home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- "IDS_ALL_FILES=All Files"
- "IDS_FULL_NAME=MoviePlayer"
- "IDS_ToolName=Movie"
- "IDS_TemporaryFile=MOP00000"
- "IDS_PickerPrompt=Choose a Border Color:"
- "IDS_NoneString=none"
- "IDS_Embedded=embedded"
- "IDS_YesWord=Yes"
- "IDS_NoWord=No"
- "IDS_CancelWord=Cancel"
- "IDS_FileNotFound=\ncannot be found. Would you like to choose a replacement file?"
- "IDS_eInitQT=Cannot Initialize Quicktime. Check your QuickTime and Acrobat MoviePlayer plugin installations."
- "IDS_eInitVFW=Cannot Initialize Video for Windows. Check your Video for Windows installation."
- "IDS_eNotMooV=This is not a Movie File."
- "IDS_FullScreen=Maximum Size"
- "IDS_CheckFlatNote=Checking Movie File"
- "IDS_ToolButtonHelpText=Movie Tool (M)|m"
- "IDS_eNoMovies=There are no movies to select on this page."
- "IDS_eNoCrossDocLinks=You cannot create a link to a movie in another document."
- "IDS_ActionInstructions=Click the Select Movie button to choose a movie to play."
- "IDS_ActionButtonText=Select &Movie..."
- "IDS_ActionString1=Movie: "
- "IDS_ActionString2="
- "IDS_SoundName=Sound"
- "IDS_SoundInstructions=Click the Select Sound button to choose a sound to play."
- "IDS_SoundButtonText=Select Soun&d..."
- "IDS_SoundString1="
- "IDS_SoundString2="
- "IDS_BadImportFormat=Sorry, only uncompressed sampled sound can be imported."
- "IDS_ABOUT_VERSION=Acrobat Movie Plug-In Version 5.0"
- "IDS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT=(c) Copyright 1997-2001, Adobe Systems Incorporated.\nAll rights reserved."
- "IDS_FILE=QuickTime Movies"
- "IDS_FILELIST=QuickTime Movies (*.mov)@*.mov@All Movies (*.mov;*.avi)@*.mov;*.avi@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@"
- "IDS_SNDFILE=Sound Files"
- "IDS_SNDFILELIST=Sound Files (*.wav;*.aif)@*.wav;*.aif@All Files (*.*)@*.*@@"
- "IDS_pNoShow=Don't Show Poster"
- "IDS_pEmbed=Put Poster In Document"
- "IDS_pRetrieve=Retrieve Poster From Movie"
- "IDS_p256=256 Colors"
- "IDS_pMillions=Millions of Colors"
- "IDS_bNone=Invisible"
- "IDS_bThin=Thin"
- "IDS_bMedium=Medium"
- "IDS_bThick=Thick"
- "IDS_bSolid=Solid"
- "IDS_bDashed=Dashed"
- "IDS_oOnceOnly=Play Once Then Stop"
- "IDS_oOnce=Play Once, Stay Open"
- "IDS_oRepeat=Repeat Play"
- "IDS_oPingPong=Back And Forth"
- "IDS_fRelative=Save Path Relative to Document"
- "IDS_fAbsolute=Save Absolute Path"
- "IDS_fEmbed=Put Movie In Document"
- "IDS_aPlay=Play"
- "IDS_aStop=Stop"
- "IDS_aPause=Pause"
- "IDS_aResume=Resume"
- "IDS_rcPlayMovie=Play Movie"
- "IDS_rcProps=Properties"
- "IDS_MENU_ABOUT=Acrobat &Movie..."
- "IDS_rcDelete=Delete"
- "IDS_FlatAlertMsg=The Movie File you have selected is not portable to non-Macintosh platforms. Do you want to \"flatten\" it?"
- "IDS_PutFilePrompt=Select a new Flat file:"
- "IDS_FlatteningNote=Flattening Movie\n\nType ESC or "
- "IDS_TemporaryFolder=Temporary Folder"
- "IDS_PrefsFile=Acrobat Movie Prefs"
- "IDS_MustSelSomething=Select a file via the Choose button or enter a valid URL."
- "IDS_BadURLAlertMsg=URL not found. The address specified may be invalid or unavailable."
- "IDS_CantFindHandler=Could not open the file because a QuickTime software component needed by the movie was not found."
- "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=Adding movie and sound clips can transform a PDF document into a multimedia experience. "
- "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION2=Movies and sounds can be played when they are selected, or they can be assigned "
- "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION3=as actions so they play when a link, bookmark, or button is activated or "
- "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION4=when a page is opened or closed."
- "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=QuickTime 2.5 or later"
- "IDS_MORECOLORS=Custom..."
- "$$$/ControlsStrings/OK=OK"
- "$$$/ControlsStrings/Cancel=Cancel"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieAction=Movie Action"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieAction/SelectMovie=Select &Movie:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieAction/SelectOp=Select &Operation:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer=Movie Properties"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieFile=Movie File"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieFile/UseURL=Use remote &URL"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieFile/UseFile=Use file on local &volume"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieFile/FileName=Unknown"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieFile/Title=&Title:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MovieFile/Browse=&Choose..."
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MoviePoster=Movie Poster"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/MoviePoster/Colors=C&olors:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/PlayerOptions=Player Options"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/PlayerOptions/ShowController=&Show Controller"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/PlayerOptions/Mode=&Mode:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/PlayerOptions/FloatingWindow=Use &Floating Window "
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/BorderAppearance=Border Appearance"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/BorderAppearance/Width=&Width:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/BorderAppearance/Style=Styl&e:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/MoviePlayer/BorderAppearance/Color=&Color:"
- "$$$/Dialogs/Weblink/OpenURL=Open URL"
- "$$$/Dialogs/Weblink/OpenURL/EnterURLToOpen=Enter the URL to open:"