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- Copyright 1993-2001 Logitech, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *****************************************************************
- This documents describes the parameters used in the registry or
- in the MOUSEDRV.INI file.
- *****************************************************************
- 5.6 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} CONNECTION#= 5
- 5.9 {WINNT 4.0} JAPANESE= 6
- 6.3 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} TIMING= 7
- 6.5 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} CYCLEIRQ= 7
- 6.6 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SHAREIRQ= 8
- 6.7 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} PS2DEVICE= 8
- 6.8 {DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} APMMODE= 8
- 6.14{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} BOOTSEARCH= 10
- 6.18{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SBOARDIRQ= 11
- 6.19{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X} SBOARDID= 11
- 6.23{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} PS2DETECTPP= 12
- 6.24{DOS, WIN3.1X, WIN9X, WINNT 4.0} PS2DETECTIM= 12
- 7.3 CURSORLOCK= 13
- 7.7 MEMORY= 14
- 7.8 MEMORYSTUB= 14
- 7.10PS2ACCESS= 15
- 7.12LANGUAGEID= 15
- 7.15SMARTMOVE= 16
- 8.2 IRQVALUE= 16
- 9.3 WINCC= 17
- 11.6EDGEWIDTH= 21
- 11.7ROLLEREDGE= 21
- *****************************************************************
- 1 Purpose and Introduction
- The purpose of this document is to explain the functionality
- of the parameters used by MouseWare in the registry in
- Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 or in MOUSEDRV.INI
- in DOS and Windows 3.1.
- This document provides a detailed description of these
- parameters and how they can be modified. Many of these
- parameters can be set from the DOS command line or from the
- Windows control center. This document is intended, therefore,
- for advanced users with a need to alter these other
- parameters or who need to understand the mouse driver in
- greater detail. Since modification of some of these
- parameters can adversely affect the operation of your mouse,
- changes to the INI files or registry should be made with
- extreme care. Do not attempt to modify any of the INI file
- parameters without reading and thoroughly understanding the
- relevant section in this file.
- When the driver is installed for the first time on a system,
- none of these parameters is normally preset in the registry
- or INI file by the installer. Every time a parameter is
- needed by the driver, it will search the registry or INI file
- for its existence and read it, if not found it will create
- that parameter and set it to its default value. This allows
- to preset parameters before installation and maintaining
- these parameters during an upgrade.
- 2 Format of the MOUSEDRV.INI File (Windows 3.1 and DOS)
- The parameters in the MOUSEDRV.INI file are grouped in
- sections under a section header in the following format:
- [section name]
- parameter=value
- The square brackets ([]) in the [section name] are required.
- Section names must start in the leftmost column. Within each
- section are one or more "parameter=value" statements.
- Initially, all of these values will be default values set by
- the mouse driver itself. If the MOUSEDRV.INI file is deleted,
- the driver will recreate this file with the default values.
- This can be useful if the MOUSEDRV.INI file becomes corrupted
- and you wish to return to default values.
- 3 Format of the registry (Windows 95/Windows 98)
- The information in the registry must be accessed with the
- 'REGEDIT' application located in the Windows directory. The
- information is stored in a similar way as INI files except
- that sections are organized in a tree format.
- Configuration information for the driver is located under:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Logitech\MouseWare\CurrentVersion
- 4 Format of the registry (Windows NT 4.0)
- The information in the registry must be accessed with the
- 'REGEDIT' application located in the Windows directory. The
- information is stored in a similar way as INI files except
- that sections are organized in a tree format.
- Configuration information for the drivers is located under:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<service
- >\Parameters
- Where <service> is:
- - l8042prt (Parameters relevant to PS/2 mice)
- - lsermous (Parameters relevant to serial mice)
- - lmoufltr (Parameters common to all mice)
- 5 [Global] Section
- The mouse drivers will look into this section before it
- initializes its search for a pointing device among possible
- ports.
- 5.1 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ForcedConnection=
- Determines if the mouse driver will search for the mouse
- first on the port specified by "Connection" and/or
- "ConnectionPort" parameters or will use the "PortSearchOrder"
- parameter.
- Valid values:
- On Use Connection information to find the
- mouse
- Off Perform a full search for mouse each
- launch time using the search order given
- below.
- Default value = on
- 5.2 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SearchOrder=
- The driver searches the computer's ports for the connected
- mouse (mice) in the order given.
- Valid values:
- Bus Search for a bus mouse
- Inport Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse
- PS2 Search for a PS/2 mouse
- Serial Search for a Serial mouse (M-series and
- C-series)
- Default value = PS2, Serial, Bus, Inport.
- 5.3 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} PortSearchOrder=
- Lists the order and which serial ports are searched. This is
- valid only for Serial devices.
- Valid values:
- COM1 search on comport 1
- COM2 search on comport 2
- COM3 search on comport 3
- COM4 search on comport 4
- Default value = COM1, COM2, COM3.
- NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the lsermous service.
- 5.4 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ActiveMouse#=
- This parameter indicates which [DeviceType] section is used.
- The number sign indicates which device this refers to. If
- there is only one mouse connected no number will appear
- (value of zero). If there is a second device this will be
- number one, two for the third device, etc.
- Valid values:
- please refer to section 11 below
- Default value is determined by the connected mouse
- 5.5 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ConnectionPort#=
- Current COM port used by mouse. This is valid only for a
- serial device. The number sign indicates which device this
- refers to. If there is only one mouse connected no number
- will appear (value of zero). If there is a second device this
- will be number one, two for the third device, etc.
- Valid values:
- None mouse not on a serial port
- COM1 Serial COM port 1
- COM2 Serial COM port 2
- COM3 Serial COM port 3
- COM4 Serial COM port 4
- Default value is determined by connected mouse
- 5.6 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} Connection#=
- This indicates the type of hardware port the mouse is
- connected to. The number sign indicates which device this
- refers to. If there is only one mouse connected no number
- will appear (value of zero). If there is a second device this
- will be number one, two for the third device, etc.
- Valid values:
- BUS Search for a BUS mouse
- Inport Search for a Microsoft Inport mouse
- PS2 Search for a PS/2 mouse
- Serial Search for a Serial mouse
- Default value is determined by connected mouse
- 5.7 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} MaximumDevices=
- Indicates the maximum number of pointing devices which can be
- detected under Windows.
- Valid values:
- to approx. 20. Limited by memory allocation.
- Default value = 4 (16 for Windows 95)
- 5.8 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} MaximumConnections=
- Indicates the maximum number of hardware connections under
- Windows. For example: two cordless mice sharing one receiver
- would constitute two devices and one connection.
- Valid values:
- 1 through 16
- Default value = 16 (for Win9x) or 2 (for Win3.1x)
- 5.9 {WinNT 4.0} Japanese=
- Indicates if the keyboard driver should recognize Japanese
- keyboards. This parameter is handled by the l8042prt service.
- Default value = On
- 5.10 { Win9x} WheelMsgToVMouse, MouseHookDllEnable=
- WheelMsgToVMouse: 0 or 1 (default)
- If "1", requires lmouse.vxd to forward wheel messages to
- vmouse even when em_exec is running. This allows wheel
- actions to be seen through DirectInput, but also causes
- applications that recognize WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages to
- "over-scroll"
- MouseHookDllEnable: 0 or 1 (default)
- Used to enable/disable LgMousHk.dll which traps unwanted
- WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages.
- WheelMsgToVMou MouseHookDllEna Effect
- se ble
- 0 0 Wheel cannot be seen through
- DirectInput.
- 0 1 Not meaningful
- 1 0 Will cause double-scrolling in
- some applications
- 1 1 New default behaviour
- 6 [Technical] Section
- This section describes technical settings used by the mouse
- drivers. These settings might help to solve compatibility
- problems with certain types of hardware or BIOS versions.
- 6.1 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ForcePS2EquipmentFlag=
- Indicates if the driver should force the detection of a PS2
- mouse. This flag should be set to ON if the driver is unable
- to detect a device connected on the PS2 port.
- Valid values:
- On Simulate a PS2 mouse found during boot
- time.
- Off The flag is set by the BIOS during boot
- time
- Default value = Off
- 6.2 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} DetectIPDevice=
- Indicates if the driver should use the BIOS integrated
- pointing device interface to identify a device.
