Windows Media Player for Mac collects no personally identifiable information (such as your name, address, or billing information) from you. In addition, the Player does not require nor accept any personal data when using its features.
When you play streaming content, the Player may transmit various pieces of nonpersonal data to the content provider. This process, known as logging, is used by content providers to manage their servers and to improve their services. Logging information includes such details as: the length of time you are connected to the server, the version of the Player you are using, the identification number of the Player you are using (client ID), the date, the network protocol you are using, and so on.
With the exception of the client ID, the logging information is neither unique, nor traceable to your computer. While the client ID is unique and traceable to your computer, a different client ID is assigned to your Player each time you start it (that is, a different client ID is generated for each session). The client ID is constructed from a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). The GUID is never linked to any personally identifiable information.
The client ID is used by the server to identify your computer for logging purposes (such as to determine how many different computers are connecting to the server) and to monitor the quality of your network connection. By monitoring your connection, the server can make adjustments to provide increased playback quality and to alert you to unseen events that occur when receiving streams over the Internet. The unique identifier only serves to aid the server in identifying your computer and differentiating it from other computers that may be playing streaming content.
For the latest privacy information, on the Help menu, click Privacy Statement.