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- Registry Toolkit
- Funduc Software, Inc.
- Copyright 1998-2002, All Rights Reserved
- http://www.funduc.com http://www.searchandreplace.com
- Thank you for your interest in Registry Toolkit!
- New features in v1.0-3.3 include:
- - Favorites menu for quick navigation to commonly used
- keys.
- - Values/Data in subkeys can be processed or not using
- the 'Process Subkeys=' switch during script usage.
- - Unicode format .reg files created by the Windows 2000
- regedit can be merged.
- - Warning message added if you drag n drop a script
- on the program. Use the command line syntax,
- 'regtkt.exe <your script file>' to launch scripts.
- - Find function to search main dialog or import
- comparison for a string.
- - Refresh function.
- - Import REG file compare display has additional options.
- - Export method via scripts.
- - Undo files are created when importing .reg files or
- using the Registry Operations dialog.
- - Script files are more flexible and provide a way to set
- a [Default] settings section.
- - Separate 'undo' files, automatically named, are now saved
- in the path specified in the Replace tab of the
- Search/Replace dialog. Previously there was a specific
- file name specified there.
- - An unlimited number of 'undo' files can accumulate during
- a single program instance. The program cleans up the
- oldest at startup. The default number maintained is 10.
- This value can be changed w/ the dword value "Maximum
- Undo Files" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Funduc
- Software Inc.\Registry Toolkit\Settings
- - In scripts, if the Output/Undo File= switch is specified
- the program reverts to the earlier method of creating a
- specific output/undo file. If Output/Undo File= is not
- specified the new functioning is used. interactive mode
- usage.
- - 'Undo last replace(s)' function is available in the Edit
- Menu.
- - The program now has functions to read and display values
- or values/data under the highlighted key.
- - The program can now accumulate an entire proposed replace
- operation in advance of implementation. Specific changes
- can then be de-selected from implementation via a
- comparison preview dialog. To use this turn on 'Prompt
- after Searching' in the Replace tab of the Search/Replace
- dialog.
- - Copy/Move/Delete/Export Operations on keys and/or values
- can now be performed. Entire keys and subkeys can be
- processed or just some values you select.
- - Dword values can be processed now. See Help for details
- - Compare REG file to registry results can now be saved to
- the clipboard.
- - Scripts and a registry setting can be used to make the
- program search for a value and replace its contents. See
- the Help for script settings and the "Set Value Data"
- setting.
- - Import from .REG file displays a preview of differences
- between what is currently in the registry and what the .REG
- file contains.
- - Export to .REG feature is faster and allows one to export
- just the selected value if so desired.
- - Menus have the toolbar bitmaps displayed (if they have a
- corresponding button).
- - Environment variables can be searched for or replaced with.
- See Help file for details.
- - Print and Print Preview
- - Customizable Toolbar (View menu)
- - Browse to a registry path without having to open all
- the nodes along the way (using a File Open-like dialog).
- - Searching/Replacing can be done from a selected path,
- not just through the entire hive or registry.
- - Edit Value allows editing of the Data also(through a button).
- - Import/Export branches or entire registry from/to a .reg
- file.
- - Key and Value editing can be done on the tree
- - Command line and scripting capabilities were added. More
- documentation will follow. Contact support@funduc.com for
- specifics in the meantime.
- - Regular expressions can be used to search/replace
- - Working with remote registries (assuming you have
- administrator permission).
- - Undo .reg file is created for reverting replaces or for
- previewing them upon performing a search.
- As part of the registration fee, you will also receive free
- updates and customer support for six months (by E-MAIL).
- For ordering information, see the help file or the About Box.
- Thank you,
- Mike Funduc, President Funduc Software Inc.
- http://www.funduc.com
- sales@funduc.com
- Other Funduc Software utilities can be found at our web site
- (http://www.funduc.com) and other locations such as WUGNET's
- (Windows User Group Network) CompuServe forums, the Simtel
- file archives (http://www.simtel.com) or America Online.
