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INI File | 2004-03-29 | 57.3 KB | 1,874 lines
[Info] Language=English help=abcavi.chm Interpreter=Alexander Sorkin aka Kibi e_mail=mailto:avitags@mail.ru web_link=http://kibizoid.da.ru abcAVI_version=60 (abcAVI Flag=6 Font_charset=Default Font_name=Default Font_size=8 [Other translators] Interpreter1=Christopher Woods e_mail1=mailto:chriswoods@infinitus.co.uk web_link1=http://www.chriswoods.co.uk [Toolbars] tlb_files=Files tlb_common=Common tlb_help=Help tlb_export=Export [Tabpages] tab_other_tags=Other Tags opt_transport=Connections schedule opt_bitrate=Bitrates calculations tab_import_query=&Queries tab_import_options=I&MDb Options opt_sheets=Pages opt_language=Language opt_outgoing=Outgoing Server Settings opt_incoming=Incoming Server Settings (it's better to use individual mail-box for abcAVI) opt_view=View opt_files=Files ;;tab_errors=Failure report tab_internet_options=Internet tab_total_info=Total AVI &Structure tab_main_tags=&Primary Tags tab_add_tags=&Additional Tags tab_tweak=&Hacks && Tweaks tab_export=&Export tab_option=&Options tab_template=E&xport Template tab_files=Export &List tab_avi_tags=AVI &Tags tab_movie_tags=Movie &Credits ;;tab_general_options=General ;;tab_additional_options=Additional tab_dialogs=Dialogs tab_images_tags=I&mages tab_import=&Import [Groopboxes] grp_export_bitrate=When export audio and video bitrates use grp_query_type=Query type grp_add_info=Additional Information grp_trash_url=Internet Maniacs Only grp_lang_tags=Languages of Audio Streams grp_paste_mode=Tag's paste mode grp_imdb_select=Select what to import grp_imdb_limit=Set the limitations of import grp_context_menu=Add %s item into context menus of grp_riff_tags=RIFF INFO tags grp_other_tags=Other tag's formats grp_paste_tags=Tags insertion (paste operations) grp_video_bitrate=Video bitrate calculations grp_audio_bitrate=Audio bitrate calculations grp_exp_options=Target Properties grp_exp_addition=Additional Options grp_extension=Shell Integration grp_short_info=Short AVI Information grp_digit=Digitization grp_source=Source grp_trash=Maniacs Only grp_codec=Codec Signatures grp_rw_options=Tag Reading && Writing grp_speed=Video Playback Speed grp_frame=Video Frame Size grp_find_options=Video Files Search grp_interface=Interface ;;grp_language=Language (reload might be required) grp_confirmations=Confirmations grp_messages=Messages [Labels] btn_export_whole_bitrates=Whole values (without fractional part) btn_export_accurate_bitrates=Accurate values (with fractional part) bitrates_accuracy=Number decimal digits: InsertSpecialSymbol=Insert special symbol ReplaceTable=Replacements table chk_exp_replace=Apply following replacements to tags content: lbl_other_languages=It's possible to download other languages of interface and the latest versions of translations from the home page of abcAVI Tag Editor: chk_readonly_errors=Open files with errors in read-only mode Status=Status lbl_show_center=Display connection centre: lbl_query=Query: btn_search_query=Search query (ask for the list of movies) btn_data_query=Data query (ask for the information on movie) chk_Immed_Send_Query=Send the query immediately f_CNM=Ci&nematographer: f_MIT=Additional Info: f_MIU=More Info URL: f_LGU=Logo URL: f_LIU=Logo Icon URL: f_WMU=Watermark URL: f_MBI=Banner Image URL: f_MBU=Banner URL: f_ENG2=Ripped by: lbl_out_server=SMTP Server: lbl_in_server=POP3 Server: lbl_in_out_port=Port: lbl_in_account=Account: lbl_in_password=Password: lbl_out_email=E-mail: chk_connect_startup=Check mailbox at abcAVI Tag Editor's start-up chk_connect_interval=Start connection session every: chk_connect_immediate=Immediate sending of queries chk_ext_directory=Directories chk_ext_drive=Drives chk_ext_avi=AVI files chk_ext_divx=DivX files ;chk_exp_endline=Replace end-of-line simbols in tags with: f_pref_country=Prefere the rating certificate of: btn_all_import=Select all btn_no_import=Deselect all chk_max_summary=Maximum quantity of summaries: chk_max_cast=Maximum quantity of actors/actresses: chk_max_keyword=Maximum quantity of keywords: chk_max_genre=Maximum quantity of genres: chk_max_trivia=Maximum quantity of trivia: chk_max_goof=Maximum quantity of goofs: chk_max_tagline=Maximum quantity of tag lines: chk_max_other=Maximum quantity of other positions: imp_column1=Query imp_column2=Description imp_column3=Last changes btn_ext_info=Use extended set btn_stand_info=Use standard set chk_mode_simple=Ordinary insertion (paste all tags) chk_mode_source=Source tags priority (paste non-empty new tags only) chk_mode_target=Target tags priority (replace empty current tags only) chk_size_warning=Alert on decrease in the size of AVI files chk_show_movi=Show the structure of "movi" list (very time-consuming operation) chk_idivx_new=Write IDivX tags chk_movieid_new=Write MovieID tags bitrate_from_header=Based on the information from AVI header (fast) bitrate_from_index=Based on the information from idx1 section (precisely) show_fourcc=Include FourCC in description of video format show_twocc=Include TwoCC in description of audio format chk_exp_word_wrap=&Word wrap skip_execution=Skip report execution ForAllFiles=Apply for all files SelectExportDir=Select target directory for export information oem=OE&M character set target_exists=If target file exists already do following: rewrite_target=&Rewrite target file append_to_target=&Append to target file request_user=Suggest &user to choose skip_header=Skip header of template skip_body=Skip body of template skip_footer=Skip footer of template File=&File: Clipboard=&Clipboard decim_sep=Separator for integer and fractional part of a number: thous_sep=Separator for thousands in large numbers: trans_version=Translation version: ;;chk_word_wrap=Word wrap in export template ;;btn_extensions=Add %s to context menus SelectDir=Choose the directory with the video files interpreter=Translator: chk_ignore_errors=Ignore AVI header errors lbl_font_size=Font size: lbl_time_format=Time display format: lbl_size_format=Size display format: f_aud_format=Audio stream: f_vid_format=Video stream: f_size=File size: ;;f_quality=Compression: f_quality2=Video quality: f_length=Duration: f_file_name=File name: f_ARL=Location: f_ART=&Director: f_CMS=Commission. By: f_CMT=Co&mments: f_COP=Copy&right: f_CRD=Creatio&n Date: f_CRP=Cropped: f_DIM=Dimensions: f_DIT=Digit. Date: f_DPI=Resolution: ;;f_ENG=Engeener: f_FRM=From: f_GNR=&Genre: f_KEY=&Keywords: f_LGT=Brightness: f_LNG=&Language: f_MED=Medium: f_NAM=Tit&le: f_PLT=Palette: f_PRD=Prod&uct: f_PRT=Part: f_RTD=Ratin&g: f_SBJ=Su&bject: f_SFT=Software: f_SHP=Sharpness: f_SRC=Source: f_SRF=Source Form: f_STD=Production: f_STR=Sta&rring: f_TCH=Encoded By: f_WEB=Internet URL: f_WRI=&Written By: f_SGN=Secondar&y Genre: f_PRO=Prod&uced By: f_PDS=Prod. Designer: f_EDT=E&dited By: f_CDS=Costume Design: f_MUS=&Music By: f_DST=Distri&buted By: f_CNT=Countr&y: f_audio_stream=Stream: f_codec=Codec f_format=Format f_known_fcc=Known Four Character Codes f_rate=Rate: f_scale=/ Scale: f_width=Width, pixels: f_height=Height, pixels: f_exp_name=Name: f_exp_target=Target: f_exp_header=Header: f_exp_body=Body: f_exp_footer=Footer: f_warning_fcc=Warning! Altering the