Welcome to the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo
The Universal Studios Monsters are trademarks and copyrights of Universal
Studios, Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, Inc. All rights reserved.
This ReadMe file accompanies version 1.0 of the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo.
Minimum Specification
Recommended Specification
Operating System
Sound Card
DirectX 8
Input Devices
Output Devices
Installation size
After installing Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo you may want to check out http://www.cryo-interactive.com/ or http://www.igl.co.uk/indexf.htm for news about Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville.
Also, to maximize your Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville experience, you'll want to make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card.
Installing the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo
- Double-click on the self-extracting .exe file (Universal Monsters Demo Installer.exe) on the CD-ROM to start the installation.
Running the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo
╖ The game can be started from Start Menu or the desktop shortcuts, or by clicking on the program exectutable in the installation directory.
╖ Make sure all other applications are closed down to avoid conflicts.
Uninstalling the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo
- To uninstall the game, simply click on the Uninstall Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo shortcut in your Start Menu.
- Alternatively, from the Start Menu, Select "Settings - Control Panel - Add \Remove Programs" and remove Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo. This will then uninstall the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo from your system.
- This demo version of Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville allows you to play one level of the game using a pre-selected character.
- Load and save functions are not supported in this demo.
- Controls for the game can be found in the CONTROLS section of this Readme file.
Minimum Specification
> 100% Windows (r) 98 DirectX 8 Compatible Computer required.
> CPU: Pentium II 350MHz or equivalent.
> MEMORY: 64 MB RAM or higher required.
> VIDEO: 32MB TNT2 or equivalent Video Card (Capable of 800 x 600
> INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows 98 compatible mouse and keyboard.
> INSTALLATION SIZE: Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo requires a minimum of 45MB free Uncompressed* hard drive space in order to install the game files to your computer's hard drive.
Swapfile : Like most programs, the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo requires the use of a swap file within the Windows environment. Swapfiles act as virtual memory where instructions and data are temporarily stored on the hard drive.
The Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo also requires 100MB approx. of free hard drive space after installation, to ensure optimal software performance.
If your system does not conform to the above requirements, the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo may not run correctly on your system.
Recommended Specification
The Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo has been designed to run on Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows 2000 only. The game has been tested using the following operating systems:
>Microsoft Windows 98
>Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
>Microsoft Windows 2000
>Microsoft Windows Millenium
>Microsoft Windows XP
The game was NOT designed to run on the following operating systems:
> Windows NT
> OS/2
> Linux
Please note that a Pentium II 350 MHz or equivalent is required to run the game at an acceptable level.
Non Intel CPU's:
> AMD: It is recommended that the game is run on an AMD K6-2 450Mhz or higher to run the game at acceptable performance levels.
> Cyrix: It is recommended that the game is run on a Cyrix MII 450 to run the game at acceptable performance levels.
> IDT WinChip: No testing was carried out using this type CPU therefore no recommendations or assumptions can or will be made.
Please check the websites in the General Notes section for further updates on supported non-Intel CPUs.
64MB of system RAM is required for the game to run.
Some systems may state that they have 64MB RAM installed, however, due to certain video adapters this may not be entirely true.
Shared Video RAM: Some video adapters will allocate 2-4 MB of SYSTEM RAM to use as Video RAM. This means your system may actually
only have 60-32 MB of SYSTEM RAM available.
Dynamically Shared Video RAM: Some Video adapters can allocate SYSTEM RAM dynamically. The amount allocated can range from 0.5MB to 8MB
so you may have as little as 56MB of SYSTEM RAM available.
32MB of video RAM is required to run the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo. Some older model computers may come with a video adapter that has less than 32MB of memory. In this situation, the game may run and appear to function correctly, however a decrease in performance will result.
It is NOT recommended that the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo is run on Video adapters with less than 32MB.
Video Drivers:
What is a video driver?
A video driver acts as a link between the video adapter (hardware) and the operating
system and allows it to perform the functions requested by an application.
Manufacturers of video adapters regularly publish new DRIVERS for their products.
These are made available for FREE from their WEB site.
If you are using old drivers for your video adapter you may experience some unwanted graphical corruption while running the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo.
Graphical problems can often be resolved by updating the drivers for your video adapter.
Note: Updating the video drivers your system uses may improve performance and solve issues over a wide range of applications and games.
The Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo requires a 4X CD-ROM Drive or greater. The faster your CD-ROM Drive the greater the rate at which data can be read from the CD. SLOWER drives will also result in longer installation times.
DVD Drives usually specify 2 numbers e.g. 6X / 32X . These two numbers are the speeds at which data from a DVD-ROM and a CD-ROM is read. Generally the second number, 32X in this case, defines the speed at which data is read from a CD.
Sound Card
The Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo requires a sound card that is fully compatible with DirectSound. This is true in most cases, however some old Legacy cards will not be compatible.
As with video adapters, updated sound card DRIVERS are regularly published by hardware manufacturers and are available for FREE from their web site.
If you experience any sound corruption or other sound related problems during game play, you should update your sound drivers. This will often solve sound related problems.
