4 The monitors are not in a rectangular area, you will not be able to apply this arrangement.
5 The enabled monitors must be in a rectagular area and no disabled monitors are allowed in the rectangular area.
6 Illegal Arrangement
8 Monitor width or height is 0
9 Warning
10 Enabled monitors must be arranged in a rectangular area before you can apply settings. No disabled monitor is allowed in this rectangular area.
11 Total desktop area of
12 Use the Settings tab to change resolutions.
13 nView requires version 4.0 or higher of Internet Explorer(tm) to be installed - exiting wizard install. After you install version 4.0 of Internet Explorer and reboot, this wizard will appear again. Note that although nView requires Internet Explorer to be installed, other browsers may be used for web browsing.
16 nView Uninstall
17 Desktop Explorer
18 The Desktop Explorer extension requires version 6.0 or later of Internet Explorer(tm) to be installed. Note that although Desktop Explorer requires Internet Explorer 6.0 to be installed, other browsers may be used for web browsing.
19 You must log off in order to enable or disable the Desktop Explorer. Press Yes to log off now, No to ignore your change.
20 Windows is unable to log off and must reboot instead. Press OK to reboot your system or Cancel to ignore your change.
21 This control panel is disabled when nView is running in a two monitor span mode. Click the Advanced button to change.
22 Smooth Filtering
23 Lock Zoom Source
24 Fixed Source
25 Enable Editing
26 Present on Monitor
27 Prevent Web Popups
28 Open Attachments on Monitor
29 Enable Taskbar spanning across monitors
30 Make Taskbar span across monitors
31 Enable Video Zooming
32 Your DualView settings have been configured. Do you want to keep these settings?
33 Show Mouse Cursor
34 Analog
35 Digital
36 Both
37 nView can operate in two modes - Span or DualView. Span mode allows using up to two monitors maximum but supports hardware accelerated OpenGL. DualView mode (default) supports up to 16 monitors but OpenGL is not hardware accelerated. You can switch modes using the checkbox below (requires a reboot). Note that in Span mode, the nView DualView control panel is disabled - monitor arrangement is set via a new nView tab.
38 You must reboot your computer to change your mode. Click OK to reboot.
39 Reboot for Mode Change
40 Restores window
41 Your display may not be able to handle this change of output type. Are you sure you wish to change the output type?
42 Generic
43 Advanced
44 Finance
45 Disable Application State Memory
46 Application State Memory
47 Transparency has been temporarily disabled while a 3D app is running on the desktop. Transparency will be re-enabled when the 3D app closes.
48 Gather all applications to Monitor 1
49 Clear all application settings
50 Recover Windows
51 Enable nView extension button on title bars
52 Collapses window to title bar
53 Accesses nView extension menu
54 Shift-click (left mouse button) on hyperlinks to use feature.
55 Revert in 15 second
56 Revert in %d seconds
57 You will now apply your new DualView settings.\n\nIf your new settings are not applied correctly, your original settings will be automatically restored in 15 seconds.
58 DualView
59 There is a 3D application running that is using hardware OpenGL acceleration, the display driver could not support DualView multi diaplys under this condition. \n\nPlease quit the 3D application then apply this settings or you can click Advance button on DualView tab to setup span mode.\n\nThe span mode will support hardware OpenGL acceleration.