- Our shareware and freeware products include:
- Search and Replace (shareware) - Search and Replace looks through
- multiple files for a string and can also replace it with another
- string. It can search subdirectories and ZIP files and do case
- sensitive or insensitive searches. Extensive support for regular
- expression (egrep) search & replacement includes operations that
- span more than one line, insertion of the path & filename during
- replacements, and incrementing number replacements. Binary search &
- replace mode can be combined with regular expressions. Precise
- control over replacements is available through multiple confirmation
- options and a built-in context viewer that allows you to view
- replacements in- context, before they are made. An HTML Mode can be
- used to make html special character code substitutions during
- search/replace. Ignore Whitespace mode makes it convenient to handle
- spaces & cr-lf during non-regular expression operations. A built-in
- script editor makes frequent &/or complex multi-step search/replace
- operations easy to prepare. Advanced script operations include a
- boolean expression evaluator that provides additional control over
- which files are processed by the script. Advanced scripts also allow
- you to specify the program options in effect, insert comments in
- scripts, and perform iterative script operations. Multiple file
- masks and file date & size filters can be used to include &/or
- exclude files during regular and scripted operations. The internal
- context viewer includes a build-in editor for editing text files.
- The full complement of command line switches (including script
- launching) is ideal for network managers & advanced users. Other
- functions include: "Touch" files (change time/date stamp & file
- attributes); Preservation of original file date during replacements;
- Replacements on backup path files instead of the originals; Output
- reports to monitor operations; Shell extensions to launch Search &
- Replace from Explorer and the Find Menu; and more. All the latest
- functions are available in a 32-bit version that runs under Windows
- 95/98/NT and Windows 2000. A 16-bit version for Windows 3.1x is
- available. A detailed help file with examples are included. Several
- foreign language interface are available from http://www.funduc.com.
- Cost: $25
- Directory Toolkit (shareware) - A multipurpose directory comparison
- and file manager that provides features missing from Windows 95/98
- and Windows NT 4.0 or higher. It displays single directory lists or
- side- by-side directory comparisons using color coding for alike,
- different, or missing files. Comparisons can be based on dates or a
- binary file analysis of file content. You can copy, move, & rename
- files while retaining long filenames and six built-in synchronize
- functions simplify updating directories. Built-in archive functions,
- with Explorer shell extensions, let you create & manage archives
- from Explorer and use Directory Toolkit as your primary archive
- manager for supported archives (zip, tar, gz, lz (read only), &
- cab). File operations and directory comparison functions work
- seamlessly on files in archives, e.g., no need to manually extract
- files first. Other features include statistics for file counts and
- path sizes; Ignoring filename case during comparisons; Explorer
- compatible OLE drag n Drop; Split/Concatenate files to/from
- diskettes; Encode/Decode UENCODE, Base64(Mime), BinHex(Mac), and
- XXENCODE formats (Decode also includes quoted-printable, 7 bit
- unencoded, & plain text); An integrated comparison viewer for a
- color coded display of the actual differences in files; Safe
- physical sort of directories; Touch files (change time/date &
- attributes stamps); Find duplicate files on a drive; Open files and
- launch applications; Multiple include/exclude file masks and the
- ability to include/exclude files based on size and date; Command
- line switches & script functions to automate comparisons &
- synchronize operations & control program options in effect via batch
- files; Configurable output file and print functions to create
- reports of single and comparison directory lists; Detects & runs
- (optionally) setup programs in archives; Display file version
- information including 8.3 file name equivalents; File numbering to
- number files sequentially based on adjustable sort order and a user
- defined starting value. Help file with examples included.
- International versions are available from http://www.funduc.com.
- Cost: $25
- Funduc Software ZIP Extractor (freeware) - A ZIP "self-extractor
- stub" that lets you turn your ZIP files into a self-extracting
- executable that will automatically unZIP the archive when launched.
- This allows you to share your zip files with another person who
- might not have an unzip software on their computer &/or who might
- have only occasional use for an unzip tool. The self- extractor
- allows some or all files to be extracted, create the paths in the
- zip file (default) or "flatten" the directory structure (unzip into
- a single path), or extract some (or all) of the files in the zip.
