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- Menu
- &File
- &Open DVD
- Open &IFO
- Open &Mpeg(s)
- &About
- Contents
- E&xit
- &Edit
- &Input settings
- &Output settings
- &Priority
- &Real time
- &High
- &Normal
- &Idle
- &Crop
- &4/3 corr (Display only)
- Show &resolution
- &Edit coordinates
- Render &source
- Render &dest
- &Adjust output resolution
- &Selection
- &Correct 4/3
- &Preserve ratio
- &Tools
- &Sound normalizer
- Chapter &Info
- &Playback
- &Start
- &YUV rendering
- &RGB rendering
- Enable &audio
- Enable &video
- &Save Project
- Load &Project
- Select &Destination
- Previous chapter
- Play
- Next frame
- Next chapter
- Global Input settings
- Global Output settings
- Input
- Audio
- Video
- Subtitle
- Encode
- Jump
- Output
- Select destination
- Input Settings
- Program Chain
- Index
- Angle
- Luminance filter
- Enable
- Gain
- Offset
- Use ASPI
- DeMacrovision
- Key search
- Once
- Each VOB ID
- Each CELL ID
- Disabled
- Audio
- Track
- Dolby Surround
- 48KHz To 44.1KHz
- Normal Quality 48KHz To 44.1KHz
- High quality 48KHz To 44.1KHz
- Export AC3
- Volume
- Output Frame Rate
- Detect progr. 24Hz
- Force 24Hz
- Subtitle
- Original colors
- Offset (pixel)
- Save your DVD drive
- Size (MB)
- Location
- Hard disk
- Misc
- iDCT
- Overlap (sec)
- Audio / Video synchronization
- Shutdown the computer when job is done
- Deinterlace filter
- None
- Odd field
- Even field
- Interpolate
- OK
- Help
- Select AC3 output
- Cancel
- None
- 44.1KHz (no conversion)
- 48.0KHz (no conversion)
- Help on input settings
- Program chain index:
- Select specified program chain.Most of movies are stored in pgc 0.
- Default is : 0
- Angle:
- Select specified angle. Most of movies are stored in angle 1.
- Default is : 1
- DeMacroVision:
- Remove macro vision protection from the movie
- Default is : Yes
- Key Search:
- Mode for CSS key search (the mode 0 works fine in 99% of cases).
- 0 - Search a key one time when starting
- 1 - Search a new key at each VOB-ID
- 2 - Search a new key at each CELL-ID
- 3 - Search a new key at each VOB/CELL-ID combination
- Default is : 0
- Audio track:
- Audio track to extract.
- Note: Only LPCM, MPEG Audio Layer 1/2 and AC3 are supported.
- Default is : first one
- Dolby Surround:
- Enable Dolby Surround downmix. Allow to preserve better 5.1 FX in stereo mode
- Default is: Enabled
- Audio 48 to 44.1 KHz:
- 48KHz downsampling mode.
- 0 : Normal mode (fastest)
- 1 : High quality (slower)
- 2 : Export the source AC3 to a file, you can afterward select
- the output file by clicking on the SELECT AC3 OUTPUT button.
- 3 : 44.1KHz (no conversion) Select this when you don't want to make sound
- conversion when you have a 44.1KHz source stream.
- 4 : 48.0KHz (no conversion) Same purpose as choice 3, when the input
- frequency is not specified (A3,LPCM) it is usually 48KHz
- Default is : 0
- Volume:
- Gain of the audio output. No normalization is performed. A value of 1
- can't generate distortion (cracking) but the output sound may be very low. The default
- give a good volume for most DVDs. Make few clip of the movie where you
- know the volume is high and adjust this value in order to get a good volume.
- You can also use the sound normalizer to find an optimum volume.
- Default is : 2.5
- Subtitle:
- Show subtitle.
- Default is : None
- Subtitle Offset:
- Vertical offset in pixel of the subtitle. This values is automatically adjusted
- if the subtitle goes out of the screen
- Default is : 0
- Original color:
- Preserve original color from the IFO file
- Uncheck it if your subtitle looks too much bold
- Default is : Yes
- Output frame rate:
- Frame rate of the output video file. 25 (PAL) or 23.97,29.97 (NTSC).
- Warning this value is not automatically set, if you choose a different frame
- rate from the input a pull down will be performed.
- Avoid conversion between NTSC and PAL.
- Default is : 25
- Detect 24Fps:
- Detect automatically 24Hz progressive NTSC.
- Default is : Yes
- Force 24Fps:
- Force input to be a 24Hz progressive NTSC.
- This flag works only if detect 24fps is checked.
- (Use it if you think that the 24Hz detection doesn't work).