FourCC decompressor handler or the FourCC data format may lead to unstable computer operation and/or fatal errors during AVI file playback. f_warning_fps=Warning! Altering the video framerate _may_ lead to mistiming of the audio && video streams during AVI file playback and/or fast forward/rewind. If you still wish to alter the video fps, use software like Nandub afterwards. f_warning_frame=Warning! Altering the video frame size (ESPECIALLY the width) _may_ lead to unstable computer operation and/or fatal errors during AVI file playback. Some codecs simply give up if the video dimensions aren't multiples of 4 (pixels). chk_fcc=FourC&C: chk_fps=Force &Frames Per Second: chk_frame=Force Frame Si&ze: ;;chk_idivx=Don't write IDivX tags ;;chk_movieid=Don't write MovieID tags chk_find_type=Detect video files by structure (precisely) chk_find_type2=Detect video files by extension (fast) chk_full_path=Show full path to AVI file in short info ;;chk_error_report=Show failure report on AVI structure page lbl_option_language=Interface language: chk_search_subdir=Process subdirectories exp_column1=File name exp_column2=File size exp_column3=File duration Statistics=Statistics CountOfFiles=files: lbl_font=Font: lbl_charset=Charset: [Hints] DateTimeInfo=Date and time information btn_License=Freeware License Agreement btn_search_internet_grp=Search Internet btn_parse_imdb=Parse IMDb Mail btn_parse_amdb=Parse AMDBFront Report btn_resend_query=Resend Query to IMDb btn_reparse_answer=Reparse IMDb Answer btn_view_mode=Query View Mode qsErrorNoVariants=No suitable movie titles were found in IMDb qsErrorWrongFormat=File %s has unknown data format qsErrorWrongFile=Access to file %s was denied ;;btn_parse_tags=Parse IMDb report btn_delete_query=Delete Query btn_clone_query=Clone Query btn_create_query=Create New Query btn_specify_query=Specify Queries btn_data_exchange=Start Connection Session (CTRL+Q) btn_send_imdb=Send Query To IMDb btn_send_all_imdb=Send Queries For All Files To IMDb btn_paste_imdb=Paste Tags From IMDb qsFirstCreated=Search query have been created qsFirstSended=Search query have been sended qsFirstRecieved=Search results have been received qsFirstDecoded=You should choose from the list of exact movie titles qsSecondCreated=Data query have been created qsSecondSended=Data query have been sended qsSecondRecieved=Movie information have been received qsReady=Query result is avaible through "Paste Tags From IMDb" menu now ;;qsError=Error qsDeleting=Deletion of query in progress... AdditionalVideoInfo=Information on video compression btn_other_translators=Whole list of translators btn_language_pack=Download Language Pack btn_show_info=Template Description b_target_keywords=Target Keywords b_exp_delete=Delete Template b_exp_open=Open Other Template... btn_exp_save_as=Save Template As btn_Run_Help=Help Contents btn_go_site=Visit %s Home Page btn_send_email=Send e-Mail To The Author btn_play=Preview AVI File (Ctrl+P) ;;btn_view_imdb=Open On IMDb.com (Ctrl+I) btn_open=Open AVI (Ctrl+O) btn_open_dir=Open Directory (Ctrl+Shift+O) btn_last=Last (Ctrl+Shift+PgDn) btn_next=Next (Ctrl+PgDn) btn_prev=Previous (Ctrl+PgUp) btn_first=First (Ctrl+Shift+PgUp) btn_Undo=Undo Changes (Ctrl+Shift+Z) btn_Undo_All=Undo Changes In All Files btn_Help=Help btn_paste=Paste Tags (Ctrl+Shift+V) btn_copy=Copy Tags To Clipboard (Ctrl+Shift+C) btn_paste_all=Paste Tags Into All Files btn_save=Save Changes (Ctrl+S) btn_save_all=Save All Changes (Ctrl+Shift+S) btn_About=About... btn_Clear=Clear Tags btn_Clear_All=Clear Tags In All Files btn_CloseAll=Close All Files (Ctrl+W) btn_files=File List btn_clone_tag=Clone Tag b_exp_load=Load Template b_exp_save=Save Template b_export=Start Export (Ctrl+E) b_exp_clear=Clear Template b_exp_reload=Reload Template b_header_keywords=Header Keywords b_body_keywords=Body Keywords b_footer_keywords=Footer Keywords [PopupMenu] Menu_nbsp=Fixed space Menu_tab=Tabulation Menu_eol=End-of-line save_avi_header=Save AVI Header itm_specify_query=Specify Query itm_view_auto=Automatic Choice itm_view_mails=Unparsed IMDb Answer itm_view_variants=Title Variants itm_view_tags=Parsed Tags itm_view_info=Auxiliary Information copy_compression_info=Copy info on video compression to the clipboard Insert_tab=Insert TAB collaps_tree=Collapse Tree expand_tree=Expand Tree save_tree=Save Tree keywords=Keywords undo=Undo cut=Cut copy=Copy paste=Paste delete=Delete select=Select All check_selected_files=Mark Selected Files uncheck_selected_files=Unmark Selected Files invert_selected_files=Invert Selection check_all_files=Mark All Files uncheck_all_files=Unmark All Files invert_all_files=Invert All Marks copy_short_info=Copy short AVI info to the clipboard all_confirm=All confirmations no_confirm=No confirmations critical_confirm=Critical confirm. only all_mess=All messages no_mess=No messages critical_mess=Critical messages only [Dialogs] Save_Header_Title=Save Header Of AVI file Header_filter=AVI header files (*.hdr)|*.hdr|All files|*.* ConfirmResendQuery=Do you want to resend following query/queries? %s ConfirmReparseQuery=Do you want to reparse following query/queries? %s CloneQuery=Clone query btn_start=Start ChooseFromList=Choose desired position from following list of movie titles: SpecifyQuery=Specify Query ;;MessageSizeLimit=Search string must be at least three characters long! btn_Hide=Hide Communication_center=Connection Centre OpenIMDbReport=Select IMDb report to parse OpenAMDbFrontReport=Select AMDbFront report to parse CreateQuery=Create New Query CreateQueryDesc=If you don't know the exact english name of the movie or if there are several movies with the same name, make search query. You'll be able to make data query after receiving the list of movies. MessageCreateQuery=New item "%s" has been added to the Queries list (at "Import" page) MessageCreateQueries=Following items have been added to the Queries list (at "Import" page): %s ConfirmDeleteQuery=Do you want to delete selected query/queries? %s MessageDeleteQuery=The following query/queries has/have been deleted: %s ConfirmPasteIMDb=Do you want to apply query "%1:s" to file %0:s? MessagePasteIMDb=Tags of file %0:s have been pasted from query "%1:s" FileExists=File %s already exists. There are two ways - to rewrite the file and to append information at the end of file. Do you want to rewrite the file? UserComment=Apply user comment Template_filter2=Template files (*.exp)|*.exp|Old template files (*.ini)|*.ini|All files|*.* Export_Name_Title=Save Export Result As Export_Name_filter=All files|*.* ConfirmTemplateDelete=File %1:s will be moved to Recycle Bin on deleting template "%0:s". Do you want to delete template anyway? TruncCheck=File %0:s will be truncated by %1:.0n bytes. Usually it happens when you have changed existing tags and new tags shorter then previouse (usually not greater than several kilobytes). But sometimes some errors in the structure of AVI file could lead to shorter size. In the last case, your file might become damaged. Do you want to apply the changes? SaveTemplate=Export template is changed. Do you want to save new version of template? btn_Yes=Yes btn_No=No btn_OK=OK btn_Cancel=Cancel btn_Abort=Abort btn_Retry=Retry btn_Ignore=Ignore btn_All=All btn_NoToAll=No To All btn_YesToAll=Yes To All btn_Help=Help ShowWriteError=An error occurred while saving changes in %s. Do you want to continue saving files? DontShowDialog=Don't ask me again DontShowMessage=Don't show me again Open_AVI_title=Open AVI File Open_AVI_filter=Movie Files (*.avi *.divx)|*.avi; *.divx|All files|*.