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- <groupdef id="main.cthemes" background="player.ct.bg">
- <button id="ctbig" x="186" y="2" action="TOGGLE" param="ctsbig" image="player.button.ctbig" downimage="player.button.ctbig.down" tooltip="open ColorThemes in new window" />
- <button id="cttoggle3" x="210" y="55" image="player.button.ct2" downimage="player.button.ct2.down" tooltip="Close Drawer"/>
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- <layer id="mcd2" image="player.ctdummy2" x="43" y="34"/>
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- </groupdef>
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- </groupdef>
- <groupdef id="main.ctlayer" background="player.ct.overlay">
- <button id="eqtoggle3" x="5" y="99" image="player.button.eqs" downimage="player.button.eqs.down" tooltip="Open EQ Drawer"/>
- <button id="visdtoggle3" x="5" y="6" image="player.button.viss" downimage="player.button.viss.down" tooltip="Open VIS Drawer" />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- eq drawer -->
- <groupdef id="main.eq" background="player.eq.bg">
- <layer id="label6" x="9" y="36" image="player.textlabel6" ghost="1" />
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- id="preamp"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="preamp"
- x="13" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq1"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="1"
- x="52" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq2"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="2"
- x="66" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq3"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="3"
- x="80" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq4"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="4"
- x="94" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq5"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="5"
- x="108" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
- <slider
- id="eq6"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="6"
- x="122" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq7"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="7"
- x="136" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
- <slider
- id="eq8"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="8"
- x="150" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq9"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="9"
- x="164" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="eq10"
- action="EQ_BAND" param="10"
- x="178" y="59"
- w="14" h="75"
- orientation="vertical"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob.down"
- />
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- id="balance"
- action="PAN"
- x="50" y="36"
- w="42" h="11"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob2"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob2.down"
- tooltip="Balance"
- />
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- id="sCrossfade"
- cfgattrib="{F1239F09-8CC6-4081-8519-C2AE99FCB14C};Crossfade time"
- high="20"
- x="127" y="36"
- w="51" h="11"
- thumb="player.main.eq.knob2"
- downthumb="player.main.eq.knob2.down"
- tooltip="Crossfade Fade Duration"
- />
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- id="cftext"
- x="178" y="31" w="14" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font3"
- align="center"
- />
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- <button id="visdtoggle2b" x="206" y="29" image="player.button.viss" downimage="player.button.viss.down" tooltip="Open VIS Drawer" />
- <button id="cttoggle2" x="210" y="55" image="player.button.ct" downimage="player.button.ct.down" tooltip="Open ColorThemes Drawer"/>
- <button id="eqonoff" image="player.button.eqonoff" downImage="player.button.eqonoff.down" activeimage="player.button.eqonoff" action="EQ_TOGGLE" x="44" y="7" tooltip="EQ on/off"/>
- <button id="eqauto" image="player.button.auto" downimage="player.button.auto.down" activeimage="player.button.auto" action="EQ_AUTO" x="91" y="7" tooltip="EQ auto"/>
- <button id="eqpresets" image="player.button.presets" downimage="player.button.presets.down" action="MENU" param="presets" x="149" y="9" tooltip="Open presets"/>
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- <layer id="eqautoLed" x="121" y="10" image="player.led.on" ghost="1" />
- </groupdef>
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- <button id="eqtoggle2b" x="206" y="122" image="player.button.eqs" downimage="player.button.eqs.down" tooltip="Open EQ Drawer"/>
- <button id="cttoggle2b" x="210" y="55" image="player.button.ct" downimage="player.button.ct.down" tooltip="Open ColorThemes Drawer"/>
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- </groupdef>
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- <button id="visdtoggle" x="8" y="28" image="player.button.viss" downimage="player.button.viss.down" tooltip="Open VIS Drawer"/>
- <button id="cttoggle" x="12" y="54" image="player.button.ct" downimage="player.button.ct.down" tooltip="Open ColorThemes Drawer"/>
