3 Are you sure you want to permanently delete the setting "%s"?
4 %s KB
5 Bilinear
6 8-tap anisotropic
7 Please enter a name for this setting.
8 More Direct3D
10 Best image quality
11 High image quality
12 Blend
13 High performance
14 Best performance
15 %s MB
16 PCI
17 AGP
18 %u MHz
21 <Unavailable>
40 Not present
41 Unknown
43 PAL
46 %s%%
47 %s%s░
65 Off
66 Low
67 Medium
68 High
70 Off
71 Low
72 Moderate
73 High
75 Auto-select
76 Always off
77 Always on
78 AGP (PCI mode)
80 Chrontel
81 Chrontel 7000 Family
82 Chrontel 7003
83 Chrontel 7004
84 Chrontel 7005
85 Chrontel 7006
86 Chrontel 7007
87 Chrontel 7008
88 Conexant
89 Conexant Bt868
90 Conexant Bt869
91 Conexant CX25870
92 Conexant CX25871
93 Philips
94 Philips 7100 Family
95 Philips 7102
96 Philips 7103
97 Philips 7108
98 Philips 7109
99 Philips 7108B
100 NVIDIA Internal
124 Chrontel 7009
125 Chrontel 7010
126 NV17 Internal (MV)
127 NV17 Internal
128 Chrontel 7011
129 Chrontel 7012
130 Red
131 Green
132 Blue
133 All channels
135 Use block transfer
136 Use page flip
137 Auto-select
138 &Contrast
140 Philips 7108A
141 Philips 7109A
142 Philips 7104
143 Philips 7105
150 Your flat panel display has a maximum resolution of %u x %u.
151 Windows will now switch your desktop to the selected settings. This may take several seconds. If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 15 seconds and your original settings will be restored.
152 The screen has been reset to its default position.
153 Unlike external computer monitors, LCD display panels have one particular Screen Resolution setting that looks best. It is recommended you set your Screen Resolution to %ux%u.
200 PAL-N (Combination)
201 PAL-B
202 PAL-D
203 PAL-I
204 NTSC-J
205 NTSC-M
206 PAL-M
207 PAL-N
208 PAL-G
209 PAL-H
210 PAL-K1
211 PAL-B/D/G/H/I
212 [PAL only]
214 HDTV
300 Country
301 Format
302 Windows will now set your hardware to match the settings you have specified. The screen may blank for several seconds during this process.\n\nTo avoid potential problems with the hardware, do not turn off your computer during this process!
303 Description
304 Filename
305 Version
400 Auto-select
401 Composite Video-Out
402 S-Video-Out
420 Off
421 2
422 3
423 4
424 5
500 Intel x86 Compatible
501 Intel Pentium(r)
502 Intel PentiumPro(r)
503 Intel Celeron(tm) or Xeon(tm)
504 Intel Celeron(tm)-A
505 Intel Pentium(r) II
506 Intel Pentium(r) III
507 Intel Pentium(r) 4
508 Intel Itanium(r)
509 AMD K5
510 AMD K6
511 AMD K6-2
512 AMD K6-3
513 AMD Athlon(tm)
514 AMD Duron(tm)
515 Cyrix MediaGX
516 Cyrix 6x86 Family
517 Cyrix MII Family
518 IDT WinChip C6
519 IDT WinChip 2
520 with MMX(tm)
521 with 3DNow!(tm)
522 with SSE
523 with SSE2
1000 NVIDIA (Unknown)
1002 Vanta
1003 TNT2 Model 64
1004 RIVA TNT2
1005 RIVA TNT2 Pro
1006 TNT2 Ultra
1007 GeForce 256
1008 GeForce DDR
1009 Quadro
1010 Aladdin TNT2
1011 GeForce2 MX/MX 400
1012 GeForce2 MX 100/200
1013 Quadro2 MXR/EX
1014 GeForce2 GTS
1015 GeForce2 Ultra
1016 GeForce2 Ti
1017 Quadro2 Pro
1018 GeForce2 Go
1020 GeForce3
1021 GeForce2 MX 100/200
1022 GeForce2 MX 100
1023 GeForce2 MX 200
1024 GeForce2 MX 400
1025 GeForce2 Integrated GPU
1026 Quadro DCC
1027 GeForce3 Ti 200
1028 GeForce3 Ti 500
1029 NV17
1030 NV17-1
1031 NV17-2
1032 NV17-3
1033 GeForce4 440 Go
1034 GeForce4 420 Go
1035 NV17M
1036 GeForce4 420 Go 32M
1037 GeForce4 440 Go 64M
1070 Fixed
1071 Grow Only
1072 Dynamic
1073 NVidia nForce
1074 220D SDRAM
1075 420D SDRAM
1076 220D DDR-RAM
1077 420D DDR-RAM
1078 with Dolby(r) Digital
1079 220
1080 420
1081 SDRAM
1082 DDR
1090 Additional OpenGL Properties
1091 Use shutter glasses
1092 Use vertical interlace monitor
1093 Use nView Clone mode
1094 Use on-board DIN connector
1095 Use on-board DIN connector on DAC 1
1096 Use blue-line-code for StereoGraphics(R) products
1114 The Full Screen Video Mirror feature requires the nView mode to be set to Clone or Extended Desktop.\nClick OK below and navigate to the nView page to select Clone mode from the available nView display modes.
1115 Full Screen Video Mirror
1116 The Full Screen Video Mirror feature requires the nView mode to be set to Clone.\nClick OK below and navigate to the nView page to select Clone mode from the available nView display modes.
1117 Custo&m OpenGL Applications Setting:
1118 Application Settings
5001 (Empty)
5002 QuickTweak Properties
5003 About
5004 Adjust Display Properties
5005 Custom Direct3D Settings
5006 Custom Colour Settings
5007 NVIDIA QuickTweak
5008 Restore Driver Defaults
5009 Restore Hardware Defaults
5010 Unable to start the applet. Please ensure that the software has been properly installed on your system.
5011 QuickTweak
5012 QuickTweak Properties
5013 The settings "%s" have been successfully applied.\n\nThey will take effect the next time you start a Direct3D application.
5014 The default Direct3D settings have been restored.
5015 The settings "%s" have been successfully applied.\n\nThey will take effect the next time you start an OpenGL application.
5016 The default OpenGL ICD settings have been restored.
5017 Custom OpenGL Settings
5018 Display %u
5019 Unable to find the file NVDESK32.DLL. The Desktop Manager features will be unavailable.
5020 Dynamic link failure in NVDESK32.DLL. The Desktop Manager features will be unavailable.
5021 Program Files
5022 Select an Application
5023 The hot key you have selected is a single key without a CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT key used in combination. Only function keys can be assigned as single-key hot keys.\n\nPlease select a different hot key for this action.
5024 The hot key you have selected is a single key with the SHIFT key as a modifier. You may use a SHIFT+Single-Key combination only if the Single-Key is a function key.\n\nPlease select a different hot key for this action.
5025 The hot key you selected is already in use.\n\nPlease select a different hot key for this action.
5026 Desktop Manager
5028 The Desktop Manager is currently enabled, but the system must be\nrestarted to enable all Desktop Manager functionality.\n\nDo you wish to restart your system now?\n\n(Select "Yes" to restart the system now, "No" to continue without restarting.)
5029 The Desktop Manager is currently disabled, but it will remain in your\ncomputer's memory until the system is restarted.\n\nDo you wish to restart your system now?\n\n(Select "Yes" to restart the system now, "No" to continue without restarting.)
5031 The settings "%s" have been successfully applied.
5032 The default colour settings have been restored.
5040 Desktop Manager Enabled
5042 Desktop Manager Disabled
5044 Desktop Manager Properties
5050 TV Output
5060 nView Properties
5061 nView Desktops
5062 nView
5063 Enable nView
5064 Disable nView
5065 Open nView control panel
5066 nView Profiles
5070 Rotation Settings
5071 Rotation Enabled
5072 Rotation Disabled
5073 Rotate 0 degree
5074 Rotate 90 degree
5075 Rotate 180 degree
5076 Rotate 270 degree
5090 Wizard Error - There was a problem accessing your registry -
10000 Argentina
10001 Belgium
10002 Denmark
10003 Finland
10004 Germany
10005 Guinea
10006 Hong Kong
10007 India
10008 Indonesia
10009 Italy
10010 Malaysia
10011 Netherlands
10012 Norway
10013 Portugal
10014 Singapore
10015 Spain
10016 Sweden
10017 Switzerland
10018 China
10019 North Korea
10020 Denmark
10021 Finland
10022 Germany
10023 Italy
10024 Malaysia
10025 Netherlands
10026 Norway
10027 Portugal
10028 Spain
10029 Sweden
10030 Switzerland
10031 Belgium
10032 Hong Kong
10033 United Kingdom
10034 Guinea
10035 Japan
10036 Canada
10037 Chile
10038 Colombia
10039 Costa Rica
10040 Ecuador
10041 Haiti
10042 Honduras
10043 South Korea
10044 Mexico
10045 Panama
10046 Puerto Rico
10047 Taiwan
10048 United States of America
10049 Venezuela
10050 Brazil
10051 Paraguay
10052 Uruguay
10053 France
12000 Enable fog table emulation
12001 Adjust Z-buffer depth to rendering depth if unequal
12002 Enable alternate depth buffering technique
12003 Display logo when running Direct3D applications
12004 Use DirectX 5 compatibility mode
12005 Force trilinear filtering
12050 Please note that full scene antialiasing and the use of a unified depth buffer or window flipping are mutually exclusive.\n\nIf you wish to enable the unified depth buffer or window flipping, full scene antialiasing will be automatically disabled in the driver.
13000 Enable buffer region extension
13001 Allow the dual planes extension to use local video memory
13002 Use fast linear-mipmap-linear filtering
13003 Enable anisotropic filtering
13004 Enable alternate depth buffering technique
13005 Disable support for enhanced CPU instruction sets
16000 Your hardware settings cannot be applied until you have tested them.\n\nSet the desired clock frequencies and then choose the 'Test New Settings' button to ensure that the hardware can support your selections.
16001 Your graphics hardware will now be tested at the new clock settings for several seconds.\n\nIf your computer stops responding during this time, turn your computer off and then back on.\nYour previous settings will be automatically restored.
16002 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
16004 %u x %u pixels
16005 %u Hz
16007 Analogue Display
16008 Digital Display
16009 TV
16010 A custom setting with this name already exists.\n\n Do you wish to overwrite it with the current setting?
16011 Windows was unable to change your display settings.\n\nPlease close the Display Properties, re-enter and try again.
16020 Device Settings
16021 Device Adjustments
17001 Default Monitor
17002 Plug and Play Monitor
17010 Display Properties
17011 Settings
17012 Reverting in %d seconds
17018 %d by %d pixels
17019 %d Hertz
17020 Windows will now apply your new display settings. This will take a few seconds, during which time your screen may flicker.\n\nIf your new settings are not applied correctly, your original display settings will be automatically restored in 15 seconds.
17021 Display Settings
17022 Custo&m OpenGL settings:
17026 First
17027 Second
17028 Third
17029 Fourth
17030 Fifth
17031 Sixth
17032 Seventh
17033 Eighth
17035 &Analogue Display:
17036 &Digital Display:
17037 &TV:
17038 &Analogue Display
17039 &Digital Display
17040 &TV
17041 TV Encoder Type:
17042 TV Codec Type:
17051 1x
17052 2x
17053 4x
17054 8x
17055 Use these control to select the degree of antialiasing to be used in OpenGL applications.
18079 Select the resolution that you want to use for games.
18080 Select the stereo refresh rate to use when stereo is enabled and the game is played at the resolution indicated by the Resolution slide bar.
18081 Test the display capability of your system at the selected resolution, bit depth, and refresh rate.
18082 The stereo refresh rate setting will be used when a game is played at the adjusted resolution and bit depth settings.
18083 Click to revert the panel settings to the last saved settings.
18084 The set stereo refresh rate will be applied to games played at all resolutions, at this colour bit depth.
18085 Select the colour bit depth that you want to use for games.
18086 Name of the executable or associated file used to identify this game/demo
18087 Take the current game configurations from the configured game version, and apply them to a new game. Select the new game from the file folder window.
18088 Undo the association of the game configuration to the new game.
18090 nView is enabled and currently set to clone mode, please disable clone mode in order to run stereo.
18091 Stereo Enable Error
18092 Enable/Disable fast refresh rate switching
19000 &Brightness
19001 &Contrast
19002 &Saturation
19003 &Flicker Filter
20000 Desktop Manager
20001 Application Management
20002 Hot Keys
20003 Global Settings
20004 Executables (*.exe)
20005 Zoom
20006 Pop-Ups
20032 <current desktop>
20033 its current screen
20034 the entire desktop
22000 Are you sure you wish to clear all application management settings?
22001 Are you sure you wish to reset all global Desktop Manager settings and hot keys?
22002 Two or more of the hot keys you have specified are the same, and will not function correctly.\n\nPlease resolve the problem by changing or disabling the appropriate hot keys.
22003 The desktop name you entered is not valid:\n\nThe backslash ('\') character is not permitted.
24000 &Desktop Manager\n&Maximize to current display\n&Send to other display\nMa&ximizes to single display\nStarts at &last-used position\nProgram starts on &display\nProgram starts on des&ktop\n(&default)\n(¤t desktop)\n&New...\n&1\n&2\n&3\n&4\n(&default desktop)\n(Desktop)