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- <groupdef id="shade2main">
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- <!-- Player Buttons -->
- <button
- id="s2Previous"
- action="PREV"
- x="13" y="70"
- image="playershade.button.prev"
- downImage="playershade.button.prev.down"
- tooltip="Previous"
- />
- <button
- id="s2Next"
- action="NEXT"
- x="83" y="70"
- image="playershade.button.next"
- downImage="playershade.button.next.down"
- tooltip="Next"
- />
- <button
- id="s2Pause"
- action="PAUSE"
- x="49" y="86"
- image="playershade.button.pause"
- downImage="playershade.button.pause.down"
- tooltip="Pause"
- />
- <button
- id="s2Play"
- action="PLAY"
- x="34" y="86"
- image="playershade.button.play"
- downImage="playershade.button.play.down"
- tooltip="Play"
- />
- <button
- id="s2Stop"
- action="STOP"
- x="64" y="86"
- image="playershade.button.stop"
- downImage="playershade.button.stop.down"
- tooltip="Stop"
- />
- <button
- id="s2big2"
- action="SWITCH" param="normal"
- x="84" y="4"
- image="playershade.button.big2"
- downImage="playershade.button.big2.down"
- tooltip="Switch to normal mode"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <button
- id="s2Minimize"
- action="MINIMIZE"
- x="73" y="4"
- image="playershade.button.minimize"
- downImage="playershade.button.minimize.down"
- tooltip="minimize"
- />
- <button
- id="s2Close"
- action="CLOSE"
- x="95" y="4"
- image="playershade.button.close"
- downImage="playershade.button.close.down"
- tooltip="Close"
- />
- <button
- id="shade2Sys"
- action="CONTROLMENU"
- x="7" y="19"
- image="playershade2.button.sys"
- downImage="playershade2.button.sys.down"
- hoverImage="playershade2.button.sys.down"
- tooltip="Main Menu"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <!-- Volume -->
- <slider
- id="sVolume"
- action="VOLUME"
- x="23" y="120"
- w="62" h="10"
- thumb="playershade.button.volume"
- downThumb="playershade.button.volume.down"
- tooltip="Volume"
- />
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- <layer id="shade2label2" x="14" y="140" image="playershade.textlabel2" ghost="1" />
- <layer id="s2display" x="9" y="42" image="playershade2.display1" ghost="1" />
- <!-- Songticker -->
- <text
- id="SongtickerShade2" ticker="1"
- display="songname" showlen="1"
- x="11" y="48"
- w="86" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font3"
- align="center"
- />
- <!--vis -->
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- x="17" y="43" w="76" h="10"
- ColorBand1="255,255,255"
- ColorBand2="255,255,255"
- ColorBand3="255,255,255"
- ColorBand4="255,255,255"
- ColorBand5="255,255,255"
- ColorBand6="255,255,255"
- ColorBand7="255,255,255"
- ColorBand8="255,255,255"
- ColorBand9="255,255,255"
- ColorBand10="255,255,255"
- ColorBand11="255,255,255"
- ColorBand12="255,255,255"
- ColorBand13="255,255,255"
- ColorBand14="255,255,255"
- ColorBand15="255,255,255"
- ColorBand16="255,255,255"
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- colorosc2="255,255,255"
- colorosc3="255,255,255"
- colorosc4="255,255,255"
- colorosc5="255,255,255"
- />
- <!-- Time -->
- <text
- id="timer2" display="time"
- x="29" y="59" w="48" h="21"
- font="player.time.font3"
- timeroffstyle="1"
- align="center"
- timecolonwidth="4"
- />
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- <button
- id="s2EJECT"
- action="EJECT"
- x="44" y="38"
- image="playershade.button.open"
- downImage="playershade.button.open.down"
- tooltip="Open file(s)"
- />
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- <togglebutton
- id="Crossfade2"
- x="74" y="148"
- image="player-winshade.toggler.crossfade"
- downImage="player-winshade.toggler.crossfade.down"
- activeImage="player-winshade.toggler.crossfade.down"
- tooltip="Toggle Crossfading Between Tracks"
- cfgattrib="{FC3EAF78-C66E-4ED2-A0AA-1494DFCC13FF};Enable crossfading"
- />
- <togglebutton
- id="Shuffle2"
- x="14" y="148"
- image="player-winshade.toggler.shuffle"
- downImage="player-winshade.toggler.shuffle.down"
- activeImage="player-winshade.toggler.shuffle.down"
- tooltip="Toggle Playlist Shuffling"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Shuffle"
- />
- <togglebutton
- id="Repeat2"
- x="46" y="148"
- image="player-winshade.toggler.repeat"
- downImage="player-winshade.toggler.repeat.down"
- activeImage="player-winshade.toggler.repeat.down"
- tooltip="Toggle Playlist Repeating"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Repeat"
- cfgval="2"
- />
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- id="s2Seeker"
- action="SEEK"
- x="29" y="71"
- w="49" h="12"
- thumb="playershade2.button.pos1"
- downThumb="playershade2.button.pos1.down"
- tooltip="Seeker"
- />
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- <button
- id="s2thinger"
- x="1" y="161"
- image="playershade2.button.tools.thinger"
- downImage="playershade2.button.tools.thinger.down"
- activeImage="playershade2.button.tools.thinger.active"
- tooltip="Show/Hide Thinger"
- />
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- id="s2eq"
- x="32" y="161"
- image="playershade2.button.tools.eq"
- downImage="playershade2.button.tools.eq.down"
- activeImage="playershade2.button.tools.eq.active"
- tooltip="Show/Hide EQ"
- />
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- id="s2cfg"
- x="80" y="161"
- image="playershade2.button.tools.cfg"
- downImage="playershade2.button.tools.cfg.down"
- activeImage="playershade2.button.tools.cfg.active"
- tooltip="Show/Hide Configuration"
- />
- <button
- id="s2pl"
- x="46" y="161"
- action="TOGGLE" param="guid:pl"
- image="playershade2.button.tools.pl"
- downImage="playershade2.button.tools.pl.down"
- activeImage="playershade2.button.tools.pl.active"
- tooltip="Show/Hide Playlist"
- />
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- <layer image="playershade2.ctdummy2" x="1" y="19"/>
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- </groupdef>
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- id="ts2left"
- action="CB_PREV"
- x="13" y="30"
- image="playershade2.thinger.main.lefta"
- downimage="playershade2.thinger.main.lefta.down"
- tooltip="Scroll Left"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <button
- id="ts2right"
- action="CB_NEXT"
- x="82" y="30"
- image="playershade2.thinger.main.righta"
- downimage="playershade2.thinger.main.righta.down"
- tooltip="Scroll Right"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- </groupdef>
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- <slider
- id="preamp"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="preamp"
- x="12" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq1"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="1"
- x="28" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
- <slider
- id="shadeeq2"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="2"
- x="35" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq3"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="3"
- x="42" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq4"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="4"
- x="49" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq5"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="5"
- x="56" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq6"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="6"
- x="63" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq7"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="7"
- x="70" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq8"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="8"
- x="77" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq9"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="9"
- x="84" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="shadeeq10"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="10"
- x="91" y="28"
- w="7" h="30"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="playershade.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="playershade.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="s2aot"
- x="7" y="24"
- image="playershade2.button.cfg.aot"
- downImage="playershade2.button.cfg.aot.down"
- activeImage="playershade2.button.cfg.aot.active"
- tooltip="Automatic Always on top in whinshade mode"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- id="scrolltickershade2"
- x="7" y="39"
- image="playershade2.button.cfg.scroll"
- downImage="playershade2.button.cfg.scroll.down"
- activeImage="playershade2.button.cfg.scroll.active"
- tooltip="Scroll SongTicker on/off"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- <Button id="sh2closect" image="playershade2.button.closect" downimage="playershade2.button.closect.down" x="0" y="0" tooltip="Close ColorThemes"/>
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- id="shade2"
- background="playershade2.bg"
- dblClickAction="SWITCH;normal"
- droptarget="pldr"
- w="108"
- h="375"
- >
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- <!-- ColorThemes Drawer -->
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- <!-- CTList -->
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