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- ;
- ; NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Display INF file
- ; Copyright 1999-2002 NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- ;
- [Version]
- Signature="$Windows NT$"
- Provider=%NVidia%
- ClassGUID={4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Class=Display
- CatalogFile=NV4_DISP.CAT
- DriverVer = 05/03/2002,
- ;
- ; Dest directories are \windows\system32 and \windows\system32\drivers
- ;
- [DestinationDirs]
- DefaultDestDir = 11
- nv4.Miniport = 12
- nv.Display = 11
- nv.Panel = 11
- nv.Panel.Localized = 11
- nv.Help = 18
- nv.Help.Localized = 18
- nv.nView = 10,nview
- nv.nView.Quadro = 10,nview
- nv.oldrm = 12
- nv.delete.systemfiles = 11
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1 = %DiskId1%
- 2 = %DiskId2%
- 3 = %DiskId3%
- 4 = %DiskId4%
- 5 = %DiskId5%
- 6 = %DiskId6%
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- nv4_mini.sys = 1
- nvinstnt.dll = 1
- nvsvc32.exe = 1
- nvwsapps.cfg = 1
- nvdccapp.cfg = 1
- nv4_disp.dll = 2
- nvoglnt.dll = 3
- nvcpl.dll = 4
- nvqtwk.dll = 4
- nvcpl.hlp = 4
- nvrsar.dll = 5
- nvwrsar.dll = 5
- nvcpar.hlp = 5
- nvwcpar.hlp = 5
- nvrscs.dll = 5
- nvwrscs.dll = 5
- nvcpcs.hlp = 5
- nvwcpcs.hlp = 5
- nvrsda.dll = 5
- nvwrsda.dll = 5
- nvcpda.hlp = 5
- nvwcpda.hlp = 5
- nvrsde.dll = 5
- nvwrsde.dll = 5
- nvcpde.hlp = 5
- nvwcpde.hlp = 5
- nvrsel.dll = 5
- nvwrsel.dll = 5
- nvcpel.hlp = 5
- nvwcpel.hlp = 5
- nvrseng.dll = 5
- nvwrseng.dll = 5
- nvcpeng.hlp = 5
- nvwcpeng.hlp = 5
- nvrses.dll = 5
- nvwrses.dll = 5
- nvcpes.hlp = 5
- nvwcpes.hlp = 5
- nvrsfi.dll = 5
- nvwrsfi.dll = 5
- nvcpfi.hlp = 5
- nvwcpfi.hlp = 5
- nvrsfr.dll = 5
- nvwrsfr.dll = 5
- nvcpfr.hlp = 5
- nvwcpfr.hlp = 5
- nvrshe.dll = 5
- nvwrshe.dll = 5
- nvcphe.hlp = 5
- nvwcphe.hlp = 5
- nvrshu.dll = 5
- nvwrshu.dll = 5
- nvcphu.hlp = 5
- nvwcphu.hlp = 5
- nvrsit.dll = 5
- nvwrsit.dll = 5
- nvcpit.hlp = 5
- nvwcpit.hlp = 5
- nvrsja.dll = 5
- nvwrsja.dll = 5
- nvcpja.hlp = 5
- nvwcpja.hlp = 5
- nvrsko.dll = 5
- nvwrsko.dll = 5
- nvcpko.hlp = 5
- nvwcpko.hlp = 5
- nvrsnl.dll = 5
- nvwrsnl.dll = 5
- nvcpnl.hlp = 5
- nvwcpnl.hlp = 5
- nvrsno.dll = 5
- nvwrsno.dll = 5
- nvcpno.hlp = 5
- nvwcpno.hlp = 5
- nvrspl.dll = 5
- nvwrspl.dll = 5
- nvcppl.hlp = 5
- nvwcppl.hlp = 5
- nvrspt.dll = 5
- nvwrspt.dll = 5
- nvcppt.hlp = 5
- nvwcppt.hlp = 5
- nvrsptb.dll = 5
- nvwrsptb.dll = 5
- nvcpptb.hlp = 5
- nvwcpptb.hlp = 5
- nvrsru.dll = 5
- nvwrsru.dll = 5
- nvcpru.hlp = 5
- nvwcpru.hlp = 5
- nvrssk.dll = 5
- nvwrssk.dll = 5
- nvcpsk.hlp = 5
- nvwcpsk.hlp = 5
- nvrssl.dll = 5
- nvwrssl.dll = 5
- nvcpsl.hlp = 5
- nvwcpsl.hlp = 5
- nvrssv.dll = 5
- nvwrssv.dll = 5
- nvcpsv.hlp = 5
- nvwcpsv.hlp = 5
- nvcpth.hlp = 5
- nvwcpth.hlp = 5
- nvrstr.dll = 5
- nvwrstr.dll = 5
- nvcptr.hlp = 5
- nvwcptr.hlp = 5
- nvrszhc.dll = 5
- nvwrszhc.dll = 5
- nvcpzhc.hlp = 5
- nvwcpzhc.hlp = 5
- nvrszht.dll = 5
- nvwrszht.dll = 5
- nvcpzht.hlp = 5
- nvwcpzht.hlp = 5
- nview.dll = 4
- dmcpl.exe = 4
- nvshell.dll = 4
- nvtuicpl.cpl = 4
- nwiz.exe = 4
- generic.tvp = 4
- advanced.tvp = 4
- finance.tvp = 4
- dcc.tvp = 4
- cad.tvp = 4
- nvwcplen.hlp = 4
- ;
- ; The Manufacturer section lists all of the manufacturers that we will
- ; display in the Dialog box. DEVICE sections are specified.
- ;
- [Manufacturer]
- %NVidia% = NVidia.Mfg
- ;
- ; Device section. Each section here corresponds with an entry listed in the
- ; [Manufacturer] section, above. The models will be displayed in the order
- ; that they appear in the INF file. This section identifies
- ; the corresponding INSTALL sections.
- ;
- [NVidia.Mfg]
- %NVidia.Nv5% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0028
- %NVidia.NvVANTA% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_002C
- %NVidia.NvULTRA% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0029
- %NVidia.Nv5M64% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_002D
- %NVidia.Nv10% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0100
- %NVidia.Nv10DDR% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0101
- %NVidia.Nv10GL% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0103
- %NVidia.Nv11% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0110
- %NVidia.Nv11DDR% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0111
- %NVidia.Nv11GL% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0113
- %NVidia.Nv15% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0150
- %NVidia.Nv15DDR% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0151
- %NVidia.Nv15BR% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0152
- %NVidia.Nv15GL% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0153
- %NVidia.Nv17.1% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0170
- %NVidia.Nv17.2% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0171
- %NVidia.Nv17.3% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0172
- %NVidia.Nv17GL.1% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0178
- %NVidia.Nv17GL.2% = nv4_WSApps_DualView, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_017A
- %NVidia.Nv20% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0200
- %NVidia.Nv20.1% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0201
- %NVidia.Nv20.2% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0202
- %NVidia.Nv20DCC% = nv4_DccApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0203
- %NVidia.Nv25.1% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0250
- %NVidia.Nv25.2% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0251
- %NVidia.Nv25.4% = nv4, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0253
- %NVidia.Nv25GL.1% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0258
- %NVidia.Nv25GL.2% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0259
- %NVidia.Nv25GL.4% = nv4_WSApps, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_025B
- %nvWin2kDualview% = nvDual, DISPLAY\nvWin2kDualView
- [ControlFlags]
- ExcludeFromSelect=*
- [nv4]
- CopyFiles=nv4.Miniport, nv.Display, nv4.icd, nv.Panel, nv.Help, nv.Panel.Localized, nv.Help.Localized, nv.nView
- DelFiles=nv.oldrm, nv.delete.systemfiles
- RegisterDlls=nv.RegisterShell
- [nv4.SoftwareSettings]
- AddReg = nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings
- AddReg = nv4_icdSoftwareSettings
- AddReg = nv_ControlPanelSettings
- DelReg = nv_ClearRegistrySwitches
- [nv4.Services]
- AddService = nv, 0x00000002, nv4_Generic_Service_Inst, nv4_EventLog_Inst
- AddService = NVSvc, 0x00000000, nv_NVSVC_Inst
- DelService=nvarch
- DelService=nvgfx
- [nv4_EventLog_Inst]
- AddReg = nv4_EventLog_AddReg
- [nv4_EventLog_AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- [nv4_Generic_Service_Inst]
- ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
- LoadOrderGroup = Video
- ServiceBinary = %12%\nv4_mini.sys
- AddReg = nv4_Generic_Service_AddReg
- [nv4_WSApps]
- CopyFiles=nv4.Miniport, nv.WSApps, nv.Display, nv4.icd, nv.Panel, nv.Help, nv.Panel.Localized, nv.Help.Localized, nv.nView, nv.nView.Quadro
- DelFiles=nv.oldrm, nv.delete.systemfiles
- RegisterDlls=nv.RegisterShell
- [nv4_WSApps.SoftwareSettings]
- AddReg = nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings
- AddReg = nv4_icdSoftwareSettings
- AddReg = nv_ControlPanelSettings
- AddReg = nv_WSApps_AddReg
- DelReg = nv_ClearRegistrySwitches
- [nv4_WSApps.Services]
- AddService = nv, 0x00000002, nv4_WSApps_Generic_Service_Inst, nv4_WSApps_EventLog_Inst
- AddService = NVSvc, 0x00000000, nv_NVSVC_Inst
- DelService=nvarch
- DelService=nvgfx
- [nv4_WSApps_EventLog_Inst]
- AddReg = nv4_WSApps_EventLog_AddReg
- [nv4_WSApps_EventLog_AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- [nv4_WSApps_Generic_Service_Inst]
- ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
- LoadOrderGroup = Video
- ServiceBinary = %12%\nv4_mini.sys
- AddReg = nv4_Generic_Service_AddReg
- [nv4_WSApps_DualView]
- CopyFiles=nv4.Miniport, nv.WSApps, nv.Display, nv4.icd, nv.Panel, nv.Help, nv.Panel.Localized, nv.Help.Localized, nv.nView, nv.nView.Quadro
- DelFiles=nv.oldrm, nv.delete.systemfiles
- RegisterDlls=nv.RegisterShell
- [nv4_WSApps_DualView.SoftwareSettings]
- AddReg = nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings
- AddReg = nv4_icdSoftwareSettings
- AddReg = nv_ControlPanelSettings
- AddReg = nv_WSApps_AddReg
- AddReg = nvDualView_AddReg
- DelReg = nv_ClearRegistrySwitches
- [nv4_WSApps_DualView.Services]
- AddService = nv, 0x00000002, nv4_WSApps_DualView_Generic_Service_Inst, nv4_WSApps_DualView_EventLog_Inst
- AddService = NVSvc, 0x00000000, nv_NVSVC_Inst
- DelService=nvarch
- DelService=nvgfx
- [nv4_WSApps_DualView_EventLog_Inst]
- AddReg = nv4_WSApps_DualView_EventLog_AddReg
- [nv4_WSApps_DualView_EventLog_AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- [nv4_WSApps_DualView_Generic_Service_Inst]
- ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
- LoadOrderGroup = Video
- ServiceBinary = %12%\nv4_mini.sys
- AddReg = nv4_Generic_Service_AddReg
- [nv4_DccApps]
- CopyFiles=nv4.Miniport, nv.DccApps, nv.Display, nv4.icd, nv.Panel, nv.Help, nv.Panel.Localized, nv.Help.Localized, nv.nView, nv.nView.Quadro
- DelFiles=nv.oldrm, nv.delete.systemfiles
- RegisterDlls=nv.RegisterShell
- [nv4_DccApps.SoftwareSettings]
- AddReg = nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings
- AddReg = nv4_icdSoftwareSettings
- AddReg = nv_ControlPanelSettings
- AddReg = nv_DccApps_AddReg
- DelReg = nv_ClearRegistrySwitches
- [nv4_DccApps.Services]
- AddService = nv, 0x00000002, nv4_DccApps_Generic_Service_Inst, nv4_DccApps_EventLog_Inst
- AddService = NVSvc, 0x00000000, nv_NVSVC_Inst
- DelService=nvarch
- DelService=nvgfx
- [nv4_DccApps_EventLog_Inst]
- AddReg = nv4_WSApps_EventLog_AddReg
- [nv4_DccApps_EventLog_AddReg]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\nv4_mini.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- [nv4_DccApps_Generic_Service_Inst]
- ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
- LoadOrderGroup = Video
- ServiceBinary = %12%\nv4_mini.sys
- AddReg = nv4_Generic_Service_AddReg
- [nvDual]
- CopyFiles=nv4.Miniport, nv.Display, nv4.icd, nv.Panel, nv.Help, nv.Panel.Localized, nv.Help.Localized, nv.nView
- [nvDual.SoftwareSettings]
- AddReg = nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings
- [nvDual.Services]
- AddService = nv, 0x00000002, nv4_Generic_Service_Inst, nv4_EventLog_Inst
- [nv4_Generic_Service_AddReg]
- HKR,Video,Service,%REG_SZ%,nv
- [nv_NVSVC_Inst]
- DisplayName = %NVSVC.desc%
- ServiceType = 16 ; SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
- StartType = 2 ; SERVICE_AUTO_START
- ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
- ServiceBinary = %11%\nvsvc32.exe
- ;
- ; File List sections for NV.Display and NV.Miniport
- ;
- [nv.Display]
- nv4_disp.dll
- nvinstnt.dll
- nvsvc32.exe
- [nv.WSApps]
- nvwsapps.cfg
- [nv.DccApps]
- nvwsapps.cfg,nvdccapp.cfg
- [nv4.Miniport]
- nv4_mini.sys
- [nv4.icd]
- nvoglnt.dll
- [nv.Panel]
- nvcpl.dll
- nvqtwk.dll
- nview.dll
- dmcpl.exe
- nvshell.dll
- nvtuicpl.cpl
- nwiz.exe
- [nv.Help]
- nvcpl.hlp
- nvwcplen.hlp
- [nv.nView]
- generic.tvp
- [nv.nView.Quadro]
- advanced.tvp
- finance.tvp
- dcc.tvp
- cad.tvp
- [nv.Panel.Localized]
- nvrsar.dll
- nvwrsar.dll
- nvrscs.dll
- nvwrscs.dll
- nvrsda.dll
- nvwrsda.dll
- nvrsde.dll
- nvwrsde.dll
- nvrsel.dll
- nvwrsel.dll
- nvrseng.dll
- nvwrseng.dll
- nvrses.dll
- nvwrses.dll
- nvrsfi.dll
- nvwrsfi.dll
- nvrsfr.dll
- nvwrsfr.dll
- nvrshe.dll
- nvwrshe.dll
- nvrshu.dll
- nvwrshu.dll
- nvrsit.dll
- nvwrsit.dll
- nvrsja.dll
- nvwrsja.dll
- nvrsko.dll
- nvwrsko.dll
- nvrsnl.dll
- nvwrsnl.dll
- nvrsno.dll
- nvwrsno.dll
- nvrspl.dll
- nvwrspl.dll
- nvrspt.dll
- nvwrspt.dll
- nvrsptb.dll
- nvwrsptb.dll
- nvrsru.dll
- nvwrsru.dll
- nvrssk.dll
- nvwrssk.dll
- nvrssl.dll
- nvwrssl.dll
- nvrssv.dll
- nvwrssv.dll
- nvrstr.dll
- nvwrstr.dll
- nvrszhc.dll
- nvwrszhc.dll
- nvrszht.dll
- nvwrszht.dll
- [nv.Help.Localized]
- nvcpar.hlp
- nvwcpar.hlp
- nvcpcs.hlp
- nvwcpcs.hlp
- nvcpda.hlp
- nvwcpda.hlp
- nvcpde.hlp
- nvwcpde.hlp
- nvcpel.hlp
- nvwcpel.hlp
- nvcpeng.hlp
- nvwcpeng.hlp
- nvcpes.hlp
- nvwcpes.hlp
- nvcpfi.hlp
- nvwcpfi.hlp
- nvcpfr.hlp
- nvwcpfr.hlp
- nvcphe.hlp
- nvwcphe.hlp
- nvcphu.hlp
- nvwcphu.hlp
- nvcpit.hlp
- nvwcpit.hlp
- nvcpja.hlp
- nvwcpja.hlp
- nvcpko.hlp
- nvwcpko.hlp
- nvcpnl.hlp
- nvwcpnl.hlp
- nvcpno.hlp
- nvwcpno.hlp
- nvcppl.hlp
- nvwcppl.hlp
- nvcppt.hlp
- nvwcppt.hlp
- nvcpptb.hlp
- nvwcpptb.hlp
- nvcpru.hlp
- nvwcpru.hlp
- nvcpsk.hlp
- nvwcpsk.hlp
- nvcpsl.hlp
- nvwcpsl.hlp
- nvcpsv.hlp
- nvwcpsv.hlp
- nvcpth.hlp
- nvwcpth.hlp
- nvcptr.hlp
- nvwcptr.hlp
- nvcpzhc.hlp
- nvwcpzhc.hlp
- nvcpzht.hlp
- nvwcpzht.hlp
- [nv.oldrm]
- nvarch.sys,,,1
- nvgfx.sys,,,1
- [nv.delete.systemfiles]
- nv4oglnt.dll,,,1
- nvopenglnt.dll,,,1
- nvdmcpl.dll,,,1
- nvdesk32.dll,,,1
- [nv.RegisterShell]
- 11,,nvshell.dll,1
- [nv4.GeneralConfigData]
- MaximumDeviceMemoryConfiguration=80
- MaximumNumberOfDevices=4
- [nv4_WSApps.GeneralConfigData]
- MaximumDeviceMemoryConfiguration=80
- MaximumNumberOfDevices=4
- [nv4_DccApps.GeneralConfigData]
- MaximumDeviceMemoryConfiguration=80
- MaximumNumberOfDevices=4
- [nvDual.GeneralConfigData]
- MaximumDeviceMemoryConfiguration=80
- MaximumNumberOfDevices=4
- ;
- ; NVidia Add registry section
- ;
- [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings]
- HKR,, InstalledDisplayDrivers, %REG_MULTI_SZ%, nv4_disp
- HKR,, VgaCompatible, %REG_DWORD%, 0
