home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
# This file contains useful nnCron examples. # setting environment variables: SET CurTime=%hh%-%mm% SET FIDOCONFIG=d:\fido\hpt\fido.cfg SET SCITE_HOME=d:\tools\scite SET WGETRC=d:\tools\wget\wget.rc # classic format examples: # Minutes Hours Days Months WeekDays Years Command) 30 1 * * * * your_app.exe 0 12,17 * * * * cmd /c "E:\home\nick\Books\knut\knut\KNUT-ALL.PDF" 15,20,30 * * 1,2,3,4 1-5 2000 test.cmd XXX-%TempFile%-YYY-%COMPUTERNAME%-ZZ && TIME /T >>xxx START-TIME cmd /c E:\home\nick\Books\progs\pietrekbook.pdf # extended format examples: ############################################################################## #( Chime-new Time: */15 Action: Min@ 0 = IF \ every hour 50 7000 BEEP ELSE Min@ 30 = IF \ every 30 minutes 50 7000 BEEP 50 7000 BEEP 50 7000 BEEP ELSE \ on 15 and 45 minutes 50 7000 BEEP 50 7000 BEEP THEN THEN )# ############################################################################## # Use this task to lock your workstation at specified time #( lock-task WINAPI: LockWorkStation USER32.DLL Action: LockWorkStation DROP )# ############################################################################## # This task dials five different phone numbers, trying to establish internet # connection. When the connection is established 'get-mail.cmd' is started. #( dial-task Time: 0 * * * * * \ every hour Action: ONLINE: "e96" 0= \ if _not_ online IF 5 0 DO \ loop 5 times RASUser: "xxxx" RASPassword: "yyyyy" I \ loop counter CASE \ choice 0 OF RASPhone: "P2128506" ENDOF 1 OF RASPhone: "P2128507" ENDOF 2 OF RASPhone: "P2128508" ENDOF 3 OF RASPhone: "P2128509" ENDOF 4 OF RASPhone: "P2128510" ENDOF ENDCASE DIAL: "e96" ONLINE: "e96" \ online? IF \ Yes LEAVE \ leave the loop THEN 10000 PAUSE \ wait for 10 seconds LOOP \ end of the loop THEN START-APP: get-mail.cmd )# ############################################################################## # This task monitors Windows clipboard contents for URLs that can be # downloaded and starts 'wget.exe', passing the URL as command line # parameter. Regular Expressions are used to parse the URL. #( WGET_task : WGET-PAT S" /(http)|(ftp):\/\/[^ ]+?\.(zip)|(gz)|(rar)|(jpeg)|(jpg)|(exe)/i" ; WatchClipboard: * Rule: RE-MATCH: %CLIPBOARD% %WGET-PAT% Action: RE-ALL: %CLIPBOARD% %WGET-PAT% QUERY: "Download %$0%?" IF ShowNormal StartIn: e:\home\download START-APP: e:\bin\wget.exe %$0% THEN ;RE-ALL )# ############################################################################## # The two following tasks are logging dialup activity on your PC (internet # connect/disconnect). Log files are stored in 'log\ras' folder. <% VARIABLE ConnectTime VARIABLE DisconnTime : raslogname S" log\ras\%YYYY%%MM%.log" EVAL-SUBST ; : ConnTimeInSec DisconnTime @ ConnectTime @ - 1000 / ; : ConnTimeInMin ConnTimeInSec 60 /MOD SWAP IF 1+ THEN ; %> #( CONNECT WatchConnect Action: GetTickCount ConnectTime ! GET-CUR-TIME LOG: %raslogname% "%WW% %DD% %hh%:%mm%:%ss% connect %CONNECTION%" )# #( DISCONNECT WatchDisconnect Action: GetTickCount DisconnTime ! GET-CUR-TIME LOG: %raslogname% "%WW% %DD% %hh%:%mm%:%ss% disconnect %LAST-CONNECTION% %ConnTimeInSec% %ConnTimeInMin%" )# ############################################################################## # This task loggs internet activity for Win'9x/ME #( CONNECT-ACTIVITY VARIABLE CONN-BUSY VARIABLE CONN? 0 VALUE BEGIN-CONN-TIME 0 VALUE CONN-TIME CREATE (LAST-CONNECTION) 256 ALLOT : LAST-CONNECTION (LAST-CONNECTION) COUNT ; Rule: CONN-BUSY @ 0= Action: CONN-BUSY ON BEGIN ONLINE? IF CONN? @ 0= IF CONN? ON CONNECTION (LAST-CONNECTION) PLACE GET-CUR-TIME TimeSec@ TO BEGIN-CONN-TIME LOG: "ras.log" "%WW% %DD%/%MM%/%YYYY% %hh%:%mm%:%ss% connect %LAST-CONNECTION%" THEN ELSE CONN? @ IF CONN? OFF GET-CUR-TIME TimeSec@ BEGIN-CONN-TIME - TO CONN-TIME LOG: "ras.log" "%WW% %DD%/%MM%/%YYYY% %hh%:%mm%:%ss% disconnect %LAST-CONNECTION% %CONN-TIME%" THEN THEN 2000 PAUSE AGAIN )# ############################################################################## # Windows Script Host examples #( the-bat-start Time: 0 8,12 * * * * Action: <JScript> var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run("\"e:\\win\\the bat!\\thebat.exe\" /NOLOGO"); WScript.Sleep(1000); // wait one second WshShell.AppActivate("The Bat!"); WScript.Sleep(1000); WshShell.SendKeys("{F2}"); // check new messages </JScript> )# #( find-RunOnce-parameter Time: 0 12 * * 5 * Action: <JScript> var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run("regedit.exe"); WScript.Sleep(1000); WshShell.AppActivate("Registry Editor"); WScript.Sleep(1000); WshShell.SendKeys("^fRunOnce{ENTER}"); </JScript> )# ############################################################################## # CD-ROM Insert/Remove events # cdslow.exe is a program for slowing down the speed of CD-ROM drives # 'F' is the letter of my CD-ROM drive #( CDinsert WatchDriveInsert: F Rule: PROC-EXIST: cdslow.exe NOT Action: START-APP: E:\win\progs\CDSlow\cdslow.exe )# #( CDremove WatchDriveRemove: F Rule: PROC-EXIST: cdslow.exe Action: WIN-CLOSE: "CDSlow 1.5" )# ############################################################################## # Check internet mail example. This task reports, if there is new mail is # in your mailbox #( check-new-mail VARIABLE prev-pop3-cnt Rule: \ read old counter from file PAD 10 S" pop3cnt.txt" FREAD S>NUM prev-pop3-cnt ! \ check mail POP3-CHECK: serv name pass DUP DUP 0> prev-pop3-cnt @ <> AND IF prev-pop3-cnt ! \ write new counter to file FILE-WRITE: pop3cnt.txt "%prev-pop3-cnt @%" TRUE ELSE DROP FALSE THEN Action: MSG: "You have new mail." )# ############################################################################## # SEND-KEYS: example #( test-send-keys RunOnce NoDel Action: ShowNormal START-APP: notepad.exe HINT: "%crlf%Please, don't touch keybord and mouse during test.%crlf% " 1000 PAUSE SEND-KEYS-DELAY: 50 1000 SEND-KEYS: "Well, show me the way{ENTER}To the next whiskey bar{ENTER}Oh, don't ask why{ENTER}Oh, don't ask why{ENTER}{ENTER}" SEND-KEYS: "Show me the way{ENTER}To the next whiskey bar{ENTER}Oh, don't ask why{ENTER}Oh, don't ask why{ENTER}{ENTER}" SEND-KEYS: "For if we don't find{ENTER}The next whiskey bar{ENTER}I tell you we must die{ENTER}I tell you we must die{ENTER}I tell you, I tell you{ENTER}I tell you we must die{ENTER}{ENTER}" SEND-KEYS: "This is the END." SEND-KEYS: "{LEFT}+({HOME})" SEND-KEYS: "^{INSERT}" SEND-KEYS: "{END}{ENTER}{ENTER}+{INSERT}!!!{ENTER}{ENTER}2 seconds..." 2000 PAUSE SEND-KEYS: "@{F4}{DELAY 500}{RIGHT}{ENTER}" HINT-OFF )# ############################################################################## # WatchHotKey & WIN-TO-TRAY # This task minimizes active window into system tray on 'Alt+Ctrl+t' # keystroke. Make sure that plug-in 'win2tray.spf' is loaded. #( Minimize2Tray WatchHotKey: "@^t" Action: WIN-TO-TRAY: %GetForegroundWindow% )# ############################################################################## # Turning off the monitor. #( Power_saving 600 CONSTANT IdleTime \ idle time constant in seconds VARIABLE SaveMonFlg \ activity flag Rule: IdleTime IDLE DUP 0= IF SaveMonFlg OFF THEN PROC-EXIST: DivX_Player.exe 0= AND \ don't turn off the monitor, PROC-EXIST: FlyVCD.exe 0= AND \ if a video player is active PROC-EXIST: microdvd.exe 0= AND SaveMonFlg @ 0= AND Action: SaveMonFlg ON \ sets the activity flag MONITOR-LOW \ turns the monitor to low power state IdleTime 1000 * PAUSE \ waits for 2nd interval IdleTime 3 * 2 / IDLE IF MONITOR-OFF THEN \ turns the monitor off )# ############################################################################## # This task plays a little melody through internal PC speaker, showing # the lyrics of the song (in Russian) #( music_through_speaker Action: BEEP: 30 247 HINT-POS: 100 100 THINTW: "nnCron karaoke:" 3 THINTW: "Are you ready?.." 2 HINT-POS: 100 100 HINT: "...┼±δΦ Ω≥ε-≥ε..." PAUSE: 200 BEEP: 280 330 \ E PAUSE: 5 BEEP: 105 330 \ E PAUSE: 100 BEEP: 280 330 \ E PAUSE: 5 BEEP: 105 330 \ E HINT-OFF HINT-POS: 100 100 HINT: "...πΣσ-≥ε, ΩαΩ-≥ε..." PAUSE: 70 BEEP: 20 294 \ D PAUSE: 10 BEEP: 290 349 \ F BEEP: 200 392 \ G PAUSE: 10 BEEP: 280 440 \ A BEEP: 120 262 \ C HINT-OFF HINT-POS: 100 100 HINT: "...ΓΣ≡≤π, ∩ε≡εΘ..." PAUSE: 80 BEEP: 320 349 \ F BEEP: 180 440 \ A BEEP: 500 392 \ G PAUSE: 1000 HINT-OFF HINT-POS: 100 100 HINT: "...≈σ±≥φε..." PAUSE: 450 BEEP: 280 330 \ E BEEP: 110 294 \ D PAUSE: 400 HINT-OFF HINT-POS: 100 100 HINT: "...µΦ≥ⁿ φσ ⌡ε≈σ≥..." PAUSE: 670 BEEP: 20 247 \ B PAUSE: 10 BEEP: 280 262 \ C BEEP: 110 247 \ B PAUSE: 80 HINT-OFF BEEP: 280 220 \ A BEEP: 110 330 \ E PAUSE: 1000 BEEP: 30 247 HINT-POS: 100 100 THINT: "Thank you!" 3 )# ############################################################################## # This task counts how many minutes specified user works on your PC. # The minutes are logged in special log-file. If the user worked longer than # 60 minutes in a day the warning message is displayed. #( log_minutes VARIABLE minutes_count Action: USERNAME S" user_logon_name" COMPARE 0= IF PAD 10 S" f:\user_log\%DD%-%MM%-%YY%.cnt" EVAL-SUBST FREAD S>NUM minutes_count ! minutes_count @ 61 < IF minutes_count 1+! FILE-WRITE: "f:\user_log\%DD%-%MM%-%YY%.cnt" "%minutes_count @%" ELSE MSG: "That's enough! Shut down the PC" THEN THEN )# ############################################################################## # This task will reminds you about birthdays of your friends. # Just create a text file 'birthdays.txt' with the following info on each # line (without '#' line comment): # # 1968 02 08 Nemtsev Nicholas # 1968 06 28 Kondakoff Valery # 1955 10 28 Gates Bill # #( birthdays OnceADay <( : birthdays.txt S" birthdays.txt" ; VARIABLE fb CREATE bline 256 ALLOT CREATE bname 64 ALLOT VARIABLE bdate VARIABLE byears VARIABLE bdays \ start reminding <pre-period> days before the birthday 5 CONSTANT pre-period )> Action: birthdays.txt R/O OPEN-FILE-SHARED IF DROP ERR-MSG: "Can't open %birthdays.txt% file" EXIT THEN fb ! BEGIN bline 250 fb @ READ-LINE THROW WHILE bline SWAP <TIB get-number Year@ get-number get-number YMD>DATE bdate ! Year@ SWAP - byears ! 1 WORD COUNT 63 MIN bname PLACE CUR-DATE bdate @ DATE- NEGATE DUP 0 > OVER pre-period < AND IF bdays ! MSG: "Birthday reminder!!!%crlf%%bname COUNT%%crlf%Remining days: %bdays @%.%crlf%Aged: %byears @%.%crlf%Don't forget to send greeting card!" \ do smth useful here - play a little melody, for example ELSE DROP THEN TIB> REPEAT DROP fb @ CLOSE-FILE DROP )# ############################################################################## # This task allows you to create your own custom pop-up menu, which will # be shown when you left-click on nnCron tray icon. You can set specifyed # actions to the menu items. #( lelftclick_popup_menu NoActive \ 1. Assigning menu items constants (you can use dynamic values there) 101 CONSTANT MI_1 102 CONSTANT MI_2 103 CONSTANT MI_3 104 CONSTANT MI_4 105 CONSTANT MI_5 106 CONSTANT MI_6 \ 2. Creating the menu : MyMenu ( -- h) POPUPMENU S" Action 1" MI_1 MENUITEM S" Action 2" MI_2 MENUITEM MENUSEPARATOR POPUP S" Action 3" MI_3 MENUITEM S" Action 4" MI_4 MENUITEM S" More actions" END-POPUP END-MENU ; VARIABLE lc_win VARIABLE lc_menu \ 3. This word will run the pop-up menu : run_menu WITH TrayIcon Z" static" 0 0 Window lc_win ! ENDWITH MyMenu lc_menu ! lc_win @ SetForegroundWindow DROP 0 lc_win @ \ setting the position of the pop-up menu (y x) MOUSE-POS SWAP [ DECIMAL ] 256 lc_menu @ TrackPopupMenuEx \ setting the actions for every menu item CASE MI_1 OF \ MI_1 Action: MSG: "Action 1" ENDOF MI_2 OF \ MI_2 Action: MSG: "Action 2" ENDOF MI_3 OF \ MI_3 Action: MSG: "Action 3" ENDOF MI_4 OF \ MI_4 Action: MSG: "Action 4" ENDOF ENDCASE lc_menu @ DestroyMenu DROP ; : run_menu_task lelftclick_popup_menu LAUNCH ; ' run_menu_task CronIcon OnLB ! Action: \ running menu when left-clicking on nnCron tray icon: run_menu )#