20449 Error auto-saving document to file. Check free space on disk.
20450 You need at least Windows95 or WindowsNT version 4.0 to run this application!
20451 A bitmap over 1.5MB is among the formats being inserted to the Clipboard. Do you really want to insert it?\nSee the View | Environment Settings.... dialog.
20454 Processing...
20455 Error exporting to bitmap.
20456 Bold
20457 Center
20458 Zoner Draw text format\ntext of Zoner Draw
20459 Rich Text Format (RTF)\ntext in Rich Text Format (RTF)
20503 TWAIN interface initialization error.\nBe sure your scanner is properly connected and installed.
20504 Scanner error
20505 HTML documents (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm; *.html|
20506 Exporting
20507 Export Document
20508 Save Document to File
20509 Cannot export to this file format.
20510 There are no objects selected for export.
20511 Internal error in filedlg.dll!
20512 Error opening document. Document may be corrupted or unaccesible.
20513 Cannot open file because it is locked for read\n(it is probably a Zoner Draw template).
20514 New font
20515 Old font
20516 Cannot add guideline because there is already guideline at this position.
20517 This bitmap file has the wrong format.
20518 Error while importing data.\nImported file has the wrong format.
20519 Paste Image from File
20520 Italic
20521 Justify
20522 Cannot delete last layer.
20524 Left
20525 Brightness
20526 Black&White
20527 Invert
20528 Grayscale
20529 Mosaic
20530 None
20531 Soften
20532 Mixcolor dialog
20533 Colors
20534 New Document
20535 Nothing to export.
20536 There is very little space on the system disk. Free up space on this disk and start Zoner Draw 3 again.\nWe recommend that you erase the files in the TEMP subfolder of the Windows folder.
20537 There is little space on the system disk. Do you wish to continue printing?
20538 There is little space on the system disk. Some Zoner Draw functions may not work correctly. Do you wish to start Zoner Draw 3?
20539 There are no import filters installed.
20540 There are no wizards installed.
20541 OLE Automation for "Zoner Media Explorer" caused error No. %x .
20542 Error while executing Zoner Media Explorer.
20543 Zoner Media Explorer is not registered for OLE Automation.
20558 Before using Photoshop plug-in the bitmap must be converted to truecolor. Press OK to convert bitmap.
20559 Set Up Plug-ins...
20560 Printer paper orientation doesn't match document.\nAdjust printer paper orientation?
20561 Printing
20562 Palette
20563 An error has occured during rasterize.
20564 Rasterizing
20565 Right
20567 Colors
20568 Fill
20569 Lenses
20570 Pen
20571 Text
20572 Shadow
20573 Symbols
20574 Transformations
20575 Transparency
20577 View Manager
20578 Save Document
20579 Error saving document to file. Check free space on disk or if the file is read only.
20580 Saving
20581 Error during export to SGC. HTML file has not been created!
20582 Alternate
20583 Standard
20584 Layers
20585 Main
20586 Text
20587 Environment
20588 Zoom
20589 Internal error in module ZINCLUDE.DLL
20590 Underline
20591 Palettte/fill
20592 Objects
20593 Page
20594 Pasteboard
20595 Cannot create new document. Check free space on disk
20596 There was an error while inserting data into document.
20597 There was an error while inserting OLE object into document. Propably you have tried to insert Zoner Draw OLE object into Zoner Draw document, which is not supported.
20600 Fill
20601 Transp.
20602 An error occurred while launching your web browser or mail client.
20603 http://www.zoner.com
20604 http://reg.zoner.com
20605 mailto:support@zoner.com
20606 Registration number is not valid.
20607 http://www.cdlabelcorp.com
42910 Technical Support
42911 Order CD Labels
45000 Character orientation by angle\nBy Angle
45001 Character orientation by baseline\nBy Baseline
45002 Calls up artistic text settings dialog\nArtistic Text
45003 Shows/Hides baseline\nShow/Hide Baseline
45004 Baseline tools\nBaseline Tools
45005 Artistic text tools\nArtistic Text Tools
45006 Blends selected objects.\nBlend
45007 Swaps order of blended objects
45008 Adjusts bitmap brightness and contrast\nBrightness and Contrast
45009 Converts bitmap to black//white image\nBlack//White
45010 Highlights bitmap contours\nContours
45011 Applies emboss filter to bitmap\nEmboss
45012 Applies focus filter to bitmap\nFocus
45013 Converts bitmap to grayscale image\nGrayscale
45014 Adjusts bitmap's HSV values\nHSV
45015 Inverts bitmap colors.\nInvert Colors
45016 Applies posterize effect to bitmap\nPosterize