* Open_Template_title=Open Export Template Save_Template_title=Save Export Template As ;;Template_filter=Template Files (*.ini)|*.ini|All files|*.* Save_Tree_Title=Save tree of AVI structure Tree_filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files|*.* SaveChanges=You've made some changes in AVI file(s). Do you want to save your changes? ConfirmExit=Do you want to quit the programme? ConfirmClose=Do you want to close all files? ConfirmClone=Do you want to clone the tag %s? ConfirmSave=Do you want to save file %s? ConfirmSaveAll=Do you want to save all files? ConfirmPaste=Do you want to paste the tags of file %s? ConfirmPasteAll=Do you want to paste the tags to all files? ConfirmUndo=Do you want to undo changes in file %s? ConfirmUndoAll=Do you want to undo changes in all files? ConfirmClear=Do you want to clear all tags in file %s? ConfirmClearAll=Do you want to clear all tags in all files? ConfirmExport=Do you want to start export information? ConfirmStop=Do you want to stop opening files? ConfirmCancelSession=Do you want to cancel current connection session? MessageClone=Tag %s has been cloned in all files MessageOpen=%s new files have been opened MessageSave=File %s has been saved MessageSaveAll=All possible files have been saved MessageCopy=Tags of file %s have been copied to the clipboard MessagePaste=Tags of file %s have been pasted from the clipboard MessagePasteAll=Tags of all files have been pasted from the clipboard MessageUndo=Changes of file %s have been undone MessageUndoAll=Changes of all possible files have been undone MessageClear=All tags of file %s have been cleared MessageClearAll=All tags of all possible files have been cleared MessageExport=The export to the %s has been complited succesfull [Length_type] GeneralLength=Header VideoLength=Video AudioLength1=Audio AudioLength2=Audio 2 AudioLength3=Audio 3 [avih_flags] AVIF_HASINDEX=AVI file has 'idx1' chunk AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX=Index must be used to determine order of presentation of data AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED=AVI file is interleaved AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE=use chunk type to find key frames AVIF_WASCAPTUREFILE=AVI file is a specially allocated file used for capturing real-time video AVIF_COPYRIGHTED=AVI file contains (c) copyrighted data [strh_flags] AVISF_DISABLED=stream should not be enabled by default AVISF_VIDEO_PALCHANGES=video stream contains palette changes [headmode_flags] ACM_MPEG_STEREO=Stereo ACM_MPEG_JOINTSTEREO=Joint-Stereo ACM_MPEG_DUALCHANNEL=Dual Channel (Bilingual) ACM_MPEG_SINGLECHANNEL=Single Channel [head_flags] ACM_MPEG_PRIVATEBIT=For Private Use only ACM_MPEG_COPYRIGHT=AVI file contains ⌐ copyrighted data ACM_MPEG_ORIGINALHOME=Original/Home bit set ACM_MPEG_PROTECTIONBIT=AVI file has CRC16 data protection ACM_MPEG_ID_MPEG1=Future compatible flag 'MPEG 1' [mpeglayer_flags] ACM_MPEG_LAYER1=MPEG-1 Layer 1 ACM_MPEG_LAYER2=MPEG-1 Layer 2 ACM_MPEG_LAYER3=MPEG-1 Layer 3 [mpeg_pad] ISO=ISO Padding on=Padding On off=Padding Off [mpeg_ID] unknown=Unknown common=MPEG constant=Constant frame size [Emphasis] absent=No Emphasis 50_115=50/115ms Emphasis reserved=Reserved CCITT=CCITT J.17 Emphasis [Genres] 0=Action 1=Action/Adventure 2=Adventure 3=Adult 4=Claymation 5=Comedy 6=Documentary 7=Drama 8=Horror 9=Infomercial 10=Mystery 11=Music Video 12=Religion 13=Science Fiction 14=Thriller 15=Western 16=Eastern 17=Erotic 18=Fantasy 19=Military & War 20=Musical 21=Slapstick 22=Splatter 23=Sports 24=Child's 25=Historical 26=Nature 27=Humor 28=Political Satire 29=Indian 30=Concert 31=Catastrophe 32=Extremal Sport 33=Fashion 34=Entertaining 35=Popular Science 36=Horror/Mystic 37=Scifi Action 38=Psychological Thriller 39=Melodrama [Products] 0=Anime 1=Cartoon 2=Movie 3=Commercial & Advertizing 4=Home Video 5=Interactive 6=Music Clip 7=Television 8=News 9=Author's Telecast 10=Serial 11=Cartoon Serial 12=Screening 13=Teleplay 14=Teletranslation 15=Computer Game 16=Movie Trailer 17=Game Trailer [Languages] silent_movie=Silent Movie multi_lingual=Multilingual 0=Undefined 1=Arabic 2=Bulgarian 3=Catalan 4=Chinese 5=Czech 6=Danish 7=German 8=Greek 9=English 10=Spanish 11=Finnish 12=French 13=Hebrew 14=Hungarian 15=Icelandic 16=Italian 17=Japanese 18=Korean 19=Dutch 20=Norwegian 21=Polish 22=Portuguese 23=Rhaeto-Romanic 24=Romanian 25=Russian 26=Serbo-Croatian 27=Slovak 28=Albanian 29=Swedish 30=Thai 31=Turkish 32=Urdu 33=Indonesian (Bahasa) 34=Ukrainian 35=Belarusian 36=Slovenian 37=Estonian 38=Latvian 39=Lithuanian 41=Farsi 42=Vietnamese 45=Basque 46=Sorbian 47=Macedonian (FYROM) 48=Sutu 49=Tsonga 50=Tswana 52=Xhosa 53=Zulu 54=Afrikaans 56=Faeroese 57=Hindi 58=Maltese 60=Gaelic 61=Yiddish 62=Malay [Ratings] 0=Unrated 1=G 2=PG 3=PG-13 4=R 5=NC-17 [SourceForms] 0=Film 1=Filmstrip 2=Analogue Video 3=Digital Video 4=Vector Animation 5=3D Graphics 6=Streaming Video [Mediums] 0=8mm film 1=35mm film 2=VHS tape 3=S-VHS tape 4=VHS-C tape 5=HDTV air 6=TV air 7=Flash file 8=DVD 9=Video CD 10=AVI file 11=BetaCam tape 12=ASF file 13=RealMedia file 14=DV tape 15=MiniDV tape 16=DVCam tape 17=DVCPro tape 18=WMV file 19=Hi-8 tape 20=Digital 8 tape 21=Super VideoCD 22=Betamax tape 23=3/4" UMatic tape 24=BetaCam SP tape 25=8mm tape 26=70mm film 27=Super 35mm film 28=MPEG2 file [About_info] Risk1=Use at your own risk! Risk2=Backup important files Risk3=before editing. Supports=Supports: RIFF=RIFF INFO tags MovieID=MovieID tags IDivX=IDivX tags [Strings] InfoWINName=File name: %s InfoDOSName=MSDOS file name: %s InfoCreationDateTime=File created: %s InfoChangeDateTime=File changed: %s InfoAccessDateTime=Last access to the file: %s Secundes=secundes Minutes=minutes Cinematographer=Cinematographer MoreInfoText=More Info Text MoreInfoURL=More Info URL LogoURL=Logo URL LogoIconURL=Logo Icon URL WatermarkURL=Watermark URL MoreInfoBannerImage=More Info Banner Image URL MoreInfoBannerURL=More Info Banner URL MoviWB=audio data MoviDC=video data MoviDB=uncompressed video data MoviTX=textual data MoviPC=palette changes data info_quality=Quality of video notVfW=Format not compatible with Video for Windows iavs=Interleaved Audio and Video data (DV) ProcessItem=Search in %s Clipboard=Clipboard info_filename=File name info_filesize=File size info_length=File duration ;;info_compression=Compression info_video=Video Stream info_audio=Audio Stream Name=Title Director=Director Product=Product Genre=Genre Subject=Subject Description Copyright=Copyright Keywords=Keywords Comment=Comments Software=Software Used Creationdate=Creation Date Of Subject Order=Commissioned By Enginer=Engineer Technician=Technician (Digitizer) Sourceform=Source Form Media=Medium Source=Source Areal=Archival Location Croped=Cropped Sharp=Sharpness Settings Dimensions=Dimensions Lighting=Lighting settings DPI=Resolution (Dots Per Inch) Pallete=Palette Settings Scriptwriter=Written By Studio=Production Studio Starring=Starring Rated=Rating Part=Part Partfrom=From Internet=Internet URI Language=Language Composer=Music By Costume_des=Costume Designer Country=Country Distributor=Distributed By Editor=Edited By Genre2=Genre 2 Producer=Produced By Production_des=Production Designer ISMP=SMPTE Time Code IDIT=Digitization Time HeadEmphasis=Emphasis HeadLayer=MPEG Audio Layers HeadMode=Stream Mode HeadModeExt=Extra Parameters For Joint-Stereo HeadFlags=General MPEG Flags PTS=Presentation Timestamp DIVXTAG=IDivX tags fccAVI=Audio/Video Interleaved File Mono=Mono Stereo=Stereo ManyChan=Channels noAudio=No Audio Present noVideo=No Video Present UnknownTag=Unknown Tag UnknownList=Unknown List UnknownFcc=Unknown Four Character Code UnknownFccWave=Unknown Audio Code dmlh=Total Number Of Frames AVI2 (OpenDML) MicroSecPerFrame=Microseconds Per Frame MaxBytesPerSec=Maximum Bytes Per Second PaddingGranularity=Padding Granularity (bytes) Flags=Flags TotalFrames=Number Of Frames InitialFrames=Numer Of Initial Frames Streams=Number Of Streams SuggestedBufferSize=Suggested Buffer Size (bytes) Width=Image Width (pixels) Height=Image Height (pixels) Scale=Stream Scale Rate=Stream Rate Start=Stream Start Length=Stream Duration fccType=Type fccHandler=Handler AudioFormat=Audio Format Compression=Compression Algorithm Priority=Stream Priority Quality=Stream Quality (1-10000) SampleSize=Sample Size Frame=Frame Size Of Stream X1=Top Y1=Bottom X2=Left Y2=Right Size=Header Size (bytes) NoCompression=No Compression hdrl=Format Definition Chunk movi=Audio/Video Data strl=Stream Format Definition Chunk INFO=RIFF Textual Informative Details MID=Movie IDentifier Tags odml=AVI2 (OpenDML) Format Definition Chunk idx1=AVI Index Chunk avih=Main AVI Header strh=Stream Header strf=Stream Format strfvids=Video Stream Format strfauds=Audio Stream Format strd=Additional Header Data strn=Stream Name indx=AVI2 (OpenDML) Super Index Chunk vprp=AVI2 (OpenDML) Video Header vids=Video Data auds=Audio Data txts=Text Data Planes=Number Of Planes BitCount=Number Of Bits Per Pixel SizeImage=Image Size (bytes, 0 = uncompressed) XPelsPerMeter=Horizontal resolution of target device YPelsPerMeter=Vertical resolution of target device ClrUsed=Number of colors used (0 = maximum) ClrImportant=Number of important colors (0 = all) Channels=Number of channels SamplesPerSec=Frequency of the sample rate (Hz) AvgBytesPerSec=Average data rate (byte/s) BlockAlign=Block alignment of the data (bytes) BitsPerSample=Number of bits per sample (0 = undefined) cSize=Size of extra information (bytes) SamplesPerBlock=Number of samples per block Revision=Revision number BlockSize=Block size (bytes) FramesPerBlock=Number of frames per block CodecDelay=Codec delay (ms) AuxBitsCode=Number of auxiliary bits AuxBlockSize=Size of auxiliary block (bytes) HeadBitrate=Stream bitrate (0 = variable or non-standard) UnavaibleHTM=File avi_tags.htm is inaccessible NoHelpFiles=Help files are absent ID=Type Skiped=Skipped Junk=Padding IDivXGenre=IDivX Genre IDivXRating=IDivX Rating [Reports] ;be careful when changing these values - it can lead to general protection faults VideoFrameRatio=Aspect ratio: %.2f VideoProportion=Frame proportion: %s VideoCodec=Codec: %s MaxBitrate=Maximum data rate, kilobits per second: %.3f VideoKBPS=Kilobits per second: %.3f VideoFPS=Frames per second: %.4f VideoFrameSize=Frame size: %dx%d pixels VideoQualityInfo=Effective bits per frame 3x4: %.0f VideoEffBPP=Effective bits per pixel: %.3f VideoCompression2=Video compression: %.3f%% PowerVideoCompression=Power of video compression: %.1f:1 KeyFrames=Number of key frames: %0:d (average every %1:.1f frame) VideoQuality=%.0f eff.bits per frame 3x4 Time=%0:d h %1:d min %2:.2f s TimeM=%0:d min %1:.2f s TimeS=%.2f s ShortAudioInfo=%0:s, %1:d Hz, %2:.3f kbit/s, %3:s ShortAudioInfoPCM=%0:s, %1:d Hz, %2:d bit, %3:.3f kbit/s, %4:s ShortVideoInfo=%0:s, %1:dx%2:d, %3:d bit, %4:d frm, %5:.4f frm/s, %6:.3f kbit/s FileSize=%.0n bytes FileSizeKB=%.2n KB FileSizeMB=%.2n MB ;;VideoCompression=%0:.3f%%; %1:.3f eff.bits per pixel [Errors] ;be careful when changing these values - it can lead to general protection faults HugeSizeError=File %s has very large size (more then 2Gb) and has been skipped ReadOnlyFile=File %s has been opened in read-only mode FileSizeErrorDesc=File %0:s is truncated (RIFF size: %1:d, file size: %2:d) EDRiff=read RIFF chunk header EDList=read LIST name EDMovi=skip movi section EDJunk=skip or read JUNK section EDIdx1=read idx1 section EDIdx1Size=verify idx1 section size EDIdx1Skip=skip incorrect idx1 section EDOther=skip or read other section EDIDivX=read IDivX tags ErrorDescription=%0s at %1s OtherErrorDescription=%0s; %1s at %2s AVIStructureErrorDesc=Errors occurred while analysing structure of %0s (%1s) OpenError=Error while opening %s occurred ReadError=Error while reading %s occurred RIFFError=%s does not comply with the RIFF format ;;FileSizeError=File %s is truncated AVIError=%s isn't an AVI file ;;AVIStructureError=Errors occurred while analysing structure %s CloseError=An error occurred while closing %s TagConflictError=Tags conflict detected in %s WriteError=Error occurred while writing tags in %s [VideoFourCC] 2VUY=Optibase VideoPump 8-bit 4:2:2 Component Y'CbCr 3IV0=MPEG4-based codec 3ivx 3IV1=MPEG4-based codec 3ivx 3IV2=MPEG4-based codec 3ivx 3IVD=FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3) 3IVX=MPEG4-based codec 3ivx 8BPS=Apple QuickTime Planar RGB with Alpha-channel AAS4=Autodesk Animator codec (RLE) AASC=Autodesk Animator codec (RLE) ABYR=Kensington codec ACTL=Streambox ACT-L2 ADV1=Loronix WaveCodec (used in various CCTV products) ADVJ=Avid M-JPEG Avid Technology Also known as AVRn AEIK=Intel Indeo Video 3.2 (Vector Quantization) AEMI=Array VideoONE MPEG1-I Capture AFLC=Autodesk Animator FLC (256 color) AFLI=Autodesk Animator FLI (256 color) AMPG=Array VideoONE MPEG ANIM=Intel RDX AP41=AngelPotion Definitive (hack MS MP43) AP42=AngelPotion Definitive (hack MS MP43) ASLC=AlparySoft Lossless Codec ASV1=Asus Video V1 ASV2=Asus Video V2 ASVX=Asus Video 2.0 AUR2=Aura 2 Codec - YUV 422 AURA=Aura 1 Codec - YUV 411 AVDJ=Avid Meridien JFIF with Alpha-channel AVDV=Avid DV AVI1=MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec AVI2=MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec AVR=Avid ABVB/NuVista MJPEG with Alpha-channel AVRN=Avid Motion JPEG AVID=Avid Motion JPEG AVUI=Avid Meridien Uncompressed with Alpha-channel AZPR=Quicktime Apple Video AZRP=Quicktime Apple Video BGR=Uncompressed BGR32 8:8:8:8 BGR=Uncompressed BGR15 5:5:5 BGR=Uncompressed BGR16 5:6:5 BGR=Uncompressed BGR24 8:8:8 BINK=Bink Video (RAD Game Tools) BITM=Microsoft H.261 BHIV=BeHere iVideo BLZ0=DivX for Blizzard Decoder Filter BT20=Conexant (ex Brooktree) ProSummer MediaStream BTCV=Conexant Composite Video BTVC=Conexant Composite Video BW10=Data Translation Broadway MPEG Capture/Compression BXBG=BOXX BGR BXRG=BOXX RGB BXY2=BOXX 10-bit YUV BXYV=BOXX YUV CC12=Intel YUV12 Codec CDVC=Canopus DV Codec CFCC=DPS Perception Motion JPEG (dummy format - only AVI header) CGDI=Camcorder Video (MS Office 97) CHAM=WinNow Caviara Champagne CJPG=Creative Video Blaster Webcam Go JPEG CLJR=Cirrus Logic YUV 4:1:1 CLPL=Format similar to YV12 but including a level of indirection. CMYK=Common Data Format in Printing COL0=FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3) COL1=FFmpeg DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3) CPLA=Weitek YUV 4:2:0 Planar CRAM=Microsoft Video 1 CSCD=RenderSoft CamStudio lossless Codec (LZO & GZIP compression) CVID=Cinepak by CTi (ex. Radius) Vector Quantization CWLT=Microsoft Color WLT DIB CYUV=Creative Labs YUV 4:2:2 CYUY=ATI Technologies YUV D261=DEC H.261 D263=DEC H.263 DC25=MainConcept ProDV Codec DCAP=Pinnacle DV25 Codec DFSC=DebugMode FrameServer VFW Codec DIB=Full Frames (Uncompressed) DIV1=FFmpeg-4 V1 (hacked MS MPEG-4 V1) DIV2=MS MPEG-4 V2 DIV3=Low motion DivX MPEG-4 DIV4=Fast motion DivX MPEG-4 DIV5=DivX MPEG-4 DIV6=DivX MPEG-4 DIVX=OpenDivX (DivX 4.0 and later) DM4V=Dicas MPEGable MPEG-4 DMB1=Matrox Rainbow Runner hardware compression (Motion JPEG) DMB2=Motion JPEG codec used by Paradigm DP02=DynaPel MPEG-4 DPS0=DPS Reality Motion JPEG (dummy format - only AVI header) DPSC=DPS PAR Motion JPEG (dummy format - only AVI header) DRWX=Pinnacle DV25 Codec DSVD=Microsoft DirectShow DV DTMT=Media-100 Codec DTNT=Media-100 Codec DUCK=True Motion 1.0 DV10=BlueFish444 (lossless RGBA, YUV 10-bit) DV25=Matrox DVCPRO codec DV50=Matrox DVCPRO50 codec DVAN=Pinnacle miroVideo DV300 SW only codec DVC=Apple QuickTime DV (DVCPRO NTSC) DVCP=Apple QuickTime DV (DVCPRO PAL) DVH1=Pinnacle DVHD100 DVIS=VSYNC DualMoon Iris DV codec DVL=Radius SoftDV 16:9 NTSC DVLP=Radius SoftDV 16:9 PAL DVOR=BlueFish444 (lossless RGBA, YUV 10-bit) DVR1=TARGA2000 Codec DVRS=VSYNC DualMoon Iris DV codec DVPN=Apple QuickTime DV (DV NTSC) DVPP=Apple QuickTime DV (DV PAL) DVCS=MainConcept DV Codec DVE2=InSoft DVE-2 Videoconferencing Codec DVHD=DV 1125 lines at 30.00 Hz or 1250 lines at 25.00 Hz DVMA=Darim Vision DVMPEG (dummy for MPEG compressor) DVSD=Sony Digital Video (DV) 525 lines at 29.97 Hz or 625 lines at 25.00 Hz DVSL=DV compressed in SD (SDL) DVX1=Lucent DVX1000SP Video Decoder DVX2=Lucent DVX2000S Video Decoder DVX3=Lucent DVX3000S Video Decoder DX50=DivX 5.0 codec DXT1=DirectX Compressed Texture (1bit alpha channel) DXT2=DirectX Compressed Texture DXT3=DirectX Compressed Texture (4bit alpha channel) DXT4=DirectX Compressed Texture DXT5=DirectX Compressed Texture (3bit alpha channel with interpolation) DXTC=DirectX Texture Compression EQK0=Elsa graphics card quick codec EKQ0=Elsa graphics card quick codec ELK0=Elsa graphics card codec EM2V=Etymonix MPEG-2 I-frame ESCP=Eidos Technologies Escape codec ETV1=eTreppid Video Codec ETV2=eTreppid Video Codec ETVC=eTreppid Video Codec FFDS=FFDShow supported FFV1=FFDShow supported FLIC=Autodesk FLI/FLC Animation FLJP=D-Vision Field Encoded MJPEG with LSI (or Targa emulation) FRLE=SoftLab-NSK Y16 + Alpha RLE FRWA=SoftLab-NSK Vision Forward Motion JPEG with Alpha-channel FRWD=SoftLab-NSK Vision Forward Motion JPEG FRWT=SoftLab-NSK Vision Forward Motion JPEG with Alpha-channel FRWU=SoftLab-NSK Vision Forward Uncompressed FVF1=Iterated Systems Fractal Video Frame FVFW=ff MPEG-4 based on XviD codec GEPJ=White Pine (ex Paradigm Matrix) Motion JPEG Codec GLCC=GigaLink AV Capture codec GLZW=Motion LZW by gabest@freemail.hu GPEG=Motion JPEG by gabest@freemail.hu (with floating point) GPJM=Pinnacle ReelTime MJPEG Codec GREY=Apparently a duplicate of Y800 GWLT=Microsoft Greyscale WLT DIB H260=Intel ITU H.260 H261=Intel ITU H.261 H262=Intel ITU H.262 H263=Intel ITU H.263 H264=Intel ITU H.264 H265=Intel ITU H.265 H266=Intel ITU H.266 H267=Intel ITU H.267 H268=Intel ITU H.268 H269=Intel ITU H.263 for POTS-based videoconferencing HD10=BlueFish444 (lossless RGBA, YUV 10-bit) HFYU=Huffman Lossless Codec YUV and RGB formats (with Alpha-channel) HMCR=Rendition Motion Compensation Format HMRR=Rendition Motion Compensation Format I263=Intel ITU H.263 I420=Intel Indeo 4 H.263 IAN=Indeo 4 (RDX) Codec ICLB=InSoft CellB Videoconferencing Codec IDM0=IDM Motion Wavelets 2.0 IF09=Microsoft H.261 IGOR=Power DVD IJPG=Intergraph JPEG ILVC=Intel Layered Video ILVR=ITU H.263+ Codec IMC1=As YV12, except the U and V planes each have the same stride as the Y plane IMC2=Similar to IMC1, except that the U and V lines are interleaved at half stride boundaries IMC3=As IMC1, except that U and V are swapped IMC4=As IMC2, except that U and V are swapped IMJG=Accom SphereOUS MJPEG with Alpha-channel IPDV=Giga AVI DV Codec IPJ2=Image Power JPEG2000 IR21=Intel Indeo 2.1 IRAW=Intel YUV Uncompressed IUYV=Interlaced version of UYVY (line order 0,2,4 then 1,3,5 etc) IV30=Intel Indeo Video 3 IV31=Intel Indeo Video 3.1 IV32=Intel Indeo Video 3.2 IV33=Intel Indeo Video 3.3 IV34=Intel Indeo Video 3.4 IV35=Intel Indeo Video 3.5 IV36=Intel Indeo Video 3.6 IV37=Intel Indeo Video 3.7 IV38=Intel Indeo Video 3.8 IV39=Intel Indeo Video 3.9 IV40=Intel Indeo Video 4.0 IV41=Intel Indeo Video 4.1 IV42=Intel Indeo Video 4.2 IV43=Intel Indeo Video 4.3 IV44=Intel Indeo Video 4.4 IV45=Intel Indeo Video 4.5 IV46=Intel Indeo Video 4.6 IV47=Intel Indeo Video 4.7 IV48=Intel Indeo Video 4.8 IV49=Intel Indeo Video 4.9 IV50=Intel Indeo Video 5.0 Wavelet IY41=Interlaced version of Y41P (line order 0,2,4,...,1,3,5...) IYU1=12 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec IYU2=24 bit format used in mode 2 of the IEEE 1394 Digital Camera 1.04 spec IYUV=Intel Indeo iYUV 4:2:0 JBYR=Kensington Video Codec JFIF=Motion JPEG (FFmpeg) JPEG=Still Image JPEG DIB JPGL=DIVIO JPEG Light for WebCams (Pegasus Lossless JPEG) KMVC=Karl Morton Video Codec KPCD=Kodak Photo CD L261=Lead Technologies H.261 L263=Lead Technologies H.263 LCMW=Lead Technologies Motion CMW Codec LEAD=LEAD Video Codec LGRY=Lead Technologies Grayscale Image LJPG=LEAD Motion JPEG Codec LOCO=LOCO Lossless Codec LSVM=Vianet Lighting Strike Vmail (Streaming) LZO1=LZO compressed (lossless codec) M261=Microsoft H.261 M263=Microsoft H.263 M4S2=Microsoft MPEG-4 (hacked MS MPEG-4) MC12=ATI Motion Compensation Format MC24=MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec MCAM=ATI Motion Compensation Format MCZM=Theory MicroCosm Lossless 64bit RGB with Alpha-channel MDVF=Pinnacle DV/DV50/DVHD100 MDVD=Alex MicroDVD Video (hacked MS MPEG-4) MJ2C=Morgan Multimedia JPEG2000 Compression MJPA=Pinnacle ReelTime MJPG hardware codec MJPB=Motion JPEG codec MJPG=Motion JPEG including Huffman Tables MMES=Matrox MPEG-2 I-frame MP2A=Media Excel MPEG-2 Audio MP2T=Media Excel MPEG-2 Transport Stream MP2V=Media Excel MPEG-2 Video MP41=Microsoft MPEG-4 V1 (enhansed H263) MP42=Microsoft MPEG-4 V2 MP43=Microsoft MPEG-4 V3 MP4A=Media Excel MPEG-4 Audio MP4S=Microsoft MPEG-4 (Windows Media 7.0) MP4T=Media Excel MPEG-4 Transport Stream MP4V=Apple QuickTime MPEG-4 native MPEG=Chromatic MPEG 1 Video I Frame MPG1=FFmpeg-1 MPG2=FFmpeg-1 MPG3=Same as Low motion DivX MPEG-4 MPG4=Microsoft MPEG-4 V1 MPGI=Sigma Design MPEG-1 I-frame MPNG=Motion PNG codec MRCA=FAST Multimedia MR Codec MRLE=Microsoft Run Length Encoding MSS1=Windows Screen Video MSS2=Windows Media 9 MSVC=Microsoft Video 1 MSZH=Lossless codec (ZIP compression) MTGA=Motion TGA images (24, 32 bpp) MTX1=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX2=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX3=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX4=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX5=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX6=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX7=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX8=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MTX9=Matrox Motion-JPEG codec MVI1=Motion Pixels MVI MVI2=Motion Pixels MVI MWV1=Aware Motion Wavelets MYUV=Media-100 844/X Uncompressed NAVI=nAVI video codec (hacked MS MPEG-4) NHVU=NVidia Texture Format (GEForce 3) NO16=Theory None16 64bit uncompressed RAW NT00=NewTek LigtWave HDTV YUV with Alpha-channel NTN1=Nogatech Video Compression 1 NTN2=Nogatech Video Compression 2 (GrabBee hardware coder) NUV1=NuppelVideo NV12=8-bit Y plane followed by an interleaved U/V plane with 2x2 subsampling NV21=As NV12 with U and V reversed in the interleaved plane NVDS=nVidia Texture Format NVHS=NVidia Texture Format (GEForce 3) NVS0=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVS1=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVS2=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVS3=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVS4=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVS5=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVT0=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVT1=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVT2=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVT3=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVT4=nVidia Texture Compression Format NVT5=nVidia Texture Compression Format PDVC=Panasonic DV codec PGVV=Radius Video Vision Telecast (adaptive JPEG) PHMO=IBM Photomotion PIM1=Pinnacle DC1000 hardware codec (MPEG compression) PIM2=Pegasus Imaging codec PIMJ=Pegasus Imaging PICvideo Lossless JPEG PIXL=MiroVideo XL (Motion JPEG) PNG=Apple PNG PNG1=Corecodec.org CorePNG Codec PVEZ=Horizons Technology PowerEZ codec PVMM=PacketVideo Corporation MPEG-4 PVW2=Pegasus Imaging Wavelet 2000 PVWV=Pegasus Imaging Wavelet 2000 Q1.0=Q-Team QPEG 1.0 QDGX=Apple QuickDraw GX QPEG=Q-Team QPEG 1.1 QPEQ=Q-Team QPEG 1.1 R411=Radius DV NTSC YUV R420=Radius DV PAL YUV RAVI=GroupTRON ReferenceAVI codec (dummy for MPEG compressor) RAV_=GroupTRON ReferenceAVI codec (dummy for MPEG compressor) RAW=Full Frames (Uncompressed) RGB=Full Frames (Uncompressed) RGB=Uncompressed RGB15 5:5:5 RGB=Uncompressed RGB16 5:6:5 RGB=Uncompressed RGB24 8:8:8 RGB1=Uncompressed RGB332 3:3:2 RGBA=Raw RGB with alpha RGBO=Uncompressed RGB555 5:5:5 RGBP=Uncompressed RGB565 5:6:5 RGBQ=Uncompressed RGB555X 5:5:5 BE RGBR=Uncompressed RGB565X 5:6:5 BE RGBT=Uncompressed RGB with transparency RLE4=Run length encoded 4bpp RGB image RLE8=Run length encoded 8bpp RGB image RLE=Raw RGB with arbitrary sample packing within a pixel RMP4=REALmagic MPEG-4 Video Codec (Sigma Design, built on XviD) ROQV=Id RoQ File Video Decoder RPZA=Apple Video 16 bit "road pizza" RT21=Intel Real Time Video 2.1 RTV0=NewTek VideoToaster (dummy format - only AVI header) RUD0=Rududu video codec RV10=RealVideo codec RV13=RealVideo codec RV20=RealVideo G2 RV30=RealVideo 8 RV40=RealVideo 9 RVX=Intel RDX S422=VideoCap C210 YUV Codec SAN3=MPEG-4 codec (direct copy of DivX 3.11a) SDCC=Sun Digital Camera Codec SFMC=Crystal Net SFM (Surface Fitting Method) Codec SJPG=CUseeMe Networks Codec SHR0=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR1=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR2=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR3=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR4=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR5=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR6=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SHR7=BitJazz SheerVideo (realtime lossless) SL25=SoftLab-NSK DVCPRO SL50=SoftLab-NSK DVCPRO50 SLDV=SoftLab-NSK Forward DV Draw codec SLIF=SoftLab-NSK MPEG2 I-frames SLMJ=SoftLab-NSK Forward MJPEG SMC=Apple Graphics (SMC) codec (256 color) SMSC=Radius proprietary codec SMSD=Radius proprietary codec SMSV=WorldConnect Wavelet Streaming Video SP44=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SP53=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SP54=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SP55=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SP56=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SP57=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SP58=SunPlus Aiptek MegaCam Codec SPIG=Radius Spigot SPLC=Splash Studios ACM Audio Codec SPRK=Sorenson Spark SQZ2=Microsoft VXTreme Video Codec V2 STVA=ST CMOS Imager Data (Bayer) STVB=ST CMOS Imager Data (Nudged Bayer) STVC=ST CMOS Imager Data (Bunched) STVX=ST CMOS Imager Data (Extended) STVY=ST CMOS Imager Data (Extended with Correction Data) SV10=Sorenson Media Video R1 SVQ1=Sorenson Video (Apple Quicktime 3) SVQ3=Sorenson Video 3 (Apple Quicktime 5) SWC1=MainConcept Motion JPEG Codec T420=Toshiba YUV 4:2:0 TGA=Apple TGA (with Alpha-channel) THEO=FFVFW Supported Codec TIFF=Apple TIFF (with Alpha-channel) TIM2=Pinnacle RAL DVI TLMS=TeraLogic Motion Infraframe Codec A TLST=TeraLogic Motion Infraframe Codec B TM20=Duck TrueMotion 2.0 TM2A=Duck TrueMotion Archiver 2.0 TM2X=Duck TrueMotion 2X TMIC=TeraLogic Motion Intraframe Codec 2 TMOT=TrueMotion Video Compression TR20=Duck TrueMotion RT 2.0 TSCC=TechSmith Screen Capture Codec TV10=Tecomac Low-Bit Rate Codec TVJP=TrueVision Field Encoded Motion JPEG (Targa emulation) TVMJ=Truevision TARGA MJPEG Hardware Codec (or Targa emulation) TY0N=Trident Decompression Driver TY2C=Trident Decompression Driver TY2N=Trident Decompression Driver U263=UB Video StreamForce H.263 UCOD=ClearVideo (fractal compression-based codec) ULTI=IBM Corp. Ultimotion UMP4=UB Video MPEG 4 UYNV=A direct copy of UYVY registered by nVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware that offered more than 2 UYVY surfaces UYVP=YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in U0Y0V0Y1 order UYVU=SoftLab-NSK Forward YUV codec UYVY=YUV 4:2:2 (Y sample at every pixel, U and V sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each line) V210=Optibase VideoPump 10-bit 4:2:2 Component Y'CbCr V261=Lucent elemedia VX3000S V422=Vitec Multimedia YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY, but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel V655=Vitec Multimedia 16 bit YUV 4:2:2 (6:5:5) format VBLE=MarcFD VBLE Lossless Codec VCR1=ATI VCR 1.0 VCR2=ATI VCR 2.0 (MPEG YV12) VCR3=ATI VCR 3.0 VCR4=ATI VCR 4.0 VCR5=ATI VCR 5.0 VCR6=ATI VCR 6.0 VCR7=ATI VCR 7.0 VCR8=ATI VCR 8.0 VCR9=ATI VCR 9.0 VDCT=Video Maker Pro DIB VDOM=VDOnet VDOWave VDOW=VDOLive (H.263) VDST=VirtualDub remote frameclient ICM driver VDTZ=Darim Vision VideoTizer YUV VGPX=Alaris VideoGramPixel Codec VIDM=DivX 5.0 Pro Supported Codec VIDS=Vitec Multimedia YUV 4:2:2 codec VIFP=Virtual Frame API codec (VFAPI dummy format) VIV1=Vivo H.263 VIV2=Vivo H.263 VIVO=Vivo H.263 VIXL=MiroVideo XL (Motion JPEG) VLV1=VideoLogic codec VP30=On2 (ex Duck TrueMotion) VP3 VP31=On2 (ex Duck TrueMotion) VP3 VP40=On2 TrueCast VP4 VP50=On2 TrueCast VP5 VP60=On2 TrueCast VP6 VP61=On2 TrueCast VP6.1 VP62=On2 TrueCast VP6.2 VSSH=Vanguard VSS H.264 VSSV=Vanguard Software Solutions Video Codec VTLP=Alaris VideoGramPixel Codec VX1K=Lucent VX1000S Video Codec VX2K=Lucent VX2000S Video Codec VXSP=Lucent VX1000SP Video Codec VYU9=ATI Technologies YUV VYUY=ATI Packed YUV Data WBVC=Winbond W9960 codec WHAM=Microsoft Video 1 WINX=Winnov Software Compression WJPG=Winbond JPEG (AverMedia USB devices) WMV1=Windows Media Video V7 WMV2=Windows Media Video V8 WMV3=Windows Media Video V9 WMVP=Windows Media Video V9 WNV1=WinNow Videum Hardware Compression WNVA=Winnov hw compress WRLE=Apple QuickTime BMP Codec WRPR=VideoTools VideoServer Client Codec (wrapper for AviSynth) WVLT=IllusionHope Wavelet 9/7 X263=Xirlink H.263 XLV0=NetXL Inc. XL Video Decoder XMPG=XING MPEG (I frame only) XVID=XviD MPEG-4 codec XVIX=Based on XviD MPEG-4 codec XWV0=XiWave Video Codec XWV1=XiWave Video Codec XWV2=XiWave Video Codec XWV3=XiWave Video Codec (Xi-3 Video) XWV4=XiWave Video Codec XWV5=XiWave Video Codec XWV6=XiWave Video Codec XWV7=XiWave Video Codec XWV8=XiWave Video Codec XWV9=XiWave Video Codec XXAN=Origin Video Codec (used in Wing Commander 3 and 4) Y211=Packed YUV format with Y sampled at every second pixel across each line and U and V sampled at every fourth pixel Y411=YUV 4:1:1 Packed Y41B=YUV 4:1:1 Planar Y41P=Conexant (ex Brooktree) YUV 4:1:1 Raw Y41T=Format as for Y41P, but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency Y422=Direct copy of UYVY as used by ADS Technologies Pyro WebCam firewire camera Y42B=YUV 4:2:2 Planar Y42T=Format as for UYVY, but the lsb of each Y component is used to signal pixel transparency Y800=Simple grayscale video Y8=Simple grayscale video YC12=Intel YUV12 Codec YMPG=YMPEG Alpha (dummy for MPEG-2 compressor) YU12=ATI YV12 4:2:0 Planar YU92=Intel - YUV YUNV=A direct copy of YUY2 registered by nVidia to work around problems in some old codecs which did not like hardware that offered more than 2 YUY2 surfaces YUV2=Apple Component Video (YUV 4:2:2) YUV8=Winnov Caviar YUV8 YUV9=Intel YUV9 YUVP=YCbCr 4:2:2 extended precision 10-bits per component in Y0U0Y1V0 order YUY2=YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel YUYV=Canopus YUV format YV12=ATI YVU12 4:2:0 Planar YVU9=Brooktree YVU9 Raw (YVU9 Planar) YVYU=YUV 4:2:2 as for UYVY but with different component ordering within the u_int32 macropixel ZLIB=Lossless codec (ZIP compression) ZPEG=Metheus Video Zipper ZYGO=ZyGo Video Codec IAVS=Interleaved Audio and Video data (DV) [AudioTwoCC] 0x0000=Microsoft Unknown Wave Format 0x0001=Microsoft PCM Format 0x0002=Microsoft ADPCM Format 0x0003=IEEE Float 0x0004=Compaq Computer VSELP (codec for Windows CE 2.0 devices) 0x0005=IBM CVSD 0x0006=Microsoft ALAW (CCITT A-Law) 0x0007=Microsoft MULAW (CCITT u-Law) 0x0008=Microsoft DTS 0x0009=Microsoft DRM 0x0010=OKI ADPCM 0x0011=Intel DVI ADPCM (IMA ADPCM) 0x0012=Videologic MediaSpace ADPCM 0x0013=Sierra Semiconductor ADPCM 0x0014=Antex Electronics G.723 ADPCM 0x0015=DSP Solutions DIGISTD 0x0016=DSP Solutions DIGIFIX 0x0017=Dialogic OKI ADPCM 0x0018=MediaVision ADPCM 0x0019=HP CU codec 0x0020=Yamaha ADPCM 0x0021=Speech Compression SONARC 0x0022=DSP Group True Speech 0x0023=Echo Speech EchoSC1 0x0024=Audiofile AF36 0x0025=APTX 0x0026=AudioFile AF10 0x0027=Prosody 1612 codec for CTI Speech Card 0x0028=Merging Technologies S.A. LRC 0x0030=Dolby Labs AC2 0x0031=Microsoft GSM 6.10 0x0032=MSNAudio 0x0033=Antex Electronics ADPCME 0x0034=Control Resources VQLPC 0x0035=DSP Solutions Digireal 0x0036=DSP Solutions DigiADPCM 0x0037=Control Resources Ltd CR10 0x0038=Natural MicroSystems VBXADPCM 0x0039=Roland RDAC (Crystal Semiconductor IMA ADPCM) 0x003A=Echo Speech EchoSC3 0x003B=Rockwell ADPCM 0x003C=Rockwell Digit LK 0x003D=Xebec Multimedia Solutions 0x0040=Antex Electronics G.721 ADPCM 0x0041=Antex Electronics G.728 CELP 0x0042=Microsoft MSG723 0x0043=IBM AVC ADPCM 0x0050=MPEG-1 layer 1, 2 0x0052=InSoft RT24 (ACM codec is an alternative codec) 0x0053=InSoft PAC 0x0055=MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) 0x0059=Lucent G.723 0x0060=Cirrus Logic 0x0061=ESS Technology ESPCM / Duck DK4 ADPCM 0x0062=Voxware file-mode codec / Duck DK3 ADPCM 0x0063=Canopus Atrac 0x0064=APICOM G.726 ADPCM 0x0065=APICOM G.722 ADPCM 0x0066=Microsoft DSAT 0x0067=Microsoft DSAT Display 0x0069=Voxware Byte Aligned (bitstream-mode codec) 0x0070=Voxware AC8 (Lernout & Hauspie CELP 4.8 kbps) 0x0071=Voxware AC10 (Lernout & Hauspie CBS 8kbps) 0x0072=Voxware AC16 (Lernout & Hauspie CBS 12kbps) 0x0073=Voxware AC20 (Lernout & Hauspie CBS 16kbps) 0x0074=Voxware MetaVoice (file and stream oriented) 0x0075=Voxware MetaSound (file and stream oriented) 0x0076=Voxware RT29HW 0x0077=Voxware VR12 0x0078=Voxware VR18 0x0079=Voxware TQ40 0x0080=Softsound 0x0081=Voxware TQ60 0x0082=Microsoft MSRT24 (ACM codec is an alternative codec) 0x0083=AT&T Labs G.729A 0x0084=Motion Pixels MVI MV12 0x0085=DataFusion Systems G.726 0x0086=DataFusion Systems GSM610 0x0088=Iterated Systems ISIAudio 0x0089=Onlive 0x0091=Siemens Business Communications SBC24 0x0092=Sonic Foundry Dolby AC3 SPDIF 0x0093=MediaSonic G.723 0x0094=Aculab 8KBPS 0x0097=ZyXEL ADPCM 0x0098=Philips LPCBB 0x0099=Studer Professional Audio AG Packed 0x00A0=Malden Electronics PHONYTALK 0x0100=Rhetorex ADPCM 0x0101=BeCubed Software IRAT 0x0111=Vivo G.723 0x0112=Vivo Siren 0x0123=Digital G.723 0x0125=Sanyo ADPCM 0x0130=Sipro Lab Telecom ACELP.net 0x0131=Sipro Lab Telecom ACELP.4800 0x0132=Sipro Lab Telecom ACELP.8V3 0x0133=Sipro Lab Telecom ACELP.G.729 0x0134=Sipro Lab Telecom ACELP.G.729A 0x0135=Sipro Lab Telecom ACELP.KELVIN 0x0140=Dictaphone G.726 ADPCM 0x0150=Qualcomm PUREVOICE 0x0151=Qualcomm HALFRATE 0x0155=Ring Zero Systems TUBGSM 0x0160=Windows Media Audio V1 / DivX audio (WMA) 0x0161=Windows Media Audio V2 / DivX audio (WMA) / Alex AC3 Audio 0x0170=UNISYS NAP ADPCM 0x0171=UNISYS NAP ULAW 0x0172=UNISYS NAP ALAW 0x0173=UNISYS NAP 16K 0x0200=Creative Labs ADPCM 0x0202=Creative Labs FastSpeech8 0x0203=Creative Labs FastSpeech10 0x0210=UHER informatic GmbH ADPCM 0x0215=Ulead DV ACM 0x0216=Ulead DV ACM 0x0220=Quarterdeck 0x0230=I-link Worldwide ILINK VC 0x0240=Aureal Semiconductor RAW SPORT 0x0241=ESST AC3 0x0250=Interactive Products HSX 0x0251=Interactive Products RPELP 0x0260=Consistent Software CS2 0x0270=Sony ATRAC3 (SCX, same as MiniDisk LP2) 0x0300=Fujitsu TOWNS SND 0x0400=BTV Digital (Brooktree digital audio format) 0x0401=Intel Music Coder (IMC) 0x0402=Ligos Indeo Audio 0x0450=QDesign Music 0x0680=AT&T Labs VME VMPCM 0x0681=AT&T Labs TPC 0x0700=YMPEG Alpha (dummy for MPEG-2 compressor) 0x1000=Olivetti GSM 0x1001=Olivetti ADPCM 0x1002=Olivetti CELP 0x1003=Olivetti SBC 0x1004=Olivetti OPR 0x1100=Lernout & Hauspie codec 0x1101=Lernout & Hauspie CELP codec 0x1102=Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec 0x1103=Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec 0x1104=Lernout & Hauspie SBC codec 0x1400=Norris Communication 0x1401=ISIAudio 0x1500=AT&T Labs Soundspace Music Compression 0x181C=VoxWare RT24 speech codec 0x181E=Lucent elemedia AX24000P Music codec 0x1C07=Lucent SX8300P speech codec 0x1C0C=Lucent SX5363S G.723 compliant codec 0x1F03=CUseeMe DigiTalk (ex-Rocwell) 0x1FC4=NTC ALF2CD ACM 0x2000=FAST Multimedia AG DVM (Dolby AC3) 0x3313=makeAVIS (ffvfw fake AVI sound from AviSynth scripts) 0x674f=Ogg Vorbis (mode 1) 0x6750=Ogg Vorbis (mode 2) 0x6751=Ogg Vorbis (mode 3) 0x676f=Ogg Vorbis (mode 1+) 0x6770=Ogg Vorbis (mode 2+) 0x6771=Ogg Vorbis (mode 3+) 0xDFAC=DebugMode SonicFoundry Vegas FrameServer ACM Codec 0xFFFE=Extensible wave format 0xFFFF=In Development / Unregistered [ExportHeadFooterGroups] 0=Total Characteristics 1=Ask user 2=Date and Time 3=System Variables [ExportHeadFooterKeywords] 0=Total number of files 1=Total duration of files, hour 2=Total duration of files, min 3=Total duration of files, sec 4=Total size of files, Mb 5=Total size of files, Kb 6=Total size of files, bytes 7=Total duration of files in short form 8=Directory 9=Full file name 10=File path 11=File name without extension 12=File extension 13=General comment 14=Export date 15=Export time 16=Path to temporary directory 17=Version of abcAVI Tag Editor [ExportBodyGroups] 0=File Name 1=File Duration and Size 2=Video Parameters 3=Audio Parameters 4=Primary Tags 5=Additional Tags 6=Strange Tags 7=Movie Credits 8=Second Audio Stream 9=Third Audio Stream 10=Ask user 11=Date and Time 12=System Variables 13=Total Characteristics 14=Stream Switcher Tags [ExportBodyKeywords] 0=File number 1=Full file name 2=File path 3=File name without extension 4=File extension 5=Short full file name 6=Short file path 7=Short file name without extension 8=Short file extension 9=File duration, hour 10=File duration, min 11=File duration, sec 12=File size, MB 13=File size, KB 14=File size, bytes 15=Short information on video stream 16=Video compression 17=Width, pixels 18=Height, pixels 19=Number of frames 20=Frames per second 21=Video data rate, bps 22=Video data rate, kbps 23=Video handler FourCC 24=Video handler name 25=Video codec FourCC 26=Video codec name 27=Color depth, bpp 28=Compression, eff. bpp 29=Short information on audio stream 30=Audio data rate, bps 31=Audio data rate, kbps 32=Audio frequency, Hz 33=Audio frequency, kHz 34=Bits per sample 35=Audio codec TwoCC 36=Audio codec name 37=Number of audio channels 38=Title 39=Written by 40=Director 41=Product 42=Creation date of subject 43=Production company 44=Starring 45=Genre 46=Subject description 47=Rating 48=Copyright 49=Language 50=Keywords 51=Part 52=Total number of parts 53=Comments 54=Software used 55=Digitization time 56=Internet address 57=Commissioned by 58=Engineer 59=Encoded by 60=Source form 61=Medium 62=Source 63=Archival location 64=Cropped 65=Sharpness 66=Dimensions 67=Lightness settings 68=Dots per inch 69=Palette settings 70=Music by 71=Costume designer 72=Country 73=Distributed by 74=Edited by 75=Genre 2 76=Produced by 77=Production designer 78=Short information on audio stream 79=Audio data rate, bps 80=Audio data rate, kbps 81=Audio frequency, Hz 82=Audio frequency, kHz 83=Bits per sample 84=Audio codec TwoCC 85=Audio codec name 86=Number of audio channels 87=Short information on audio stream 88=Audio data rate, bps 89=Audio data rate, kbps 90=Audio frequency, Hz 91=Audio frequency, kHz 92=Bits per sample 93=Audio codec TwoCC 94=Audio codec name 95=Number of audio channels 96=Number of audio streams 97=Directory 98=Full file name 99=File path 100=File name without extension 101=File extension 102=General comment 103=Comments for every file 104=Export date 105=Export time 106=Date of file creation 107=Time of file creation 108=Date of last write to file 109=Time of last write to file 110=Path to temporary directory 111=Version of abcAVI Tag Editor 112=File duration in short form 113=Video data rate, Bps 114=Video data rate, kBps 115=Audio data rate, Bps 116=Audio data rate, kBps 117=Audio data rate, Bps 118=Audio data rate, kBps 119=Audio data rate, Bps 120=Audio data rate, kBps 121=Total number of files 122=Total duration of files, hour 123=Total duration of files, min 124=Total duration of files, sec 125=Total duration of files in short form 126=Total size of files, Mb 127=Total size of files, Kb 128=Total size of files, bytes 129=Number of common audio stream 130=Language of the 1st audio stream 131=Language of the 2nd audio stream 132=Language of the 3rd audio stream 133=Language of the 4th audio stream 134=Language of the 5th audio stream 135=Language of the 6th audio stream 136=Language of the 7th audio stream 137=Language of the 8th audio stream 138=Language of the 9th audio stream 139=Cinematographer 140=Ripped by 141=URL for logo 142=URL for logo icon 143=URL for watermark 144=URL for more information 145=URL for image of banner 146=URL for banner 147=Additional information 148=Date of last access to file 149=Time of last access to file 150=Video quality 151=Combined report on video compression 152=Compression of video, % 153=File duration, h+m+s+z 154=File duration, m+s+z 155=File duration, s+z 156=Creation date, YYYY 157=All genres 158=Aspect ratio 159=Frame proportion [Query_Status] qsFirstCreated=Awaiting for send qsFirstSended=Awaiting for answer qsFirstRecieved=Parsing of answer qsFirstDecoded=You should specify query qsSecondCreated=Awaiting for send qsSecondSended=Awaiting for answer qsSecondRecieved=Parsing of answer qsReady=Ready query ;;qsError=Error qsDeleting=Deleting qsErrorNoVariants=No variants qsErrorWrongFormat=Unknown data format qsErrorWrongFile=File access error [Show_Center_Mode] 0=Automatically 1=Always 2=Never [IMDb_Import] Copyright=Copyright holders Title=Title of the movie AkaTitle=Aka titles of the movie URL=URL to more information TagLine=Tag lines ProductionCompany=Production companies Distributor=Distributors CountryOfProduction=Country of production Certificates=Certificates (rating) FilmedIn=Filmed In (information on colors) TechnicalInfo=Original aspect ratio ReleaseDate=Release date Language=Original language Summary=Summary Genres=Genres Keywords=Keywords Producers=Producers Directors=Directors Writers=Writers Composers=Composers Cinematographer=Cinematographers Editor=Editors ProductionDesigner=Production designers CostumeDesigner=Costume designers Casting=Casting Cast=Cast (starring) Trivia=Trivia Goofs=Goofs Soundtrack=Soundtrack [Exchange_Report] SMTPConnection=Connection to SMTP server %s SMTPDispatch=Dispatch of message "%s" SMTPDisconnection=Disconnection from SMTP server %s POP3Connection=Connection to POP3 server %s POP3DownloadingHeaders=Downloading headers of %d messages POP3NoAnswer=No answer to query "%s" yet POP3Retrieve=Retrieve message "%s" POP3RetrieveFailed=Message retrieve failed POP3NoMessages=No new messages at server POP3Disconnection=Disconnection from POP3 server %s POP3OrphanDeleted=Dead-letter "%s" has been deleted [Query_Info] QueryInfoNoVariants=No variants QueryInfoError=Error reading file "%s" QueryInfoName=Query name: %s QueryInfoNumber=Internal number in array of queries (0 - first): %d QueryInfoSubject=Mail subject: %s QueryInfoDate=Date of last changes: %s QueryInfoVars=Name of file with variants: %s QueryInfoText=File name of unparsed body: %s QueryInfoTags=File name of parsed body: %s QueryInfoVariants=Number of variants: %d QueryInfoStatus=Query status: %s QueryInfoStatusDesc=Query description: %s [Separators] comma=Comma dot=Dot other=Other space=Blank Space nbr_space=Fixed space apostrophe=Apostrophe