- Default is : No
- Luminance filter:
- Allow to adjust light of source.
- The Y plane is the luminance plane (in YUV format)
- Apply Gain*Y + Offset on the Y plane.
- Gain is 8.8 fixed point value. ( 0 = 0.0 ; 128 = 1.0 ; 256 = 2.0 )
- Default is : Not enabled , Gain 128 , Offset 0
- iDCT:
- Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform routines
- (include also motion compensation)
- MMX is fastest.
- FPU give the best quality.
- Default is : MMX
- Overlap:
- Go backward of specified amount of time when output volume size has been
- reached. (This has no effect in custom chapter splitting)
- Ex: Overlap=10 if the volume end at 1:10:25 next volume will start at 1:10:15.
- Default is : 0 sec
- Audio Video Synchronization:
- Re-synchronise video and audio periodically. (not always necessary)
- Default is : No
- Deinterlace Filter:
- Use this when your image is interlaced (when 1 line / 2 is shifted)
- Warning if you set odd or even field you cannot be sure that it is
- the good field, Just make a clip of 10 images to see if you're right.
- Interpolate mode interpolate the even field (you lose a bit quality
- for SVCD but it always works)
- Default is : None
- Save your DVD drive:
- Create a temporary buffer to avoid the drive to be switched on/off too much.
- If you use a RAM buffer you may disable virtual memory to get more speed.
- The file will be write in your Windows temporary directory (TMP environment variable).
- Default is : 10Meg in RAM
- Output Settings
- MPEG specific
- AVI specific
- Audio ACM
- Audio MP3
- Disable
- Store to WAV
- MP3
- Use ACM
- Video codec
- Enable Video
- Video Bitrate Kbits/s
- Audio Bitrate Kbits/s
- Calculation
- Rate ctrl padding start
- Rate ctrl padding max
- VBV buffer size
- Export (AVI+Premiere)
- Expert Settings
- Export Settings
- Resolution
- Zoom
- Whole
- Max frame
- Time to encode
- Estimated size
- Volume don't exceed
- Ignore overwrite message
- Render every 0=none
- Premiere plugin encoder
- Not enabled
- Multi pass
- Apply
- Check standard
- Help
- Plug settings
- Cancel
- Resize
- Mux rate
- Misc
- Motion search
- Settings
- Infinite
- 74 Min VCD
- 80 Min VCD
- 74 Min Iso DataCD
- 80 Min Iso DataCD
- Custom size
- Custom chapter
- Help on output settings
- Video Bitrate:
- Video bitrate of the output MPEG file.
- For VCD the video bit rate must be between 650 and 1150 Kbits.
- For SVCD the video bit rate must be lower than 2600 Kbits (2376 recommended).
- Default is : 1150
- Audio Bitrate:
- Audio bitrate of the output MPEG file.
- For VCD the audio bit rate must be 224 Kbits.
- Default is : 224
- Motion Search:
- Compression speed optimization . You may get noise around motions
- Good : best quality (slow)
- Normal : normal quality
- Bad : Bad quality (fast)
- Default is : Good
- Calculation mode:
- CPU calculation mode.
- 0 : MMX (works only on Intel MMX processors)
- 1 : 3DNow (for AMD user)
- 2 : SSE2 for IntelP4 processor
- 3 : Normal (slow) don't perform MMX calc
- Default is : MMX
- DCT and iDCT routines.
- 0 : MMX for MMX processor
- 1 : SSE2 for IntelP4 processor
- 2 : FPU (highest quality)
- Default is : MMX
- Mux Rate:
- Increase the multiplexing rate by Mux_Rate% . Use this to avoid underflow.
- Just increase it but the output file will grow up a little.
- Default is : VCD = 1.4% SVCD = 5.6%
- Vbv buffer size:
- Size of the vbv buffer 20 recommended for VCD 112 for SCVD.
- Default is : 20
- Pulldown 3:2:
- Convert 23.976Hz to 29.97Hz (NTSC Only).
- Default is : None
- Resolution:
- Capture resolution in pixel.
- PAL:352*288 NTSC:352*240
- Default is : 352*288
- Export:
- Video format passed to the premiere plugin (compatible with the Video Server)
- and to the AVI codec.
- Only RGB and YUY2 are supported for AVI
- YUY2 is in fact a 4:2:2 YUV format (very good for DivX encoding)
- The internal MPEG encoder works only with 4:2:0 this setting is ignored
- Default is : RGB24
- Zoom:
- Letterbox , medium and pan scan convert 16:9 to 4:3
- Full doesn't correct the aspect ratio.
- If you have a 4:3 DVD Use Full.
