1003 Invalid audio layer (%d) for VCD, should be 2
1004 Invalid audio mode for VCD, should be stereo or mono
1005 Invalid audio bitrate (%d kbps) for VCD, should be 224 kbps
1006 Invalid audio sample rate (%d) for VCD, should be 44100
1007 Invalid audio layer (%d) for SVCD, should be 2
1008 Invalid audio CRC state (disabled) for SVCD, should be enabled
1009 Invalid audio emphasis for SVCD, should be none
1010 Invalid mono audio bitrate (%d kbps) for SVCD, range is 32 kbps .. 192 kbps
1011 Invalid audio bitrate (%d kbps) for SVCD, range is 64 kbps .. 384 kbps
1012 Invalid audio sample rate (%d) for SVCD, should be 44100
1013 Invalid audio layer (%d) for DVD, should be 2
1014 Invalid audio CRC state (disabled) for DVD, should be enabled
1015 Invalid audio emphasis for DVD, should be none
1016 Invalid private bit setting (%d) for DVD, should be 0
1017 Invalid mono audio bitrate (%d kbps) for DVD, range is 64 kbps .. 192 kbps
1018 Invalid audio mode (dual channel) for DVD, should be stereo, joint stereo or mono
1019 Invalid audio bitrate (%d kbps) for DVD, range is 64 kbps .. 384 kbps
1020 Invalid audio sample rate (%d) for DVD, should be 48000
1021 Invalid audio sample rate (%d), should be 32000, 44100 or 48000
1022 Invalid audio mode (%d), range is %d .. %d
1023 Invalid audio layer (%d), range is 1 .. 2
1024 Invalid audio psychoacoustic model (%d), range is 1 .. 2
1025 Invalid audio bitrate code (%d), range is %d .. %d
1026 Invalid audio emphasis (%d), should be 0, 1 or 3
1027 Invalid audio private bit (%d), range is 0 .. 1
1028 Invalid audio CRC state (%d), range is 0 .. 1
1029 Invalid audio copyright setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
1030 Invalid audio original setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
1031 Invalid mpeg_a_settings parameter
2000 Invalid multiplex type for MPEG2 video, must be MPEG2
2001 Video (%d) and audio (%d) bitrates are too high for the User mux rate (%d)
2002 Invalid multiplex type for VCD video, should be VCD
2003 Invalid multiplex type for SVCD video, should be SVCD
2004 Video (%d) and audio (%d) bitrates are too high for the SVCD mux rate with aligned sequence headers
2005 Invalid multiplex type for DVD video , should be DVD
2006 Invalid mpeg_all_settings parameter
3000 Invalid mpeg_m_settings parameter
3001 Multiplexing type is set to NONE
3002 Unable to allocate memory for a muxer object
3003 A video filename must be specified
3004 An output filename must be specified
3005 Unable to open video file
3006 Unable to open audio file
3007 Unable to open secondary audio file
3008 Unable to open video units file
3009 Unable to get the first video header from file
3010 Unable to open audio units file
3011 Unable to get the first audio header from file
3012 Unable to open secondary audio units file
3013 Unable to get the first audio header from secondary audio file
3014 Unable to open program file
3015 An output stream must be specified
3016 A video stream must be specified
3017 Unable to allocate memory for first queue_buffer
3018 Unable to allocate memory for next queue_buffer
3019 Unable to allocate memory for DVD navigation info buffer
3020 Invalid MPEG2 Video stream, no picture coding extension present
3021 Unable to read from video units
3022 Unable to read from audio units
3023 Unable to read from PCM audio units
3024 Unable to read from secondary audio units
3025 Unable to read from secondary PCM audio units
3026 Unable to write the last pack to program file
3027 Unable to write a video pack to program file
3028 Unable to write an audio pack to program file
3029 Unable to write a padding pack to program file
3030 DVD sector size must be 2048 bytes.
3031 Unable to write a DVD nav pack to program file
3032 Unable to allocate memory for SVCD offsets buffer
3033 Error reading up to the SVCD offset from the video input
3034 Error reading from the video input
3035 Invalid mux pack size (%d) for VCD, should be %d
3036 Invalid mux packets per pack setting (%d) for VCD, should be 1
3037 Invalid mux audio1 buffer size (%d) for VCD, should be 4
3038 Invalid mux video buffer size (%d) for VCD, should be 46
3039 Invalid mux rate (%d) for VCD, should be %d
3040 Invalid mux frame timestamps for VCD, should be all frames
3041 Invalid mux VBR multiplex (enabled) for VCD, should be CBR (disabled)
3042 Invalid mux pack size (%d) for SVCD, should be %d
3043 Invalid mux packets per pack setting (%d) for SVCD, should be 1
3044 Invalid mux audio1 buffer size (%d) for SVCD, should be 4
3045 Invalid mux audio2 buffer size (%d) for SVCD, should be 4
3046 Invalid mux video buffer size (%d) for SVCD, should be 230
3047 Invalid mux rate (%d) for SVCD, should be <= %d
3048 Invalid mux SVCD scan offsets setting (disabled) for SVCD, should be enabled
3049 Invalid mux pack size (%d) for DVD, should be %d
3050 Invalid mux packets per pack setting (%d) for DVD, should be 1
3051 Invalid mux audio1 buffer size (%d) for DVD, should be 4 for MPEG audio or 58 for AC3 audio
3052 Invalid mux audio2 buffer size (%d) for DVD, should be 4 for MPEG audio or 58 for AC3 audio
3053 Invalid mux video buffer size (%d) for DVD, should be 232
3054 Invalid mux rate (%d) for DVD, should be %d
3055 Invalid mux align sequence headers setting (disabled) for DVD, should be enabled
3056 Invalid mux private 2 setting (disabled) for DVD, should be enabled
3057 Invalid mux type setting (%d), range is %d .. %d
3058 Invalid mux pulldown setting (%d), range is %d .. %d
3059 Invalid mux pulldown setting (%d) for MPEG1, should be %d
3060 Invalid mux computed bitrate setting (%d), range is %d .. %d
3061 Invalid mux VCD audio pad setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3062 Invalid mux VCD audio pad setting (%d) for non-VCD, should be 0
3063 Invalid mux align sequence header setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3064 Invalid mux rate (%d), should be >= 0
3065 Invalid mux sector size (%d) for MPEG1, range is %d .. %d
3066 Invalid mux sector size (%d) for MPEG2, range is %d .. %d
3067 Invalid mux packets per pack setting (%d), range is 1 .. %d
3068 Invalid mux audio/video/pack delay settings (v%d, a1%d, a2%d, p%d), one of the audio or video delays should be <= pack delay + 1000
3069 Invalid mux audio1 buffer size (%d), range is 0 .. 64
3070 Invalid mux audio2 buffer size (%d), range is 0 .. 64
3071 Invalid mux video buffer size (%d), range is 0 .. 256
3072 Invalid VBR/CBR mux type (%d), should be 0 or 1
3073 Invalid mux write program end codes setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3074 Invalid mux SVCD scan offsets setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3075 Invalid mux SVCD scan offsets (%d) and align sequence header (%d) combination, the SVCD scan offsets setting requires the align sequence header setting to be set
3076 Invalid mux private stream 2 setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3077 Invalid mux private stream 2 (%d) and multiplex type (%d) combination, private stream 2 should only be used for DVD muxing
3078 Invalid mux frame timestamp setting (%d), range is %d .. %d
3079 Invalid mux maximum file size (%d), range is 0 .. 4096
3080 Invalid mux start time (%d), must be less than the mux stop time (%d)
3081 Invalid mux reset clocks setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3082 Invalid mux write end codes setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3083 Invalid mux set broken link setting (%d), range is 0 .. 1
3084 Invalid mpeg_m_settings parameter
3085 %u video underflows (SCR >= PTS or DTS)
3086 %u audio 1 underflows (SCR >= PTS)
3087 %u audio 2 underflows (SCR >= PTS)
3088 Video PTS (%.02fms) underflow at pack %u by %.02fms
3089 Video DTS (%.02fms) underflow at pack %u by %.02fms
3090 Video DTS (%.02fms) > 1 second from SCR (%.02f) at pack %u by %.02fms
3091 Audio PTS underflow at pack %u by %.02fms
3092 Audio PTS underflow at pack %u by %.02fms
4000 Unable to allocate memory for audio object
4001 Could not allocate memory for PCM audio sample buffer
4002 Could not write previous PCM buffer to audio file
4003 Could not write current PCM buffer to audio file
4004 Invalid audio type (PCM) for VCD, should be MPEG
4005 Invalid audio type (PCM) for SVCD, should be MPEG
4006 Invalid PCM audio sample rate (%d), should be 48000 or 96000
4007 Invalid number of PCM audio channels (%d), range is %d .. %d
4008 Invalid PCM audio mute flag (%d), range is %d .. %d
4009 Invalid PCM audio quantization (%d), must be %d
4010 Invalid PCM audio emphasis (%d), range is %d .. %d
4011 Invalid PCM audio emphasis for 96kHz audio, must be off
4012 Invalid pcm_a_settings parameter
5000 Unable to get size of temporary max bitrate file
5001 Unable to read from temporary max bitrate file
5002 Unable to seek to the patch location in the video stream
5003 Unable to write the patch to the video stream
5004 Unable to seek to the seq offset in the video stream
5005 Unable to write the max bitrate to the video stream
5006 Unable to write a picture header to the output file
5007 Unable to write picture data to the output file
5008 Unable to write a skipped picture header to the output file
5009 Unable to write skipped picture data to the output file
5010 Could not open intra quant matrix file
5011 Invalid value in intra quant matrix file
5012 Could not open non-intra quant matrix file
5013 Invalid value in non-intra quant matrix file
5014 Cannot allocate memory for mb info
5015 Cannot allocate memory for mb_P info
5016 Cannot allocate memory for picture buffers, try reducing M setting
5017 Cannot allocate memory for raw buffers, try reducing M setting
5018 Unable to write a raw picture header to the output file
5019 Unable to write raw picture data to the output file