- Valid values:
- On Use the BIOS interface.
- Off Ignore the BIOS interface.
- Default value = Off
- 6.3 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} Timing=
- Indicates which timing procedure the driver should use for
- synchronizing a PS2 type mouse.
- Valid values:
- Software Use software loops to compute timing.
- Hardware Use the PC timer chip to compute timing.
- Default value = Software
- The remaining entries in this section are valid in the
- Windows environment.
- 6.4 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PS2Synchronization=
- Enable/disable re-synchronization on PS/2 reports. This can
- solve some problems with erratic cursor motion when using a
- PS2 mouse.
- Valid values:
- On re-synchronization is enabled.
- Off re-synchronization is disabled.
- Default value = On
- 6.5 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} CycleIrq=
- Entry point for the IRQ manager from an interrupt. The
- IrqCycling flag allows the interrupt handler to be cycled
- until no more interrupts are pending. This is to allow for
- ISA boards that share IRQs internally and must have all
- interrupts cleared before leaving the handler. Normally there
- will be only one handler that will service the interrupt.
- This parameter is necessary only on ISA boards.
- Valid values:
- 0 through F (hexadecimal)
- Default value = 0
- 6.6 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} ShareIrq=
- The IRQ named is externally shareable and the IRQ is
- forwarded to external software if not handled internally.
- Note: The driver automatically shares all IRQs internally for
- devices it handles.
- Valid values:
- 0 through F (hexadecimal)
- Default value = 0
- 6.7 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PS2Device=
- In case more than one PS/2 device is attached to the computer
- but cannot be detected, the driver can create additional
- devices so that settings can be saved for each device.
- Default value = 1
- 6.8 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} APMMode=
- Define the action that the driver will perform upon power
- management suspend/resume commands. If the mouse stops
- working after a resume, this parameter should be set to "Off"
- See also the "APMPowerDown" parameter.
- Valid values:
- Off Nothing will be done.
- Standard The device(s) will only be
- disabled/enabled.
- SearchCurrent The device(s) will be de-initialized
- upon suspend. After resume, a search
- will be performed only for the
- connections that were in use prior to
- the suspend command.
- SearchAll The device(s) will be de-initialized
- upon suspend. After resume, a full
- search will be performed for devices in
- accordance with the "SearchOrder"
- parameter.
- Default The driver will determine which mode is
- suitable depending on the machine
- Default value = SearchCurrent
- 6.9 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SearchCSeries=
- Enable/disable the search of serial "C-series" type of mouse.
- This device takes some time to be looked for. If you don't
- use such devices, turning this flag off will speed-up the
- overall search process.
- Valid values:
- Off Disable C-series search.
- On Enable C-series search.
- Default value = On
- 6.10 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} DebugTiming=
- This flag enables a special timing specification for use by
- technical support. Please do not alter it.
- Valid values:
- On Allow special timing specification.
- Off Use normal timing.
- Default value = Off
- 6.11 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} APMPowerDown=
- Determines if the mouse will power down on an APM suspend
- command.
- Valid values:
- On Execute "APMMode" parameter
- instructions.
- Off Ignore all APM commands.
- Default value = Off
- 6.12 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} QuickSearch=
- The driver will skip lengthy device initialization steps.
- Valid values:
- On Speed up search.
- Off Use standard search.
- Default value = On
- 6.13 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} ResetWinModif=
- When the driver is configured with the MouseWare control
- panel, it can reset the Windows internal mouse speed and
- button setting to provide a better device control. This
- parameter should be left on for best device behavior.
- Valid values:
- On Reset the Windows modifier values (Speed
- and buttons).
- Off Keep Windows settings.
- Default value = On
- NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the lmoufltr service.
- 6.14 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} BootSearch=
- When the operating system initializes, the driver looks for
- devices on connections specified in the SearchOrder entry.
- Under Windows 9x, the devices to search for can also be
- specified in the Device Manager.
- Valid values:
- On Does an automatic search for devices at
- boot time.
- Off Do not search for devices. Device will
- be added by the operating system or the
- control panel.
