home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>
- <!--
- The "name" attribute below specifies the name of the book. This
- name appears both in the table of contents and in the search scobe
- popup menu. This attribute is required.
- The "context" attribute below specifies an alternate name of the book
- and is only necessary when combining books for use with your
- application's context-sensitive help. You can put any value you desire
- here but it must contain only the characters "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", or "_".
- This attribute is optional.
- The "toc" attribute specifies the relative filename of the XML file
- that specifies the TOC structure for this book. This attribute is
- optional.
- The "ix" attribute specifies the relative filename of the XML file
- that specifies the index structure for this book. This attribute
- is optional.
- The "search" attribute specifies the relative filename of the XML
- file that will be generated by wwhelpix at the end of the conversion
- process. This attribute is optional.
- The "version" attribute specifies what format version the file is
- described in and should always be "2.0". This attribute is required.
- The "locale" attribute specifies the native language/locale for
- this book. Currently valid values are en=English, fr=French, and
- de=German. To ensure that proper word breaking rules are followed,
- this attribute must be set correctly. This attribute is optional.
- -->
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- <!--
- The following CommonWordsToSkip block allows you to define what
- words will be omitted from the generated full text search index.
- We have provided a list of low information words that are common
- in English as a starting point. However, if you are processing
- documents in a different language, you will need to adjust the
- words accordingly.
- The "minlen" attribute specifies the minimum length of word to
- include in the full text search index. Words that are fewer
- characters in length than this value will automatically be
- omitted from the search database, and need not be explicitly
- listed inside this block. The default value of 3 seems to work
- well for English. A value of 1 may be needed for CJK languages
- where one character can represent a whole word or concept.
- -->
- <CommonWordsToSkip minlen="2">
- about after all also and another any are
- because been before being between both but
- came can come copyright corp corporation could
- did
- each
- for from
- get got
- has had have her here him himself his how
- inc into its
- like
- make many me might more most much must
- never now
- one only other our out over
- not
- reserved rights
- said same see should since some still such
- take than that the their them then there these they this those through too
- under use
- very
- was way well were what where which while who will with would
- you your
- </CommonWordsToSkip>
- <!--
- The ScoringPrefs block allows you to control how search terms
- are scored by assigning different relative weights based on
- where a word occurs inside each document. Three common
- META tags are supported by default, but this may be extended
- to custom META tags as follows (for a tag called partnum):
- <meta name="partnum" weight="100">
- For information on setting/creating META tags from within
- WebWorks Publisher, please see the online documentation.
- -->
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- <!--
- The DocumentInfo block specifies the title and filename for
- each generated page in the book (excluding TOC and IX).
- -->
- <DocumentInfo>
- <Document title="1 Welcome to Bryce " href="00-Welcome.html"/>
- <Document title="Installing Bryce" href="00-Welcome2.html"/>
- <Document title="What is Bryce?" href="00-Welcome3.html"/>
- <Document title="What's New in Bryce" href="00-Welcome4.html"/>
- <Document title="Using Bryce Help" href="00-Welcomea5.html"/>
- <Document title="Bryce Terms" href="00-Welcome6.html"/>
- <Document title="Exploring the work area" href="00-Welcome7.html"/>
- <Document title="2 Getting Started " href="01-Overview.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with documents" href="01-Overview2.html"/>
- <Document title="Using the basic features of Bryce" href="01-Overview3.html"/>
- <Document title="Working in a Scene" href="01-Overview4.html"/>
- <Document title="Saving and Closing" href="01-Overview5.html"/>
- <Document title="Setting Application Preferences" href="01-Overview6.html"/>
- <Document title="Customizing Bryce" href="01-Overview7.html"/>
- <Document title="04-Tutorial.html" href="04-Tutorial.html"/>
- <Document title="4 Creating Objects " href="05-Create%20Objects.html"/>
- <Document title="The Create Palette" href="05-Create%20Objects2.html"/>
- <Document title="Primitives vs. Procedural Objects" href="05-Create%20Objects3.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Primitives" href="05-Create%20Objectsa4.html"/>
- <Document title="Object Placement" href="05-Create%20Objects5.html"/>
- <Document title="Selecting Objects" href="05-Create%20Objects6.html"/>
- <Document title="Objects in the Scene" href="05-Create%20Objects7.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Boolean Objects" href="05-Create%20Objects8.html"/>
- <Document title="Using the Presets Object Library" href="05-Create%20Objects9.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Infinite Planes" href="05-Create%20Objects10.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Terrains" href="05-Create%20Objects11.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Trees" href="05-Create%20Objects12.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Stones" href="05-Create%20Objects13.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Symmetrical Lattices" href="05-Create%20Objects14.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Metaballs" href="05-Create%20Objects15.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating a Pict Object" href="05-Create%20Objects16.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with Pictures" href="05-Create%20Objects17.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Geometric Paths" href="05-Create%20Objects18.html"/>
- <Document title="Importing Objects" href="05-Create%20Objects19.html"/>
- <Document title="5 Editing Terrains " href="07-Terrains.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Terrains" href="07-Terrains2.html"/>
- <Document title="The Terrain Editor workspace" href="07-Terrains3.html"/>
- <Document title="Using Terrain Editor Tools" href="07-Terrains4.html"/>
- <Document title="Using the paintbrush" href="07-Terrains5.html"/>
- <Document title="Filtering Terrains" href="07-Terrains6.html"/>
- <Document title="Using Creation Models" href="07-Terrainsa7.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Terrains Using Pictures" href="07-Terrainsa8.html"/>
- <Document title="Adding Color to Terrains" href="07-Terrainsa9.html"/>
- <Document title="Clipping Terrains" href="07-Terrains10.html"/>
- <Document title="Saving Terrains" href="07-Terrains11.html"/>
- <Document title="Exporting Terrains" href="07-Terrains12.html"/>
- <Document title="6 Editing Trees " href="Tree%20Lab.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with the Tree Lab" href="Tree%20Lab2.html"/>
- <Document title="Features of the Tree Lab" href="Tree%20Lab3.html"/>
- <Document title="Tree Preview" href="Tree%20Lab4.html"/>
- <Document title="Branch/Trunk Settings" href="Tree%20Lab5.html"/>
- <Document title="Tree Settings" href="Tree%20Lab6.html"/>
- <Document title="Foliage Settings" href="Tree%20Lab7.html"/>
- <Document title="7 Applying Materials " href="08-Materials.html"/>
- <Document title="Material Structure" href="08-Materialsa2.html"/>
- <Document title="Surface Material Channels" href="08-Materialsa3.html"/>
- <Document title="Volume Material Channels" href="08-Materialsa4.html"/>
- <Document title="Material Components" href="08-Materialsa5.html"/>
- <Document title="Using the Pictures Editor" href="08-Materialsa6.html"/>
- <Document title="Shading Modes" href="08-Materials7.html"/>
- <Document title="The Materials Lab" href="08-Materialsa8.html"/>
- <Document title="Working in the Materials Lab" href="08-Materialsa9.html"/>
- <Document title="Material Presets" href="08-Materials10.html"/>
- <Document title="8 Creating and Editing Textures " href="09-Textures.html"/>
- <Document title="Texture Structure" href="09-Texturesa2.html"/>
- <Document title="Component Output" href="09-Textures3.html"/>
- <Document title="Component Elements" href="09-Texturesa4.html"/>
- <Document title="Combining Components" href="09-Textures5.html"/>
- <Document title="The Deep Texture Editor" href="09-Textures6.html"/>
- <Document title="Working in the Deep Texture Editor" href="09-Textures7.html"/>
- <Document title="Tips for Speeding Up Textures" href="09-Textures8.html"/>
- <Document title="9 Arranging Objects " href="10-Transforming%20Objects.html"/>
- <Document title="Bryce and 3D Space" href="10-Transforming%20Objectsa2.html"/>
- <Document title="Coordinate Systems" href="10-Transforming%20Objects3.html"/>
- <Document title="Transforming Objects" href="10-Transforming%20Objectsa4.html"/>
- <Document title="Resizing Objects" href="10-Transforming%20Objectsa5.html"/>
- <Document title="Rotating Objects" href="10-Transforming%20Objects6.html"/>
- <Document title="Positioning Objects" href="10-Transforming%20Objects7.html"/>
- <Document title="Aligning Objects" href="10-Transforming%20Objectsa8.html"/>
- <Document title="Randomizing Objects" href="10-Transforming%20Objects9.html"/>
- <Document title="Object Hierarchies" href="10-Transforming%20Objectsa10.html"/>
- <Document title="10 Editing Objects " href="11-Editing%20Objects.html"/>
- <Document title="Restoring Objects" href="11-Editing%20Objects2.html"/>
- <Document title="Editing Object Attributes" href="11-Editing%20Objects3.html"/>
- <Document title="Editing Toruses" href="11-Editing%20Objects4.html"/>
- <Document title="Editing Imported Meshes and Stones" href="11-Editing%20Objects5.html"/>
- <Document title="Converting Objects " href="11-Editing%20Objects6.html"/>
- <Document title="11 Creating Skies " href="06-Create%20Sky.html"/>
- <Document title="The Skyá&áFog Palette" href="06-Create%20Skya2.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with Sky Modes" href="06-Create%20Skya3.html"/>
- <Document title="Setting Sky Attributes" href="06-Create%20Sky4.html"/>
- <Document title="Adding Fog and Haze" href="06-Create%20Skya5.html"/>
- <Document title="Clouds in Bryce" href="06-Create%20Sky6.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with the Sun" href="06-Create%20Sky7.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with the Moon" href="06-Create%20Sky8.html"/>
- <Document title="Adding Environmental Effects" href="06-Create%20Sky9.html"/>
- <Document title="Using the Preset Skies Library" href="06-Create%20Sky10.html"/>
- <Document title="12 Creating and Editing Lights " href="Lights.html"/>
- <Document title="Lights" href="Lights2.html"/>
- <Document title="Setting Up Lights" href="Lights3.html"/>
- <Document title="Lighting Lab" href="Lights4.html"/>
- <Document title="13 Using the Camera " href="Camera.html"/>
- <Document title="The View of Your Scene" href="Cameraa2.html"/>
- <Document title="Setting Up the View of Your Scene" href="Camera3.html"/>
- <Document title="Positioning the View of Your Scene" href="Camera4.html"/>
- <Document title="14 Rendering " href="15-Rendering.html"/>
- <Document title="Raytracing" href="15-Rendering2.html"/>
- <Document title="Rendering a Scene" href="15-Rendering3.html"/>
- <Document title="Setting Up a Render" href="15-Rendering4.html"/>
- <Document title="Rendering Animations" href="15-Rendering5.html"/>
- <Document title="Network Rendering" href="15-Renderinga6.html"/>
- <Document title="Batch Rendering" href="15-Rendering7.html"/>
- <Document title="Fast Render Strategies" href="15-Rendering8.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with Rendered Images" href="15-Rendering9.html"/>
- <Document title="15 Animating " href="animation.html"/>
- <Document title="The Animation Process" href="animationa2.html"/>
- <Document title="Time-Based Animation" href="animationa3.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating Animations" href="animation4.html"/>
- <Document title="Animation Tools" href="animationa5.html"/>
- <Document title="Motion Paths" href="animationa6.html"/>
- <Document title="Animation Features" href="animationa7.html"/>
- <Document title="Animating Techniques" href="animationa8.html"/>
- <Document title="Tracking Objects" href="animationa9.html"/>
- <Document title="Animating the Camera" href="animation10.html"/>
- <Document title="Animating Materials" href="animationa11.html"/>
- <Document title="Animating Skies" href="animation12.html"/>
- <Document title="Animating Terrains" href="animation13.html"/>
- <Document title="QuickTime VR" href="animation14.html"/>
- <Document title="Creating QuickTime VR Panoramas" href="animation15.html"/>
- <Document title="16 Using Bryce with Other Applications " href="16-Exporting.html"/>
- <Document title="Working with Other Applications" href="16-Exporting2.html"/>
- <Document title="Post Production" href="16-Exporting3.html"/>
- <Document title="Printing Images" href="16-Exporting4.html"/>
- <Document title="Using Bryce on the Web" href="16-Exporting5.html"/>
- <Document title="17 Glossary " href="B-Glossary.html"/>
- </DocumentInfo>
- <!--
- The TopicMap block is used for enabling context-sensitive help for
- use with your own software application. Publisher will automatically
- create Topic entries derived from the usage of the "TopicAlias"
- marker in your FrameMaker document(s). The "TopicAlias" marker should
- only contain the name of the topic.
- Each resulting Topic entry will be of the form:
- <Topic name="yourTopicName" href="yourBook/filename#123456">
- Where the topic name must contain only the characters:
- "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", or "_".
- -->
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- </WebWorksHelpBook>