home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2004-02-08 | 10.0 KB | 260 lines |
- [Info]
- Version=3
- Name=All the keywords example
- Target=$(temp)\abcavi_keywords.txt
- Clipboard=0
- OEM=0
- Target_rewrite=1
- [Replace]
- Do_Replace=1
- in_1=0D0A
- out_1=207C20
- in_2=
- out_2=
- in_3=
- out_3=
- in_4=
- out_4=
- in_5=
- out_5=
- [Description]
- 0=*This template uses all the possible keywords for export template and may be usefull when you want to see, what specific keyword means.
- 1=*
- [Header]
- 0=***************************************
- 1=****HEADER*****************************
- 2=***************************************
- 3=**** Total Characteristics ***
- 4=*$(tab)Total number of files: $(filesnum)
- 5=*$(tab)Total length of files, hours: $(hourtotallength)
- 6=*$(tab)Total length of files, min: $(mintotallength)
- 7=*$(tab)Total length of files, sec: $(sectotallength)
- 8=*$(tab)Total length of files, short: $(shorttotallength)
- 9=*$(tab)Total size of files, Mb: $(mtotalsize)
- 10=*$(tab)Total size of files, Kb: $(ktotalsize)
- 11=*$(tab)Total size of files, bytes: $(btotalsize)
- 12=**** Ask user ***
- 13=*$(tab)Directory: $(askdir)
- 14=*$(tab)Full file name: $(askfilename)
- 15=*$(tab)File path: $(askfilename_path)
- 16=*$(tab)File name without extension: $(askfilename_name)
- 17=*$(tab)File extension: $(askfilename_ext)
- 18=*$(tab)General comment: $(askcomment)
- 19=**** Date and Time ***
- 20=*$(tab)Export date: $(exportdate)
- 21=*$(tab)Export time: $(exporttime)
- 22=**** System Variables ***
- 23=*$(tab)Path to temporary directory: $(temp)
- 24=*$(tab)Version of abcAVI Tag Editor: $(abcaviversion)
- [Body]
- 0=****************************************
- 1=****BODY********************************
- 2=****************************************
- 3=*All the body keywords could be used in "Target File" field also
- 4=****************************************
- 5=**** Total Characteristics ***
- 6=*$(tab)Total number of files: $(filesnum)
- 7=*$(tab)Total length of files, hours: $(hourtotallength)
- 8=*$(tab)Total length of files, min: $(mintotallength)
- 9=*$(tab)Total length of files, sec: $(sectotallength)
- 10=*$(tab)Total length of files, short: $(shorttotallength)
- 11=*$(tab)Total size of files, Mb: $(mtotalsize)
- 12=*$(tab)Total size of files, Kb: $(ktotalsize)
- 13=*$(tab)Total size of files, bytes: $(btotalsize)
- 14=**** File Name ***
- 15=*$(tab)File number: $(number)
- 16=*$(tab)Full file name: $(fullname)
- 17=*$(tab)File path: $(path)
- 18=*$(tab)File name without extension: $(name)
- 19=*$(tab)File extension: $(ext)
- 20=*$(tab)Short full file name: $(dosfullname)
- 21=*$(tab)Short file path: $(dospath)
- 22=*$(tab)Short file name without extension: $(dosname)
- 23=*$(tab)Short file extension: $(dosext)
- 24=**** File Length and Size ***
- 25=*$(tab)File length, hour: $(hourlength)
- 26=*$(tab)File length, min: $(minlength)
- 27=*$(tab)File length, sec: $(seclength)
- 28=*$(tab)File length, h+m+s+z: $(hmsz_length)
- 29=*$(tab)File length, m+s+z: $(msz_length)
- 30=*$(tab)File length, s+z: $(sz_length)
- 31=*$(tab)File length, short: $(shortlength)
- 32=*$(tab)File size, MB: $(mbsize)
- 33=*$(tab)File size, KB: $(kbsize)
- 34=*$(tab)File size, bytes: $(bsize)
- 35=**** Ask user ***
- 36=*$(tab)Directory: $(askdir)
- 37=*$(tab)Full file name: $(askfilename)
- 38=*$(tab)File path: $(askfilename_path)
- 39=*$(tab)File name without extension: $(askfilename_name)
- 40=*$(tab)File extension: $(askfilename_ext)
