61558 Are you sure to remove all data from your Database? Warning! All data will be lost permanently!
61559 Clearing Database...
61560 All data deleted successfully.
61561 These selected records will be deleted from Calendar.\n\nAre you sure to delete %d records?
61562 These selected records will be deleted from Contacts. \n\nAre you sure to delete %d records?
61563 These selected recotds will be deleted from Tasks.\n\nAre you sure to delete %d records?
61564 Keyboard Input
61565 SMS Center number not set. Please, set the SMS Center number in Settings menu and repeat operation.
61566 Receiver not found
61567 Error occured during SMS Center number set. Check your connection.
61568 Receiver number not selected
61569 Error sending message. Check your connection.
61570 Error saving message in SIM memory. Check your connection.
61571 Substring '%s' search results.
61572 Connecting to developer's WEB site...
61573 Connecting to developer's WEB site (using proxy %s)...
61574 Error connecting to WEB site. Check your internet connection.
61575 Receiving Alcanna Version Information...
61576 Error receiving information from WEB site. Check your Internet connection.
61577 Analyzing Information...
61578 Current Alcanna version is %s. Updates not need.
61579 Latest version on Developer's WEB site is %s. Your current installed version is %s. Press Ok to receiving new version of Alcanna.
61580 Current version on Developer's WEB site is %s. Your current installed version is %s. Where from have you got this version!? Urgently press Ok to receive official latest version of Alcanna!
61581 Press Ok to start checking for new version of Alcanna on Developer WEB site
61582 Yes
61583 No
61584 Done %d%%
61585 Reading SMS messages list...
61586 Trying to connect to Cellular Device. Alcanna will tries 5 times. If all connect tries will fails please diconnect and then connect again your Cellular Device. Then repeat connection.
61587 Prepare to Data Transmission....
61588 Model
61589 Producer
61590 Serial Number
61591 Version
61592 SIM Capacity
61593 Battery load
61594 Signal level
61595 Connection to your Cellular Device failed. Try to reconnect device and then repeat connection.
61596 Transfering Tasks Categories from Cellular Device memory to PC Database...
61597 Error transferring Tasks Categories
61598 Transferring Tasks list from Cellular Device memory to PC Database...
61599 Error transferring Tasks List
61600 Transferring Calendar records from Cellular Device memory to PC Database...
61601 Error transferring Calendar data
61602 Transferring Contacts Categories from Cellular Device memory to PC Database...
61603 Error transferring Contacts Categories
61604 Transferring Contacts data from Cellular Device memory to PC Database...
61605 Error transferring Contacts data
61606 Ending data transfer session...
61607 Data transferring succesfully done.
61608 Ending data transfer session. This operation could take some minutes, please wait...
61609 Transferring Tasks Categories from PC Database to Cellular Device memory...
61610 Transferring Tasks data from PC Database to Cellular Device memory...
61611 Transferring Calendar data from PC Database to Cellular Device memory...
61612 Erasing all Contacts records...
61613 Erasing Contacts records fails.
61614 Ending erasing Contacts operation. This could take some minutes, please wait...
61615 Transferring Contacts Categories from PC Database to Cellular Device...
61616 Transferring Contacts data from PC Database to Cellular Device...
61617 Creating categories list...
61618 Creating %s
61619 Processing: %s
61620 Device memory analyzing %d%%
61621 Searching for deleted records %d%%
61622 Database analyzing %d%%
61623 Analyzing synchronization results...
61624 Database Reindexing need.\nReindex?
61625 Synchronizing
61626 Synchronizing not need.
61627 Need total synchronization!
61628 Synchronizing Tasks list...
61629 Saving Tasks Synchronization results...
61630 Synchronizing Tasks Categories list...
61631 Synchronizing Calendar records...
61632 Saving Calendar Synchronization results...
61633 Synchronizing Contacts records...
61634 Saving Contacts Synchronization results...
61635 Synchronizing Contacts Categories list...
61636 Data Synchronizing successfully done.
61637 Updating Cellular Device memory %d%%
61639 Updating Database records %d%%
61640 Wait for process done...
61641 Indexing Database %d%%
61642 Erasing Tasks list...
61643 Erasing Calendar records...
61644 Erasing Contacts records...
61645 Data Erasing successfully done.
61647 Cellular Device Connected successfully.
61648 Synchronizing with SIM Card memory...
61649 Error data transferring.
61650 Data Exchange successfully done.
61651 Exporting list %d%%
61652 Exporting Tasks Categories list from PC Database into CSV file...
61653 Exporting Tasks from PC Database list into CSV file...
61654 Exporting Calendar records from PC Database into CSV file...
61655 Exporting Contacts records from PC Database into CSV file...
61656 Exporting Contacts records from PC Database into CSV file...
61657 Exporting data to CSV files successfully done.
61658 Importing Tasks Categories from CSV file into PC Database...
61659 Importing Tasks records from CSV file into PC Database...
61660 Importing Calendar records from CSV file into PC Database...
61661 Importing Contacts Categories list from CSV file into PC Database...
61662 Importing Contacts records from CSV file into PC Database...
61663 Importing data from CSV files successfully done.
61664 SIM Data synchronization fails. Try to reconnect Cellular Device and the repeat operation.
61665 Are you sure to store %d SMS messages into Database Archive?
61666 Moving records
61667 Unable to move selected records into section %s
61668 Are you sure to move %d records into Categiory %s?
61669 Are you sure to delete %d records from SIM Card memory?
61670 Delete
61671 Are you sure to delete %d SMS Messages from Cellular Device memory?
61672 Are you sure to delete %d SMS Messages from Database archive?
61673 You can't remove Group of Categories
61674 You can't remove selected category, because this not empty.
61691 Are you sure to terminate current operation?
61692 Cancel
61693 Pages\EngCE
61694 Any changes applied to Category structure will cause full data reloading into Cellular Device memory. This could initiate long time processing, memory defragmentation and destruction of relations inside Dialed, Missed and Received records, Meetings and Make Call records.\n\nIt's strongly recommended to make any reorganization of Category tree only in Cellular Device. After this reorganization you could apply fast synchronization for your changes with PC Database.
61695 Synchronization of Database with Cellular Device wiill works correctly only after first-time loading data. In other words you have to download all data at first into your new created Database, or at first upload data into your new or just initialized Cellular Device using Import and Export operations. Only after first-time data loading you can use Synchroniztion, otherwise you could loose data.
61696 All data will be erased from Cellular Device memory during export operation, however you must remember that newly exported data don't replace old records, but create new records which could initiate memory defragmentation and destruction of relations inside Dialed, Missed and Received records, Meetings and Make Call records.\n\nIt's strongly recommended to apply export data operation only once during first-time Database or Cellular Device initialization. In common situation use Synchronize operation.
61697 The data Import operation will lead to full erasing of Database records. Use this operation only for first-time initialization. In common situation use Synchronize operation.
61698 Full erasing of Cellular Device memory don't clear memory phisicaly used by Contacts, Calendar and Tasks. All pointers to records will still residental in memory and new records will not replace old ones, but will be created as new records which could initiate memory defragmentation and destruction of relations inside Dialed, Missed and Received records, Meetings and Make Call records.\n\n For correct total clearing Cellular Device memory you could use Reset to Factory Defaults code (###847#). Warning! After using this code all your data and settings will be lost!
61699 English Localization module\nCopyright (c) 2003, Dmitry G. Qusnetsov
61700 Are you sure to copy %d recotds from SIM Card to Database?
61701 Copy
61702 Are you sure to copy %d recotds Database to SIM Card?
61703 Warning!\nPartial data lost occurred during transferring,\nbecause source string in Database too long.\nRecords with data lost wil be marked with gray color.
61704 Birthday
61705 Appointment
61706 Recurrent
61708 Press OK to start searching duplicated numbers.