15865 CallCenter was unable to locate the following voice configuration file:\n\n%1\n\nThe file could be missing or corrupt. To recreate this file go to Modem Configuration from the settings menu and remove then re-add the currently selected line.
15866 The modem is not repsonding to the Voice Modem initialization command!\n\n\nMake sure that the proper modem config file is selected through Line/Modem setup. Also make sure your modem supports voice mail functionality!
20476 The specified mobile location is already in use. Please select another location.
20477 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected phone list?
20478 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected phone list group?
20479 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected phone list record?
20480 Exporting Phone List\n\nRecord: %1
20481 There must be at least 1 field to export!
20482 Field separator must be specified!
20483 Quote character must be specified!
20484 Output file must be specified!
20485 Unable to create device context for printing. Please make sure a valid printer is selected.
20486 The printable area on the page is not large enough to print any phone list data. Please decrease the margins or select a larger page size.
20487 Drive '%1' is unavailable at this time.\nPlease select a different drive.
20488 The filename '%1' is invalid or contains invalid characters.
20489 The file '%1' does not exist.\nDo you want it to be created?
20490 The file '%1' already exists.\nSave different information anyway?
20491 The file '%1' is read-only.\nPlease choose a different file.
20492 The files in directory '%1' are read only.\nPlease choose a different directory.
20493 The file '%1' does not exist.\nPlease choose a different file.
20494 The directory '%1' does not exist.\nPlease choose a different directory.
20495 Save changes to %1?
20496 %1\n\nUnable to create phone list.
20497 %1\n\nUnable to create phone list setup file.
20498 Cannot delete phone list that is open. Please close the phone list and try again.
20499 You can not enter a name that is blank. Would you like to try again?
20500 The location '%1' already exists. Do you want to try another name?
20501 The location '%1' will be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to remove it from the list?
20502 Failed to create the directory %1. Please check for proper access rights and drive selections.
20503 The directory %1 does not exist. Do you want it to be created?
20504 The page specified is invalid. Valid page numbers are %1 to %2.
20505 Name Field Cannot Be Blank.
20506 The phone list, "%1", is missing one or more fields or index tags. This phone list must be updated before it can be used. This will require exclusive access to the phone list.\n\nDo you wish to update the phone list now?
20507 Group Name Cannot Be Blank.
20508 Field Expression Cannot Be Blank.
20509 Creating Phone List...
20510 The phone list, "%1", appears to be located on a network drive. Do you wish to delete the database files associated with this phone list?\n\nCAUTION. Doing so will prevent network users from accessing this phone list.
20511 Phone List Description Cannot Be Blank.
20512 The record that was just modified does not fall within the viewing range of the filter. The record will not be in view.
20513 This group name is already present. Please enter another name.
20514 The file you selected is not recognized as a valid tools menu data file.
20515 Since the foreground and background colors are the same, the text will be invisible. Are you sure this is what you want?
20516 Failure to save the file you specified.
20517 Failure to load the file you selected.
20518 Failed to create file selection dialog.
20519 The file you selected is not recognized as a valid character translation table file.
20520 Are you sure you want to reset the input and output translation tables?
20521 The mobile phone is currently in use or is not connected! Unable to update mobile phone.
20522 The mobile phone is currently unavailable for updating!
20523 Select "OK" when you are ready to continue dialing...
20524 Wait for the remote end to answer, then click "OK" to continue dialing...
20525 Listen for the second dial tone, then click "OK" to continue dialing...
20526 Listen for the credit card bong tone, then click "OK" to continue dialing...
20527 The selected TAPI line appears to be in use!\n\nAutomatic answering of incoming calls will be disabled for this session.
20528 Configuration information relating to Telephony services appears to be corrupt.\nThis could be the first time you have used the Telephony services. Please reconfingure TAPI through the Control Panel.
20529 Dialing paused!\n\nSelect OK to continue dialing...
20530 Unable to complete the call!\n\nThe current TAPI line (modem hardware) does not support partial dialing which is required to complete the call!
20531 TAPI has shut the current call down!\nThe inactivity timeout may have triggered causing TAPI to shut the call down!
20532 Unable to translate the phone number into a dialable address!\n\nCheck the phone number and location settings for proper values!
20533 Unable to Control Panel 'Modem' applet!
20534 Unable to start TAPI line processing thread! No TAPI operations will be possible!
20535 There are no devices configured for Telephony use.\nWould you like to run the Modem Control Panel to add a modem driver?\n
20536 A Telephony resource is temporarily unavaiable. This could mean a short wait is necessary or that a non-TAPI application is using the line.\n
20537 The requested TAPI operation failed for unknown reasons.\n
20538 You have two copies of the same Telephony driver installed.\n Use the Control Panel to remove one of the copies.\n
20539 One of the components of the Telephony device driver is missing.\n\nUse the Control Panel to set up the driver properly.
20540 Configuration information relating to Telephony services appears to be corrupt.\nThis could be the first time you have used the Telephony services.\nWould you like to configure the Telephony services?
20541 Unknown TAPI line error occurred!
20542 Unable to acquire ownership of the TAPI line!\n\nThe TAPI line or assigned COM port may be in use by another appliction!
20543 Not enough memory to complete requested TAPI line operation!
20544 Unable to use selected TAPI line!\n\nRequested line is already in use.\n
20545 Unable to use selected TAPI Line!\n\nError on requested line!\n
20546 Unable to use TAPI line!\n\nLine is already in use by a non-TAPI application or by another TAPI Service Provider.
20547 The selected TAPI line doesn't support the ability to make calls!
20548 The selected TAPI line doesn't support DATAMODEM capabilities!
20549 The selected TAPI line doesn't support VOICE capabilities!
20550 The TAPI line version is unsupported by this application!
20551 A call is already being handled by TAPI!
20552 A change to the system configuration requires that all Telephony applications relinquish their use of Telephony before any can progress. Some have not yet done so.\n
20553 The phone list, "%1", contains over %2% wasted space.\n\nDo you wish to compress the phone list now?
20554 Invalid time range specified! To time must be greater than From time.
20555 Field may not be blank!
20556 Please hang up the handset and select retry to attempt play again or press cancel to skip playing message.
20557 Please pick up the handset then select OK to begin playing message.
20558 Please pick up the handset then select OK to begin recording.
20559 Please hang up the handset and select retry to attempt record again or press cancel to skip recording.
20560 There must be at least one mailbox selected!
20561 The selected file is not supported for fax attachments. The file can be faxed using the FAX32COMponent printer driver through the application that created the file.
20562 Error saving workspace settings!
20563 This window does not support a dial operation. Please activate another window.
20564 Unable to open document. Only 1 document of this type may be opened in novice mode. If you wish to open multiple documents of this type you may switch to advanced mode through Workspace Settings in the Options menu.
20565 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected note?
20566 The current user level has been changed. This setting will take effect the next time the application is started.
20567 Updating Phone List...\n\n%1
20568 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected log entry?
20569 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected log entries?
20570 Are you sure that you wish to clear the entire log?
20571 Are you sure that you wish to delete the selected phone list group member?
20572 Importing Phone List\n\nRecords: %1
20573 An unexpected error occurred during import. Import was not successful!
20574 Unable to open input file!
20575 At least 1 field must be mapped for import!
20576 Input file does not contain any fields!
24498 Print log file\nPrint Log File
24499 On-line Manual...
24501 Un-archive log entry\nUn-archive
24502 Log entry comment\nComment
24503 Record memo\nRecord Memo
24504 Record new greeting\nRecord Greeting
24505 Archive log entry\nArchive
24506 Forward log entry to another mailbox\nForward
24507 View/Play new log entries\nView/Play New
24508 Toggle resubmitted status of log entry\nToggle Resubmitted Status
24509 Toggle printed status of log entry\nToggle Printed Status
24510 Toggle viewed status of log entry\nToggle Viewed Status
24511 Show only InBox entries that have not been read\nShow Unread Only
24512 Clear log file\nClear Log File
24513 Get detail information on log entry\nDetails
24514 Get help on error condition\nError Help
24515 Delete log entry\nDelete
24516 Re-send log entry\nRe-Send
24517 Print log entry\nPrint
24518 View/Play log entry\nView/Play
24574 The location name can not be empty or more than %1 characters.
24575 Please enter a description for these translation tables.
24576 Please enter a description no longer than %1 characters.
57342 o.tel.o Multi-Fax Service Setup\no.tel.o Multi-Fax Service Setup