STR_RUN_EXE_MSG=You have Bryce 5 running on your system. Please close Bryce 5 application and Run the Install.
STR_PROG_STATUS=Copying program files...
STR_STARTCOPY_MSG=Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change any settings, click 'Back'. If you are satisfied with the settings, click 'Install' to begin copying files.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
STR_LIST_TITLE=User Information:
STR_MSG_REGISTERINVALID=Please enter a valid serial number, try again.
STR_DESC_CUSTOM2=note: The second option requires RealPlayer to use its features.
STR_SETUPTYPE_DESC=Click the type of Setup you prefer, then click 'Next'.
ERR_MSG_NONADMIN=You do not have administrative rights to install Bryce 5.\nPlease see your Administrator.
SERIALCHECKDLLNOTFOUND=Unable to load the MCSetup.dll file.
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Corel Bryce 5 Setup
MSG_DEST=To install Bryce 5 to the currently designated folder, click Next.\n\nTo Install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.\n\nYou can choose not to install Bryce 5 by clicking Cancel to exit Setup.
STR_PROG_DESC=Program files are the main files required to run Bryce 5.
Readme_Shortcut=Bryce 5 Readme Notes
STR_TITLE_SETTYPE=Bryce(R) 5 - Setup Type
STR_COPY_FILES=Copying program files...
PRODUCT_NAME16=Bryce 5 Trial Version
SetupType_Desc=Click the type of Setup you prefer, then click 'Next'.
STR_LIC_TEXT=Please read the following License Agreement.
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
STR_SHORTCUT_MSG=Setup will add program icons to the Shortcut Folder listed below.\nYou may type a new folder name, or select one from the Existing \nFolders list. Click 'Next' to continue.
APPRUNNING=The installation has detected that Corel(R) Bryce 5 is running.\nPlease close Corel(R) Bryce 5 then restart the installation process.
STR_TUTOR_DESC=Tutors provide step-by-step instructions for completing Bryce 5 tasks.
STR_LIST_SETUPTYPE=This will install Program Files
DEST_TEXT=To install Bryce 5 Trial Version to the currently designated folder, click 'Next'.\n\n\nTo install to a different folder, click 'Browse' and select another folder.
HELP_FILES_MSG=Please install help files to the same location as Bryce 5
MSG_RETAIL_EXIST=Setup has detected you have a full version of Bryce 5. You cannot install the Trial Version.