Chip 2005 June
Text File
2,985 lines
object SynthEditorForm: TSynthEditorForm
Left = 198
Top = 198
BorderIcons = []
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'SynthForm'
ClientHeight = 423
ClientWidth = 587
Color = clBlack
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = True
Position = poDefault
Scaled = False
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object SynthPanel: TWPControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 587
Height = 423
Align = alClient
Color = 5452845
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
OnResize = SynthPanelResize
object MatrixBox: TQuickPaintBox
Left = 380
Top = 101
Width = 199
Height = 199
Cursor = crHandPoint
OnPaint = MatrixBoxPaint
OnMouseDown = MatrixBoxMouseDown
OnMouseMove = MatrixBoxMouseMove
object MatrixWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = -1
Left = 384
Top = 78
Width = 13
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Options = [wwPause]
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -256
Max = 256
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = MatrixWheelChange
OnRelease = MatrixWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
OnMouseUp = MatrixWheelMouseUp
Visible = False
BmpList = SynthResModule.MatrixWheelIL
object RFSelect: TSelector
Tag = -1
Left = 380
Top = 301
Width = 60
Height = 17
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Switch frequency / ring modulation levels'
Options = [seCanSlide]
NumCols = 2
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = RFSelectChange
object EnvSelect: TSelector
Tag = -1
Left = 8
Top = 123
Width = 352
Height = 15
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Articulator part'
Hints.Strings = (
'keyboard mapping'
'velocity mapping'
'modulation X mapping'
'modulation Y mapping'
'random mapping'
'unison mapping')
Options = [seCanSlide]
NumCols = 8
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = EnvSelectChange
object TabSelect: TSelector
Tag = -1
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 572
Height = 16
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hints.Strings = (
'Main settings'
'Operator 1'
'Operator 2'
'Operator 3'
'Operator 4'
'Operator 5'
'Operator 6'
'Filter 1'
'Filter 2'
'Filter 3'
Options = [seCanSlide]
NumCols = 11
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = TabSelectChange
object EnvTargetSelect: TSelector
Tag = -1
Left = 8
Top = 101
Width = 352
Height = 15
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Editor target'
Options = [seCanSlide]
NumCols = 9
NumRows = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = EnvTargetSelectChange
object InfoBtn: TQuickBtn
Left = 522
Top = 72
Width = 16
Height = 22
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Show info'
ParentColor = True
Options = [tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnOver
FXAttack = 192
FXRelease = 32
FXBlink = FX_BlinkOnOver
Glyph.ILCount = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.MenuBtnIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = InfoBtnClick
StayDown = False
object MenuBtn: TQuickBtn
Left = 506
Top = 72
Width = 16
Height = 22
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Options'
ParentColor = True
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.OptionsMenu
Options = [tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnOver
FXAttack = 192
FXRelease = 32
FXBlink = FX_BlinkOnOver
Glyph.ILCount = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.MenuBtnIL
StayDown = False
PopupAlign = Popup_Bottom
PopupButton = mbLeft
BeforePopup = MenuBtnBeforePopup
object KbBtn: TQuickBtn
Left = 554
Top = 72
Width = 16
Height = 22
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Show / hide testing keyboard'
ParentColor = True
Options = [tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnOver
FXAttack = 192
FXRelease = 32
FXBlink = FX_BlinkOnOver
Glyph.ILCount = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.MenuBtnIL
ILIndex = 6
OnClick = KbBtnClick
StayDown = False
object SmallLogoBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 450
Top = 34
Width = 130
Height = 34
Enabled = False
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = False
Color = 6709335
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -9
Font.Name = 'Fruity fonts'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbAutoSize, tbHiddenAnim]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnDemand
FXAttack = 256
FXRelease = 16
Glyph.ILCount = 2
BmpList = SynthResModule.SmallLogoIL
Down = True
StayDown = False
object DiagramBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = 1
Left = 538
Top = 72
Width = 16
Height = 22
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Show block diagram'
ParentColor = True
Options = [tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnOver
FXAttack = 192
FXRelease = 32
FXBlink = FX_BlinkOnOver
Glyph.ILCount = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.MenuBtnIL
ILIndex = 4
OnClick = InfoBtnClick
StayDown = False
object FilterPanel: TWPControl
Left = 8
Top = 33
Width = 361
Height = 59
Color = 4144182
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
object LBHCache: TQuickBmpList
Left = 187
Top = 3
Width = 37
Height = 54
ILIndex = 0
Visible = False
object ToNextFCache: TQuickBmpList
Left = 326
Top = 4
Width = 31
Height = 35
ILIndex = 0
Visible = False
object FEnvWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 1
Left = 87
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aCutoff envelope / LFO amount'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object FResWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 3
Left = 155
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aResonance / bandwidth'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object FCutWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 2
Left = 121
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aCutoff frequency'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object ToNextFWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 9
Left = 332
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aTo next filter'
Options = [wwPause]
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -256
Max = 256
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object WSPreAmpWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 7
Left = 256
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aWaveshaper pre amp'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 64
Max = 192
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object WSMixWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 8
Left = 290
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aWaveshaper mix'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object WSEnableBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 269
Top = 42
Width = 41
Height = 15
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Enable waveshaper'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = WSEnableBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object FOrderSelect: TSelector
Left = 66
Top = 6
Width = 7
Height = 48
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aFilter mode'
Hints.Strings = (
'alternate 24dB'
'alternate 36dB')
NumCols = 1
NumRows = 6
Value = 1
DefaultValue = 1
OnChange = VolWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object FQualityBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 5
Top = 42
Width = 32
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Oversample when required'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = FEnvWheelChange
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object FFlatBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 5
Top = 30
Width = 32
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Alternate resonance / bandwidth'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = FEnvWheelChange
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object FLowWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 4
Left = 189
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aLowpass level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FBandWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 5
Left = 201
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aBandpass level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FHighWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 6
Left = 213
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aHighpass level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FTypeSelect: TWAVWheel
Tag = -1
Left = 10
Top = 12
Width = 25
Height = 9
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Filter type'
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 7
Value = 1
DefaultValue = 1
OnChange = FTypeSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 5
HotSideY = 9
BmpList = SynthResModule.FTypeIL
object WSBipolarBtn: TQuickBtn
Left = 237
Top = 11
Width = 11
Height = 19
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Unipolar / bipolar mode'
ParentColor = True
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbAutoSize]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXAttack = 96
FXRelease = 96
Glyph.ILCount = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.WSBipolarIL
OnClick = WSBipolarBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Bottom
BeforePopup = MenuBtnBeforePopup
object FXPanel: TWPControl
Left = 8
Top = 33
Width = 361
Height = 59
Color = 8388672
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
object DelModeSelect: TSelector
Tag = 13
Left = 347
Top = 7
Width = 7
Height = 24
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aDelay feedback mode'
Hints.Strings = (
NumCols = 1
NumRows = 3
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
object DelEnableBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 230
Top = 44
Width = 39
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Enable delay'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = DelEnableBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object DelNumSelect: TSelector
Left = 207
Top = 4
Width = 22
Height = 52
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Effect'
Hints.Strings = (
'delay unit 1'
'delay unit 2'
'delay unit 3'
'reverb unit')
Options = [seCanSlide]
NumCols = 1
NumRows = 4
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = DelNumSelectChange
object FXPanWheel: TWAVWheel
Left = 10
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aPanning'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object DelSerialBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 230
Top = 20
Width = 39
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Parallel / serial process'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = DelSerialBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ChOrderSelect: TWAVWheel
Tag = 1
Left = 46
Top = 17
Width = 15
Height = 14
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|^b^aChorus order'
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 9
Value = 4
DefaultValue = 4
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 5
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.ChOrderSelIL
object FXSendSelect: TDigiWheel
Tag = -2
Left = 149
Top = 12
Width = 22
Height = 17
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Send to effect track number'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 0
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = FXSendSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 6
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits12IL
NumDigits = 2
NullValue = 0
object FXSendVolWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 8
Left = 177
Top = 11
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aSend level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 8
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object DelTempoBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 230
Top = 32
Width = 39
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Tempo-based time'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = DelEnableBtnClick
Down = True
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ChDepthWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 2
Left = 68
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aChorus depth'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 64
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 1024
Value = 512
DefaultValue = 512
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ChSpeedWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 3
Left = 80
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aChorus speed'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 64
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 1024
Value = 768
DefaultValue = 768
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ChDelayWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 4
Left = 92
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aChorus delay'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 8
DefaultValue = 8
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ChSpreadWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 5
Left = 104
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aChorus spread'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ChCrossWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 6
Left = 116
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aChorus cross'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
Value = -32
DefaultValue = -32
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ChVolWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 7
Left = 128
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aChorus volume'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object DelFBWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 9
Left = 269
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aDelay feedback level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 127
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object DelTimeWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 10
Left = 281
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aDelay time'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 384
Value = 144
DefaultValue = 144
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object DelTimeOfsWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 11
Left = 293
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aDelay time stereo offset'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 64
SlowMotionDiv = 8
Min = -512
Max = 512
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object DelVolWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 12
Left = 305
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aDelay volume'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
Value = 64
DefaultValue = 64
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ReverbPanel: TWPControl
Left = 229
Top = 0
Width = 129
Height = 59
Color = clTeal
ParentColor = False
ShowHint = True
Visible = False
object RevEnableBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -10
Left = 1
Top = 44
Width = 37
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Enable reverb'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RevTempoBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object RevVolWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -9
Left = 117
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb wet volume'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
Value = 25
DefaultValue = 25
OnChange = RevVolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevHDWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -7
Left = 106
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb high damping'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 5
Max = 221
Value = 40
DefaultValue = 40
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevDecWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -6
Left = 95
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb decay'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 1
Max = 200
Value = 15
DefaultValue = 15
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevDiffWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -5
Left = 84
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb diffusion'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 100
Value = 100
DefaultValue = 100
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevRoomWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -4
Left = 73
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb room size'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 1
Max = 100
Value = 40
DefaultValue = 40
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevDelWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -3
Left = 62
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb predelay'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 384
Value = 144
DefaultValue = 144
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevHCWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -2
Left = 51
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb highcut'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 5
Max = 221
Value = 40
DefaultValue = 40
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevLCWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 40
Top = 12
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Reverb lowcut'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 256
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 19
Max = 3000
Value = 75
DefaultValue = 75
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object RevColWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = -8
Left = 13
Top = 13
Width = 17
Height = 7
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Reverb color'
MoveSpeed = 1
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 4
Value = 2
DefaultValue = 2
OnChange = RevLCWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
BmpList = SynthResModule.RevColIL
object RevTempoBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 1
Top = 32
Width = 37
Height = 12
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Tempo-based predelay'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RevTempoBtnClick
Down = True
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object OpPanel: TWPControl
Left = 8
Top = 33
Width = 361
Height = 59
Color = 8404992
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
object BandLimitBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 130
Top = 25
Width = 40
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Band-limit waveform'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = CenterBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object DeClickBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 130
Top = 13
Width = 40
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Attack click removal'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = CenterBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object WAVScope: THQWAVScope
Left = 1
Top = 14
Width = 50
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^dWaveform'
BackColor = clBlack
CenterColor = clGray
LineColor = 15853283
LineColor_Right = 15853283
OnMouseDown = WAVScopeMouseDown
OnMouseUp = WAVScopeMouseUp
object ShapeHalfBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 1
Top = 1
Width = 17
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Half'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = False
Color = 16744576
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph]
Spacing = 0
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXAttack = 64
BmpList = SynthResModule.ShapeBtnsIL
OnClick = ShapeTensionWheelChange
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ShapeHalfSilentBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 18
Top = 1
Width = 17
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Even'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = False
Color = 16744576
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph]
Spacing = 0
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXAttack = 64
BmpList = SynthResModule.ShapeBtnsIL
ILIndex = 2
OnClick = ShapeTensionWheelChange
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ShapeAbsBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 35
Top = 1
Width = 17
Height = 10
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Absolute'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = False
Color = 16744576
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph]
Spacing = 0
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXAttack = 64
BmpList = SynthResModule.ShapeBtnsIL
ILIndex = 4
OnClick = ShapeTensionWheelChange
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object RatioSelect: TMultiDigiWheel
Left = 279
Top = 5
Width = 77
Height = 21
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Freq ratio'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwBorder, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 640000
Value = 20000
DefaultValue = 20000
OnChange = PhaseWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits16IL
NumDigits = 6
NullValue = 2147483647
OnGetIncrement = RatioSelectGetIncrement
OnPaint = RatioSelectPaint
object FreqSelect: TMultiDigiWheel
Tag = 1
Left = 174
Top = 5
Width = 99
Height = 21
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Freq offset (Hz)'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwBorder, wwIncMode]
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -999999
Max = 999999
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = PhaseWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
Color = clNone
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = []
BmpList = SynthResModule.Digits16IL
NumDigits = 7
NullValue = 2147483647
OnGetIncrement = RatioSelectGetIncrement
OnPaint = RatioSelectPaint
object ShapeNoiseWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 116
Top = 10
Width = 10
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Noise'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = ShapeTensionWheelChange
OnRelease = ShapeTensionWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 1
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object ShapeSineWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 92
Top = 10
Width = 10
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Sine shaper'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = ShapeTensionWheelChange
OnRelease = ShapeTensionWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 1
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object ShapeSkewWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 80
Top = 10
Width = 10
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Skew'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = ShapeTensionWheelChange
OnRelease = ShapeTensionWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 1
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object ShapeTensionWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 68
Top = 10
Width = 10
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Tension'
Options = [wwPause]
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = ShapeTensionWheelChange
OnRelease = ShapeTensionWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 1
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object ShapeShapeWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 56
Top = 10
Width = 10
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Shape'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 16
Max = 512
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = ShapeTensionWheelChange
OnRelease = ShapeTensionWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 1
HotSideY = 8
OnMouseUp = ShapeShapeWheelMouseUp
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object ShapeFilterWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = -1
Left = 104
Top = 10
Width = 10
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Pre-filter'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = ShapeTensionWheelChange
OnRelease = ShapeTensionWheelRelease
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 1
HotSideY = 8
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSliderIL
object FreeRunBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 199
Top = 32
Width = 40
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Global / retriggered phase'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = FreeRunBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object PluckModeBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 130
Top = 45
Width = 40
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Plucked mode'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = PluckModeBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object CenterBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 130
Top = 1
Width = 40
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|DC offset removal'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = CenterBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object PhaseWheel: TWAVWheel
Left = 172
Top = 29
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aStarting phase'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 4
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object PEnvRangeWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 2
Left = 338
Top = 29
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aPitch envelope/LFO amount'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 160
SlowMotionDiv = 20
Max = 4800
Value = 1200
DefaultValue = 1200
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 4
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object VolWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 1
Left = 312
Top = 29
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aVolume'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -256
Max = 256
Value = 256
DefaultValue = 256
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 4
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object KbPanel: TWPControl