- Cost: Free.
- Registry Toolkit (shareware) - Registry Toolkit is a utility for
- advanced computer users that performs search &/or replacement
- operations on the Windows 95/98/NT/2000 registry. You can
- search/replace using simple or regular expressions in registry data,
- values, keys (or any combination) and specify the types of data to
- process. Searches can also be case sensitive/insensitive settings &
- whole word only. You can browse the registry & select the starting
- point for a search/replace. If you cancel a search the results up to
- that point (if any) are displayed in a tree list. A print (w/
- preview) function lets you print the display. Replaces can be
- previewed in advance of an actual replace operation. Replace
- confirmations can be turned off. Data can be exported to a .reg file
- and the import function has a configurable comparison preview to
- show alike, different, & new information in advance of the actual
- import. You can also manually create and edit keys, values, & data
- of all types, delete keys & values (after confirmation), and undo
- the last changes made. Registry Toolkit will operate on a remote
- registry (if you have permission to do so). Scripts and command line
- switches are available for frequent, complex, or automated
- operations. You can also do copy/move/delete/export operations on
- specific data/values. A german interface is available. Cost: $25
- Folder Synchronize - Folder Synchronize is a command-line utility
- useful to network administrators and other power users. It provides
- a subset of the functions in our Directory Toolkit utility, namely,
- the comparison & synchronize functions. We created Folder
- Synchronize for those who needed those functions but not the GUI
- interface & other functions of Directory Toolkit such as archive
- management, file operations, etc. Folder Synchronize is a native 32-
- bit executable for use with Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Folder
- Synchronize can synchronize two paths using one of 6 synch methods.
- The program can also do a comparison-only. This is useful with the
- output report function. When the output report is enabled it will
- contain a summary of the path comparison &/or a summary of the file
- operations carried out by the synchronize. Other features include:
- Switchable display (or not) of a progress meter; A custom bitmap &
- message of your choice can be displayed on the screen while an
- operation progresses; A 'No Cancel' switch can be used to make it
- less easy for a procedure to be interrupted; Require (or not)
- confirmation of file operations; Complex include/exclude file masks
- that let you include/exclude some file or subdirectores while
- including others; Multiple operations can be submitted to the
- program via multiple 'configuration files'. Cost: $25
- File Merge Express (shareware) - File Merge Express is a file
- comparison and merge utility for Windows 95/98/NT and Windows 2000.
- The program displays a contents comparison of two files and can
- (optionally) create a third file consisting of the merge of the two
- files being compared. That third file can (optionally) be opened in
- the built-in text (or binary) editor. Multiple configurations
- choices are available for the file contents comparison and the merge
- file contents including: difference prefixes, display colors,
- whether or not to include common sections, etc. Command line switch
- and a script syntax are available for your automated routines. The
- program also includes a Windows Explorer extension that allows you
- to launch a comparison from Windows Explorer. Cost: $25
- Shortcut Doctor (shareware) - Shortcut Doctor allows you to check
- your Win 95/98/NT/2000 links/shortcuts and see which contain targets
- which can no longer be found. The program can then delete the
- shortcuts, resolve them, or carry out search/replace operations to
- modify shortcut fields with or without validation of new paths.
- Network Drive mappings can be inserted in the Replace dialog
- automatically. Individual shortcuts can be edited and all shortcuts
- on a drive can be displayed, regardless of whether they are valid or
- not. Explorer Internet URLS can also be checked for problems. CD-ROM
- drives, network drives, and specific paths can be ignored during
- processing. Includes an Empty Recent Documents button. Script files,
- run from the command line, allow you to do multiple operations,
- control program options, and easily specify complex paths. A german
- interface is available. Cost: $15.
- Funduc Explorer Extensions (shareware) - Funduc Explorer Extensions
- is a collection of enhancements for the Windows 95/98/NT/2000
- Explorer right-click context menu: a) Encode and Decode Email
- attachments - support for UUENCODE, Base64(Mime), BinHex(Mac),
- XXENCODE, quoted-printable, 7 bit unencoded, & plain text, b) Split
- and Concatenate large files into smaller ones for storage on
- floppies & visa versa. Split can be based on file size or a string
- found in a file, c) Touch files - change the time, date, &
- attributes of files. Touch can add (or subtract) a user specified
- time value from the current file time. d) File Operations -
- copy/move/rename/delete files using complex file masks. The program
- can also change case of file names & number files. A german version
- is also available. Cost: $15.
- Drive Bar (shareware) - Drive Bar allows you to conveniently open
- views of your drives in Windows Explorer. Drive Bar's Auto Hide
- function allows it to disappear from view when not in use so that it
- does not take up screen space when not in use. You can resize Drive
- Bar and have it remain visible at all times if you like. You can
- also specify a File Manager program to use instead of Windows
- Explorer, launch drive views as "Tiled" or not, not include
- specified drives in the list of drive icons, and have Drive Bar run
- automatically at Windows startup (see Options). Cost: $10.
- Sort and Slice (shareware) - Sort and Slice allows easy sorting
- and/or reformatting of Column Delimited files via a wizard. The
- program can skip header lines, use regular expression search/replace
- modify data, remove repeat lines from files, pad fields & change
- alignment, and sort on multiple fields ascending/descending. The
- column delimiter can be specified. The columns to be output can be
- changed &/or reordered. Sorts are constructed via a step-by-step
- interface that allows the user to determine (and modify) processing
- parameters. Unlike command line sort utilities, confusing command
- line instructions are not needed. The program includes a script
- function & can be launched from the command line for frequent &/or
- automated operations. Cost: $25.
- Delivery Agent (shareware) - Delivery Agent is a send-only email
- program with mail merge functions that is intended for web site
- managers, administrators, customer relations and support personnel,
- etc. It allows easy delivery of frequently used, customer-requested
- email messages (& MIME attachments) such as newsletters, product
- upgrade announcements, support notes, etc. Bulk deliveries can be
- sent via a list of addresses (recipient addresses shielded). The
- program will check a POP email account prior to sending message via
- SMTP for servers that 'validate' the users current IP address prior
- to allowing mail relays. The program can issue user-specified
- headers - useful for sending 'html mail' messages. Command line
- parameters allow you to specify message to send, addresses, or
- program settings to use. This allows the program to be incorporated
- into your scripted routines. A log file of deliveries can be enabled
- (or not). Cost: $25.
- Patch Creator (shareware) - Created for software authors, this is a
- two part program that is used to make patches for updating
- registered versions software. Both the Patch Creator (used on the
- developer's end) and the Patch Applicator (which is what applies the
- patch on the end user's machine) are easy to use GUI programs.
- Command line switches or complicated run instructions are not
- necessary on the user's end. The creator is a Win 95/98/NT utility.
- It can create either 16 or 32 bit patches that are self-contained in
- a single GUI .EXE. You can require passwords to run the Applicator
- (or not). Patches can be created to update files on users' machines
- from a specific version, add files regardless of existing version,
- remove files, or rename files. Patches that conduct 'updates' are
- based on binary differences between old vs. new files. Compression
- can be used to further reduce the size of the patch. Patches for
- multiple versions can be include in a single patch file. Patches can
- be configured to use a registry value on the end user's machine for
- setup path information and the applicator can also write a .reg file
- to the user's registry upon completion. In addition, patches can be
- set up to halt operations if specified files(s) are not found on the
- end user's machine. This can be used, for example, to not patch any
- files if a critical file you specify is not present. The Patch
- Creator has a script language for saving complex patch setups and it
- can be run from the command line for use in automated routines. A
- German version is also available. Cost: $75.
