBook.mBookDir, ParamBook.mBookTitle);
- this.mIndicies.length++;
- this.mIndicies[this.mIndicies.length - 1] = NewIndex;
- NewIndex.fLoadIndex(ParamBook.fAddIndexEntries);
- return NewIndex;
- }
- function Index_JumpTo(ParamJumpTo)
- {
- var BooksArray = ParamJumpTo.split("#");
- var MaxBookIndex;
- var BookIndex;
- var BookLinkArray;
- // Build up list of all index links
- //
- this.mJumpToArray = new Array();
- for (MaxBookIndex = BooksArray.length, BookIndex = 0 ; BookIndex < MaxBookIndex ; BookIndex++)
- {
- BookLinkArray = BooksArray[BookIndex].split("=");
- this.mJumpToArray.length++;
- this.mJumpToArray[this.mJumpToArray.length - 1] = new IndexJumpTo_Object(BookLinkArray[0], // Book Index
- BookLinkArray[1]); // Link Index
- }
- // If index list exists, jump to single entry or display selection list
- //
- if (this.mJumpToArray.length > 0)
- {
- // Present selection dialog if necessary
- //
- if ((this.mJumpToArray.length == 1) &&
- (this.mIndicies[this.mJumpToArray[0].mBookIndex].mLinks[this.mJumpToArray[0].mLinkIndex].mHREFs.length == 1))
- {
- // Just display the entry
- //
- this.fSetDocumentDisplay(this.mJumpToArray[0].mBookIndex, this.mJumpToArray[0].mLinkIndex, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- // Display selection list
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.location.href = this.mWWHelp.mBaseURL + "wwhelp/js/html/index.htm";
- }
- }
- }
- function Index_JumpToGenerateStyles()
- {
- var ChildLevel;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln("<style type=\"text/css\">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" <!--");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" a { text-decoration: none ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" color: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Anchor Color"] + " }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" p { margin-top: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" font-family: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Family"] + " ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" font-size: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Size"] + " }");
- for (ChildLevel = 1 ; ChildLevel < 3 ; ChildLevel++)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" p.l" + ChildLevel + " { margin-left: " + (this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Index Indent"] * ChildLevel) + "pt }");
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln(" -->");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln("</style>");
- }
- function Index_JumpToDisplaySelections()
- {
- var MaxJumpToIndex;
- var JumpToIndex;
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln("<p><b>" + this.mIndicies[this.mJumpToArray[0].mBookIndex].mLinks[this.mJumpToArray[0].mLinkIndex].mKey + "</b></p>");
- for (MaxJumpToIndex = this.mJumpToArray.length, JumpToIndex = 0 ; JumpToIndex < MaxJumpToIndex ; JumpToIndex++)
- {
- var JumpToEntry;
- var LinkEntry;
- var MaxHREFIndex;
- var HREFIndex;
- var CopyHREFs = new Array();
- JumpToEntry = this.mJumpToArray[JumpToIndex];
- LinkEntry = this.mIndicies[JumpToEntry.mBookIndex].mLinks[JumpToEntry.mLinkIndex];
- CopyHREFs.length = LinkEntry.mHREFs.length;
- for (MaxHREFIndex = LinkEntry.mHREFs.length, HREFIndex = 0 ; HREFIndex < MaxHREFIndex ; HREFIndex++)
- {
- CopyHREFs[HREFIndex] = new String(LinkEntry.mHREFs[HREFIndex]);
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln("<p> </p>");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln("<p class=l1><nobr><b>" + this.mIndicies[JumpToEntry.mBookIndex].mBookTitle + "</b></nobr></p>");
- for (MaxHREFIndex = CopyHREFs.length, HREFIndex = 0 ; HREFIndex < MaxHREFIndex ; HREFIndex++)
- {
- if (CopyHREFs[HREFIndex] != null)
- {
- var AltHREFIndex;
- var LinkHREF;
- var LinkHREFAnchorIndex;
- var LinkHREFTrimmed;
- var SomeHREFTrimmed;
- var LinkTitle;
- // Find link without named anchors attached
- //
- LinkHREFTrimmed = this.mWWHelp.fTrimHREF(CopyHREFs[HREFIndex]);
- // Find link title
- //
- LinkTitle = this.mWWHelp.fHREFToTitle(JumpToEntry.mBookIndex, LinkHREFTrimmed);
- // If no match found, default to index word
- //
- if (LinkTitle.length <= 0)
- {
- LinkTitle = LinkHREFTrimmed;
- }
- // Drop the link
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.write("<p class=l2><nobr><a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mIndex.fSetDocumentDisplay(" + JumpToEntry.mBookIndex + "," + JumpToEntry.mLinkIndex + "," + HREFIndex + ");\">" + LinkTitle + "</a>");
- // Look for links to the same document
- //
- for (AltHREFIndex = (HREFIndex + 1) ; AltHREFIndex < MaxHREFIndex ; AltHREFIndex++)
- {
- if (CopyHREFs[AltHREFIndex] != null)
- {
- // Find link without named anchors attached
- //
- SomeHREFTrimmed = this.mWWHelp.fTrimHREF(CopyHREFs[AltHREFIndex]);
- if (SomeHREFTrimmed == LinkHREFTrimmed)
- {
- // Found a link in the same document
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.write(", <a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mIndex.fSetDocumentDisplay(" + JumpToEntry.mBookIndex + "," + JumpToEntry.mLinkIndex + "," + AltHREFIndex + ");\">" + (AltHREFIndex - HREFIndex + 1) + "</a>");
- // Remove entry so it won't be added more than once
- //
- CopyHREFs[AltHREFIndex] = null;
- }
- }
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.document.writeln("</nobr></p>");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function Index_SetDocumentDisplay(ParamBookIndex,
- ParamLinkIndex,
- ParamHREFIndex)
- {
- var NewHREF;
- NewHREF = this.mWWHelp.mBaseURL + this.mIndicies[ParamBookIndex].mBookDir + this.mIndicies[ParamBookIndex].mLinks[ParamLinkIndex].mHREFs[ParamHREFIndex];
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHDocument.location.href = NewHREF;
- }
- function Index_GenerateStyles()
- {
- var ChildLevel;
- // Build up display list
- //
- if (this.mJoinedIndicies.length == 0)
- {
- this.fJoinIndicies();
- }
- // Generate style section
- //
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<style type=\"text/css\">");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" <!--");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" a { text-decoration: none ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" color: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Anchor Color"] + " }");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" p { margin-top: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" margin-bottom: 1pt ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-family: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Family"] + " ;");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" font-size: " + this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Font Size"] + " }");
- for (ChildLevel = 1 ; ChildLevel <= this.mMaxLevel ; ChildLevel++)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" p.l" + ChildLevel + " { margin-left: " + (this.mWWHelp.mMessages["Index Indent"] * ChildLevel) + "pt }");
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln(" -->");
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("</style>");
- }
- function Index_DisplayIndex()
- {
- this.fDisplayJoinedIndicies();
- }
- function Index_JoinIndicies()
- {
- var CurPosArray = new Array();
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var bMergeDone = true;
- var SmallestEntry;
- var LinksString;
- var CurrentLinkEntry;
- var BookSeparator;
- var DisplayLevel;
- var DisplayString;
- var SplitStrings;
- var NewDisplayEntry;
- // Reset this.mMaxLevel
- //
- this.mMaxLevel = 0;
- this.mJoinedIndicies.length = 0;
- // Sort each index individually and
- // initialize current position array for each index
- //
- CurPosArray.length = this.mIndicies.length;
- MaxIndex = CurPosArray.length;
- for (Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- CurPosArray[Index] = 0; // Current position in all indicies starts at 0
- if (this.mIndicies[Index].mLinks.length <= 0)
- {
- CurPosArray[Index] = -1; // Indicates the end of index reached
- }
- else // Entries to process exist
- {
- bMergeDone = false;
- // Sort the index
- //
- this.mIndicies[Index].fSortEntries();
- }
- }
- // Perform an n-way merge sort
- //
- while ( ! bMergeDone)
- {
- // Set initial value for SmallestEntry
- // Need to do this before adding links together to avoid
- // combined entry problems when we discover a smaller entry
- // later on in the merge process. This avoids the problem
- // by finding the smallest entry first.
- // MaxIndex still set to CurPosArray.length
- //
- bMergeDone = true;
- SmallestEntry = null;
- for (Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- if (CurPosArray[Index] >= 0) // Check for indicies that are done
- {
- CurrentLinkEntry = this.mIndicies[Index].mLinks[CurPosArray[Index]];
- if ((SmallestEntry == null) ||
- (LinksEntry_SortFunction(CurrentLinkEntry, SmallestEntry) == -1))
- {
- bMergeDone = false;
- SmallestEntry = CurrentLinkEntry;
- }
- }
- }
- // Add links for the smallest entry
- //
- if (SmallestEntry != null)
- {
- // For all valid positions (not -1, > 0), find the smallest entry key
- // MaxIndex still set to CurPosArray.length
- //
- LinksString = "";
- for (Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- // Only add links if current entry is equal to the smallest entry
- //
- while ((CurPosArray[Index] >= 0) && // Check for indicies that are done
- (CurrentLinkEntry = this.mIndicies[Index].mLinks[CurPosArray[Index]]) && // Intentinal assignment
- (LinksEntry_SortFunction(CurrentLinkEntry, SmallestEntry) == 0))
- {
- // Add links via numerical entries
- //
- HREFsArray = CurrentLinkEntry.mHREFs;
- if (HREFsArray.length > 0) // Only add entries if there are links
- {
- if (LinksString.length > 0)
- {
- BookSeparator = "#"; // Add separator between book entries
- }
- else
- {
- BookSeparator = ""; // Add separator between book entries
- }
- // Format is:
- //
- // [Book Index]=[Link Index]#[Book Index]=[Link Index]
- //
- LinksString += BookSeparator + Index + "=" + CurPosArray[Index];
- }
- // Increment position
- //
- CurPosArray[Index] += 1;
- // Test for reaching end of index
- //
- if (CurPosArray[Index] >= this.mIndicies[Index].mLinks.length)
- {
- CurPosArray[Index] = -1; // Indicates the end of index reached
- }
- }
- }
- // Display smallest entry and bump the position counter
- //
- // Set display entry level and string
- //
- if (SmallestEntry.mKey.indexOf("\t") != -1)
- {
- SplitStrings = SmallestEntry.mKey.split("\t");
- DisplayString = SplitStrings[SplitStrings.length - 1];
- DisplayLevel = SplitStrings.length;
- }
- else
- {
- DisplayString = SmallestEntry.mKey;
- DisplayLevel = 1;
- }
- // Display index entry
- //
- NewDisplayEntry = new IndexDisplayEntry_Object(DisplayLevel, DisplayString, LinksString);
- this.mJoinedIndicies.length++;
- this.mJoinedIndicies[this.mJoinedIndicies.length - 1] = NewDisplayEntry;
- // Update MaxLevel
- //
- if (DisplayLevel > this.mMaxLevel)
- {
- this.mMaxLevel = DisplayLevel;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function Index_DisplayJoinedIndicies()
- {
- var MaxIndex;
- var Index;
- var PrevCharSection = "";
- var CurCharSection;
- for (MaxIndex = this.mJoinedIndicies.length, Index = 0 ; Index < MaxIndex ; Index++)
- {
- // Insert breaks between sections
- //
- if (this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mLevel == 1)
- {
- CurCharSection = this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mEntry.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
- if (CurCharSection != PrevCharSection)
- {
- if (PrevCharSection.length > 0)
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p> </p>");
- }
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p><b>" + CurCharSection.toUpperCase() + "</b></p>");
- PrevCharSection = CurCharSection;
- }
- }
- // Display index entry
- //
- if (this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mLinksString.length == 0) // Check for items with no entries
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p class=l" + this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mLevel + "><nobr>" + this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mEntry + "</nobr></p>");
- }
- else
- {
- WWHelpTopFrame.WWHNavigation.WWHSync.document.writeln("<p class=l" + this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mLevel + "><nobr><a href=\"javascript:WWHelpTopFrame.WWHelp.mIndex.fJumpTo('" + this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mLinksString + "');\">" + this.mJoinedIndicies[Index].mEntry + "</a></nobr></p>");
- }
- }
- }