- 41=*$(tab)General comment: $(askcomment)
- 42=*$(tab)Comments for every file: $(askeverycomment)
- 43=**** Date and Time ***
- 44=*$(tab)Export date: $(exportdate)
- 45=*$(tab)Export time: $(exporttime)
- 46=*$(tab)Date of file creation: $(filecreateddate)
- 47=*$(tab)Time of file creation: $(filecreatedtime)
- 48=*$(tab)Date of last write to file: $(filechangeddate)
- 49=*$(tab)Time of last write to file: $(filechangedtime)
- 50=*$(tab)Date of last access to file: $(fileaccessddate)
- 51=*$(tab)Time of last access to file: $(fileaccessdtime)
- 52=**** System Variables ***
- 53=*$(tab)Path to temporary directory: $(temp)
- 54=*$(tab)Version of abcAVI Tag Editor: $(abcaviversion)
- 55=**** Video Parameters ***
- 56=*$(tab)Short information on video stream: $(videoformat)
- 57=*$(tab)Video quality: $(videoquality)
- 58=*$(tab)Video compression: $(videocompress)
- 59=*$(tab)Combined report on video compression: $(videocompress_ext)
- 60=*$(tab)Width, pixels: $(width)
- 61=*$(tab)Height, pixels: $(height)
- 62=*$(tab)Aspect ratio: $(aspect_ratio)
- 63=*$(tab)Frame proportion: $(frame_proportion)
- 64=*$(tab)Number of frames: $(frames)
- 65=*$(tab)Frames per second: $(framespersec)
- 66=*$(tab)Video data rate, bps: $(bpsvideo)
- 67=*$(tab)Video data rate, kbps: $(kbpsvideo)
- 68=*$(tab)Video data rate, Bps: $(bytepsvideo)
- 69=*$(tab)Video data rate, kBps: $(kbytepsvideo)
- 70=*$(tab)Video handler FourCC: $(fcchandler)
- 71=*$(tab)Video handler name: $(namehandler)
- 72=*$(tab)Video codec FourCC: $(fcccodec)
- 73=*$(tab)Video codec name: $(namecodec)
- 74=*$(tab)Color depth, bpp: $(bpp)
- 75=*$(tab)Compression, eff. bpp: $(effbpp)
- 76=*$(tab)Compression of video, %: $(videocompress_pers)
- 77=**** Audio Parameters ***
- 78=*$(tab)Short information on audio stream: $(audioformat)
- 79=*$(tab)Number of audio streams: $(audiostreams)
- 80=*$(tab)Audio data rate, bps: $(bpsaudio)
- 81=*$(tab)Audio data rate, kbps: $(kbpsaudio)
- 82=*$(tab)Audio data rate, Bps: $(bytepsaudio)
- 83=*$(tab)Audio data rate, kBps: $(kbytepsaudio)
- 84=*$(tab)Audio frequency, Hz: $(hz)
- 85=*$(tab)Audio frequency, kHz: $(khz)
- 86=*$(tab)Bits per sample: $(bitspersample)
- 87=*$(tab)Audio codec TwoCC: $(tccaudio)
- 88=*$(tab)Audio codec name: $(codecaudio)
- 89=*$(tab)Number of audio channels: $(channels)
- 90=**** Second Audio Stream ***
- 91=*$(tab)Short information on audio stream: $(audioformat2)
- 92=*$(tab)Audio data rate, bps: $(bpsaudio2)
- 93=*$(tab)Audio data rate, kbps: $(kbpsaudio2)
- 94=*$(tab)Audio data rate, Bps: $(bytepsaudio2)
- 95=*$(tab)Audio data rate, kBps: $(kbytepsaudio2)
- 96=*$(tab)Audio frequency, Hz: $(hz2)
- 97=*$(tab)Audio frequency, kHz: $(khz2)
- 98=*$(tab)Bits per sample: $(bitspersample2)
- 99=*$(tab)Audio codec TwoCC: $(tccaudio2)
- 100=*$(tab)Audio codec name: $(codecaudio2)
- 101=*$(tab)Number of audio channels: $(channels2)
- 102=**** Third Audio Stream ***
- 103=*$(tab)Short information on audio stream: $(audioformat3)
- 104=*$(tab)Audio data rate, bps: $(bpsaudio3)
- 105=*$(tab)Audio data rate, kbps: $(kbpsaudio3)
- 106=*$(tab)Audio data rate, Bps: $(bytepsaudio3)
- 107=*$(tab)Audio data rate, kBps: $(kbytepsaudio3)
- 108=*$(tab)Audio frequency, Hz: $(hz3)
- 109=*$(tab)Audio frequency, kHz: $(khz3)
- 110=*$(tab)Bits per sample: $(bitspersample3)
- 111=*$(tab)Audio codec TwoCC: $(tccaudio3)
- 112=*$(tab)Audio codec name: $(codecaudio3)
- 113=*$(tab)Number of audio channels: $(channels3)
- 114=**** Primary Tags ***
- 115=*$(tab)Title: $(INAM)
- 116=*$(tab)Director: $(IART)
- 117=*$(tab)Copyright: $(ICOP)
- 118=*$(tab)Product: $(IPRD)
- 119=*$(tab)Creation date of subject: $(ICRD)
- 120=*$(tab)Creation date, YYYY: $(crd_year)
- 121=*$(tab)Genre: $(IGNR)
- 122=*$(tab)Genre 2: $(ISGN)
- 123=*$(tab)Subject description: $(ISBJ)
- 124=*$(tab)Keywords: $(IKEY)
- 125=*$(tab)Comments: $(ICMT)
- 126=**** Movie Credits ***
- 127=*$(tab)Written by: $(IWRI)
- 128=*$(tab)Produced by: $(IPRO)
- 129=*$(tab)Cinematographer: $(ICNM)
- 130=*$(tab)Production designer: $(IPDS)
- 131=*$(tab)Edited by: $(IEDT)
- 132=*$(tab)Costume designer: $(ICDS)
- 133=*$(tab)Music by: $(IMUS)
- 134=*$(tab)Commissioned by: $(ICMS)
- 135=*$(tab)Production company: $(ISTD)
- 136=*$(tab)Distributed by: $(IDST)
- 137=*$(tab)Country: $(ICNT)
- 138=*$(tab)Language: $(ILNG)
- 139=*$(tab)Rating: $(IRTD)
- 140=*$(tab)Starring: $(ISTR)
- 141=**** Additional Tags ***
- 142=*$(tab)Part: $(IPRT)
- 143=*$(tab)Total number of parts: $(IFRM)
- 144=*$(tab)Software used: $(ISFT)
- 145=*$(tab)Ripped by: $(IENG)
- 146=*$(tab)Encoded by: $(ITCH)
- 147=*$(tab)Digitization time: $(IDIT)
- 148=*$(tab)Internet address: $(IWEB)
- 149=*$(tab)Source form: $(ISRF)
- 150=*$(tab)Medium: $(IMED)
- 151=*$(tab)Source: $(ISRC)
- 152=*$(tab)Archival location: $(IARL)
- 153=*$(tab)URL for more information: $(IMIU)
- 154=*$(tab)Additional information: $(IMIT)
- 155=**** Stream Switcher Tags ***
- 156=*$(tab)Number of common audio stream: $(ICAS)
- 157=*$(tab)Language of the 1st audio stream: $(IAS1)
- 158=*$(tab)Language of the 2nd audio stream: $(IAS2)
- 159=*$(tab)Language of the 3rd audio stream: $(IAS3)
- 160=*$(tab)Language of the 4th audio stream: $(IAS4)
- 161=*$(tab)Language of the 5th audio stream: $(IAS5)
- 162=*$(tab)Language of the 6th audio stream: $(IAS6)
- 163=*$(tab)Language of the 7th audio stream: $(IAS7)
- 164=*$(tab)Language of the 8th audio stream: $(IAS8)
- 165=*$(tab)Language of the 9th audio stream: $(IAS9)
- 166=**** Strange Tags ***
- 167=*$(tab)Cropped: $(ICRP)
- 168=*$(tab)Sharpness: $(ISHP)
- 169=*$(tab)Dimensions: $(IDIM)
- 170=*$(tab)Lightness settings: $(ILGT)
- 171=*$(tab)Dots per inch: $(IDPI)
- 172=*$(tab)Palette settings: $(IPLT)
- 173=*$(tab)URL for logo: $(ILGU)
- 174=*$(tab)URL for logo icon: $(ILIU)
- 175=*$(tab)URL for watermark: $(IWMU)
- 176=*$(tab)URL for image of banner: $(IMBI)
- 177=*$(tab)URL for banner: $(IMBU)
- [Footer]
- 0=***************************************
- 1=****FOOTER*****************************
- 2=***************************************
- 3=**** Total Characteristics ***
- 4=*$(tab)Total number of files: $(filesnum)
- 5=*$(tab)Total length of files, hours: $(hourtotallength)
- 6=*$(tab)Total length of files, min: $(mintotallength)
- 7=*$(tab)Total length of files, sec: $(sectotallength)
- 8=*$(tab)Total length of files, short: $(shorttotallength)
- 9=*$(tab)Total size of files, Mb: $(mtotalsize)
- 10=*$(tab)Total size of files, Kb: $(ktotalsize)
- 11=*$(tab)Total size of files, bytes: $(btotalsize)
- 12=**** Ask user ***
- 13=*$(tab)Directory: $(askdir)
- 14=*$(tab)Full file name: $(askfilename)
- 15=*$(tab)File path: $(askfilename_path)
- 16=*$(tab)File name without extension: $(askfilename_name)
- 17=*$(tab)File extension: $(askfilename_ext)
- 18=*$(tab)General comment: $(askcomment)
- 19=**** Date and Time ***
- 20=*$(tab)Export date: $(exportdate)
- 21=*$(tab)Export time: $(exporttime)
- 22=**** System Variables ***
- 23=*$(tab)Path to temporary directory: $(temp)
- 24=*$(tab)Version of abcAVI Tag Editor: $(abcaviversion)