home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2003-10-06 | 3.1 KB | 161 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global Group Group2;
- Global Group Group3;
- Global Button Button4;
- Global Int Int5;
- Global Group Group6;
- Global Timer Timer7;
- Global Int Int8;
- Global Int Int9;
- Global Layer Layer10;
- Global Layer Layer11;
- Global Slider Slider12;
- Global Button Button13;
- Function func882(Int 0, Float 5.87747175411144e-39);
- Function func988(Int 0, Float 5.87747175411144e-39);
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- Layout Layout16;
- Layout16 = System.getContainer(( "main")).getLayout(( "normal"));
- Group6 = Layout16.getObject(( "group\.barrel"));
- Group2 = Layout16.getObject(( "group\.clip"));
- Group3 = Group2.getObject(( "group\.clip\.drawer"));
- Group3 = Group3.getObject(( "clip\.drawer"));
- Button4 = Layout16.getObject(( "eq"));
- Int5 = 0;
- Button13 = Group6.getObject(( "logo"));
- Timer7 = ( new Timer);
- Timer7.setDelay(2000);
- Int8 = 1;
- Layer10 = Group6.getObject(( "volfill"));
- Layer11 = Group6.getObject(( "seekfill"));
- Slider12 = Group6.getObject(( "seek"));
- System.setVolume(System.getVolume());
- System.getContainer(( "browser")).show();
- return Null;
- }
- Button13.onLeftClick()
- {
- System.getContainer(( "browser\.main")).show();
- return Null;
- }
- Button4.onActivate(int activated)
- {
- if(activated) {
- Int5 = 1;
- func988(1, ( 0.5));
- } else {
- Int5 = 0;
- func882(0, ( 0.5));
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Slider12.onSetPosition(int newpos)
- {
- Layer11.setXmlParam(( "w"), System.integerToString(( ( newpos / ( 2.54999995231628)) * ( 0.75))));
- return Null;
- }
- System.onStop()
- {
- Layer11.setXmlParam(( "w"), ( "0"));
- return Null;
- }
- System.onVolumeChanged(int newvol)
- {
- Layer10.setXmlParam(( "w"), System.integerToString(( ( newvol / ( 2.54999995231628)) * ( 0.660000026226044))));
- return Null;
- }
- System.onTitleChange(String newtitle)
- {
- if(Int8) {
- Group6.setTargetX(( - 80));
- Group6.setTargetY(4);
- Group6.setTargetSpeed(( 0.00999999977648258));
- Int9 = 1;
- Group6.gotoTarget();
- Int8 = 0;
- Timer7.start();
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Group6.onTargetReached()
- {
- if(Int9) {
- Int9 = 0;
- Group6.setTargetX(0);
- Group6.setTargetY(0);
- Group6.setTargetSpeed(( 0.00999999977648258));
- Group6.gotoTarget();
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Timer7.onTimer()
- {
- Int8 = 1;
- Timer7.stop();
- return Null;
- }
- Group2.onTargetReached()
- {
- if(( Int5 == 1)) {
- func882(1, ( 0.5));
- }
- return Null;
- }
- Group3.onTargetReached()
- {
- if(( Int5 == 0)) {
- func988(0, ( 0.5));
- }
- return Null;
- }
- func882(Int 0, Float 5.87747175411144e-39)
- {
- if(Float45) {
- if(Int44) {
- Group3.setTargetX(0);
- } else {
- Group3.setTargetX(( - 169));
- }
- Group3.setTargetSpeed(Float45);
- Group3.gotoTarget();
- } else {
- }
- return Null;
- }
- func988(Int 0, Float 5.87747175411144e-39)
- {
- if(Float48) {
- if(Int47) {
- Group2.setTargetX(0);
- Group2.setTargetY(210);
- } else {
- Group2.setTargetX(50);
- Group2.setTargetY(60);
- }
- Group2.setTargetSpeed(Float48);
- Group2.gotoTarget();
- } else {
- }
- return Null;
- }