- Default value = Off
- 6.15 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} MonitorUnplug=
- The disconnection of Serial Plug and Play devices can be
- detected by the driver which will free the port to which the
- device is attached for possible other use.
- Valid values:
- On The driver will free the port when the
- device is disconnected. Note: the
- control panel or the Device Manager must
- be used to reconnect and re-enable the
- device.
- Off Do not monitor device unplug.
- Default value = Off
- 6.16 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardFlags=
- Value to control detection and configuration of the serial
- Plug and Play board. This value is the sum of the following
- values.
- 1 Ignore board in Plug and Play mode.
- 2 Ignore board in legacy mode.
- 4 Ignore DOS/Windows 3.x configuration
- manager
- 8 Ignore Plug and Play BIOS if present.
- 16 Scan for already assigned board
- identifiers.
- 32 Isolate Plug and Play boards.
- 64 Check for IO conflicts
- 128 Reconfigure board even when a Plug and
- Play BIOS and/or configuration manager
- is present.
- Default value = 0
- 6.17 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardIOBase=
- Base Input/Output address of the serial Plug and Play board
- in hexadecimal.
- Assigned by configuration utility.
- 6.18 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardIrq=
- Interrupt request number of the serial Plug and Play board in
- decimal.
- Assigned by configuration utility.
- 6.19 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} SBoardID=
- Serial Plug and Play board identifier. Do not change.
- 6.20 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PnPReadPort=
- Plug and Play I/O port values to retrieve Plug and Play
- configuration information. The driver will try the first
- address first and will use the next only if it detects a
- conflict with other hardware.
- 6.21 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} RunTimeCommand=
- Modal devices can be configured during runtime. This value
- should not be changed.
- Valid values:
- On Enable the driver to send run time
- commands to configure modal devices
- Off Forbids modal changes of devices. The
- devices will keep their internal default
- settings
- Default value = On
- NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the l8042prt service.
- 6.22 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x} PS2BIOSErrorCheck=
- The BIOS on some computers returns incorrect error codes when
- sending a command to a PS/2 device. When set, the
- PS2BIOSErrorCheck flag will cause the driver, when receiving
- these erroneous codes, to reissue the PS/2 command. When this
- flag is not set, the driver will consider that the command
- was completed successfully. This parameter should be left off
- for best device behavior.
- Valid values:
- On Reissue PS/2 commands with incorrect
- code.
- Off Consider PS/2 commands with incorrect
- code as successful.
- Default value = Off
- 6.23 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} PS2DetectPP=
- This Entry enables the detection of Logitech PS2++ mode
- compatibility for those devices which support this mode.
- If a device supports both this mode and Intellimouse mode,
- PS2++ will be used when this flag and the PS2DetectIM flag
- are both On. To set such devices in Intellimouse mode, this
- flag should be Off and the PS2DetectIM flag should be On.
- Valid values:
- On Attempt to enable PS2++ mode.
- Off Do not attempt to enable PS2++ mode.
- Default value = On
- NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the l8042prt and
- lsermous service.
- 6.24 {DOS, Win3.1x, Win9x, WinNT 4.0} PS2DetectIM=
- This Entry enables the detection of Microsoft Intellimouse
- mode compatibility for those devices which support this mode.
- Valid values:
- On Attempt to enable Intellimouse mode.
- Off Do not attempt to enable Intellimouse
- mode.
- Default value = On
- NT 4.0: This parameter is handled by the l8042prt and
- lsermous service.
- 6.25 {Win9x} WheelMsgToVmouse=
- The Logitech driver can notify Windows of wheel actions.
- Doing so may help some games (using DirectX) of becoming
- aware of wheel movements.
- Valid values:
- 1 Wheel notifications forwarded to
- Windows.
- 0 Wheel used for scrolling only.
- Default value = 1
- 6.26 {Win9x} MouseHookDllEnable=
- When Windows receives notification from the driver of wheel
- actions (see 6.25), it will forward these to the foreground
- application, regardless of where the mouse pointer is and
- whether the application has native wheel support. This
- setting enables a filter preventing these notifications from
- causing excessive scrolling or scrolling at the wrong place.
- Valid values:
- 1 Filter unnecessary wheel messages.
- 0 Do not filter wheel messages.
- Default value = 1
- 6.27 {WinNT 4.0} Lmoufltr\technical\ResumePolling = [Value]
- Enables and parameterizes the pseudo suspend/resume feature
- on NT4.
- The driver is reading the real time clock every [Value]
- seconds and compares the value with the previous one. If the
- time elapsed between these two values is bigger than the
- threshold ([Value]*2 + 3) then the driver will initiate a
- refresh of the devices (serial, PS/2).
- Valid values:
- Range 1-10 if Value > 10 then the driver will use
- 10
- 0 detection of the system resume is
- disabled.
- Default value 0(set by driver)
- Note: For debugging purposes it is recommended to leave
- the [Value] at 0 in order to avoid the reenumeration of
- the device every time you stop in the debugger.
- 7 [DOSGlobal] Section
- This section describes the settings used by the DOS mouse
- driver and DOS Mouse Control Center.
- 7.1 BlinkingRate=
- Rate at which the DOS mouse cursor blinks. This setting is
- used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with cursor
- enhancements enabled.
- Valid values:
- Fast Sets text cursor to blink fast
- Slow Sets text cursor to blink slow
- Off Turns blinking off
- Default value = Off
- 7.2 CursorEnhancement=
- Indicates if the driver should load the cursor enhancements
- feature set.
- Valid values:
- On Load the cursor enhancements
- Off Do not to load cursor enhancements
- Default value = Off
- 7.3 CursorLock=
- This locks the shape of the cursor in the DOS environment.
- This setting is used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded
- with cursor enhancements enabled.
- Valid values:
- On Enables locking of the cursor shape
- Off Disables locking of the cursor shape
- Default value = Off
- 7.4 CursorTrails=
- Enables or disables the cursor trails function. This setting
- is used only if the DOS mouse driver is loaded with the
- cursor enhancements enabled.
- Valid values:
- On Enables DOS cursor trails
- Off Disables DOS cursor trails
- Default value = Off
- 7.5 CordlessReminder=
- The driver can check the status of a cordless device when
- applications are launched. Depending on the device, this can
- include information about the battery level or if another
- nearby cordless device is causing interference. This option
- can be disabled to save memory or if it is too time
- consuming. However, it is recommended that this option remain
- active.
- Valid values:
- On Enable the cordless mouse reminder
- Off Do not install the cordless reminder
- Default value = On
- 7.6 PowerManagement=
- This is for the DOS environment only. The parameter
- determines how the mouse will respond to suspend/resume
- commands from a host system with advanced power management.
- Valid values:
- On Cut power to mouse on "suspend" command
- Off Do not cut power to mouse on "suspend"
- command
- Default value = On
- 7.7 Memory=
- Indicates the portion of memory the driver will attempt to
- load The default setting will allow the driver to look for
- the best location available in memory. The driver will try to
- relocate itself first in extended memory, next in upper
- memory and finally in conventional memory. This default
- behavior can be overridden by assigning a value from the list
- below. In case an option cannot be satisfied, the next lower
- region of memory will be used.
- Valid values:
- Automatic Load in the best memory available
- Upper Load in upper memory
- Conventional Load in conventional memory
- Default value = Automatic
- 7.8 MemoryStub=
- When the driver runs in extended memory, it still needs to
- maintain a program stub of about 1K in conventional or upper
- memory. This parameter determines where that stub is to be
- loaded in much the same manner as the "memory" parameter
- above.
- Valid values:
- Automatic Load the stub in upper memory
- Conventional Load the stub in conventional memory
- Default value = Automatic
- 7.9 DriverVersion=
- The DOS driver version number for this release.
- 7.10 PS2Access=
- Define the type of support provided by the Logitech Virtual
- Keyboard Driver (LVKD.386), if installed, for a PS/2 device.
- See also the "PS2APIEmulation" parameter.
- Valid values:
- None No access to the device. This will match
- the behavior of the default Windows
- Virtual Keyboard Driver (*VKD).
- BIOS LVKD.386 allows access to the PS/2
- device. It will forward any PS/2 request
- from the driver to the BIOS.
- Direct The LVKD fully virtualizes the 8042
- keyboard controller. The driver will
- determine which mode is suitable
- depending on the machine.
- Default Use Direct access for some machines,
- Bios access for the remainder.
- Default value = Direct
- 7.11 PS2APIEmulation=
- Indicates if the specialized Logitech API command set is to
- be used
- Valid values:
- Off Do not use these commands
- On Use these commands
- Default value = Off
- 7.12 LanguageID=
- If your mouse driver is multilingual, allows you to change
- the language used
- Valid values:
- ENU English
- XXX Automatic detection
- Default value = XXX
- 7.13 MiddleButton=
- This parameter stores the assignment made to the middle
- button. Each possible button assignment is designated by a
- numeric value which is what is stored here. To make changes
- to the button assignments use the Windows Mouse Control
- Center.
- 7.14 RightButton=
- This parameter stores the assignment made to the right
- button. Each possible button assignment is designated by a
- numeric value which is what is stored here. To make changes
- to the button assignments use the Windows Mouse Control
- Center.
- 7.15 SmartMove=
- Designates whether smart move is enabled or disabled.
- Valid values:
- On Smart move is enabled.
- Off Smart move is disabled.
- Default value = Off
- 7.16 DeviceModel=
- The device designated in the MOUSEDRV.INI file which is in
- turn reported by the driver. Generally, this value is the
- same as the name of the section.
- 8 [COMx] Sections
- This section defines the COM ports used by the computer. This
- section allows advanced users to configure their mouse for
- atypical IRQ values and non-standard COM port address. The
- 'x' value must be filled in by the user as must the values in
- this section. Valid values for 'x' are: 1, 2, 3 and 4. If you
- are using a serial bus board which allows non-standard
- configurations, you must set the values in this section to
- match the corresponding values on your serial board. The
- driver cannot set these automatically.
- 8.1 BaseAddress=
- The base address of the COM port (given in hexadecimal).
- Valid values:
- valid hexadecimal value which depends on the hardware.
- Default value: COM1=3F8, COM2=2F8, COM3=3E8, COM4=2E8
- 8.2 IRQValue=
- The IRQ value of the COM port (given in decimal).
- Valid values:
- determined by hardware
- Default value: COM1=4, COM2=3, COM3=4, COM4=3
- Note:
- The COM3 and COM4 values are synchronized with the Windows
- values. Use the Windows Ports control panel to modify the
- ports values.
- 9 [WinGlobal] Section
- The section describes the settings used by the Windows mouse
- driver.
- 9.1 UseDOSDriver=
- Windows 3.1 only. This parameter enables the use of the DOS
- mouse driver under Windows instead of the Windows driver.
- Since this will limit functionality if should be set only if
- there are compatibility problems under Windows. If this
- parameter is set to On, the DOS mouse driver must be launched
- before launching Windows.
- Valid values:
- On Use the DOS mouse driver under Windows.
- The mouse functionality will then be
- limited.
- Off Normal use of the Windows mouse driver.
- Default value=Off
- 9.2 DriverVersion=
- Windows mouse driver version number.
- 9.3 WinCC=
- Windows 3.1x only. The full path and file name of the Windows
- Control Center. The default directory is same as the location
- of the Windows mouse driver LMOUSE.DRV.
- 10 [DISPLAY] Section
- Windows 3.1x and DOS only. The sections controls the
- generation of the mouse cursor when running some super VGA
- capable DOS programs. Super VGA (SVGA) is defined loosely as
- any mode above the VGA standard established by IBM. The
- various video card manufacturers have implemented the SVGA
- modes differently. This presents a problem for when running
- DOS programs which require the mouse driver to draw the mouse
- cursor. To do this, the mouse driver must have knowledge of
- the underling video architecture and the current video mode.
- To remedy this problem, the Video Electronics Standards
- Association (VESA) and Logitech Inc. have established the
- Video Cursor Interface (VCI) Standard. This standard outlines
- the interface between an input device, such as a mouse, and a
- small overlay program containing hardware dependent cursor
- movement and drawing code. The host (or mouse driver in this
- case) calls the VCI module to perform all cursor functions.
