6300 You don't have any lines/modems installed! Run the COMponent Workspace and choose Line/Modem Setup... from the Options menu, or use TAPI to add a new hardware device!
6301 Serialization Failed!
6302 The sound file %1 is currently selected, but it no longer exists.
6303 The modem is currently in use! You will not be able to record or playback messages at this time.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
6304 Unable to launch the specified browser!
6305 The COM port has been closed to allow your browser to access the internet.\n\nClick OK when you are "OffLine" to re-connect the Call Center to your modem...
6600 Enable &Send Fax
6601 &Enable Receive Fax
6608 Play...
6609 View...
6610 Memo...
6611 Greeting...
6612 Send Fax...
6613 Receive Fax
6614 On/Off
6615 Abort
6616 Name:
6617 Number:
6618 Dest.:
6619 Connect:
6620 Aborting...
6621 Off Line/Port Closed...
6622 Opening Port...
6623 Closing Port...
6624 More than one line is associated with COM%d:. Select the line you wish to open from the list below.
6625 Ready for Voice/Fax call...
6626 Ready for Fax call...
6627 Ready for Voice call...
6628 Idle...(No Answer)
6629 COMponent Server Options
6630 Line creation failed!
6631 Failed to create main window! Program will shut down.
6632 The selected line is closed or currently busy! Please select another line tab if available.
6633 The selected line does not support voice operations! Please select another line.
6634 No Mailbox Selected
6635 Unable to open the selected line for dialingl! Make sure the modem is not in use by another program and that the selected line is connected to a modem that supports dialing.
6636 Distinctive Ring 1...
6637 Distinctive Ring 2...
6638 Distinctive Ring 3...
6639 Distinctive Ring 4...
6640 Telephony call active...
6641 Unable to acquire ownership of the line! The line is already in use!
6642 **BLOCKED**
6643 **OUTSIDE**
6644 %1 Message
6645 %1 Messages
6646 Waiting to redial...
6647 Fax/Telephony Settings
6648 No Printer Selected
6649 None
6650 Program Files (*.exe)|*.exe|
6651 Connecting to %1
6652 Speaker Phone Call Active...
6653 You have %1 new faxes!
6654 You have %1 new voice messages and %2 new faxes!
6670 Opening Port...
6671 Port Opened
6672 Connecting Device...
6673 Device Connected
6674 All Devices Connected
6675 Starting Authentication...
6676 Authentication Notify
6677 Authentication Retry...
6678 Callback Requested
6679 Change Password Requested
6680 Projection Phase Started...
6681 Link Speed Calculation...
6682 Authentication Acknowledged
6683 Reauthenticatation Started...
6684 Authenticated
6685 Preparation For Callback...
6686 Waiting For Modem Reset...
6687 Waiting For Callback...
6688 Interactive
6689 Retry Authentication
6690 Callback Set By Caller
6691 Password Expired!
6692 Connected
6693 Disconnected
6700 Undefined Dial-up Dialing Error!
7078 Current Mailbox
7100 System Menu
7101 Minimize
7102 Display Phonebooks
7103 Display Logs
7104 Display Queue Window
7105 Display Settings Dialog
7106 Display Help
7107 Send Fax
7108 Receive Fax
7109 Abort Operation
7110 One
7111 Two
7112 Three
7113 Four
7114 Five
7115 Six
7116 Seven
7117 Eight
7118 Nine
7119 Star
7120 Zero
7121 Pound
7122 Dial Now
7123 Hang Up
7124 Mute
7125 Do Not Disturb
7126 Answer
7127 Flash Hook
7128 Hold
7129 Toggle Speaker Phone
7130 Prev. Mailbox
7131 Next Mailbox
7132 Record Greeting
7133 Record Memo Msg.
7134 Play New Messages
7135 View New Faxes
7136 Display Speed Dial List
7141 Speaker Volume
7142 Microphone Volume
7143 Internet Services
38000 \nSchedule Queue
38001 \nView Log
38002 \nSend Fax
38003 \nReceive Now!
38004 \nEnable Fax Receive
38005 \nEnable Fax Receive
38006 \nEnable VoiceMail Answer
38007 \nWorkspace Setup
38008 \nAlways On Top
57664 \nAbout
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents