2029 Wizard Error - Could not load localized resources.
2030 Wizard Error - Registry error. You must be logged in with Administrative privileges to configure nView to automatically run at startup.
2031 Wizard Error - Could not find nView on your system. Please re-install.
2032 Wizard Error - Could not access nView parameter
2033 Wizard Error - There was a problem accessing your registry -
2034 Wizard Error - There is already a copy of the nView Wizard running.
2035 none
2036 nView Overview
2037 Features
2038 nView is currently set to automatically load at startup. Would you still like to automatically load nView at startup?
2039 If you do not want to use nView, you can click Cancel at any point during this Wizard. If you want to learn more about nView, click Next to proceed.
2040 If you do not want to change your nView settings, you can click Cancel at any point during this Wizard. Click Next to proceed.
2041 Do you want to erase all your saved nView profiles as well?
2042 An error was encountered while removing nView registry entries from all users of this computer. You must have administrative privileges to uninstall.
3001 You will lose your current settings. Are you sure you want to load new settings?
3002 Load Settings Warning
3003 NVIDIA nView Options
3004 NVIDIA nView Control Panel Properties
3005 nView Desktop Manager
3006 Load nView
3007 Unload nView
3008 You must enter the hot key name in the Name field in order to assign the hot key.
3009 Hot key assign error
3010 Enter the hot key by pressing a key combination in the "key entry" field in order to assign the hot key.
3011 Select an Action from the list in order to assign the hot key.
3012 The hot key in the key entry field has been used by "
3013 ", If you want to replace this hot key, click Yes. Otherwise, click No to keep the other hot key.
3014 ", please change key(s) in the key entry field.
3015 The selected profile "
3016 " will be deleted. You will lose all the settings in the profile. Do you want to continue?
3017 Delete Profile
3018 Keys
3019 Actions
3020 Application Names
3021 Desktop
3022 Monitor
3023 Monitor %d
3024 Red
3025 Green
3026 Blue
3027 Yellow
3028 Black
3029 Colour
3030 Show single-monitor max button on title bar
3031 Show full-desktop maximize button on title bar
3032 Open nView control panel
3033 Locate cursor
3034 Gather all windows to Mon1
3035 Max/Restore window
3036 Show menu extensions
3037 Next desktop
3038 Previous desktop
3039 Run application...
3040 Load profile...
3041 Move window to monitor...
3042 Move window to desktop...
3043 Activate desktop...
3044 Show on all desktops
3045 Collapse to desktop
3046 Toggle transparency
3047 Toggle always on top
3048 Toggle desktop toolbar
3049 Toggle zoom window
3050 This action will open the nView control panel.
3051 This action will highlight the area around the cursor allowing it to be located on the desktop.
3052 This action will move all open windows and dialogs to monitor 1 of the current desktop.
3053 This action will toggle a max/restore function for the current active window.
3054 This action will pull up the nView menu extensions for the active window.
3055 This action will move the user to the next desktop.
3056 This action will move the user to the previous desktop.
3057 This action will run a user specified application.
3058 This action will load a saved profile.
3059 This action will move the active window to a user specified monitor.
3060 This action will move the active window to a user specified desktop.
3061 This action will activate a user specified desktop.
3062 This action will toggle the active window between showing on all desktops or on a single desktop.
3063 This action will cause the active window to show on the current desktop only.
3064 This action will toggle the active window between being transparent or opaque.
3065 This action will toggle the active window between being always on top or not.
3066 This action will show and hide the desktop toolbar switcher.
3067 This action will show and hide the zoom window.
3068 Select a desktop:
3069 Select a monitor:
3070 Select a profile:
3071 Properties
3072 The hot key "
3073 " will be removed. You will lose settings for this hot key. Do you want to continue?
3074 You will lose settings for all hot keys. Do you want to continue?
3075 Remove hot key warning
3076 The desktop "
3077 " will be removed. You will lose the desktop and all applications on the desktop will move to your default desktop. Do you want to continue?
3078 Remove desktop warning
3079 You cannot remove the "Default" desktop.
3080 ". Are you sure you want to load new settings?
3081 You are about to overwrite the profile "
3082 ". Do you want to continue?
3083 Save profile warning
3084 NVIDIA Corporation
3085 nView Desktop Manager
3086 Rename Desktop
3087 Default
3088 Open a File
3089 Executable files
3090 Administrator
3091 Profile
3092 " is already a hotkey used by the system. Are you sure you wish to use it for an nView hotkey action instead?
3093 " is already a hotkey used by the system. NView will allow you to use this key if you hold it down for more than two seconds.
3094 " is already used by another application as a hotkey.
3095 You must click Apply to save your changes before using this function.
3097 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
5000 NVIDIA nView Desktop Manager
5001 NVIDIA nView UI control panel properties
8192 blank
8193 &New Desktop...
8194 Adds a new desktop.
8195 &New Desktop
8196 Adds a new desktop.
8197 &Explore
8198 Manages your desktops.
8199 &Activate
8200 Activates the selected desktop.
8201 Rena&me
8202 Renames the selected desktop.
8203 &Delete
8204 Deletes the selected desktop.
8205 &Save desktops
8206 Saves the current desktops.
8207 &Properties
8208 Changes the desktop settings.
8209 &Properties
8210 Changes general settings.
8211 &Send to
8212 Sends the selected application to another desktop.
8213 &Add to
8214 Adds the selected application to another desktop.
8215 &Remove from
8216 Removes the selected application from this desktop.
8217 &Properties
8218 Changes the individual application settings.
8219 &Visible on all desktops
8220 Toggles if this application is visible on all desktops.
8221 New Desktop
8222 (unknown)
8223 You have reached the maximum number of desktops allowed.
8224 &New
8225 The selected desktop is already active.
8226 Unable to load TwinView.
8227 Rename Desktop
8228 New name:
8229 &Open
8230 Opens the Desktop Explorer
8231 Unable to load the control panel.
8232 &Collapse to
8233 Removes this application from all other desktops.
8234 &Always on top
8235 Keeps this application on top of other windows.
8236 &Save window position
8237 Saves the position of this application.
8238 Desktop Explorer
8239 Displays and manages your virtual desktops
8240 Administrative privileges are required for installation.
8241 Desktop Explorer
8242 Desktop Manager
8243 Desktop Explorer
8244 Desktop Explorer - Error
8245 A desktop with that name already exists.
8246 &Set as Default
8247 Sets this desktop as the default boot desktop.
8248 You can not delete the default desktop.
8249 &Switch to
8250 Switches to the selected desktop.
8251 New Desktop
8252 Name:
8253 This application already exists on
8254 D&uplicate
8255 Duplicates the selected desktop.
8256 &Desktop
8257 &Copy of
8258 Creates a duplicate of the selected desktop.
8259 Sends the selected application to a new desktop.
8260 Adds the selected application to a new desktop.