- </groupdef>
- <!-- the mega power player group -->
- <groupdef id="main.mmd3">
- <!-- Thinger -->
- <layer id="thingerbg" x="45" y="109" image="player.thinger" ghost="1" />
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- id="tleft"
- action="CB_PREV"
- x="62" y="157"
- image="player.thinger.main.lefta"
- downimage="player.thinger.main.lefta.down"
- tooltip="Scroll Left"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <button
- id="tright"
- action="CB_NEXT"
- x="80" y="157"
- image="player.thinger.main.righta"
- downimage="player.thinger.main.righta.down"
- tooltip="Scroll Right"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- ticker="1"
- x="45" y="149"
- w="67" h="8"
- display="componentbucket"
- align="center"
- font="player.minifont"
- />
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- <!-- FrontCover -->
- <togglebutton id="SongInfoEditor" action="TOGGLE" param="{6A17D510-7833-4CEC-A420-F08F4B280782}" x="56" y="9" w="1" h="1"/>
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- id="aotdummy"
- x="58" y="9"
- w="1" h="1"
- cfgattrib="{280876CF-48C0-40BC-8E86-73CE6BB462E5};Always on top"
- />
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- <!-- songinfo -->
- <text
- id="infolinegrab"
- display="songinfo" default=""
- x="131" y="60"
- w="20" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font"
- />
- <!-- Display -->
- <layer id="playerdisplay" x="53" y="9" image="player.display" ghost="1" />
- <layer id="vis2bg" x="115" y="33" image="player.vis.bg" ghost="1" />
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- x="120" y="34"
- w="110" h="56"
- id="visani"
- image="player.vis.ani1"
- move="0"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- />
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- <!--vis -->
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- x="121" y="34" w="109" h="56"
- ColorBand1="255,255,255"
- ColorBand2="255,255,255"
- ColorBand3="255,255,255"
- ColorBand4="255,255,255"
- ColorBand5="255,255,255"
- ColorBand6="255,255,255"
- ColorBand7="255,255,255"
- ColorBand8="255,255,255"
- ColorBand9="255,255,255"
- ColorBand10="255,255,255"
- ColorBand11="255,255,255"
- ColorBand12="255,255,255"
- ColorBand13="255,255,255"
- ColorBand14="255,255,255"
- ColorBand15="255,255,255"
- ColorBand16="255,255,255"
- colorbandpeak="255,255,255"
- colorosc1="255,255,255"
- colorosc2="255,255,255"
- colorosc3="255,255,255"
- colorosc4="255,255,255"
- colorosc5="255,255,255"
- />
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- <!-- Player Buttons -->
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- id="EJECT"
- action="EJECT"
- x="7" y="181"
- image="player.button.open"
- downImage="player.button.open.down"
- tooltip="Open file(s)"
- />
- <button
- id="Minimize"
- action="MINIMIZE"
- x="336" y="5"
- image="player.button.minimize"
- downImage="player.button.minimize.down"
- tooltip="minimize"
- />
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- id="Close"
- action="CLOSE"
- x="353" y="5"
- image="player.button.close"
- downImage="player.button.close.down"
- tooltip="Close"
- />
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- <button
- id="Previous"
- action="PREV"
- x="266" y="144"
- image="player.button.prev"
- downImage="player.button.prev.down"
- tooltip="Previous"
- />
- <button
- id="Next"
- action="NEXT"
- x="298" y="144"
- image="player.button.next"
- downImage="player.button.next.down"
- tooltip="Next"
- />
- <button
- id="Pause"
- action="PAUSE"
- x="288" y="137"
- image="player.button.pause"
- downImage="player.button.pause.down"
- tooltip="Pause"
- />
- <button
- id="Play"
- action="PLAY"
- x="298" y="110"
- image="player.button.play"
- downImage="player.button.play.down"
- tooltip="Play"
- />
- <button
- id="Stop"
- action="STOP"
- x="266" y="110"
- image="player.button.stop"
- downImage="player.button.stop.down"
- tooltip="Stop"
- />
- <button
- id="Sys"
- action="CONTROLMENU"
- x="14" y="7"
- image="player.button.sys"
- downImage="player.button.sys.down"
- tooltip="Main Menu"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- id="bmsmall"
- action="SWITCH" param="shade"
- x="340" y="20"
- image="player.button.small"
- downImage="player.button.small.down"
- tooltip="Winshade Mode"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <button
- id="maincfg"
- x="5" y="125"
- image="player.button.cfg"
- downImage="player.button.cfg.down"
- tooltip="Configuration"
- />
- <!-- Toggle Buttons -->
- <!-- RepeatButton -->
- <togglebutton
- id="Repeat"
- x="15" y="80"
- image="player.button.repeat"
- downimage="player.button.repeat.down"
- activeImage="player.button.repeat"
- tooltip="Toggle Repeat"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Repeat"
- cfgval="2"
- />
- <!-- Shuffle-->
- <togglebutton
- id="Shuffle"
- x="11" y="55"
- image="player.button.shuffle"
- downimage="player.button.shuffle.down"
- activeImage="player.button.shuffle"
- tooltip="Toggle Shuffle"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Shuffle"
- />
- <!-- Crossfade -->
- <togglebutton
- id="Crossfade"