DirectX 8
The Universal Monsters (TM) Monsterville Demo requires the latest version of Microsoft's DirectX software to be installed on your system.
For more information and the latest updates concerning Microsoft's DirectX go to:
Installation Size - 45Mb of free hard drive space is required to install the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo on your computer.
* = Uncompressed Hard drive space - meaning that the hard drive has not been subjected to any form of file compression which allows the hard drive space to be increased.
(For example under Windows 98 the option that would usually be used to perform this function would be DriveSpace.)
Close All Other Applications
It is recommended that the player closes all other applications whilst running the Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo. Leaving other applications running can affect the performance of the game and stop it running smoothly.
Alt+Tab Issues
It is not recommended for the player to Alt+Tab out of the game. Problems may occur on certain machines if the player attempts to Alt+Tab out of the game. If the player MUST Alt+Tab out of the game, it is recommended that this is done from a Front End Screen and NOT whilst in the Campaign game (or Custom game) in order to reduce the chances of problems occuring.
All of the games functions can be accessed just by using your mouse.
Escape Access In-game menu
Cursor Keys Scroll Camera
Mouse Wheel Zoom in/out
Home Zoom in
End Zoom out
Page Down Rotate camera anti clockwise
Delete Rotate camera clockwise
Left Mouse Button (LM) (De)Select item
1 (De)Select your Monster
2 (De)Select your Cameo Monster (if any)
3 (De)Select all of your idle Minions (If any)
4 (De)Select all of your busy Minions (If any)
5 (De)Select all of your walking Minions (If any)
Ctrl + Selection Add to selection
Spacebar De-select all.
With Monster Selected:
LM on Location Walk to Location
LM on Peasant Feed on Peasant
LM on Building Convert Building
RM on Location Special Move to Location
RM on Peasant Special Move to Peasant and feed on them.
RM on Building Special Convert Building
For news, hints, and all the latest info check:
Make sure that you have the latest drivers from the manufacturer of your video card. Many video issues will be resolved if you install your video card's latest drivers. Please contact your video card manufacturer for updated drivers. Listed below are some common video card manufacturers' Web sites. The Universal Monsters (TM) - Monsterville Demo may not support some or all of the cards produced by a particular manufacturer.
3Dfx Interactive - http://www.3dfx.com/
3Dlabs - http://www.3dlabs.com/
AccelGraphics - <http://www.accelgraphics.com/>
Asus - http://www.asus.com/
ATI - http://support.atitech.ca/
Aztech Labs - http://www.aztechlabs.com/
Canopus - http://www.canopuscorp.com/
Creative Labs - http://www.creativelabs.com/
Diamond Multimedia - http://www.diamondmm.com/
Elsa Technology - http://www.elsa.de/
Gateway 2000 - http://www.gw2k.com/
Guillemot - http://www.guillemot.com/
Hercules (see Guillemot) - http://www.guillemot.com/
I/O Magic - http://www.iomagic.com/
Intergraph (see 3Dlabs) - http://www.3dlabs.com/
Jaton - http://www.jaton.com/
Leadtek - http://www.leadtek.com/
Matrox - http://www.matrox.com/
Number Nine - http://www.nine.com/
NVIDIA - http://www.nvidia.com/
Orchid (see Diamond Multimedia) - http://www.diamondmm.com/
S3 Incorporated - http://www.s3.com/
SiS - http://www.sis.com.tw/
Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation (SiS) - http://www.sis.com.tw/
STB (see 3dfx Interactive) - <http://www.3dfx.com/>
VIA Technologies - http://www.viatech.com/
VideoLogic - http://www.videologic.com/
Read this licence agreement carefully before Installing this game software. You may use this CRYO Product
only if you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the following terms and
conditions, you must not install this software. The following are the terms and conditions to which you agree
upon when installing the software:
1. The CRYO Product may be used with your computer only and may not be reformatted or decompiled for
any purpose.
2. No copies of the CRYO Product may be produced for any purpose.
3. This Licence and the CRYO Product may be transferred to a third party, provided that, the third party
agrees to all the terms of this Licence Agreement and you destroy any remaining installed copies of this CRYO
Product immediately upon transferring the product.
4. This licence does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the CRYO Product to you except as specifically
set forth herein. You are on notice that CRYO claims protection of this software product under copyright laws.
This software product may have been developed by an independent third party software supplier named in this
package, which holds copyright or other proprietary rights to the software product. You may be held responsible
by this supplier for any infringement of such rights by you.
5. CRYO reserves the right to terminate this licence upon breach. In the event of termination, you will be
required to return all copies of this product or provide CRYO with a certificate of destruction of all copies.
6. In the event that you modify the CRYO Product or include it in any other software programme, upon
termination of this licence, you agree either to remove the software product or any portion thereof from the
modified programme and return it to CRYO or to provide CRYO with a certificate of destruction thereof.
7. If this product is acquired under the terms of a US Government
(i) GSA contract - use, reproduction or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the applicable ADP Schedule contract,
(ii) DOD contract - use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of 252.277-7013;
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