Chip 2005 June
Text File
904 lines
object SynthEditorForm: TSynthEditorForm
Left = 206
Top = 115
BorderIcons = []
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'SynthForm'
ClientHeight = 286
ClientWidth = 457
Color = clBlack
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = True
Position = poDefault
Scaled = False
OnCreate = FormCreate
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object SynthPanel: TWPControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 457
Height = 286
Align = alClient
Color = 7274551
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
object CutoffWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 22
Left = 12
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aCutoff'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 512
Value = 512
DefaultValue = 256
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object ResonanceWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 23
Left = 52
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aResonance'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object EnvAmtWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 24
Left = 92
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aEnv amount'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object FilterTypeSelect: TSelector
Tag = 21
Left = 2
Top = 72
Width = 120
Height = 20
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aFilter type'
NumCols = 3
NumRows = 2
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object AmpSustainLevelWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 14
Left = 209
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aSustain level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object AmpAttackWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 12
Left = 129
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aAttack'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 8
DefaultValue = 8
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object AmpDecayWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 13
Left = 169
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aDecay'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object AmpReleaseWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 15
Left = 249
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aRelease'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 16
DefaultValue = 16
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object FiltSustainLevel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 18
Left = 379
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aSustain level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object FiltAttack: TWAVWheel
Tag = 16
Left = 299
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aAttack'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 8
DefaultValue = 8
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object FiltDecay: TWAVWheel
Tag = 17
Left = 339
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aDecay'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object FiltRelease: TWAVWheel
Tag = 19
Left = 419
Top = 165
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aRelease'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 16
DefaultValue = 16
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object Osc2ShapeSelect: TSelector
Tag = 3
Left = 230
Top = 69
Width = 80
Height = 17
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 2 shape'
NumCols = 4
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object Osc1CoarseWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 1
Left = 144
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 1 coarse'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object Osc1FineWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 2
Left = 184
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 1 fine'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object Osc2FineWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 5
Left = 276
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 2 fine'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object Osc2CoarseWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 4
Left = 236
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 2 coarse'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object PulseWidthWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 9
Left = 376
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aPulse width'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object FmAmountWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 10
Left = 417
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aFM amount'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object RingModBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 11
Left = 366
Top = 72
Width = 51
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aRing modulation'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object LFO1FreqWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 28
Left = 83
Top = 119
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 1 speed'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object LFO1AmountWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 27
Left = 44
Top = 119
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 1 amount'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object LFO2AmountWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 33
Left = 44
Top = 215
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 amount'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object LFO2FreqWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 34
Left = 83
Top = 215
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 speed'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object LFO1ShapeSelect: TSelector
Tag = 25
Left = 38
Top = 95
Width = 80
Height = 17
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 1 shape'
NumCols = 4
NumRows = 1
Value = 2
DefaultValue = 2
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object LFO2ShapeSelect: TSelector
Tag = 31
Left = 38
Top = 191
Width = 80
Height = 17
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 shape'
NumCols = 4
NumRows = 1
Value = 2
DefaultValue = 2
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object LFO2DestSelect: TSelector
Tag = 32
Left = 0
Top = 202
Width = 36
Height = 36
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 dest'
NumCols = 1
NumRows = 3
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object LFO1DestSelect: TSelector
Tag = 26
Left = 0
Top = 106
Width = 36
Height = 36
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 1 dest'
NumCols = 1
NumRows = 3
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object Osc3ShapeSelect: TSelector
Tag = 6
Left = 322
Top = 69
Width = 40
Height = 17
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 3 shape'
NumCols = 4
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object Osc3AmountWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 7
Left = 328
Top = 23
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 3 amount'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 7
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ArcWheelIL
object LFO1SyncBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 29
Left = 2
Top = 147
Width = 35
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 1 sync to tempo'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object LFO1ResetBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 30
Left = 2
Top = 157
Width = 35
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 1 reset on new note'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object LFO2SyncBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 35
Left = 2
Top = 243
Width = 35
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 sync to tempo'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object LFO2ResetBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 36
Left = 2
Top = 253
Width = 35
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLFO 2 reset on new note'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object AmpCoupleFltBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 246
Top = 99
Width = 36
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Link to filter ADSR'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = AmpCoupleFltBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object AmpADSRVisual: TQuickPaintBox
Tag = 12
Left = 124
Top = 112
Width = 156
Height = 44
OnPaint = AmpADSRVisualPaint
object FilterADSRVisual: TQuickPaintBox
Tag = 16
Left = 294
Top = 112
Width = 156
Height = 44
OnPaint = AmpADSRVisualPaint
object KbTrackBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 20
Left = 82
Top = 4
Width = 44
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aKeyboard track'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object LinkCutoffResBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 38
Top = 57
Width = 15
Height = 8
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Link cutoff & resonance wheels'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 0
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = LinkCutoffResBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object UseDistBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 37
Left = 368
Top = 217
Width = 48
Height = 14
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUse distortion'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.BigLEDIL
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object DistDriveWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 38
Left = 377
Top = 239
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aDistortion drive'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object DistToneWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 39
Left = 418
Top = 239
Width = 27
Height = 27
Hint = '|^b^aDistortion tone'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 6
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.GearWheelIL
object Osc1ShapeSelect: TSelector
Left = 138
Top = 69
Width = 80
Height = 17
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aOsc 1 shape'
NumCols = 4
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = CutoffWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object DualVoiceBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 40
Left = 366
Top = 82
Width = 51
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^a2 voices at once'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = RingModBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object OscMixSlider: TTrackSlider
Tag = 8
Left = 178
Top = 0
Width = 90
Height = 14
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aOsc mix'
LineSize = 1
PageSize = 1
Min = 0
Max = 128
DefaultPosition = 64
Position = 0
Position_NoUpdate = 0
Frequency = 128
FocusOnClick = False
nBigTicks = 3
Orientation = trHorizontal
TickMarks = tmBoth
OnChange = OscMixSliderChange
BmpList = SynthResModule.SliderKnobIL
SideGap = 0
CanGetFocus = False
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu