7 The device did not move in a straight enough line to set the orientation. Do you wish to retry setting the orientation?
8 No movement detected. Do you wish to retry setting the orientation?
9 Use this feature to set up your device in a new position. It is especially designed to change the position of a portable trackball, but you can also use it to indicate a more comfortable angle to hold a mouse.
10 Click the Set Orientation button to start.
11 Double-Click
12 Right Button Double-Click
13 Middle Button Double-Click
14 Close Application
15 Copy
16 Cut
17 Maximize
18 Minimize
19 Paste
20 Restore Application
21 Task List
22 Undo
23 Start Menu
24 Main Windows Help
25 Next Task
26 Explore My Computer
27 Find Document
28 Find Computer
29 Minimize All
30 Undo Minimize All
31 Run...
32 System Properties
33 [Backspace]
34 [Enter]
35 [Escape]
36 [F1]
37 [F2]
38 [F3]
39 [F4]
40 [F5]
41 [F6]
42 [F7]
43 [F8]
44 [F9]
45 [F10]
46 [F11]
47 [F12]
48 [Page Down]
49 [Page Up]
50 Click/Select
51 [Ctrl]
52 Context Menu/Alternate Select
53 Middle Button
54 Home Pointer
55 Easy Scroller
56 u
57 F
58 F
59 C
60 Unassigned
61 E
62 R
63 DragLock
64 [Shift]
65 Select a function for the third button
66 bnc
67 Pointing device
68 Cordless Mouse
69 Cordless Optical Mouse
70 Cruise Up
71 C-series device
72 Series 7 device
73 Series 9 device
74 M-series device
75 V-series device
76 TrackMan
77 TrackMan II
78 WebWheel
79 Kidz mouse
80 Microsoft device
81 Cruise Down
82 Continuous scroll up in your document
83 First Mouse
84 Pilot Mouse
85 Compaq pen device
86 MouseMan
87 Left Handed MouseMan
88 Continuous scroll down in your document
89 TrackMan Portable
91 Cordless MouseMan
93 MouseMan
94 EasyPoint trackball
95 3D device
96 Pointing device
97 BallPoint
98 Integrated trackball
99 CyberMan
100 Pointing device
101 Cordless MouseMan
102 SurfMan/TrackMan Live!
103 First Trackball
104 Pilot Trackball
105 AccuPoint
106 SpaceMouse
107 Joystick
108 TrackMan Voyager
109 TrackMan Vista
110 MouseMan
111 Integrated trackball
112 Integrated trackball
114 LogiPoint
118 TouchPad
122 Integrated pointing device
123 Mouse Mode
124 EasyPoint trackball
127 EasyPoint stick
128 AccuPoint
129 TrackMan Marble
130 Thinking Mouse
131 Integrated trackball
132 Presentation Mode
135 Track Point
137 Unknown mouse
141 Remote Control
142 The switch doesn't seem to be on the 2-device position. Please move the switch before pressing NEXT.
143 The switch doesn't seem to be on the 1-device position. Please move the switch before pressing NEXT.
144 There was not enough movement to lock in the communication. Please try again.
145 There is too much interference on this channel. We will start the procedure again to find a better channel.
146 At least one device button must be used to click and select. Change another button assignment to "Click/Select" before you change this one.
147 Left side of the keyboard
148 Right side of the keyboard
149 Top of the keyboard
150 Bottom of the keyboard
151 The trackball is connected to the:
152 The mouse is placed on the:
153 The trackball is placed on the:
154 MouseWare has detected a new %s on %s. Would you like to configure the new device now?
155 New Device
156 Mouse Properties
157 Mouse
158 Changes the settings for your mouse.
159 Add pointing device(s)
160 MouseWare allows you to plug or unplug your serial mouse without restarting Windows. This feature is useful when plugging or unpluging a mouse frequently.
162 To have MouseWare redetect the pointing device(s) that are attached to the system, select OK to continue, or Cancel to abort.
163 Please wait while MouseWare searches for pointing devices...
164 Logitech MouseWare Control Center
165 Control Center version: %s
166 Mouse Driver version: %1d.%2.2d
167 MouseWare Memory Allocation Failure
168 MouseWare Internal Error
169 MouseWare Registry Access Error
170 MouseWare Unable To Continue
171 an Unknown Port
172 a Bus Card
173 the COM%u Port
174 an Inport Card
175 the PS/2 Port
176 an HP Port
177 a CompaqPen Port
178 an ACCESS.bus Port
179 a Game Port
180 a Virtual Port
181 ConnectionMax
182 A required file (CCMSGHK.DLL) could not be found. Please locate the file and copy it to the \MOUSE\SYSTEM directory.
183 Which button will be used to Click and Select:
184 Left button
185 Middle button
186 Right button
187 Top button
188 Bottom button
189 The device will be used in the:
190 Right hand
191 Left hand
192 Click the 'Add Device' button to check for newly installed devices.
193 %s on %s
194 This program is not compatible with SmartMove. SmartMove has been temporarily disabled. To re-enable SmartMove, run the Mouse Control Panel and press OK.
195 Click the 'Change Device' button to redetect the installed devices.
196 Add De&vice
197 Change De&vice
198 Change pointing device(s)
199 a USB Port
200 (%d characters limit)
201 1
202 http://iredirect.logitech.com/re.php
203 News
204 [Delete]
205 Acts as the Delete key
206 HyperMenu
207 TouchPad
208 Pop-up Menu
209 Minimize the Window
210 Close the Window
211 Recall the Last Active Window
212 Cancel Hyper Jump
213 Jump to the Vertical Scroll Bar
214 Jump to the Start Menu
215 Jump to the Horizontal Scroll Bar
216 Jump to the Size Grip
218 This Web address cannot be modified.
219 0
220 USB receiver for cordless mouse
221 USB receiver for cordless keyboard
222 http://iredirect.logitech.com/re.php
223 http://iredirect.logitech.com/re.php
224 HyperJump
225 HyperJump + Double-Click
226 CyberJump
227 Wheel
228 Universal Scroll
229 http://iredirect.logitech.com/re.php
230 Persistant Universal Scroll
231 http://iredirect.logitech.com/re.php
232 Task List
233 Recall Application
234 Resize Window
235 Scroll Bar (Horizontal)
236 Scroll Bar (Vertical)
237 Search
238 Web E-Mail
239 iTouch
240 Pop-up Menu
241 Go To Bookmark
242 Add Bookmark
243 Go Back
244 Cancel Hyper Jump
245 Jump to the Vertical Scroll Bar
246 Jump to the Start Menu
247 Jump to the Horizontal Scroll Bar
248 Stop Loading
249 Hot Picks
250 USB receiver for cordless mouse and keyboard
252 Cordless TrackMan Wheel
255 Wheel Mouse
256 Cordless MouseMan Pro
257 One of the library files needed to run MouseWare cannot be found. Please reinstall MouseWare.
258 PointStickStorm
259 MouseWare
260 MouseWare disabled
261 Select a function for the middle button
262 Select a function for the thumb button
263 Select a function for when you press both buttons at the same time
264 Performs a double-click when you press this button only once
267 The primary button used to click and select
268 The secondary button used to display a context-sensitive menu
269 The default functionality for the middle button
270 Moves the pointer to the center of the screen
272 Terminates the application that has focus
273 Copies the selected information to the clipboard
274 Cuts the selected information to the clipboard
275 Maximizes the window that has focus
276 Minimizes the window that has focus
277 Pastes the clipboard contents to the current location
278 Undoes the last operation
279 Opens the Windows Start Menu
280 Starts Windows Explorer
281 Opens the Find Files or Folders dialog box
282 Opens the Find Computer dialog box
283 Minimizes all open windows
284 Restores all minimized windows to their default sizes
285 Opens the Windows Run dialog box
286 Assigns no function to the button
287 Locks the primary button for selecting and dragging
288 Displays the application's menu at the cursor
289 Displays a menu of the current Windows tasks
290 Acts as the Backspace key
291 Acts as the Enter key
292 Acts as the Escape key
293 Acts as the F1 key
294 Acts as the F2 key
295 Acts as the F3 key
296 Acts as the F4 key
297 Acts as the F5 key
298 Acts as the F6 key
299 Acts as the F7 key
300 Acts as the F8 key
301 Acts as the F9 key
302 Acts as the F10 key
303 Acts as the F11 key
304 Acts as the F12 key
305 Acts as the Page Down key
306 Acts as the Page Up key
308 Acts as the Shift key
309 Opens Windows' Help
310 Opens Windows' System Properties
311 Performs convenient Windows functions
312 Performs convenient web browsing functions
313 Moves the cursor so you can resize the window
314 Moves the cursor so you can scroll vertically
315 Moves the cursor so you can scroll horizontally
316 Brings the last active application to the foreground
317 Performs the function of a mouse wheel and its corresponding button
318 Button Assignment Options
319 Scrolls in the direction the cursor moves
320 MouseMan
321 ScrollPoint
322 Wheel Mouse
323 Touch Scroll
324 //String number 325 is used to automatically adjust the width of the control panel. It must contain the title of the Pointer page. ("Pointer" in english)
325 Pointer
326 Normal
327 Slow
328 Fast
329 Screen
330 None
332 Wheel Mouse
333 Click any button to cancel scroll
334 TrackMan Marble+
335 MouseMan Wheel
336 TrackMan Marble FX
337 AutoScroll
338 Scrolls in the direction the cursor moves
339 1 line
340 3 lines
341 6 lines
342 Shift
343 Ctrl
344 &Double-Click Timing
345 Double-Click Test
346 Mouse
347 MouseMan Wheel
348 Select a function for the Middle Top button
349 Select a function for the Middle Bottom button
350 No Internet Browser has been found on your computer
351 Out of Memory
352 Can not find the Home Page
353 Opens the Logitech Web Page
354 Wheel Mouse
355 Battery level is unknown
356 Battery level is good
357 Internet Back Command
358 Internet Forward Command
359 Performs Back Command in Web browsers
360 Performs Forward Command in Web browsers
363 Cordless MouseMan Optical
364 Select a function for the Lower Thumb button
365 Select a function for the Upper Thumb button
366 Cordless TrackMan
373 Acts as the Ctrl key
382 Mouse
383 on
384 The batteries in the mouse are low and should be replaced.
386 1
387 2
388 1
389 Caps Lock is On
390 Caps Lock is Off
391 Num Lock is On
392 Num Lock is Off
393 Scroll Lock is On
394 Scroll Lock is Off
396 Connect Device
397 Device Connected
398 Cordless Environment
399 To connect a new %s,
400 insert batteries in it and press its channel/connect button.
401 %s connected on channel %d
402 On
403 Off
406 Cordless Keyboard
407 Cordless MouseMan Pro
408 Cordless Wheel Mouse
409 Cordless Device
410 Cordless Mouse
411 Cordless Keyboard
412 Replace batteries in mouse
415 Replace batteries
416 Receiver for Cordless Devices
417 Device Channel Changed
418 %s changed to channel %d
419 Battery level is low
420 Battery level is critical
421 Marble Mouse
422 Cordless MouseMan Wheel
423 Cordless Wheel Mouse
424 WingMan« Gaming mouse
425 TrackMan Marble Wheel
426 Marble Mouse
427 Turbo TrackMan Marble FX
428 TrackMan Wheel
429 XXL
430 AccuPoint II
431 Button Scroll Up
432 Button Scroll Down
433 iFeel Mouse
434 iFeel MouseMan
436 Enable iFeel
437 Disable iFeel
438 MouseMan Optical
439 MouseMan Optical with iFeel
440 MouseMan Traveler/Mobile
441 The batteries in the mouse are low and should be replaced.
442 MouseMan Dual Optical
444 If you wish to make a USB connection, exit this \nWizard, power off the computer, and disconnect \nthe mouse. Reconnect the mouse to the USB \nport and then restart the computer. The Wizard \nwill reappear to finish setup.
445 Mini Optical Mouse
446 Optical Wheel Mouse
447 Cordless Presenter
448 Marble Mouse
449 Click on 'Connect' to establish or confirm the connection between the mouse and the receiver.