- x="9" y="30"
- image="player.button.crossfade"
- downImage="player.button.crossfade.down"
- activeImage="player.button.crossfade"
- tooltip="Toggle Crossfade"
- cfgattrib="{FC3EAF78-C66E-4ED2-A0AA-1494DFCC13FF};Enable crossfading"
- />
- <!-- Toggle Status -->
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- <layer id="ShuffleLed" x="30" y="58" image="player.led.on" ghost="1" />
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- <layer id="ShuffleDis" x="62" y="60" image="player.togglies.shuffle.on" ghost="1" />
- <layer id="RepeatDis" x="66" y="82" image="player.togglies.repeat.on" ghost="1" />
- <!-- Playback Status -->
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- id="status"
- x="287" y="81"
- w="22" h="6"
- stopBitmap="player.status.stop"
- playBitmap="player.status.play"
- pauseBitmap="player.status.pause"
- />
- <!-- Songticker -->
- <text
- id="Songticker" ticker="1"
- display="songname" showlen="1"
- x="117" y="103"
- w="144" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font"
- align="center"
- />
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- id="Songticker2" ticker="1"
- x="117" y="103"
- w="144" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font"
- align="center"
- />
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- <!-- Time -->
- <text
- id="timer" display="time"
- x="248" y="52" w="74" h="25"
- font="player.time.font"
- timeroffstyle="1"
- align="left" timecolonwidth="4"
- />
- <!-- Bitrate -->
- <text
- id="Bitrate"
- display="" default=""
- x="268" y="71" w="20" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font4"
- />
- <!-- Frequency -->
- <text
- id="Frequency"
- display="" default=""
- x="268" y="79" w="20" h="21"
- font="player.ticker.font4"
- />
- <!-- mono/stereo -->
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- <layer x="251" y="32" id="stereodis" image="player.stereo" move="0" ghost="1"/>
- <!-- Volume -->
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- x="203" y="158"
- w="44" h="44"
- id="VolumeAnim"
- image="player.anim.volume"
- move="0"
- sysregion="1"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- />
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- x="195" y="150"
- w="61" h="70"
- id="VolumeAnimLED"
- image="player.anim.volumeled"
- move="0"
- sysregion="1"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- ghost="1"
- />
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- x="278" y="42"
- w="36" h="6"
- id="VolumeAnim2"
- image="player.anim.volume2"
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- autoreplay="0"
- />
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- ACTION="Volume" x="400" y="400" w="10" h="2"
- thumb="player.anim.volume"
- />
- <!-- Bass -->
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- x="112" y="177"
- w="30" h="30"
- id="BassAnim"
- image="player.anim.bass"
- move="0"
- sysregion="1"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- />
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- x="107" y="172"
- w="40" h="40"
- id="BassAnimLED"
- image="player.anim.bassled"
- move="0"
- sysregion="1"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- ghost="1"
- />
- <!-- Treble -->
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- x="127" y="148"
- w="23" h="23"
- id="TrebleAnim"
- image="player.anim.treble"
- move="0"
- sysregion="1"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- />
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- x="123" y="144"
- w="31" h="31"
- id="TrebleAnimLED"
- image="player.anim.trebleled"
- move="0"
- sysregion="1"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- ghost="1"
- />
- <!-- Seek -->
- <slider
- id="Seeker"
- action="SEEK"
- x="123" y="119"
- w="132" h="16"
- thumb="player.button.pos"
- downThumb="player.button.pos.down"
- />
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- id="SeekerGhost"
- action="SEEK"
- x="123" y="119"
- w="132" h="16"
- thumb="player.button.pos"
- downThumb="player.button.pos.down"
- />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- Normal mode layout-->
- <layout id="normal"
- minimum_h="216"
- maximum_h="216"
- minimum_w="583"
- maximum_w="583"
- w="583"
- h="216"
- droptarget="pldr"
- background="player.bgbase">
- <!-- EQ Drawer -->
- <group id="main.eq" x="149" y="22" w="232" h="169" sysregion="1" move="1"/>
- <!-- Vis Drawer -->
- <group id="main.visd" x="149" y="22" w="232" h="169" sysregion="1" move="1"/>
- <!-- ColorThemes Drawer -->
- <group id="main.cthemes" x="149" y="22" w="232" h="169" sysregion="1" move="1"/>
- <layer id="playeroverlay" x="0" y="0" image="player.bgbase.overlay" sysregion="1"/>
- <!-- CT Button Overlay -->
- <group id="main.ctlayer" x="350" y="45" w="31" h="126" sysregion="1"/>
- <!-- EQ/Vis Button Overlay -->
- <group id="onofflayer" x="347" y="23" w="34" h="174" move="1" sysregion="1"/>
- <!-- CTList -->
- <group id="main.ctlist" x="392" y="56" w="168" h="120" sysregion="1"/>
- <!-- The real player -->
- <group id="main.mmd3" x="0" y="0" w="381" h="216" sysregion="1" move="1"/>
- </layout>