- Default is : Letter Box (4/3)
- Custom: Allow free crop and resize.
- Video Resize:
- Video resizing filter.
- Nearest neighbor : Get the nearest pixel. (no filtering)
- BiLinear : very accurate Slow
- BiLinear MMX: very accurate Fast
- BiCubic : very accurate bicubic filter very slow
- SSE BiCubic : SSE implementation of accurate bicubic filter
- Works on PIII or K7 or higher
- Pseudo BiCubic : not accurate very fast
- Bilinear uses 2*2 nearest points to smooth the picture
- BiCubic uses 4*4 nearest points to smooth the picture
- TAP filters are 2Pass filters,they give best quality
- but are slower.
- Max frames:
- Maximum number of frames to encode.
- Default is : 10000
- Volume don't exceed:
- Size of volumes to generate. The encoder will output volumes as
- output_filename.mpg,output_filename_02.mpg,output_filename_03.mpg,....
- Default is : none
- Ignore Overwrite message:
- Don't check if the output file already exists
- and always overwrite.
- Default is : No
- Premiere plugin encoder:
- Allow to use an external encoder. you can connect to plugin
- built for Adobe Premiere. Please read readme_1st for more details.
- Default is : Not enabled
- Multi Pass:
- Allow the audio and video to be read in 2 pass. You can use it if you
- encode with TMPGEnc and do a 2Pass VBR.
- UNCHECK this if you do CBR or one pass VBR.
- Please read readme_1st for more details.
- Default is : No
- Define Volumes
- Chapter
- Time
- Estimated Size
- Frame
- Chapter count
- Selected Size
- Selected Time
- Frame count
- Current Bitrate
- Enter Bitrate
- Create volume
- Delete Volume
- Update volume
- Unselect All
- Volumes
- Help
- Encode
- Use VCDWizard (create chapter inside your volumes)
- Cancel
- Help on split settings
- => To create a volume, select chapter(s) in the chapter list
- and click create volume.
- => To remove a volume, select the volume in the summary list
- and click delete volume.
- => To add chapter in an existing volume, select the volume in the summary list
- select chapter to add in the chapter list and click Update volume.
- => To see selected chapter(s) in a volume click in the summary list.
- Volumes will be output as (Vol1) filename.mpg(avi) (Vol2) filename_02.mpg(avi),...
- Hint: To select quickly chapters use the keyboard.
- (space to select, cursor keys to move :))
- Jump to
- Time
- Chapter
- Jump
- Close
- Lame settings
- Bitrate
- Quality
- Channel
- Filtering (-1 to disable)
- Lowpass
- HighPass
- OK
- Cancel
- Audio normalizer
- Current frame
- Current time
- Optimal volume
- Volume for less than 0.1% saturation
- Stop
- DVD Ripper Error
- @0
- Buffer size must ne greater then 1MB
- Reset buffer size to 1Meg
- @1
- If you want to make overlap avoid a big buffer size (>20Meg)
- You may get unwanted result
- @2
- If you choose a large RAM buffer,
- You may disable virtual memory to get more speed
- @3
- Cannot check standard of file generated by a plugin
- @4
- Not an MPEG file
- @5
- Compliant
- @6
- Please run P4 release for P4 filtering
- @7
- Video player initialization failed
- @8
- Sound player initialization failed
- @9
- Invalid output Dimension
- Cannot initialize resize filter
- @10
- X1 must be greater than 0 and lower than
- @11
- X2 must be greater than 0 and lower than
- @12
- X2 must be greater X1
- @13
- (x2-x1) must be greater than 16
- @14
- Y2 must must be greater Y1
- @15
- (y2-y1) must be greater than 16
- @16
- Select volume in Volumes list
- @17
- Only 16,24 and 32 bits color display mode are supported for rendering
- @18
- Failed to initialize plugin
- @19
- Stop process?
- @20
- Internal encoder cannot multiplex AC3
- AC3 export works only with AVI and Premiere
- @21
- Disable audio (output setting) if you want to export AC3 sound and do avi video
- @22
- No volume defined
- @23
- Decoder not initialized.
- Open an IFO/MPEG file first or click one item in video file list.
- @24
- Cannot apply setting while encoding
- @25
- No IFO file found in
- @26
- To concatenate multiple file you must be sure that
- all of them have same stream ID, dimension, etc..
- Do you want to continue?
- @27
- You have selected a DeCSS key search.
- It may cause problem when opening non DVD files
- Do you want to continue?
- @28
- Stop encoder before exiting
- @29
- The output resolution will be adjusted to
- @30
- Do you want to continue?
- @31
- Failed to initialize video player.
- YUV rendering not supported.
- You'd better install DirectX 8.1 or above to play DVD video.
- Even though, you can rip DVD normally.
- @32
- RGB for playing works only in 65536 color mode
- @33
- File already exists.
- Overwrite?
- @34
- Cannot open AVI file. Check that the directory exists and
- that the file is not used by another program.
- @35
- Failed to initialize Lame
- @36
- Failed to open audio codec
- @37
- Audio codec not selected
- @38
- Video codec not selected.
- Please open "Output Settings" dialog in menu "Settings->Output Settings",
- then select "AVI(DivX,YUV..)" and choose one video codec in "AVI specific" group box,
- such as "DivX 5.0.5 codec", "Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V1", etc.
- @39
- Video codec wrong dimension or format
- You have to reselect video codec each time
- you change the output resolution or export format (RGB,YUV)
- @40
- Lame internal error
- @41
- Disabled
- @42
- Lame library not loaded
- @43
- Not selected
- @44
- Only RGB or YUY2 for AVI coding supported
- @45
- Cannot load mp3enc.dll
- @46
- Drive Authentification failed
- @47
- WNASPI32 driver initialization failed.
- @48
- DeCSS: Invalid block found. Drive may be not unlocked.
- Run a DVD player such as WinDVD, PowerDVD or Windows Media Player to open the DVD and reload the disc.
- You can close the DVD player after the DVD loaded. The DVD player doesn't need to run during the encoding process.
- @49
- Cannot find DeCSS key !!!
- @50
- Unable to read from %s
- Drive may be not unlocked.
- Run a DVD player such as WinDVD, PowerDVD or Windows Media Player to open the DVD and reload the disc.
- You can close the DVD player after the DVD loaded. The DVD player doesn't need to run during the encoding process.
- @51
- Unable to open for input
- @52
- Unable to parse as an IFO-File
- @53
- IFO parsing failed
- @54
- Cannot open temporary file
- @55
- Cannot allocate memory for the temporary buffer :(
- @56
- Cannot write to temporary file
- @57
- Can't initialize auth.dll
- Check that auth.dll is in the DVD Ripper directory
- @58
- auth.dll: Can't authenticate drive
- Disk may be not locked
- @59
- Audio format not supported
- @60
- Warning the output and input frame rate are not equal
- Pull down (up) will be performed
- @61
- Failed to parse file, no sequence header found
- @62
- Failed to parse file, no frame found
- @63
- Sample not found or audio decoding error.
- It happens sometimes at beginning or end of movie
- Select continue will fill audio buffer with blank.
- Continue ?
- @64
- Please run the P4 release for IDCT P4
- @65
- Cannot export non AC3 track
- @66
- Error during decoder initialization.
- If there are more than one item in "Index" combo-box, please choose another item and try again.
- @67
- MPEG2Dec: Error during reading input file
- @68
- MPEG2Dec: Error during seeking input file
- @69
- MPEG2Dec: too much frames
- @70
- Too much samples.
- This error may be caused by audio-only titles.
- The current version of the software doesn't support audio-only titles.
- Skip this title?
- @71
- Scanning
- @72
- Buffering vob file on HDD
- @73
- Buffering vob file in RAM
- @74
- You are going to open a DVD file with key search disabled.
- This may causes crash. Do you want to continue ?
- @75
- Unable to write to file
- @76
- Invalid project file
- @77
- Your computer cannot shutdown, Check the user privileges
- @78
- Cannot encode MPEG1/2 or Premiere file with 48KHz sound. (Use 44.1KHz conversion)
- @79
- Cannot output 48KHz wave file. (Use 44.1KHz conversion)
- @80
- ASPI not available. The program won't be able to unlock DVD drive and
- to read file bigger than 2GB.
- Install "ASPI" now?
- @81
- You have selected 2 pass mode but you haven't selected the codec
- for the 2nd pass.
- @82
- Size splitting doesn't work in "2 pass AVI" mode. Nevertheless you can
- split by chapters.
- @83
- You haven't selected the destination file name. Continue?
- @84
- This format is not supported by the plugin. Use RGB32.
- @85
- This format is not supported by the plugin.
- Try an other one RGB32, RGB24, YUY2, YV12
- @86
- Failed to initialize video codec. Check export format (YUY2, RGB).
- @87
- Wrong settings block for AVI video codec.
- This happens when you don't configure the video codec.
- Continue ?
- @88
- The product is not designed for playing DVD movies.
- It may encounter sound problem when running on some CPUs.
- Even though, it can ripping DVD(include audio) normally.
- Do you want to disable audio while playing?
- @89
- The software you're using is a trial version.
- Unregistered user can only convert about 5 minutes of the video.
- #