- HKR,, DCBOverride0, %REG_BINARY%, 04,25,00,22,18,20,10,01,00,02,b8,88,00,00,00,02,01,01,b8,88,00,00,02,02,11,02,00,00,00,00,02,01,11,02,00,00,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,3f,3e,00,00,37,36,00,00,51,50,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff
- HKR,, DCBOverride1, %REG_BINARY%, 04,25,00,23,09,20,10,01,00,02,b8,88,00,00,00,02,01,01,b8,88,00,00,02,02,11,02,00,00,00,00,02,01,11,02,00,00,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,3f,3e,00,00,37,36,00,00,51,50,00,00,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff,ff
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA,DisplayName,%REG_SZ%,"NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Display Drivers"
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NVIDIA,UninstallString,%REG_SZ%,"rundll32.exe %11%\nvinstnt.dll,NvUninstallNT4 nv4_disp.inf"
- HKR,, "Attach.ToDesktop",%REG_DWORD%,1
- HKR,, "DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel",%REG_DWORD%,16
- HKR,, "DefaultSettings.XResolution",%REG_DWORD%,800
- HKR,, "DefaultSettings.YResolution",%REG_DWORD%,600
- HKR,, "UseCompressedModeFormat",%REG_DWORD%,1
- HKR,, NV5_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NVVANTA_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1280,768,-,-;1280,960,-,-;1280,1024,32,120;1600,900,-16,100-;1600,900,32,85-;1600,1024,-16,100-;1600,1024,32,85-;1600,1200,-16,100-;1600,1200,32,85-;1920,1080,-16,100-;1920,1080,32,70-;1920,1200,-16,85-;1920,1200,32,70-;1920,1440,-,-;2048,1536,-,-"
- HKR,, NV5M64_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV5ULTRA_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV10_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV10DDR_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV10GL_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV11_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV11DDR_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV11M_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 320,200,-,-75;320,240,-,-75;400,300,-,-75;480,360,-,-75;512,384,-,-75;640,400,-,-;640,480,-,-;800,600,-,-;1024,768,-,-;1152,864,-,-;1280,768,-,-;1280,960,-,-;1280,1024,-,-;1600,900,-,-;1600,1024,-,-;1600,1200,-,-;1920,1080,-,-;1920,1200,-,-;1920,1440,-,-;2048,1536,-,-"
- HKR,, NV11GL_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV15_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV15DDR_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV15BR_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV15GL_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV20_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV20_1_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV20_2_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV20_3_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV17_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV17GL_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV25_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- HKR,, NV25GL_Modes_Delta, %REG_SZ%, "S 1600,900,-16,120;1600,900,32,100-;1600,1024,-16,120;1600,1024,32,100-;1600,1200,-16,120;1600,1200,32,100-;1920,1080,-16,120;1920,1080,32,85-;1920,1200,-16,100-;1920,1200,32,72-;1920,1440,-16,85-;1920,1440,32,70-;2048,1536,-16,70-;2048,1536,32,-"
- [nv_WSApps_AddReg]
- HKLM,"Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak\OemConfigurations",ControlsOverride,%REG_DWORD%,1
- [nv_DccApps_AddReg]
- HKLM,"Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak\OemConfigurations",ControlsOverride,%REG_DWORD%,1
- [nvDualView_AddReg]
- HKR,, NvCplTwinViewInDualView, %REG_DWORD%, 1
- HKR,, EnableWin2kDualview, %REG_DWORD%, 1
- [nv4_icdSoftwareSettings]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT",Version, %REG_DWORD%, 00000002
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT",DriverVersion, %REG_DWORD%, 0x00010000
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT",Dll, %REG_SZ%, nvoglnt
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT",Flags, %REG_DWORD%, 00000001
- [nv_ControlPanelSettings]
- HKCR,CLSID\{FFB699E0-306A-11d3-8BD1-00104B6F7516},,,"NVIDIA CPL Extension"
- HKCR,CLSID\{FFB699E0-306A-11d3-8BD1-00104B6F7516}\InProcServer32,,,"%11%\nvcpl.dll"
- HKCR,CLSID\{FFB699E0-306A-11d3-8BD1-00104B6F7516}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,Apartment
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\NVIDIA CPL Extension",,,"{FFB699E0-306A-11d3-8BD1-00104B6F7516}"
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,NvCplDaemon,,"RUNDLL32.EXE NvQTwk,NvCplDaemon initialize"
- HKLM,Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\nView,"InitProfile",,"generic.tvp"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,"nwiz",,"nwiz.exe /install"
- ;
- ; Clear out old registry switches
- ;
- [nv_ClearRegistrySwitches]
- HKR,, NV4_Modes
- HKR,, NV5_Modes
- HKR,, NV0A_Modes
- HKR,, NV5M64_Modes
- HKR,, NV5ULTRA_Modes
- HKR,, NV10_Modes
- HKR,, NV10DDR_Modes
- HKR,, NV10GL_Modes
- HKR,, NV11_Modes
- HKR,, NV11DDR_Modes
- HKR,, NV11GL_Modes
- HKR,, CRUSH11_Modes
- HKR,, NV15_Modes
- HKR,, NV15DDR_Modes
- HKR,, NV15BR_Modes
- HKR,, NV15GL_Modes
- HKR,, NV17_Modes
- HKR,, NV17GL_Modes
- HKR,, NV20_Modes
- HKR,, NV20_1_Modes
- HKR,, NV20_2_Modes
- HKR,, NV20_3_Modes
- HKR,, NV25_Modes
- HKR,, NV25GL_Modes
- HKR,, NV4_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV5_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV0A_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NVVANTA_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV5M64_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV5ULTRA_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV10_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV10DDR_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV10GL_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV11_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV11DDR_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV11M_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV11GL_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, CRUSH11_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV15_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV15DDR_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV15BR_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV15GL_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV20_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV20_1_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV20_2_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV20_3_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV17_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV17GL_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV25_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, NV25GL_Modes_Delta
- HKR,, FlatPanelMode
- HKR,, DisableExtRefresh
- HKR,, Max16x12
- HKR,, Disable19x12x32at60
- HKR,, Disable16x12x32ge70
- HKR,, Disable19x10x32ge70
- HKR,, DellSwitch1
- HKR,, OglStencil
- HKR,, CapabilityOverride
- HKR,, OGL_EnableFSAA
- HKR,, OGL_DefaultSwapInterval
- HKR,, OGL_TexMemorySpaceEnables
- HKR,, OGL_TexStagingBufferSize
- HKR,, OGL_TexStagingBufferMultSize
- HKR,, OGL_DLStagingBufferSizeWords
- HKR,, OGL_DlMemorySpaceEnables
- HKR,, TwinViewInfo
- HKR,, PrevTwinViewInfo
- HKR,, SaveSettings
- HKR,, NvCplConfiguration
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers",RIVATNT
- HKLM,"Software\NVIDIA Corporation\RIVA TNT\OpenGL"
- HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\NV4\DEVICE0"
- HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\NV\DEVICE0"
- [Strings]
- ;
- ; Non-Localizable Strings
- ;
- REG_SZ = 0x00000000
- REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x00010000
- REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000
- REG_BINARY = 0x00000001
- REG_DWORD = 0x00010001
- REG_SZ_APPEND = 0x00010008
- ;
- ; Localizable Strings
- ;
- NVidia = "NVIDIA"
- NVidia.Nv5 = "NVIDIA RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro"
- NVidia.NvVanta = "NVIDIA Vanta/Vanta LT"
- NVidia.NvUltra = "NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Ultra"
- NVidia.Nv5M64 = "NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro"
- NVidia.Nv10 = "NVIDIA GeForce 256"
- NVidia.Nv10DDR = "NVIDIA GeForce DDR"
- NVidia.Nv10GL = "NVIDIA Quadro"
- NVidia.Nv11 = "NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400"
- NVidia.Nv11DDR = "NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200"
- NVidia.Nv11GL = "NVIDIA Quadro2 MXR/EX"
- NVidia.Nv15 = "NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro"
- NVidia.Nv15DDR = "NVIDIA GeForce2 Ti"
- NVidia.Nv15BR = "NVIDIA GeForce2 Ultra"
- NVidia.Nv15GL = "NVIDIA Quadro2 Pro"
- NVidia.Nv17.1 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 460"
- NVidia.Nv17.2 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440"
- NVidia.Nv17.3 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420"
- NVidia.Nv17GL.1 = "NVIDIA Quadro4 500/550 XGL"
- NVidia.Nv17GL.2 = "NVIDIA Quadro4 200/400 NVS"
- NVidia.Nv20 = "NVIDIA GeForce3"
- NVidia.Nv20.1 = "NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200"
- NVidia.Nv20.2 = "NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 500"
- NVidia.Nv20DCC = "NVIDIA Quadro DCC"
- NVidia.Nv25.1 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600"
- NVidia.Nv25.2 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400"
- NVidia.Nv25.4 = "NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200"
- NVidia.Nv25GL.1 = "NVIDIA Quadro4 900 XGL"
- NVidia.Nv25GL.2 = "NVIDIA Quadro4 750 XGL"
- NVidia.Nv25GL.4 = "NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL"
- nvWin2kDualview = "NVIDIA Dualview"
- DiskId1="NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 1"
- DiskId2="NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 2"
- DiskId3="NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 3"
- DiskId4="NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 4"
- DiskId5="NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 5"
- DiskId6="NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Driver Library Installation Disk 6"
- NVSVC.desc = "NVIDIA Driver Helper Service"