- Decode/Encode DLLs (shareware) - Also a tool for software
- developers, the Decode/Encode DLLs can be called from any Windows
- programming language (such as VB, Visual C, Powerbuilder, etc.). It
- allows you to automatically detect if a given file is UUENCODED,
- Base64(MIME), XXENCODED, BinHex, encoded with a user-supplied table,
- quoted-printable, or plain text. The DLL can then decode the file(s)
- either in the current directory or in one specified by the user.
- Binary files can also be encoded for transmission over the Internet.
- Example code and a model test program is included. Cost: $58 (no
- royalties).
- HexView for Windows 95/NT (freeware) - HexView allows you to view,
- print, print preview of any file as a Hex Dump. HexView is intended
- as a free companion program to our utility, Search and Replace.
- However, it is a standalone application and you are free to use it
- as you see fit. The source code (C++ using MFC 4.x or higher) can
- be downloaded for free from http://www.funduc.com. A Japanese
- version is available.
- INI to Registry (freeware) - This program works well with any
- program that relies on .ini files. It can read the contents of any
- INI file and load them into the Windows 95/NT registry. That way
- programs which previously used INI files can read the old data from
- the registry. The program is free. The source code is available for
- $25. Please E-MAIL mime@funduc.com for information on purchasing the
- source code.
- Decode Shell Extension (freeware) - This very popular freeware app
- is an extension for the Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Explorer. The program
- allows you to decode Internet email attachments by right-clicking on
- a saved message file from Explorer and selecting Decode from the
- menu. The program supports multiple attachments, multi-part files
- (already concatenated), UUENCODED, Base64(MIME), BinHex (Mac
- format), quoted-printable, XXENCODED, plain text files, and User
- (table) encoded files. If the attachment contains only one file,
- Decode Shell Extension will offer to open it using either the
- associated program or Notepad. For virus safety reasons, it will not
- offer to launch .exe., .com, .bat, & .cmd files. You should scan
- decoded Word and Excel files with your anti-virus checker before
- loading them. Cost: Free.
- TZAdjust (freeware) - TZAdjust, which stands for Time Zone Adjust,
- is a freeware app we created for users who find it necessary to make
- manual changes to the time zone and 'day light savings' offset
- parameters for their Windows 95/98/NT/2000 computers. TZAdjust is
- probably of greatest interest to Windows NT/2000 users. NT/2000
- returns time information as an offset from Greenwich Mean Time
- (GMT). In addition, the OS automatically makes Daylight Savings
- compensations when reporting file times. One can disable
- "Automatically Adjust for Daylight Savings" entirely in the Windows
- Day/Time Properties dialog but there may be other instances where
- finer control over time zone and the daylight offset is desired. Do
- not use TZAdjust casually. Be sure to read the information in the
- 'readme.txt' before using this program. Cost: Free.
- Count Characters (freeware) - This little app was written to: a)
- Allow users to dump the contents of combo, edit and list boxes as
- well as static and button fields to the clipboard. This can come in
- handy for browser lists, as well as items displayed by other
- applications to which you otherwise have no access. b) To help
- users understand how applications are built (what types of controls
- are used). Other tools are available for this of course but they are
- usually known only to programmers. c) To allow users to know at any
- time how many characters they have typed in an edit box. This might
- be useful, for example, if a site asks you to only enter a certain
- amount of data in their fields but don't tell you that you went over
- until it's too late. Depending on the editor, html authors might
- also find this handy for double checking the length of meta tags.
- The contents of password edit fields can be displayed in readable
- form - useful for if you forgot a password you just created.
- Separate Win3x & Win 95/98/NT versions included. Cost: Free.
- Limit Edit (freeware) - Expands upon the built-in limit feature for
- edit boxes and rich edit controls by letting you set your own
- maximum size settings for the amount of text permitted in edit boxes
- and rich edit controls. For example, you could use Limit Edit to
- set a limit on the amount of text allowed in an instance of the
- Notepad text editor. Separate Win3x & Win 95/98/NT versions
- included. Cost: Free.
- Custom programming and consulting services are also available.
- Please write us at info@funduc.com for inquiries and personalized
- arrangements.