Left = 0
Top = 341
Width = 587
Height = 82
Align = alBottom
Color = clGreen
ParentColor = False
ShowHint = True
object MIDIKb: TQuickMIDIKb
Tag = -1
Left = 56
Top = 15
Width = 476
Height = 66
Cursor = crHandPoint
KbBmpList = SynthResModule.TestKbIL
MinKey = 36
MaxKey = 83
OnNoteOn = MIDIKbNoteOn
OnNoteOff = MIDIKbNoteOff
inline MEnvEditor: TMEnvEditor
Left = 8
Top = 139
Width = 361
Height = 179
TabOrder = 4
Visible = False
inherited TimeZoomSelect: TWAVWheel
Left = 342
Top = 145
inherited EnvVisual: TQuickPaintBox
Width = 361
Height = 145
inherited MapPanel: TQuickBmpList
Top = 146
Width = 361
inherited EnvPanel: TQuickPanel
Top = 146
inherited EnvAttWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorEnvAttWheelChange
inherited EnvDecWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorEnvAttWheelChange
inherited EnvSusWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorEnvAttWheelChange
inherited EnvRelWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorEnvAttWheelChange
inherited TimeScroller: TNumBar
Top = 145
Width = 190
inherited LFOPanel: TQuickPanel
Top = 146
inherited LFOSpeedWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorLFOSpeedWheelChange
inherited LFOTensionWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorLFOSpeedWheelChange
inherited LFOSkewWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorLFOSpeedWheelChange
inherited LFOPWWheel: TWAVWheel
OnChange = MEnvEditorLFOSpeedWheelChange
inherited GlobalPanel: TQuickPanel
Top = 162
Width = 208
inherited SlideBtn: TQuickCheckBox
Left = 176
inherited FreezeBtn: TQuickCheckBox
Left = 63
inherited SnapBtn: TQuickCheckBox
Left = 141
inherited StepBtn: TQuickCheckBox
Left = 106
object InfoPanel: TWPControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 4
Height = 339
Cursor = crHandPoint
Color = clMaroon
ParentColor = False
ShowHint = True
Visible = False
OnClick = InfoPanelClick
object BigLogoBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 15
Top = 15
Width = 300
Height = 79
Enabled = False
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = False
Color = 6709335
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 13025463
Font.Height = -9
Font.Name = 'Fruity fonts'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasOnOverGlyph, tbAutoSize, tbHiddenAnim]
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXWhen = FX_OnDemand
FXAttack = 256
FXRelease = 16
Glyph.ILCount = 2
Down = True
StayDown = False
object FruitClickBox: TPaintBox
Left = 229
Top = 30
Width = 78
Height = 56
OnClick = FruitClickBoxClick
object HarmPanel: TWPControl
Left = 7
Top = 122
Width = 363
Height = 197
Color = clBlack
ParentColor = False
ShowHint = True
Visible = False
OnPaint = HarmPanelPaint
object HarmVVisual: TQuickPaintBox
Left = 2
Top = 54
Width = 359
Height = 73
Cursor = crHandPoint
OnPaint = HarmVVisualPaint
OnMouseDown = HarmVVisualMouseDown
OnMouseMove = HarmVVisualMouseMove
OnMouseUp = HarmVVisualMouseUp
object HarmPVisual: TQuickPaintBox
Tag = 1
Left = 2
Top = 129
Width = 359
Height = 48
Cursor = crHandPoint
OnPaint = HarmVVisualPaint
OnMouseDown = HarmVVisualMouseDown
OnMouseMove = HarmVVisualMouseMove
OnMouseUp = HarmVVisualMouseUp
object BigWAVScope: THQWAVScope
Left = 1
Top = 2
Width = 361
Height = 49
Hint = '|Waveform'
BackColor = clBlack
CenterColor = clGray
LineColor = 15853283
LineColor_Right = 15853283
object HarmZoomSelect: TWAVWheel
Left = 345
Top = 178
Width = 18
Height = 19
Cursor = crSizeNS
MoveSpeed = 4
SlowMotionDiv = 1
Max = 4
Value = 1
DefaultValue = 1
OnChange = HarmZoomSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
BmpList = SynthResModule.HarmZoomIL
object HarmBottomPanel: TQuickPanel
Left = 1
Top = 179
Width = 151
Height = 17
BorderStyle = bsNone
BevelDepth = 200
Style = psFlat
Color = 4336682
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Font.Color = 11380895
Font.Height = -9
Font.Name = 'Fruity fonts'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 0
Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
object HarmMenuBtn: TQuickBtn
Left = 3
Top = 2
Width = 13
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Options'
ParentColor = False
Color = 16512
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.HarmOptionsMenu
Options = [tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Spacing = 0
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXAttack = 64
Glyph.ILCount = 2
BmpList = MEnvEditor.BtnsIL
ILIndex = 2
PopupButton = mbLeft
object HarmLockSelect: TSelector
Tag = 13
Left = 78
Top = 3
Width = 69
Height = 11
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Work on'
Hints.Strings = (
'all harmonics'
'odd harmonics'
'even harmonics')
Options = [seCanSlide]
NumCols = 3
NumRows = 1
Glyph.Data = {
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = HarmLockSelectChange
object HarmSmoothBtn: TQuickBtn
Left = 32
Top = 2
Width = 31
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Smooth up harmonics'
ParentColor = False
Color = 16512
Options = [tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Spacing = 0
TextAlign = ttaBitmapRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
FXAttack = 256
Glyph.ILCount = 2
BmpList = SynthResModule.HarmToolsIL
OnClick = HarmSmoothBtnClick
StayDown = False
PopupButton = mbLeft
object HarmScroller: TNumBar
Left = 152
Top = 178
Width = 193
Height = 19
BorderStyle = bsNone
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 1
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
Color = 5849921
Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
LineSize = 1
PageSize = 16
Min = 0
Max = 68
MoveMin = 0
MoveMax = 68
Position = 0
MoveSpeed = 256
Orientation = trHorizontal
Options = [nbSlideKnob]
ArrowsWidth = 18
OnChange = HarmScrollerChange
object MainPanel: TWPControl
Left = 6
Top = 31
Width = 365
Height = 287
Color = 4210688
ParentColor = False
ParentShowHint = True
object FatPitchWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 14
Left = 307
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUnison pitch'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FRelWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 10
Left = 209
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aFilter release'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object ModXWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 18
Left = 95
Top = 111
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aModulation X'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 512
Value = 256
DefaultValue = 256
OnChange = ModXWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 4
HotSideY = 4
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object DQOverSelect: TWAVWheel
Tag = -2
Left = 298
Top = 124
Width = 17
Height = 7
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Oversampling factor (draft)'
MoveSpeed = 1
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 6
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = DQOverSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
BmpList = SynthResModule.OversampleIL
object RQOverSelect: TWAVWheel
Tag = -2
Left = 332
Top = 124
Width = 17
Height = 7
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|Oversampling factor (rendering)'
MoveSpeed = 1
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 6
Value = 3
DefaultValue = 3
OnChange = DQOverSelectChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 6
BmpList = SynthResModule.OversampleIL
object RandBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 9
Top = 198
Width = 41
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Enable randomness'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RandBtnClick
Down = True
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object ModYWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 19
Left = 95
Top = 145
Width = 23
Height = 23
Hint = '|^b^aModulation Y'
Options = []
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 512
Value = 256
DefaultValue = 256
OnChange = ModXWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 4
HotSideY = 4
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
OnMouseUp = ModYWheelMouseUp
BmpList = SynthResModule.MainWheelIL
object ModVisual: TQuickPaintBox
Left = 16
Top = 103
Width = 69
Height = 69
Cursor = crCross
Hint = '|X / Y modulation'
OnPaint = ModVisualPaint
OnMouseDown = ModVisualMouseDown
object ModSmoothBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 9
Top = 177
Width = 42
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Smooth up modulation'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RandBtnClick
Down = True
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object DQEnvBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 293
Top = 101
Width = 27
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Extra high envelope accuracy (draft)'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = DQOverSelectChange
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object RQEnvBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 327
Top = 101
Width = 27
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Extra high envelope accuracy (rendering)'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = DQOverSelectChange
Down = True
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object MainPitchSlider: TQuickSlider
Tag = 2
Left = 52
Top = 15
Width = 18
Height = 58
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aMaster pitch'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 4
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -24
Max = 24
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider3IL
object MainLFOVolSlider: TQuickSlider
Tag = 1
Left = 31
Top = 15
Width = 18
Height = 58
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aMaster LFO level'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider3IL
object MainVolSlider: TQuickSlider
Left = 10
Top = 15
Width = 18
Height = 58
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aMaster level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 160
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider3IL
object FatOrderSelect: TWAVWheel
Tag = 11
Left = 259
Top = 19
Width = 15
Height = 14
Cursor = crSizeNS
Hint = '|^b^aUnison order'
MoveSpeed = 2
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 1
Max = 9
Value = 1
DefaultValue = 1
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 5
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.FatOrderSelIL
object VolAttWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 3
Left = 108
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aVolume attack'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object VolDecWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 4
Left = 121
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aVolume decay'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object VolSusWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 5
Left = 134
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aVolume sustain'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object VolRelWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 6
Left = 147
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aVolume release'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FAttWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 7
Left = 170
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aFilter attack'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FDecWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 8
Left = 183
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aFilter decay'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 256
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FSusWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 9
Left = 196
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aFilter sustain'
Options = [wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = -128
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FatPanWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 12
Left = 281
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUnison panning'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 128
DefaultValue = 128
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FatVolWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 13
Left = 294
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUnison volume'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Min = 16
Max = 128
Value = 100
DefaultValue = 100
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FatSubWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 15
Left = 320
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUnison sub level'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 12
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 96
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FatPhaseWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 16
Left = 333
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUnison phase'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 16
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
Value = 16
DefaultValue = 16
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object FatEnvWheel: TQuickSlider
Tag = 17
Left = 346
Top = 14
Width = 8
Height = 43
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aUnison envelope variation'
Options = []
MoveSpeed = 24
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 192
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = VolWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 3
HotSideY = 8
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object GlobalPitchBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 145
Top = 198
Width = 60
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Operator 1 pitch articulator = global'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RandBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object MonoKeyBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 50
Top = 198
Width = 44
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Limit to 1 voice per key'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = RandBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object MixEQLevel3Slider: TQuickSlider
Tag = 42
Left = 205
Top = 102
Width = 8
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 3 (high shelf) level'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 320
SlowMotionDiv = 8
Min = -1800
Max = 1800
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 3
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object MixEQLevel2Slider: TQuickSlider
Tag = 41
Left = 186
Top = 102
Width = 8
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 2 (peaking) level'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 320
SlowMotionDiv = 8
Min = -1800
Max = 1800
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 3
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object MixEQLevel1Slider: TQuickSlider
Tag = 40
Left = 167
Top = 102
Width = 8
Height = 47
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 1 (low shelf) level'
Options = [wwAutoSize, wwPause]
MoveSpeed = 320
SlowMotionDiv = 8
Min = -1800
Max = 1800
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 6
HotSideY = 3
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.VSlider2IL
object EQModeSelect: TSelector
Left = 128
Top = 102
Width = 13
Height = 36
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Equalizer target'
Hints.Strings = (
'out only'
'effects only')
NumCols = 1
NumRows = 4
Value = 1
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = EQModeSelectChange
object MixEQFreq1Wheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 43
Left = 165
Top = 154
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 1 (low shelf) freq'
MoveSpeed = 4096
SlowMotionDiv = 256
Max = 65536
Value = 8950
DefaultValue = 8950
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object MixEQFreq2Wheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 44
Left = 184
Top = 154
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 2 (peaking) freq'
MoveSpeed = 4096
SlowMotionDiv = 256
Max = 65536
Value = 33145
DefaultValue = 33145
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object MixEQFreq3Wheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 45
Left = 203
Top = 154
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 3 (high shelf) freq'
MoveSpeed = 4096
SlowMotionDiv = 256
Max = 65536
Value = 49305
DefaultValue = 49305
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object MixEQBW1Wheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 46
Left = 165
Top = 173
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 1 (low shelf) width'
MoveSpeed = 4096
SlowMotionDiv = 256
Max = 65536
Value = 17500
DefaultValue = 17500
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object MixEQBW2Wheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 47
Left = 184
Top = 173
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 2 (peaking) width'
MoveSpeed = 4096
SlowMotionDiv = 256
Max = 65536
Value = 17500
DefaultValue = 17500
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object MixEQBW3Wheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 48
Left = 203
Top = 173
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|^b^aEQ band 3 (high shelf) width'
MoveSpeed = 4096
SlowMotionDiv = 256
Max = 65536
Value = 17500
DefaultValue = 17500
OnChange = MixEQLevel1SliderChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 2
HotSideY = 2
PopupMenu = SynthResModule.WheelMenu
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object SoftenWheel: TWAVWheel
Tag = 48
Left = 101
Top = 198
Width = 15
Height = 15
Hint = '|Soften attack of lower-velocity voices'
MoveSpeed = 8
SlowMotionDiv = 4
Max = 128
DefaultValue = 0
OnChange = SoftenWheelChange
MouseButton = mbLeft
HotSideX = 7
HotSideY = 3
BmpList = SynthResModule.TinyWheel
object OscUnisonBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 258
Top = 41
Width = 17
Height = 23
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Unison for oscillators only'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 6
TextAlign = ttaBottom
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = OscUnisonBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object GlobalCenterBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 205
Top = 198
Width = 41
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Global DC offset removal'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = GlobalCenterBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object GlobalShapeGPRBtn: TQuickBtn
Tag = -1
Left = 246
Top = 198
Width = 50
Height = 13
Cursor = crHandPoint
Hint = '|Attenuate Gibbs phenomenon'
ParentFont = False
ParentColor = True
Font.Color = clSilver
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
Options = [tbDirectClick, tbHasDownGlyph, tbTrashGlyph, tbTransparent]
Style = FS_Transparent
Spacing = 4
TextAlign = ttaRight
AccelKey = 0
FXType = FX_Blend
BmpList = SynthResModule.LEDIL
OnClick = GlobalShapeGPRBtnClick
PopupAlign = Popup_Normal
object InfoEdit: TQuickRichEdit
Left = 76
Top = 226
Width = 276
Height = 48
Hint = '|Info / comments'
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = 3746601
Ctl3D = True
Font.Color = 13878980
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Arial'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentCtl3D = False
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 0
OnKeyDown = InfoEditKeyDown
object AnimTimer: TQuickTimer
Interval = 25
NoOverflow = True
OnTimer = AnimTimerTimer
Enabled = False
Left = 376
Top = 32