- The host need not have any knowledge of the cursor drawing
- software/hardware.
- The VCI module can be implemented in one of three ways: as an
- overlay program that the host program loads, as a TSR/device
- driver program that redirects INT 10h calls to itself, as ROM
- resident code.
- The mouse driver itself contains the code for implementing
- VCI support. The following parameters may be used to enable
- the driver to use an external VCI overlay instead.
- 10.1 UseVCIOverlay=
- The driver can use an external video overlay instead of its
- built-in video code. This flag will enable or disable the
- search for such a module.
- Valid values:
- On Attempt to load the video overlay
- specified in the VideoModule keyname.
- Off Use the mouse driver's built-in video
- code.
- Default value=Off
- 10.2 VideoModule=
- Location of the VESA VCI video cursor overlay. This value is
- either a file name, the keyword RESIDENT, or blank for no
- external VCI support. If only a file name is present, the
- driver will assume that the VCI file is located in the driver
- directory. By default, the directory where MOUSEDRV.INI is
- located is used. If the overlay cannot be found or has an
- incorrect format, the driver will revert to its internal
- video code.
- Valid values:
- A path and file name of VCI file. If only a file name
- is present, the driver will assume that the VCI file
- is located in the same directory as the MOUSEDRV.INI
- file.
- RESIDENT The VCI module is resident in memory.
- Value is blank Indicates no external VCI module.
- Default value is left blank
- 11 [DeviceType] Section
- Each connected device will have its own section defining that
- device's characteristics. The "DeviceType" name will be a
- text string describing the mouse model as follows. Values
- written here are for mice that can identify themselves (e.g.
- MouseMan) or for general groups of mice (e.g. SerialM). For
- unidentifiable mice, the "DeviceModel" parameter may be used
- to specify a device shape. By default, the DeviceModel name
- will be the same as the DeviceType.
- Note for DOS dual mode: Only one device's [DeviceType]
- section will be supported at a time. For dual mode, the DOS
- mouse driver will write out the second mouse's [DeviceType]
- section but will not use it. Only the first mouse found
- section will be used. To indicate the active device section,
- the parameter "ActiveMouse" will be used. Please see
- ActiveMouse description in the [Global] section.
- Under Windows, if more that one instance of the same device
- model is connected to the system, the additional device
- instance(s) will have a 4 digit instance count appended to it
- (them).
- These sections store the parameters which are specific to
- each device such as speed and acceleration. Generally these
- parameters will be set from the DOS or Windows mouse control
- center or by a DOS command line parameter. For a complete
- list of all of these parameters type "mouse /?" from the
- mouse directory at the DOS command prompt.
- The device types are:
- Bus Bus mouse
- Cordless1 MouseMan Cordless (original cordless
- mouse)
- Cordless2 MouseMan Cordless (second generation
- cordless mouse)
- Cordless3 MouseMan Cordless (PnP/A-type, new
- receiver)
- Cordless4 MouseMan Cordless Pro
- Cordless5 MouseMan Cordless Desktop
- Cordless6, Cordless8 Cordless Wheel Mouse
- Cordless7, Cordless9 Cordless MouseMan Wheel
- EasyPoint Integrated trackball
- GamingMouse WingMan Gaming mouse
- Inport Microsoft Inport mouse
- IntegratedTrackBall1 Integrated trackball
- MouseMan MouseMan mice (W-type, W-type lefty, A-
- type)
- MouseMan2 MouseMan 96 (PnP/A-type, new shape)
- MouseMan3 Four button MouseMan
- OS2Mouse For use under WINOS2, OS2
- PalmTrackBall1 TrackMan Vista
- PS2 Non-identifiable PS/2 type mice
- SerialC C7, C9, TrackMan I, etc. (Non-
- identifiable C-Series type mice)
- SerialM Kidz mouse, Microsoft mouse, etc. (Non-
- identifiable M-type mice)
- SerialV MouseMan Serial, First mouse, etc. (Non-
- identifiable V-type mice)
- StartTrack1 SurfMan/TrackMan Live!
- TouchPad2 Integrated touchpad TP2
- TouchScroll Integrated touchpad TP3
- TrackMan2 TrackMan II stationary mouse (W-type)
- TrackMan3 TrackMan II stationary mouse (A-type)
- TrackMan4 TrackMan Marble
- TrackMan5 TrackMan Marble FX
- TrackMan7 TrackMan Marble +
- TrackManPortable1 TrackMan Portable (W-type)
- TrackManPortable2 TrackMan Portable (A-type)
- TrackManVoyager TrackMan Voyager (A-type)
- WheelMouse1 Two button mouse with wheel for
- scrolling (Wheel Mouse)
- WheelMouse2 Three button mouse with wheel for
- scrolling (MouseMan Wheel)
- WheelMouseIM Two button mouse with wheel for
- scrolling (Microsoft Intellimouse)
- 11.1 DeviceModel=
- Devices that cannot be detected automatically can be
- specified under this entry. Do not use.
- Valid values:
- Driver supported device types (see above)
- 11.2 TapAndDragLock=
- Touchpad specific parameter. The cursor will stay activated
- after a drag has been initiated. It is released by a tap.
- This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- Off Tap and drag lock is disabled
- On Tap and drag lock is enabled
- Default value = Off
- 11.3 VirtualEdge=
- Touchpad specific parameter. When reaching the border of the
- pad, this function will make the cursor continue to move.
- This allows a broader movement without lifting the finger.
- This setting takes effect only if RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- Off Virtual edge function is disabled
- OneFinger When dragging with a single finger
- TapDrag When dragging with any number of
- fingers
- Always Always enabled when reaching the
- border
- Default value = TapDrag
- 11.4 MultipleFinger=
- Touchpad specific parameter. Multiple finger gestures will
- generate a left or right button press. This setting takes
- effect only if RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- Off Multiple finger is disabled
- TapOnly Only taps are allowed with two or more
- fingers
- On Both taps and drags are allowed with two
- fingers
- Default value = On
- 11.5 TouchThreshold=
- Touchpad specific parameter. This parameter adjusts the
- touching sensitivity. This setting takes effect only if
- RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- 5 to 64 The lower the more sensitive
- Default value = 15
- 11.6 EdgeWidth=
- Touchpad specific parameter. Describes the size of the border
- which activates the virtual edge function. This setting takes
- effect only if RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- 0 to 5 The smaller this value, the narrower the
- edge
- Default value = 0
- 11.7 RollerEdge=
- Touchpad specific parameter. This setting activates the right
- edge roller. This setting takes effect only if
- RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- Off Right edge roller is disabled
- On Right edge roller is enabled
- Default value = On
- 11.8 RollerBottom=
- Touchpad specific parameter. This setting activates the
- bottom edge roller. This setting takes effect only if
- RunTimeCommand=On
- Valid values:
- Off Bottom edge roller is disabled
- On Bottom edge roller is enabled
- Default value = Off
- 11.9 DisWTypingMoveToReset=
- Touchpad specific parameter. Sets one of the parameters for
- the "disable while typing" feature - threshold for finger
- movement to instantly reenable clicking ( in pixels)
- Valid values:
- Range [0,400] The smaller the value, the faster
- clicking will be allowed
- Default value = 50
- 11.10 DisWTypingNbMinKeystroke=
- Touchpad specific parameter. Sets one of the parameters for
- the "disable while typing" feature - minimum number of
- keystrokes (transitions) to disable clicking
- Valid values:
- Range [2,200] The bigger the value, the more
- keystrokes are needed to disable
- clicking
- Default value = 5
- 11.11 DisWTypingDelay=
- Touchpad specific parameter. Sets one of the parameters for
- the "disable while typing" feature - maximum time during
- which the user has to press at least two keys, so this will
- be recognized as one constant flow of typing.
- Valid values (unit is ms):
- Range [100, 10000] Bigger values increase the
- probability to trigger the "disable
- while typing" feature.
- Default value = 2000
- 11.12 BatteryStatus=
- Saves the last known Battery Status of a cordless device.
- Valid values: any positive integer number reportable by
- our devices.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- End of file MOUSEDRV.TXT
- -------------------------------------------------------